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A juvenile Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) doing its best to mimic a coil of rope. Almost....
This entry was edited (34 seconds ago)

Distorted Shadows of the Moon’s Surface Created by an Annular Eclipse, by Ryan Imperio, overall winner in the Royal Observatory Greenwich’s annual competition for the 2024 astronomy photographer of the year #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology

For the love of Eliza, stop using AI-generated images for blog posts and articles.

It’s like serving some nice vomit as a side dish with your lovingly prepared homemade dinner.

This entry was edited (50 minutes ago)

What are we rolling for object storage these days?

Minio looking kinda corpo, wants me to register for stuff...

#HomeLab #SelfHosted #SelfHosting

„Uživatelé stejně nakonec na #Linux přejdou.“ Vitex se konce #Windows 10 nebojí.

Ba naopak. Do oběhu se tím dostane spousta zajímavého hardware, který tak dostane nový život.…

When did this happen to #Portainer ?

My iGPUs have been working fine recently. Noticed this while trying to troubleshoot Plex's HW transcoding.


Linus Torvalds: Rust will go into Linux 6.1

At the Kernel Maintainers Summit, the question wasn't, "Would Rust make it into Linux?" Instead, it was, "What to do about its compilers?"

The Rust in Linux debate is over. The implementation has begun. In an email conversation, Linux's creator @torvalds told, "Unless something odd happens, it [Rust] will make it into 6.1."


#linux #rust #linustorvalds #rustlang #it #code #opensource #kernel #linuxkernel

Tech Cyborg reshared this.

From the favourite #blog of mine:

Where Do Cicadas Go When They Die?

The hottest summer in a string of hottest summers. Some 1,000 birds dying in window collisions on a single night in Chicago alone. A dramatic, if little understood, decrease in insect populations. And all of this is due to my species, to humans, because we demand more and more comfort, more ways to escape death.

#LWON #Cicadas #LorraineBoissoneault

The thing about the ultra wealthy:

They can blow billions of dollars on the absolute most foolish nonsense, then throw billions more trying to rescue the thing when it starts to fail, then finally decide to cut their losses on it despite losing billions, or they cry for bailouts from the government to make them whole again for their terrible decisions.

And then, they still have enough wealth to do the same thing again and again and again and again.

They are literally people who will never actually be meaningfully impacted by the consequences of their actions. They can be the worst possible player at poker, but just keep buying in more and more and more until EVENTUALLY dumb luck makes it so they win because they're playing with an unlimited budget.

This entry was edited (5 hours ago)