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Under senare år har det dessutom tillkommit programvaror som istället för personer fokuserar på intressen, grupper eller gemenskaper.…

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

WINE / PlayOnLinux

Hello all,
In a previous installation I was able to successfully use PlayOnLinux to run a few Windows apps. My most recent system, though, is not liking it. Currently on Kubuntu 24.04

WINE is present and up to date. However, when I tried to install PON from either Discover, or using APT, the app crashes immediately. I never even get to the GUI. I read on the page for the app in Discover, numerous others complain about this exact problem.

Anyone know about this and how to resolve it?

I included the link to the app's website because there are numerous versions and it states you need to use the correct one. I don't know what those different variables mean, so could someone please advise? (deb files, Cosmic, Trusty, Bionic, Xenial.... etc. I don't understand these).…

Thank you to anyone who can assist.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to AndrewZabar

WINE / PlayOnLinux
I used PlayOnLinux for years.
Recently I migrated to Lutris. I have a Wine installation which are 15 Years old and Works fine on Lutris.
Thanks to Lutris and its modern Settings I could use modern technology for my 32bit games.
in reply to Michel

Lutris seems to offer a lot of easy setups for games, but I want to use some windows apps from my own installation files, and it seems to be not very intuitive

Flatpak 1.15.10 / 1.14.10 Released

Suggestions for a nice endnote encouraging use of libre software

In my field of work, it is common to add end notes such as "avoid printing this mail. Save paper" or "this mail was sent at a time convenient to me. Please respond only during your work hours".

I wanted to use this to encourage adoption of libre software. But I am not sure if this is a good way to do it.

Here are some options that I was thinking:

  1. Libre software is sustainable software.
  2. Make computing sustainable, use libre software.
  3. Make computing free and safer with libre software.
  4. The email sender pledges to use libre software where possible. Join the cause and help.

I have put the hyper-link for FSF in the first instance of Libre as an example. I am considering using GNU or other websites based on your suggestions.

What do you think?

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in reply to Maroon

I dunno what's most appropriate for email, but I often joke:

Isn't open source kinda like a cult?
It's a not a cult I swear! Just switch to free software, and free yourself!

I've also heard my friend say something along the lines of:

Free software, free culture, free people

Or maybe it was free world or free trade? I can't remember.

Although, for slogans like this, I might go with something that has more of an immediate effect, like shilling an adblocker.

  • Install uBlock Origin. Blocking ads is one of the easiest ways to increase your security.
  • Install uBlock Origin. It blocks more than just ads, but also tracker scripts that follow you around the net and collect your data.

Or the ever so simple:

  • Free software means free as in freedom — not as in beer.

Anyway, I partially agree with the other poster, but I think a one sentence quip at the end of an email is unobtrusive enough that it gets a pass. Of course, it depends on your specific workplace and how strict they are, but I would assume most workplaces have a little space for humanity.

in reply to Maroon

At some point libre software is simpler and bullshit free. No upselling, no spyware, no constant changing the UI 20x in a year...
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Didn't know GlaDOS used neofetch in 2007

Finished this gem for the first time a while ago. Honestly if there was ever a timeless game this one is it.

GitHub Profile Roast 🔥🔥🔥

in reply to thingsiplay

There is also «Praise my github»:
in reply to vort3

Thanks I needed this after the roast.^^ Now I wonder if a more neutral one exists too, as a quick summary. And also I wonder if such a tool would be used in a company... oh no...

If you look to play the upcoming "Spectre Divide" game, don't hold your breath this is from an interview with Mountaintop Games CEO via The Verge.

It’s only currently planned for PC, with no controller or console plans yet — and Mountaintop won’t necessarily allow Steam Deck to join. “Steam Deck is a concern as a cheating vector, and I think our anti-cheat systems may block it right now,” Mountaintop CEO and cofounder Nate Mitchell tells me.…

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in reply to mr_MADAFAKA

, I guess thier developers have some bad spaghetti code and can't debug it enough to work on anything else. And if you were to get it to work, you'd outclass their developers and thus could cheat.
in reply to mr_MADAFAKA

I'm sorry, what game? The fact that there's no controller support or console ports planned says more than enough. What's newsworthy about their use of a crappy anti-cheat? Not like most in here were ever going to even think about it. It's a freemium GAAS shooter with an almost inevitably a small player base which will be all but dead a few months after coming out. I know I'm being mean and their people have been working on this game for years now, but come on.

Flipboard Users Can Now Follow Anyone in the Fediverse

Flipboard continues its rollout of federation capabilities, this time implementing a "soft-follow" system for users to try out federated subscription for the very first time.
in reply to Sean Tilley

I used to use the app years ago, does it still hold up? Would be nice to use if it supports rss 🤔

Cheatsheet script for displaying Linux command examples

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to thingsiplay

This looks great.

Suggestion: a step-by-step "howto" with an example or three to make it more useful for beginners.

in reply to Einar

Thanks. Is this suggestion towards this ? script or the output from the web service? Because I'm not the author of the web service itself, I just created this script to make use of it.

Basic examples for the Linux date command

I rarely ever use the date command, but when I need it I almost always struggle to get the right incantation. So, wrote a blog post for easy reference.

Do you use a cheatsheet as well?

in reply to learnbyexample

I'm addition to tldr which someone else suggested, there's also the cheat command. It's pretty easy to add to it's cheat sheets, if you have custom commands, or want to keep a specific example. I've never kept a physical cheat sheet... They're just too inconvenient and my fingers are probably already at the keyboard.

in reply to Leaflet

With the speed HDR prep works are going on, we probably get usable HDR in linux around 2025

in reply to fern

For all I know, new versions probably run fine in current OSs. But I don't own new versions. I could use open source stuff that has less features and less creature comforts, but then I also need to dedicate a newer laptop to the go box.

The whole point of that hobby is reliability and stability. Those old lenovos are tanks and I have spares for days.

A new way to develop on Linux - Part II

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Leaflet

Article picture is of a mac and even better, touchbar controls are for photos.

I love those very real tech pics.

Andries Brouwer on the OOM killer

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in reply to pnutzh4x0r

I started using one of the userspace oom killers a while ago and have been much happier. Instead of the system becoming unresponsive, suddenly Slack just dies. It's great.
in reply to Beej Jorgensen

Why is it though that the system just becomes unresponsive? That is always my experience too, but shouldn't just the kernel's OOM killer kill something?
in reply to ReversalHatchery

Yes that's true however the default OOM killer tries its best to save the processes first and it can take while sometimes it took for me over 30 mins until it killed the bad process and then it all became responsive again.
in reply to ReversalHatchery

I don't know the details behind it, but it sure takes its sweet time figuring it out. I've let it sit 20 minutes before giving up.

Open Source extension that greatly increases streaming speeds

I recently discovered this firefox\chrome extension that make streaming videos soo much faster. It also has built in subtitle support that lets you upload subtitles or search through opensubtitles. It's incredible how much faster videos load…

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in reply to XNX

Looks like it has some issues when used with sponsorblock…
in reply to RobotToaster

The youtube player is pretty good for me so i only use it on streaming sites but thanks for reporting that
in reply to XNX

Just having the video player be the same across all sites is a win, I don't even need the multi-threading or pre-cache entire video to love this.

Åklagare har väckt åtal i ett ärende där en man i 20-årsåldern sköts till döds i Sätra centrum i södra Stockholm den 7 augusti 2023. Sju personer har åtalats för inblandning i mordet. Utöver det åtalas även tre personer för grovt vapenbrott. Samtliga åtalade är häktade.…

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Why I Prefer Minetest To Minecraft - YouTube

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Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
There is a new texture pack that tries to emulate Minecraft's aesthetics… and also yes the eating sound is annoying, you can easily change it (on linux) ~/.minetest/games/mineclonia/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/sounds, you can find three files there, for me I replaced them with the Minecraft ones.
Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source

Hell yeah.

Let's fucking goooooooo!

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Replacing M.2 system drive (btrfs) on motherboard with single slot

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in reply to minimalfootprint

Clonezilla can clone BTRFS without issues

Afterwards on the system use sudo btrfs filesystem resize max / to make it use that space. Maybe add a balance.

in reply to minimalfootprint

If you're feeling adventurous:

  • You can use a thumb drive to boot.
  • Verify the device path for your normal boot disk and for your new drive using gnome disks or similar. In this example I'll call them /dev/olddisk0n1 and /dev/newdisksda
  • really, really don't mix up the in file and out file. In file (if) is the source. Out file (of) is the destination.
  • sudo dd if=/dev/olddisk0n1 of=/dev/newdisksda bs=128M
  • or, of you want a progress indicator: sudo pv /dev/olddisk0n1 > /dev/newdisksda
  • wait a long time

Not that this is the recommended method if you're new to the terminal, but it's totally viable if you have limited tools or are comfortable on the command prompt.

Unless you're using three new disk on the same system, you don't have to worry about UUIDS, though they will be identical on both drives.

Your system is likely using UUIDs in fstab. If so, you don't have to worry about fstab. If not, there's still a damned good chance you won't have to worry about fstab.

To be sure, check fstab and make sure it's using UUIDs. If it's not, follow a tutorial for switching fstab over to using UUIDs.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

What the fuck is an SBAT and why does everyone suddenly care

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in reply to pnutzh4x0r

lol i dont care, ive stopped dual booting for like a year

FOSS JS extension? (blocking by default non-FOSS JS)

I am a long-time NoScript extension ( user. For those who don't know this automatically blocks any javascript and let you accept them (temporarily or permanently) based on the scripts' origin domain.

NoScript as some quality-of-life option like 'accepting script from current page's domain by default' so only 3rd parties would be blocked (usefull in mobile where it is tedious to go to the menu).

When I saw LibreJS ( I though that would be a better version of NoScript but it is quiet different in usage and cares about license and not open-source code (maybe it can't).

Am I the only one who thought about checking for open-source JS scripts filtering (at least by default)? This would require reproducibility of 'compilation'/packaging. I think with lock files (npm, yarn, etc) this could be doable and we could have some automatic checks for code.

Maybe the trust system for who checks could be a problem. I wanted to discuss this matter for a while.

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in reply to Kajika

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to 9point6

I believe you missed the point, I am not in defense of Security through obscurity (…), quiet the opposite.

The point: "[...] risk for the service owner as it gives an easily parsable way for an attacker to check [...]" is well known and not the discussion here. You can choose close source for 'security' this is opensource community so I am wondering about such a tool.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Kajika

Maybe I have missed your point, but based on how I've understood what you've described I think you may have also missed mine, I was more pointing out how the practicalities prevent such a tool from being possible from a few perspectives. I lead with security just because that would be the deal breaker for many service owners, it's simply infosec best practice to not leak the information such a tool would require.

Your filtering idea would require cooperation from those service owners to change what they're currently doing, right?

Perhaps I've completely got the wrong end of the stick with what you're suggesting though, happy to be corrected

in reply to 9point6

Thanks for your answer.

First I don't even grasp what a "service owner" is.

Second, for JS front-end openness there are already a bunch of app (web, android) that are open-source and secured. Everything has dependencies nowadays, this doesn't prevent good security. Think all the python app and their dependencies, rust, android... even c\c++ packages are built with dependencies and security updates are necessary (bash had security issues).

I think with JS scripts it's actually even easier to have good security because the app is ran in our web browser so the only possible attacker is the website we are visiting itself. If they are malicious then the close-sourced JS script is even worse. Unless you count 3rd party scripts embedded that bad dev uses in their website without even thinking about trusting them. That is also awful in both open or close source environment.

So even having imperfect security (which happens regardless to openness), who is the attacker here? I would rather run js script on my end if the code can be checked.

in reply to Kajika

in reply to 9point6

OK I got it, you are completely out of the loop here.

You do not grasp the idea of NoScript and other JS filtering extension. This is not about server code, your all arguments is baseless here.

By the way JS refered to Javascript and not NodeJS.

Anyway I got you whole company/business talk about "keeping the service available, secure, performant" and "GDPR [...] bankrupting fine"... yeah

in reply to Kajika

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Kajika

I'm a full-stack software developer working in the financial sector, their statement is factual.

Companies will never want to take on liability that has the potential to bankrupt them. It is in their best interest to not reveal the version of libraries they are using as some versions may have publicly known vulnerabilities, and it would make it incredibly easy for attackers to build an exploit chain if they knew the exact versions being used.

Securing client code is just as important as securing server code, as you don't want to expose your users to potential XSS attacks that could affect the way the page gets displayed, or worse, leak their credentials to a third party. If this happened in the EU or some parts of Canada, and it's been found that the company reduced their threat model "for the sake of openness", they would likely be fined into bankruptcy or forced to leave the market.

Unfortunately, this is one of those cases where your interests and ethics will never be aligned with those of service owners as they are held to a certain standard by privacy laws and other regulations.

in reply to Kajika

Can't say that what you are looking for is common. This is the first time I've heard this requirement bring described.

Librejs started a long while back. I'm no js historian but I reckon things have changed a ton in jsland since then. My guess is that there assumption is that since JavaScript files are just scripts, they contain the source code and therefore all it checks for is is the license.

I don't know at which point things like obfuscation through minification and systems like webpack came along. I'm only theorising but I feel librejs has not been able to keep up with the times.