GitHub - PranshulGG/WeatherMaster: A Weather app for android π¦πβ
GitHub - PranshulGG/WeatherMaster: A Weather app for android π¦πβ
A Weather app for android π¦πβ. Contribute to PranshulGG/WeatherMaster development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
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Yt-dlp is the best way to download videos and audio
How to use yt-dlp: The best video and audio downloader
You can use yt-dlp on to save and convert media from YouTube, SoundCloud, TikTok, Reddit, and many other sites.Corbin Davenport (The Spacebar)
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Lasslinthar and rasterweb like this.
\#!/usr/bin/env bb
(require '[ :refer [sh]]
'[clojure.string :as string]
'[cheshire.core :as cheshire]
'[org.httpkit.client :as http]
'[clojure.walk :as walk])
(defn http-get [url]
(-> @(http/get url {})
(defn find-base-url [data]
(let [results (atom [])]
(fn [node]
(when (and (string? node) (.contains node "DASH"))
(swap! results conj node))
(some-> @results first (string/replace #"DASH_[0-9]+\.mp4" ""))))
(defn find-best-quality [names audio?]
(->> ((if audio? filter remove) #(.contains (.toLowerCase %) "audio") names)
(fn [n]
(-> n
(string/replace #"\.mp4" "")
(string/replace #"[a-zA-Z_]" "")
(defn find-parts [base-url data]
(let [url (atom nil)
_ (walk/prewalk
(fn [node]
(when (and (map? node)
(contains? node :dash_url))
(reset! url (:dash_url node)))
xml (http-get @url)
parts (->> (re-seq #"<BaseURL>(.*?)</BaseURL>" xml) (map second))
best-video (find-best-quality parts false)
best-audio (find-best-quality parts true)]
[(str base-url best-video) (str base-url best-audio)]))
(defn filename [url]
(let [idx (inc (.lastIndexOf url "/"))]
(subs url idx)))
(defn tsname []
(str "video-" (System/currentTimeMillis) ".mp4"))
(let [data (-> (first *command-line-args*) (str ".json") http-get (cheshire/decode true))
base-url (find-base-url data)
[video-url audio-url] (find-parts base-url data)
video-file (filename video-url)
audio-file (filename audio-url)]
(sh "wget" video-url)
(sh "wget" audio-url)
(sh "ffmpeg" "-i" video-file "-stream_loop" "-1" "-i" audio-file "-shortest" "-map" "0:v:0" "-map" "1:a:0" "-y" (tsname))
(sh "rm" audio-file video-file))β¦
Reddit is listed in the list of supported sites. I just tested it with a random post video post on Reddit, and it downloaded the file perfectly fine (played in local player). My theory you either did a user error and gave a link that is not a video post, I'm not sure if posts that link to a video would work, I think the post itself must be a video post. Or you tested it when Reddit blocked yt-dlp. The yt-dlp team needs to update it first, then it functions again. YouTube does the same.
yt-dlp/ at master Β· yt-dlp/yt-dlp
A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader - yt-dlp/yt-dlpGitHub
GitHub - mikf/gallery-dl: Command-line program to download image galleries and collections from several image hosting sites
Command-line program to download image galleries and collections from several image hosting sites - mikf/gallery-dlGitHub
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PokyDokie and bizarroland like this.β¦
GitHub - spotDL/spotify-downloader: Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata (from YouTube if a match is found).
Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata (from YouTube if a match is found). - spotDL/spotify-downloaderGitHub
Downloading music from YouTube will get you MP3s, but they will have gone through the YT compression algorithms.
Use Deemix instead. Downloads MP3s straight from the Deezer servers with all metadata and album art.
Deemix Archive : RemixDev : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
This is the last update of deemix, a Deezer downloader library and application. Includes binaries of the server and GUI for Windows, Mac and Linux.More details...Internet Archive
The Spacebar
An inside look at the technology around us, by tech journalist Corbin Davenport.The Spacebar
yt-dlp-lemon -h
will show only a few options and yt-dlp-lemon -H
shows everything the script supports.GitHub - thingsiplay/yt-dlp-lemon: Simple wrapper to yt-dlp with only a subset of options.
Simple wrapper to yt-dlp with only a subset of options. - thingsiplay/yt-dlp-lemonGitHub
It's the main way I watch youtube now. After Piped and Newpipe stopped working for me across all devices, I only use 2 methods of watching Youtube now. Open in mpv (which is configured to use yt-dlp in the backend to make things faster), and download using yt-dlp. So it's key to me keeping on watching Youtube. Recently, I've started getting ads showing up even on Mobile Vivaldi, so no more YT on my phone.
So my new workflow is to use Piped to find a video, then copy the end of the link and type "yt-dlp " in a terminal, wait for the video(s) to download, and open in mpv.
In some cases, use Qutebrowser, with a custom keybind to open a video in mpv.
No matter how hanky this setup is, the official YouTube app is jankier.
It pays the video creators
Then why are almost all of them on patreon and ask for a donation?
Yeah, but I use a fork called Tubular so I can get SponsorBlock and ReturnYoutubeDislike.
Edit: Turns out I just missed that there was an update. Phone playback is back!
So my new workflow is to use Piped to find a video, then copy the end of the link and type βyt-dlp β in a terminal, wait for the video(s) to download, and open in mpv.
Why not just pass the YouTube link to mpv so you don't have to wait for the video to download?
I still have to wait a long time for the video to load in the Mpv cache, and sometimes I want a bunch of videos to watch later (or watch multiple times if they're educational). In which case, I either open up a bunch of videos in their own mpv windows and they all load while I'm watching the first one, or I download them while I'm doing something else.
But loading a bunch of mpv windows is heavier than a bunch of terminals running yt-dlp (and I could also just switch to using tmux.... which I probably should get around to at some point).
I still have to wait a long time for the video to load in the Mpv cache
In my experience the video loads in a few seconds compared to the minutes it'd take for it to
download, but I get your second point.
FreeTube - The Private YouTube Client
FreeTube is a feature-rich and user-friendly YouTube client with a focus on
Yt-dlp or mpv? Never.
Newpipe and piped? Newpipe takes about a week or two, to rebreak after a fix. Piped has been broken and not updated yet, for a while.
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PokyDokie and subignition like this.β¦
This one was real bad
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. AuΓerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
I've downloaded it and replayed the video file in VLC Player. Just skipped parts and listened to it a few seconds, also towards and at the end when we see the person speaking. It looks fine to me, the lips are synced to what he is speaking. Besides that the uploader could have made a mistake (I've seen videos desynced online), this seems to be fine. It could be a problem with the video player or codec on your system? Or the ffmpeg version you have (yt-dlp uses ffmpeg to do stuff).
It's hard to say what's going on. I can only confirm that downloading this video with yt-dlp looks correctly synced to me. Edit: I remember in the past I had a video player that would out of sync for long video sessions. It was a problem with some codec not properly supported or like that and switching the video player worked. I have no more information, it was random on a Tuesday morning years ago.
I tried checking my notes, because it was some time ago. Nothing definitive, but it may have been related to a random crashing issue that turned out to be a bad hdmi port-- which was the last thing I considered checking after triple checking everything else.
Anyway, good luck with the troubleshooting. Audio sync issues are a pain but I can also attest yt-dlp has been solid.
I wrote my own web app in Python, using pytube-fix and its lightning fast. Great library. I found a recent screenshot that's a bit behind in commits but you get the idea.
Edit: I published the source code, please note there is a LOT of work left to do, but it works.β¦
That's fine. Once it's out, other people can help. Or if you give up on it completely, anyone can fork it and resume development on it.
Thanks :)
If you use it frequently, I suggest getting a GUI that have profiles or remember options so you don't have to mess with commands all the time. I wrote my own little command line wrspper which is Windows only since I don't have Linux to test on. Though it shouldn't take much effort to add support.
Makes it much more convenient when you don't have to specify things like archive (ignore duplicates), filename to be "artist - title" (where possible), download destination, etc. Just alt-tab, Ctrl-v, Enter. And the download is running. And mine also has parallel downloads and queue for when you got many slow downloads.
GitHub - Thomasedv/Grabber: A wrapper for Youtube-dl for Windows.
A wrapper for Youtube-dl for Windows. . Contribute to Thomasedv/Grabber development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Here's my config for downloading best quality YT videos (but works for other sites too) if anyone wants to base theirs on it:
YT_DLP CONFIG - is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.Pastebin
Has been merged
[arte] Allow downloading age restricted content by StefanLobbenmeier Β· Pull Request #8301 Β· yt-dlp/yt-dlp
IMPORTANT: PRs without the template will be CLOSED Description of your pull request and other information I thought that looks at the cookies to determine if the logged in user has confirm...GitHub
Ads exist because people want to make money. So these bad actors go out and look for places where people like to spend their time, and they poison these places with their money-hungry practices. In the process they destroy the innocence of all these manifestations of human creativity, and manipulate people into buying shit they don't actually need, effectively destroying the planet through overconsumption. That's not even mentioning that ad-companies put us on a path towards a mass-surveillance society, just because big-data leads to more effective ads. I can't help but see ads as a destructive force of evil in our world. I like human creativity in it's many forms, and I'm all in favor of rewarding creators to a certain extent, but using ads seems to be the worst possible method of doing so.
(not intending to criticize your comments, just spreading the anti-ad gospel
But ads are not functioning, they are destructive. They are by no means cheap either, people are paying through being manipulated and we are paying collectively for the damage it's doing to our world. We'd be much better of if we had only direct payments. Direct artist payments will always be the more effective and efficient financing structure because then we pay just for the creative output, not all the unrelated economic parasitic activities.
The solution is very simple and there is nothing that inflation can do about it: we don't watch ads, we pay creators that we want to support, and if from these donations a creator doesn't earn enough money he has two options: 1. One has an intrinsic drive to create and publish so he does so through other means, for instance by working a part time job. If this sounds unreasonable then let us not forget that already most of all human creativity is financed exactly like this, it is only the exception that is financially lucrative. 2. One chooses not to create (or in a less costly manner). You could think of this as a sad outcome, but you'd be better off concluding that this creative output wasn't so important to anyone, not to the creator nor to the public. This means we'd be left with the better and more intrinsically motivated creative content.
So let's not justify ads, but let's reject them in the most radical ways we can.
Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous?
Currently, almost anyone in the Fediverse can see Lemmys votes. Lemmy admins can see votes, as well as mods. Only regular Lemmy users can't.
Should the Lemmy devs create a way to make the votes anonymous?
There is a discussion going on right now considering "making the Lemmy votes public" but I think that premisse is just wrong. The votes are public already, they're just hidden from Lemmy users. Anyone from a kbin/mbin/fedia instance can check out the votes if they are so inclined.
The users right now may fall into a false sense of privacy when voting because the votes are hidden from Lemmy users. If you want to vote something and not show up on the vote list, please create another account to support that type of content and don't tell anyone.
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Last Week in Fediverse β ep 81
A busy news week, with a major report on governance on the fediverse, conversations about public or private votes on the content-aggregator side of the fediverse, β as a symbol for the fediverse and more.
The News
Erin Kissane and Darius Kazemi have been working on a massive research project about governance of fediverse servers, and they released their findings this week. The entire report is worth reading, as well as the two additional documents that they published:
- A Quick-Start Guide to Fediverse Governance Decisions, which is especially valuable for people who are considering starting a fediverse server for their community.
- Fediverse Governance Opportunities for Funders & Developers for individuals and institutions interested in building and supporting stronger infrastructure for Fediverse governance.
Kissane and Kazemi explain that βwhole swathes of knowledge about the aspects of server management that extends beyond the more purely technical concerns of hosting, provisioning, and technical upkeep exists only as insider knowledge.β This research paper is a great counter, and documents many of the cultural intricacies of the fediverse that have not been easily accessible before.
There are a great number of insights in the paper, and I want to comment with my own observations on one of them. Kissane and Kazemi write βwe think the diverse and robust conversations and
viewpoints on Threads federation could serve as a useful jumping-off point for server teams to
even informally document their philosophies of federation and the policies that flow from those
philosophiesβ (p87). From my observations, when federation with Threads was a frequent topic of conversation in spring 2024, there was a potential within the fediverse for servers to talk about and publish their federation policies, as well forming diplomatic blocks for servers with similar federation policies. The conversation about federation was top of mind for everybody, and it was clear that there was a need for clear understanding of federation policies. This opportunity for better server governance simply did not happen, the conversation has moved on, and it feels like the moment has passed. I still think this is one of the larger missed opportunities and βwhat ifsβ that I keep thinking about regarding how the fediverse could have turned out better.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has been arrested in France, with Reuters reporting that βthe investigation was focused on a lack of moderators on Telegramβ. For more information about Telegram and the situation with Durov I recommend any news source that is not this blog, but I do want to point out the responses on Nostr to the arrest. Nostrβs culture is strongly focused on censorship resistance and leans culturally rightwing and libertarian. There are two aspects to understanding a network that preaches censorship resistance: the types of posts that such a network actually facilitates, which is not surprisingly posts that many people prefer not to show up in their feeds (or exist at all really). But the other aspect is how people who use such network and value censorship resistance understand themselves and think about what is important in the world. And in that framework, the arrest of Durov is seen as a huge validation of the viewpoint that censorship resistance is important and people should be wary of authoritarian behaviour of government. To be clear, this is not a viewpoint I am endorsing. What I am observing is that Nostr sees itself this way ([1], [2], [3], [4]), and how Nostr frames the event as an indication of the importance of Nostr and Nostrβs values. With a significant part of the rightwing internet ecosystem speaking out against the arrest, itβs worth noting if Nostr can take this opportunity to grow.
The Lemmy developers have opened a conversation on whether votes should be displayed publicly, which turned into a major topic of discussion on Lemmy. To understand the situation, a short bit of context: there are three platforms on the content aggregator side of the fediverse: Lemmy, the biggest platform, Mbin, the successor of Kbin, and Piefed. How you voted is visible to Lemmy moderators, but not to regular Lemmy users. How people voted is visible to everyone on Mbin, including if that vote was made with a Lemmy account.
Responses on the threads indicates that a majority of Lemmy users prefers their votes to be private. This demand for privacy is understandable and should be encouraged, but runs into the practical limitations of the way the current fediverse works, with the limitations being both of governance as well as technical. Upvotes on Lemmy get translated to Stars on Mastodon, which are public. The most straightforward implementation of ActivityPub for vote/like/favourite support assumes that this information is public. As interoperability between the fediverse content aggregators is already a hilariously chaotic mess (shout-out to Elena Rossini who documents it all in painstaking detail in her latest newsletter), changes to more privacy are not likely to make the interoperability situation any better. Still, Piefed gave it a shot and did implement private votes this week in response, by creating shadow accounts in the background that do the voting on your behalf.
The situation also indications the limitations of governance as it currently is in the fediverse, especially between fediverse software developers. Lemmy developer Dessalines talks on Github about Lemmy is dependent on other implementations for votes to stay private. The problem is that none of the developers of any of the projects appear to be in any form of communication or conversation with each other about this, which makes good governance between the different implementations slightly difficult, to put it mildly.
β is a new proposed symbol for the fediverse. In a manifesto, the authors explain the need for a unicode symbol that represents the fediverse. The fediverse already has two symbols: a coloured pentagram and an icon by Meta. The authors state that the coloured pentagram is a great logo, but that it not being available as a typographical unicode character limits itβs usage. Getting people to voluntarily adopt to a new logo is never easy, and even more so in a decentralised network. Personally, I think the proposal hits on an important theme: there is value in a unicode symbol that can be used to denote that something is federated. Meta already does this by putting their own fediverse logo next to Threads profiles that are federated. This is a good innovation by Meta, and I think there is value in adopting this idea without having to adopt Metaβs (centralising) logo for the fediverse. The comment made here by the authors gives an illustration of what this means. It also helps push the proposal for the β symbol as an addition to the current logo instead of a replacement.
Bluesky Feed Creator, an external tool for people to build their own custom feeds without having to code, has a major update with a new automod system. Moderation of custom feeds and groups is not a solved issue so far, neither on ActivityPub nor on Atproto, and this takes a step in the right direction.
BrowserPub is a browser for debugging ActivityPub. Creator John Spurlock explains that the goal is to make it βa bit easier to see how well the various players in the fediverse support the C2S side of the ActivityPub spec. You can punch in any ActivityPub discoverable web url or fediverse handle, and BrowserPub will discover and display the underlying AP.β
Newsmast showed a preview of Patchwork, their upcoming plugin system for Mastodon. As the research by Kissane and Kazemi indicates, there is a lot of potential for better moderation tooling for the fediverse. However, Mastodon is slow to update, with 11 months between itβs two latest updates. Enabling servers to get additional moderation and federation tools via a plugin can significantly improve the ecosystem.
Robert W. Gehl is writing a book about the fediverse, βMove Slowly and Build Bridges: Mastodon, the Fediverse, and the Struggle for Ethical Social Mediaβ, and make an overview of the draft available.
A practical demonstration of how Blueskyβs starter packs can significantly help with community migration: the small Spanish community on Bluesky grew by 20% due to one successful starter pack.
The Links
- The first post to the fediverse from space via the International Space Station.
- Nostr held an IRL event this week, Nostriga. You can watch Rabbleβs presentation, βNostr Past, Present, and Futureβ here.
- WeDistribute: Flohmarkt is a Fediverse Marketplace.
- PressGazette: Twitter alternative? News publishers see potential in Bluesky.
- Turn any Mastodon post into a single line of embeddable HTML + CSS.
- Looking AT the Blue Skies of Bluesky β a new research paper on Bluesky that does quantitative network analysis.
- The fourth episode of WordPress.comβs Youtube series on the fediverse, this time with an interview with Matthias Pfefferle, creator of the WordPress-activitypub plugin.
- Mastodon β on your wrist.
- This weeksβ fediverse software updates.
- Federated Key Transparency Project Update.
- Privacy Policies on the Fediverse: A Case Study of Mastodon Instances.
- The Future of Social is Here: a Show and Tell (part 4: Lemmy, PieFed & Mbin).
- Adding Mastodon search results to DuckDuckGo.
- Fread is a new Mastodon Android app that merges your Mastodon timeline with RSS feeds.
- An interview with Bluesky engineer Dan Abramov about building on atproto.
Thatβs all for this week, thanks for reading!β¦
Twitter alternative: How news publishers are experimenting with Bluesky
Twitter alternative Bluesky may still be a minnow among the social media giants, but news publishers appear to see potential in the platform.Bron Maher (Press Gazette)
Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say
Probably better to post in the github issue rather than replyingβ¦
[Discussion] Should votes be displayed publicly? Β· Issue #4967 Β· LemmyNet/lemmy
Question I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on possibly making votes public. This has been discussed in a lot of other issues, but here's a dedicated one for discussion. Positives Could help figh...GitHub
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TVA likes this.
I have been stopping myself from using those and instead restructure my sentence. But if people like it, guess I can start keeping it.
I do find it more useful, however, to have a kind of a reference to the thing written at the end instead [1], but markdown doesn't seem to have anything for that, and using the syntax for Markdown references, is only useful for hyperlinks, or if the reader is willing to read the hover text 2.
[1]: Like This. I would love it if the markdown viewer would link the above [1] to this line. Maybe with a scrolldown effect.
I'm pretty sure Apple and Google already rewritten all important GNU parts into something with Apache or BSD license, to throw everything GPL licensed out of their embedded systems. The biggest and most important part was obviously GCC, replaced by Clang.
How many GPL-licensed system libraries and tools are in Android right now, except for the kernel? I'm pretty sure the answer is zero.
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TVA likes this.
Yeah, gottaβ love how all the Apple fanboys were like Bash? Mehβ zsh is the superior shell in the span of a day.
I mean was the GPL viralβ¦ yeah probably. But itβs not like the courts came after either of them. Or ever really will in a meaningful way. Although hope springs eternal for non-webkit browsers in the not-EU π
Clang and the LLVM with BSD like licences so we can get the 80's suing experience of UNIX yet again.
It's impressive how many people in the FOSS community hate GNU. Even to the point of creating OSes without GNU in it. Working for free for companies just to get their contributions stolen or expunged.
Apple loves Open Source, they can stole it as they like, like they did with Darwin (a derivation of XNU). Everything is open until we no longer want to, and you don't have any right to desist such actions. This sounds like a dream for them.
Google loves Open Source, they can build an spyware, ad vending machine, DRM platform that is hosted in almost any IOT machine. This is Android.
The community has to realize that if you care about your software you have to ENFORCE the freedom of it.
The are entire projects just to liberate android from google. That's is all fault of the open source licence.
There are quite a lot of projects which exist to liberate software projects that have been taken hostage. This is no sense.
Most of the IOT devices are presenting paywall features thanks to Android: cars, fridges, TVs, etc. What is next?
Yeah. And I like how even from the message it shows that it's been already well recognized by then.
If I recall correctly from some RMS' talks I've seen many years ago, they've been working on it for years before, it's just the kernel that was missing. As I see it, GNU and Linux was the breakthrough for FLOSS, since at that time you would still have to use a proprietary kernel. (Well, there's GNU Hurd, but I'm not sure if it existed at that time, and even if it did, it was not ready.)
I love it, totally should have gone with that.
βThis is Linus Torvalds introducing minix as Linux.β
(just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu)
Aged like fine milk. Looking at you, GNU Hurd.
GNU Hurd didn't take a good path of development following MACH design. But I still think GNU Hurd is the kernel of the future. Probably the Next generation Hurd. Just because GNU MACH and Hurd present very convoluted designs.
A kernel that performs most of their activities in user space and that it is truly modular looks very promising for the kind of systems we have nowadays and in the future.
Someone has to make the change, or we will stagnate in cumbersome and up featured systems.
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MINIX originally was developed in 1987 by Andrew S. Tanenbaum as a teaching tool for his textbook Operating Systems Design and Implementation. Today, it is a text-oriented operating system with a kernel of less than 6,000 lines of code. MINIX's largest claim to fame is as an example of a microkernel, in which each device driver runs as an isolated user-mode processβa structure that not only increases security but also reliability, because it means a bug in a driver cannot bring down the entire system.In its heyday during the early 1990s, MINIX was popular among hobbyists and developers because of its inexpensive proprietary license. However, by the time it was licensed under a BSD-style license in 2000, MINIX had been overshadowed by other free-licensed operating systems.
Today, MINIX is best known as a footnote in GNU/Linux history. It inspired Linus Torvalds to develop Linux, and some of his early work was written on MINIX. Probably too, Torvalds' early decision to support the MINIX filesystem is responsible for the Linux kernel's support of almost every filesystem imaginable.
Later, Torvalds and Tanenbaum had a frank e-mail debate about the relative merits of macrokernels (sic) and microkernels. This early history resurfaced in 2004 when Kenneth Brown of the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution prepared a book alleging that Torvalds borrowed code from MINIXβa charge that Tanenbaum, among others, so comprehensively debunked, and the book was never actually published (see Resources).
See also:β¦
Today, MINIX is best known as a footnote in GNU/Linux history.
It's still used tho.
What was minix then? A non FOSS version?
It wasn't FOSS, but then neither was Linux originally.
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KaRunChiy likes this.
That kind of depends on how you define FOSS. The way we think of that today was in very early stages back in the 1991 and the orignal source was distributed as free, both as in speech and as in beer, but commercial use was prohibited, so it doesn't strictly speaking qualify as FOSS (like we understand it today). About a year later Linux was released under GPL and the rest is history.
Public domain code, academic world with any source code and things like that predate both Linux and GNU by a few decades and even the Free Software Foundation came 5-6 years before Linux, but the Linux itself has been pretty much as free as it is today from the start. GPL, GNU, FSF and all the things Stallman created or was a part of (regardless of his conflicting personality) just created a set of rules on how to play this game, pretty much before any game or rules for it existed.
Minix was a commercial thing from the start, Linux wasn't, and things just refined on the way. You are of course correct that the first release of Linux wasn't strictly speaking FOSS, but the whole 'FOSS' mentality and rules for it wasn't really a thing either back then.
There's of course adacemic debate to have for days on which came first and what rules whoever did obey and what release counts as FOSS or not, but for all intents and purposes, Linux was free software from the start and the competition was not.
Agree with you up until βthe competition was notβ.
GNU HURD was competition for one thing.
More importantly, so was BSD. BSD predates Linux ( though its distribution specifically as FreeBSD does not ).
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I've read Linus's book several years ago, and based on that flimsy knowledge on back of my head, I don't think Linus was really competing with anyone at the time. Hurd was around, but it's still coming soon(tm) to widespread use and things with AT&T and BSD were "a bit" complex at the time.
BSD obviously has brought a ton of stuff on the table which Linux greatly benefited from and their stance on FOSS shouldn't go without appreciation, but assuming my history knowledge isn't too badly flawed, BSD and Linux weren't straight competitors, but they started to gain traction (regardless of a lot longer history with BSD) around the same time and they grew stronger together instead of competing with eachother.
A ton of us owes our current corporate lifes to the people who built the stepping stones before us, and Linus is no different. Obviously I personally owe Linus a ton for enabling my current status at the office, but the whole thing wouldn't been possible without people coming before him. RMS and GNU movement plays a big part of that, but equally big part is played by a ton of other people.
I'm not an expert by any stretch on history of Linux/Unix, but I'm glad that the people preceding my career did what they did. Covering all the bases on the topic would require a ton more than I can spit out on a platform like this, I'm just happy that we have the FOSS movement at all instead of everything being a walled garden today.
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A microkernel teaching OS by Andrew S. Tanenbaum.
In 2017 the world (including Tanenbaum) found out that the Intel Management Engine uses Minix internally. Intel just kind of did that silently. So Minix is still around.
Funny how he made it basically for his desktop computer.
33 years later, and Linux is dominating in every part of the OS world except ... the desktop.
(I'm paraphrasing his quote -- he said something like this years ago, can't find it, though.)
(Edit: to be more fair with quotes, it might be the case that I "hallucinated" the quote. he might not have said that, or he might have just said part of it and other part would be someone else's comment. This article is probably a better source on his position )
Linus Torvalds still wants Linux to take over the desktop
...and other interesting tidbits from the Embedded Linux Conference.rnSwapnil Bhartiya (CIO)
You might be thinking of this:β¦
Where he mentioned that the desktop is unique in that it has to support thousands of different devices for all kinds of people, and that most people don't really care what their computer is running as long as it works.
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Well, I was thinking of a quote that was much more similar to what I wrote (and it's not in the video you linked).
I had such a trouble finding it that I'm starting to feel like it might be one of those "quotes" where the credited author never really said that, but I haven't completely given up :D
Here's one closer to what I paraphrased (but not quite it)--quoting an article from
While Linux pretty much dominates almost every walk of our lives, even on the consumer devices like smartphones and smart TVs, it has not had the same success on the desktop. What does Torvalds think about it? Is Linux a failure on the desktop? Not really. βThe desktop hasnβt really taken over the world like Linux has in many other areas, but just looking at my own use, my desktop looks so much better than I ever could have imagined. Despite the fact that Iβm known for sometimes not being very polite to some of the desktop UI people, because I want to get my work done. Pretty is not my primary thing. I actually am very happy with the Linux desktop, and I started the project for my own needs, and my needs are very much fulfilled. Thatβs why, to me, itβs not a failure. I would obviously love for Linux to take over that world too, but it turns out itβs a really hard area to enter. Iβm still working on it. Itβs been 25 years. I can do this for another 25. Iβll wear them down.β
Linus Torvalds still wants Linux to take over the desktop
...and other interesting tidbits from the Embedded Linux Conference.rnSwapnil Bhartiya (CIO)
I would argue that it does dominate the desktop now as well, just not by usage numbers.
If I was told I had to use a windows desktop these days at home I think I'd start investing in a very large book collection.
It's not about the distro. Most distros out right now are pretty good. What you need is hardware that lots of people want to buy with Linux installed on it as the default choice. Normal people don't want to install any OS, be it Linux, Windows, MacOS or BSD. Whatever comes by default, it's good.
I'm pretty sure that right now the most popular Linux distros are ChromeOS and SteamOS. I wonder why
I had a science teacher that told us, "If you sneeze three times and nobody blesses you, the devil takes your soul!"
It's science.
...probably never will support anything other than AT-harddisks,as that's all I have. .
As in hilarity.
This one from LTT?
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People back then just grossly underestimated how big computing was going to be.
The human brain is not built to predict exponential growths!
The amount of effort I do to try and avoid using double parentesis is trully herculean.
I think that stuff is the product of a completionist/perfectionist mindset - as one is writting, important details/context related to the main train of thought pop-up in one's mind and as one is writting those, important details/context related to the other details/context pop-up in one's mind (and the tendency is to keep going down the rabbit hole of details/context on details/context).
You get this very noticeably with people who during a conversation go out on a tangent and often even end up losing the train of thought of the main conversation (a tendecy I definitelly have) since one doesn't get a chance to go back and re-read, reorganise and correct during a spoken conversation.
Personally I don't think it's an actual quality (sorry to all upvoters) as it indicates a disorganised mind. It is however the kind of thing one overcomes with experience and I bet Mr Torvalds himself is mostly beyond it by now.
at that point I start recycling them, and go back to parenthesis.
so when bp = 300x - 3, this:
4( 4[ 4{ 15bp + 10 } - 375 ] - 2250 ) - 15000
would turn to
4( 4[ 4{ 15( 300x - 3) + 10 } - 375 ] - 2250 ) - 15000
perhaps not the best, but I rather stick to conventional symbols rather than using... idk, question marks? that'd be funny as hell, though
just picture it:
4Β© 4Β« 4ΒΏ 15bp + 10 ? - 375 Β» - 2250 π― - 15000
BSD licence allowed to work with the AT&T licence which at the end generated all the drama. Unix wars.
Again BSD is great if you don't care about what will happen with your code.
Yeah the Android point doesn't have any sense, that's right.
Apple shares the code of the parts they want. Since it's not a copyleft licence, then they can still ship you a version of Darwin + privative code as your macOs without sharing the entire code. So you end running kind of Frankenstein program with parts you don't know what they do.
AOSP is not a great licence because it allows Google benefit from contributions, but then it has tons of privative software on top. So basically contributing to the AOSP means that you improve the code that later it's used in combination with privative one.
My point is that libre source code should enforce that derivations of it stay libre. Otherwise you are working for free for companies that don't care about the users.
Hey for companies is a good point. The best system for them is open source. It makes sense for them to use it. And open source is much better than just privative.
From the point of view of the individual user and developer is not that great. It kind of hooks you in because it has open source parts, but you are probably unaware of all the closed source stuff that runs in combination with it.
I get the open source point, but I don't find it fair at the long term for the individual developer and user.
Over the years I've become convinced that the BSD license is great for code you don't care about. I'll use it myself. If thereβs a library routine that I just want to say 'hey, this is useful to anybody and Iβm not going to maintain this,' Iβll put it under the BSD license.Linus Torvals at LinuxCon 2016
perfectionist mindset - as one is writing,
I think an "M-Dash (perfectionist mindestβ as one is writing,)" would be more appropriate than an "N-Dash" in your statement. No 'nested' parentheses needed (unless you're looking to add non-essential (though insightful) info to your sentence); but the type of... "PAUSE" makes all the difference
^[text here]
VΓ€nsterpartist ΓΆverfallen av hΓΆgerextremist. VΓ€nsterpartisten Kristofer Lundberg som Γ€r ordfΓΆrande fΓΆr VΓ€nsterpartiet i Angered har idag ΓΆverfallits av en hΓΆgerextremist. En kΓ€nd person som anser sig sjΓ€lv vara journalist.β¦
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Det Γ€r vanligt att svenskar anser att den som bor i Sverige Γ€r svensk. En vanlig Γ₯sikt Γ€r ocksΓ₯ att den som pratar svenska Γ€r svensk eller att den som Γ€r svensk medborgare Γ€r svensk. Men fΓΆrmodligen Γ€r det mycket mer komplicerat Γ€n sΓ₯. SΓ₯ vad innebΓ€r det att vara svensk?β¦
Kvotbolaget i ThyborΓΈn. Ett kvotbolag Γ€r ett fΓΆretag som har fiskebΓ₯tar med fiskerΓ€ttigheter men aldrig fiskar. Ett sΓ₯dant bolag Γ€r Fiskeriselskabet 2BIS ApS. De hyr ut sina fiskerΓ€ttigheter till andra fΓΆretag.
Scientists Found a 520-Million-Year-Old Miracle: a Fossil With Brains and Guts Intact
Scientists Found a 520-Million-Year-Old Miracle: a Fossil With Brains and Guts Intact
Scientists discovered a 520-million-year-old fossilized larva with brains and guts intact, offering unprecedented insights into early arthropod evolution.Jackie Appel (Popular Mechanics)
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We carry DNA from extinct cousins like Neanderthals. Science is now revealing their genetic legacy
We carry DNA from extinct cousins like Neanderthals. Science is now revealing their genetic legacy
More research is showing that we carry genes from other kinds of ancient humans, and their DNA affects our lives today. DNA research has found that our Homo sapiens ancestors mated with Neanderthals and Denisovans long ago.LAURA UNGAR (AP News)
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Fossils suggest even smaller βhobbitsβ roamed an Indonesian island 700,000 years ago
Fossils suggest βhobbitsβ roamed Indonesian island 700,000 years ago
New research suggests ancestors of the βhobbitsβ were even smaller. Two decades ago, researchers discovered fossils of an early human species in an Indonesian cave that stood 3 1/2 feet tall, earning them the nickname βhobbits.ADITHI RAMAKRISHNAN (AP News)
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A rarely seen deep sea fish is found in California, and scientists want to know why
Oarfish found off San Diego coast, and scientists want to know why
A rarely seen deep sea fish resembling a serpent was found floating dead on the ocean surface off the San Diego coast.AP News
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Only 12 feet? That's pretty small for an oarfish. They can get up to 3x that.β¦
Regalecus glesne
Oarfish Regalecus glesne This unusual fish is possibly a source for sea monster legends as its ribbon-like body can grow to 36 feet long in some cases.Discover Fishes
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in reply to GravitySpoiled • • •N0x0n
in reply to ByteMe • • •I also got confused by the wording and screenshots.
I mean it's an .apk file so why wouldn't it feel of a native android app?
in reply to N0x0n • • •N0x0n
in reply to ByteMe • • •No idea... You're right it's mosly written in kotlin for android :/
I'm not a dev but that's rather strange :/ if someone could chime in, thanks !!
in reply to N0x0n • • •The views are all just webviews. You can find all of the pages in the app/src/main/assets/pages folder, it's all html and css.
Their package name is also still com.example, their target sdk doesn't match their compile sdk, and also neither match with the target sdk in their AppManifest.xml.
So I'm guessing this is just someone who isn't really familiar with java or native android views or something, so just decided to build it in something they do know instead.
in reply to Ghoelian • • •miau
in reply to ByteMe • • •Interstellar_1
in reply to GravitySpoiled • • •GravitySpoiled
in reply to Interstellar_1 • • •rhymepurple
in reply to GravitySpoiled • • •GitHub - TylerWilliamson/QuickWeather: Weather at a glance! Current and forecast weather for anywhere in the world!
in reply to rhymepurple • • •Eyck_of_denesle
in reply to GravitySpoiled • • •GitHub - jjewuz/JustWeather: Simple weather app with Material You design.
in reply to Eyck_of_denesle • • •Eyck_of_denesle
in reply to Numenor • • •thejevans
in reply to Eyck_of_denesle • • •Pretend there is a comma and maybe an exclamation point like this:
GitHub - jjewuz/JustWeather: Simple weather app with Material You design.
in reply to thejevans • • •InfiniteStruggle
in reply to Numenor • • •warmaster
in reply to GravitySpoiled • • •