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in reply to mozz

I swear that every year for the past 20 years:
- A signal from aliens is found
- A "structure" is discovered in space (the structure is gas)
- AIDS is cured
- Cancer is cured
- Evidence of water is found on Mars

My brain has boy-who-cried-wolf'd itself into ignoring stories about these topics because I've been trained to believe that they're bullshit lol

in reply to poo

At least one of those has come true. Frozen water has 100% been confirmed on Mars.

Now, the wishful part this year is liquid water being detected underground by seismometers (sp?)

in reply to just_another_person

tl;dr the signal appears to have been from a cold hydrogen cloud "resonating" off of radiation bursts; namely, those emitted by neutron stars. The stronger the burst through the cloud, the louder the signal on equipment. The WOW! signal appears to have been the result of a particularly powerful event, but by observing the same/similar (?) gas cloud(s), they've been able to spot signals with the same signature, albeit weaker due to being hit by less rare (and less powerful) phenomena.

Some clarification might be needed on whether it's a specific cloud that produces this signal, or if any cold hydrogen clouds are capable of it. I couldn't seem to find any in the article itself. Maybe there's something in the published research paper that provides further information.

in reply to Socialist Mormon Satanist

Maybe for astronomy, but it seems pointless. If you're shipping a load from Terra to Luna, wouldn't you want all the clocks to be perfectly synchronized? People in the Martian and asteroid colonies aren't going to need to get up at dawn to feed the chickens. One time for the whole solar system. imho

“To our horror”: Widely reported study suggesting divorce is more likely when wives fall ill gets axed

A widely reported finding that the risk of divorce increases when wives fall ill — but not when men do — is invalid, thanks to a short string of mistaken coding that negates the original conclusions, published in the March issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

The paper, “In Sickness and in Health? Physical Illness as a Risk Factor for Marital Dissolution in Later Life,” garnered coverage in many news outlets, including The Washington Post, New York magazine’s The Science of Us blog, The Huffington Post, and the UK’s Daily Mail .

But an error in a single line of the coding that analyzed the data means the conclusions in the paper — and all the news stories about those conclusions — are “more nuanced,” according to first author Amelia Karraker, an assistant professor at Iowa State University.


in reply to fpslem

I've heard of people getting divorced with terminal conditions because they don't want to leave their partner with hundreds of thousands of dollars of medical debt.
I wonder if that plays any part in it.

in reply to pixelprimer

I might be a grumpy old keyboard enthusiast, but I am amazed by how keyboards just keep getting smaller and smaller.

Just out of interest, what is the benefit of having exactly as many keys as the alphabet?

EDIT: just looked at the keymaps and now I understand that you use key chords to replicate the missing keys. But I still don't get the benefit of using chording instead of a clearly marked key, for example for /.

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in reply to datendefekt

in reply to obbeel

Good, we need more BSL4 labs. The more we cut down forests and push into remote areas where bacteria, viruses, and fungi have always been endemic, the more we risk a catastrophic spillover event that will be magnified by rapid, worldwide flights and climate change making animals and diseases more present around humans. Fungi, for example, are thriving in warmer and wetter winters. We must be hypervigilant about new and evolving diseases, especially ones that might not yet have vaccines developed for them.

These labs will keep churning out research even in the event of catastrophic calamity in areas were most of our BSL4 labs reside (Europe, and North America).

in reply to Wahots

The crowd blights are what scare me. Some fungus or other microorganism previously thriving within its niche suddenly spills out into conditions that ensure its unchecked spread, and it causes mass die-offs among our monocultured food supply.

NASA’s Webb Telescope Finds Evidence For An Ocean World Around Uranus

I've been meaning to tell you...

in reply to obbeel

Can't help but feel there are going to be Unanticipated Consequences for making 'magic' a term in an actual science.
in reply to obbeel

Wish I knew Qiskit better. I bet it is quite an elucidating framework to work with. I mean, how else would you find this out without trying Quantum Mechanics on classical computers?

Hidden Consciousness Detected in 25% of Unresponsive Patients Tested

cross-posted from:

Up to one in four patients who are unresponsive after suffering serious brain injuries might actually still be conscious – indicating more patients may be aware of their surroundings than previously realized, new research suggests.

This state of 'hidden consciousness' is now officially known as cognitive motor dissociation (CMD), where cognitive (or thinking) abilities aren't connected to motor (or movement) abilities. Researchers have been looking into CMD for several years.

However, 62 percent of an additional 112 patients who were visibly responding to instructions at the bedside didn't exhibit the expected brain signals showing responsiveness – so the researchers suggest their methods still don't detect everyone with cognitive function.

in reply to Baron Von J

I can’t imagine a greater hell than being trapped in my own mind without the ability to move or communicate. This is interesting and unsettling at the same time.
in reply to some_guy

This is the premise of Johnny Got His Gun, an anti-war novel by Dalton Trumbo.
in reply to Okokimup

I didn't realize that was Trumbo or that he wrote novels. All I knew of him was scripts. Thanks for that info.
in reply to Okokimup

Great book and also where Metallica got the inspiration for their song "One".

Metallica's first ever video. My teenage ass stumbled in one night, turned on Mtv's Headbanger Ball and saw, "The world premiere of Metallica's ONE!"

Jesus help me, did not expect that.

(For those not around at the time, Metallica swore to never sell out and do an Mtv video. Ever.)

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in reply to shalafi

Metallica swore to never sell out

They tricked me too. Then that Napster thing happened.

The banana apocalypse is near, but biologists might have found a key to their survival

Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team

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in reply to T (they/she)

The “fork” is the real version of Mono and Microsoft is not giving it up.

The repository managed by “The Mono Project” still targets .NET Framework. Microsoft does not care about the official version of that. Why would they want to manage an Open Source replica of it.

In some ways though, this is good. Nobody should be seeing the Mono Project as a viable cross-platform development framework at this point. It is nothing more than a support layer for running legacy software that was originally Windows only. That makes it a good fit for Wine.

If you want what Mono used to be, a cross-platform application framework, you can just use the actual .NET from Microsoft. It includes the Mono runtime for targeting mobile platforms and Microsoft continues to actively develop it. They are not passing control of that to anybody.

Used thinkpad ok for casual retro gaming?

Hi, want to buy some used hardware to run with Linux (Gnome DE ON Mint, Debian OR ElementaryOS). Mainly Office use, transcoding, but also for casual gaming Half-life 2 and maybe some more modern games.

Are Thinkpads with integrated GPUs sufficient for that?
Any nice alternatives which are sturdy and can be upgraded?


EDIT: thank you for all the helpful input. Will check AMD options!

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Tech Cyborg reshared this.

in reply to ratzki

I have an X220 with an i5-2520M, I don't use it for gaming but I have briefly played Half-Life 2 with it and it was comfortably playable.

So I would say mid-2000s titles and before will be fine. It really depends on the age the Thinkpad you want is, and the age of the games you want to play.

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in reply to ratzki

I use a T440p and it works amazing for lightweight gaming (tested so far: Fallout NV, BTD6, Minecraft, and Enter the Gungeon)

Polisen uppger att de avvärjt 200 våldsdåd. För att rädda liv har Polismyndigheten enligt dem själva utvecklat förmågan att avvärja våldsdåd som planeras av personer inom den organiserade brottsligheten. Det handlar exempelvis om att stoppa planer på att genomföra skjutningar och sprängningar, men även om brandattentat.…

DeltaTouch 1.6.0 is out, finally bringing basic Webxdc

DeltaTouch is a DeltaChat client for UbuntuTouch.

DeltaTouch 1.6.0 is out, finally bringing basic Webxdc support as well as bugfixes and minor improvements 🎉

Many Webxdc apps just work already.

Some apps like Webxdc Store (via need stuff that's not there yet (add apps as file attachments for now). For a few others, touch input isn't working (e.g., ChessBoard). Will tackle that in the next months.

Webxdc support in DeltaTouch is generously funded by @nlnet / @NGIZero.

#DeltaTouch #DeltaChat #UbuntuTouch #Webxdc

I’ve had a few great interviews in the last couple of weeks. I decided I wanted to track them on a media page on my own site.

I’m going to try to keep them more organized, but for now I just want to get them linked.

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in reply to Evan Prodromou

love it. It’s exciting to see you and the fediverse getting more press.

Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team

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in reply to pnutzh4x0r

Good it does sound like a trategic move possibly though in a let's do what steamdeck's and steam in general's proton does for Linux and the Steam app if Microsoft can make people promote their software comparitively in some way it helps the cause long term goal wise I suppose.

Gaming on Linux Experience (Arch Btw)

Gaming on Linux Experience (Arch Btw)

No this isn't a LTT video.
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reshared this

in reply to BaalInvoker

I don't know it's a good video about someone genuinely trying linux gaming and what issues they encountered. Usually they are well received.
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in reply to e8d79

Probably is Linus face on the thumb

People often judge the book by its cover

in reply to BaalInvoker

People don't like Linus that much now... although I was wondering who likes him in the first place.

I don't care either way as long as he shills what I like lol

If he explaining to people about Linux, that's a W in my book. Some of his other work is mehh tho

in reply to sunzu2

Why all this hate for Linus? Genuine question, not that I care if he's hated or loved but I'm curious to why people hate him
in reply to Cris16228

I don't hate that much but I don't watch him because of the shady selling business hr often does and apparent sponsored content which is not always disclosed (been a while but his channel misrepresented graphics cards benchmarks for example).

It's like the British yellow press for me: his face alone is enough to discredit the quality of the source. Could it be good? Sure! Will I ever find out? Not anymore.

in reply to e8d79

Installs arch with install script, cannot fix grub, reinstalls arch. Good comedy, would recommend. Martincitopants style editing is lovely

in reply to mr_MADAFAKA

And if Battlefield were still worth playing I'd give a shit. It has been well over 12 years since I got excited about a Battlefield game.
in reply to mr_MADAFAKA…

If you use this hardware, I would reconsider using any kernel level anticheat. It would only take one of them to get compromised to brick your machine.

This malware persists between new OS installs. You'd need to reflash your CPU and I think only factories have that equipment.

AMD still rocks, don't let this dissuade you from buying them over intel/nvidia

This entry was edited (4 months ago)