Snörpvadsbåtar i Ålesund. Jag var för nån vecka sen på besök i Ålesund. Där låg bland annat en lång rad snörpvadsbåtar från Nordlandet vid en av stadens kajer. De flesta från Troms fylke.
I grekiska Volos har hundratals ton fisk spolats upp på stränderna. Orsaken är klimatförändringar. Det är ett verkligt problem för fisken. För många av världens fiskbestånd. I Sverige nonchalerar så kallade miljövänner som uttalar sig om fiskbeståndet dess verkliga problem och fokuserar helt på ett inbillat problem. De stora trålarna.
Backebåtar i Ålesundsområdet. Backebåtar eller långrevsbåtar är nåt som i praktiken inte längre finns i Sverige. En gång i tiden var de vanliga i mellersta Bohuslän och på Listerlandet. I Bohuslän användes de till långafiske långt ut i Nordsjön och Nordatlanten. På Listerlandet användes till laxfisk och torskfiske.
Fishecos Jan Ohlsson är upprörd. Jan Ohlsson som är redaktör för nättidningen Fisheco är antagligen Sveriges främste expert på att ha dålig koll. Han skriver ofta om yrkesfiske och fiskbestånd men hittills har jag nog inte sett ha honom ha rätt en endaste gång.
Gängskjutningarna och polisen. I mitten av oktober 2023 så upphörde våldsvågen i Stockholm som plågat huvudstaden i flera år. Skjutningarna minskade kraftigt i antal. Minskningen sammanföll med att Erdogan i Turkiet fick igenom sina krav i förhållande till Sveriges ansökan om NATO-medlemsskap.
Steam On Linux Drops Below 2% For August 2024 Survey
Back in May the Steam on Linux marketshare returned to passing the 2% threshold and remained above 2% through July. But the August 2024 survey results are out this evening and point to a drop for Linux. The August 2024 numbers show a 0.16% drop for Linux gamers, landing at a 1.92% marketshare. Windows meanwhile rose to 96.78% and macOS dropped a tiny bit to 1.3%.As we have seen in months past when Linux takes a sizable dip, it's correlated to a rise in the Simplified Chinese use. In August the Simplified Chinese use further grew and helping out Windows at the cost to the Linux percentage.
Steam Hardware & Software Survey: August 2024
Steam On Linux Drops Below 2% For August 2024 Survey
With the start of the new month comes the Steam Survey results for the month
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Radio telescopes. While I don't know the complete process of how an image is created, it's likely a composite of hundreds of thousands of points where radio wave strength was measured.
A very basic explanation is that each radio antenna likely takes a reading of some kind for each equivalent pixel in the resulting image. Over time, you can build an image.
Again, I don't know the full details of how the full image is recreated. It seems super complex reassembling millions of data points from antennas that are located on a rotating earth that is also rotating around a sun. The position of the earth probably has a huge impact on radio signal strength at any given time.
They could be very well using the earth's orbit around the sun to get better resolution - two data points from opposite sides of the orbit. What I know is that the largest "virtual" radiotelescope is literally the size of earth. The data points are synced with atomic clocks (or better), and a container of harddrives gets shipped into a datacenter to be ingested. Thats hundreds of streams (one per antenna) of data to be just synced up, before the actual analysis even can begin. (I'm just guessing after this) At this point, you have those hundreds (basically .wav files) lined up at timepoints they were sampled (one sample, one timepoint column). So row by row, so you can begin to sort out signal phase differences between the source rows.
I.e to put it shortly: an image is not taken, it is inferred and computed. Not that you even could in the first place, it's a blackhole after all.
News from the #HobbyArcheology department. I have absolutely no clue what I found this time so I’ll go with “probably something religious”.…
Världens största piratnätverk för film har stängts ner. Nätverket som hette Fmovies har stängts ner av vietnamesisk polis. Nedstängningen inkluderar också många associerade webbsajter. Inför tillslaget har vietnamesisk polis samarbetat med upphovsrättsorganisationen the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment.
I USA var mordfrekvensen 6,4 år 2022, dvs 6,4 mord per 100 000 invånare. Samma år var den i Sverige var den 1,1. I Chicago, som socialdemokraten Magdalena Andersson i en debattartikel i Expressen tar som exempel på hur bra US-amerikansk gänglagstiftning är, var mordfrekvensen 26,1.
USB boot Ubuntu issue
cross-posted from:
I have an old hp pavilion dv6 and I installed windows 7. Then i tried installing Ubuntu 24.04 and the USB wouldn't boot, it just showed "GRUB" in the top left of the screen. I tried with another USB and the same issue emerged. no screens found
When I try run Debian live usb works well.
OS: Debian 12
Device initalization failed according to the Xorg logs;
- Dump your firmware version
- Dump your kernel version
- Dump your kernel logs (
orjournalctl -k
Additionally you can try and force use amdgpu
rather than radeon, by setting the kernel flags:
radeon.cik_support=0 radeon.si_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=1 amdgpu.si_support=1 amdgpu.dc=1
I fredags gjorde jag ett kort besök på Öckerö för att gå med mamma till vårdcentralen. Genom märkliga omständigheter kring resan lyckades jag vara på plats en halvtimme tidigare än planerat så jag fick tid att gå runt lite i hamnen och vid varvet. Och ta bilder på en del fiskebåtar.
In kommer EU med pengar - Fediversums historia - Svenssons Nyheter
WordPress kan förvandla Fediversum - Fediversums historia - Svenssons Nyheter
Quantum Breakthrough: Scientists Discover First One-Dimensional Topological Insulator
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Unknown parent • • •cerement
Unknown parent • • •MostRandomGuy
in reply to majestictechie • • •Vim actually IS easy to use once you get the hang of it, plus more comfortable and efficient.
Nanos just an excuse for lazyness, cmv.
Unknown parent • • •nano -m <file>
orset mouse
in your nanorctiredofsametab
Unknown parent • • •kata1yst
Unknown parent • • •Oh to be clear, it's all humor. At least mostly, I'm sure there are RMS level fanatics somewhere that truly believe some of the BS.
This is something as old as time. I've seen it prolifically on Reddit (though not in the Emacs community, they generally discourage memes), various Linux forums, old Usenet, various programming forums... I'm not trying to be evasive, but it's hard to provide examples that aren't specifically cherry picked, which wouldn't benefit the conversation much.
There's even a Wikipedia page dedicated to this:…
in reply to majestictechie • • •soul
in reply to KillingTimeItself • • •like this
Virkkunen likes this.
in reply to KillingTimeItself • • •KillingTimeItself
in reply to SirEDCaLot • • •SirEDCaLot
in reply to KillingTimeItself • • •Which is probably true, as long as you make one assumption- that the operator dedicates a significant amount of time to learning it. With that assumption being true- I'll assume you're correct and it becomes much more efficient than a Nano/Notepad style editor.
I'm happy to concede without any personal knowledge that if you're hardcore editing code, it may well be worth the time to learn Vim, on the principle that it may well be the very most efficient terminal-based text editor.
But what if you're NOT hardcore editing code? What if you just need to edit a config file here and there? You don't need the 'absolute most efficient' system because it's NOT efficient for you to take the time to learn it. You just want to comment out a line and type a replacement below it. And you've been using Notepad-style text editors for years.
Thus my point-- there is ABSOLUTELY a place for Vim. But wanting to just edit a file without having to learn a whole new
... show moreWhich is probably true, as long as you make one assumption- that the operator dedicates a significant amount of time to learning it. With that assumption being true- I'll assume you're correct and it becomes much more efficient than a Nano/Notepad style editor.
I'm happy to concede without any personal knowledge that if you're hardcore editing code, it may well be worth the time to learn Vim, on the principle that it may well be the very most efficient terminal-based text editor.
But what if you're NOT hardcore editing code? What if you just need to edit a config file here and there? You don't need the 'absolute most efficient' system because it's NOT efficient for you to take the time to learn it. You just want to comment out a line and type a replacement below it. And you've been using Notepad-style text editors for years.
Thus my point-- there is ABSOLUTELY a place for Vim. But wanting to just edit a file without having to learn a whole new editor doesn't make one lazy. It means you're being efficient, focusing your time on getting what you need done, done.
in reply to KillingTimeItself • • •Telorand
in reply to bleistift2 • • •I remember looking up how to use Colemak with vim, and the advice was:
So I just gave up and moved on.
in reply to Telorand • • •KillingTimeItself
in reply to bleistift2 • • •Luccus
in reply to KillingTimeItself • • •Yeah, people are just lazy. I remember when I invented a new login screen and was told it was "difficult", "confusing" and "took some getting used to".
It even came with a free 100-page manual and a 4-hour master class. Some people, I tell you!
^This is meant more as a joke than an actual critique, even if it kind of reflects my thoughts. But ultimatly, I thought it was a funny bit.^
Unknown parent • • •blazeknave
Unknown parent • • •You mean my 6k Gmail drafts? 😭
I started doing paper pads everywhere and trying to log at end of day.
Unknown parent • • •fin
Unknown parent • • •Gacrux
in reply to majestictechie • • •lenuup
in reply to Gacrux • • •Gacrux
in reply to lenuup • • •
essentially a terminal modal editor (like vim), but instead of specifying the action to perform then what to perform the action on (like "yank 3 lines"), in helix you select first, then perform actions on the selection (like "these 3 lines, i want them yanked"). it's slightly better (according to others) because you get to see what you're going to change in the file so you don't accidentally delete 5 lines instead of deleting 4.
on top of that many features are builtin, like tree-sitter and lsp support, so you don't have to spend 5 hours looking for cool plugins and configuring everything to get started (my config file is only 50 lines of toml).
the downside is that there isn't support for plugins (yet), but there's already things like a file picker, more than 100 themes etc.
in reply to Gacrux • • •So similar to kakoune? I tried that for a while, but it was missing some features so I went back to vim/neovim.
I need to know vi anyway, because that is available everywhere (as part of busybox), so using vim/nvim for bigger systems just fits.
in reply to Gacrux • • •micro
in reply to Gacrux • • •I gave it serious consideration when the death of Atom was announced and I was unsure where to move on to.
Looks like in the meantime a lot has been done (as far as I remember, TreeSitter and LSP weren't built in back then...? Not sure though), but the lack of a plugin system is still killing it for me.
TBH it looks like it has 75% of the features you want from a codeditor, which is much more than the use-case for Nano, but no way to go the remaining 25% of the way.
in reply to smiletolerantly • • •I'm still in mourning.
in reply to Underwaterbob • • •It was pretty great, wasn't it?
Although I must say. I eventually landed on neovim. Steep, steep learning curve, but now I would not switch back again.
in reply to smiletolerantly • • •Spaceslug
in reply to Gacrux • • •patatahooligan
in reply to Gacrux • • •wise_pancake
in reply to patatahooligan • • •I simply have too much vim config and muscle memory to ever leave vim
I'm trapped in a prison of my own making!
in reply to Gacrux • • •I used it for a while. The flipped mode of thinking with it was weird at first but I liked it once I got used to it.
I don't remember the specifics, but I vaguely recall encountering an issue with its LSP implementation that drove me toward thinking the whole LSP approach is insane and I went back to neovim.
Unknown parent • • •.nanorc
. Though, Ctrl-Z conflicts with suspend in many terminals, so I keep that one as Ctrl-U. A.nanorc
also allows turning on mouse support, changing the color scheme, etc.Dave.
Unknown parent • • •They need to learn how to use their tools better. Winscp does all that transparently for you if you press F4 on a file on a remote system. Or maybe they did and you just didn't see it.....
It's quite a handy function when you're diving through endless layers of directories on a remote box looking for one config file amongst many.
Possibly linux
in reply to majestictechie • • •Opisek
Unknown parent • • •Saki
Unknown parent • • •s_s
Unknown parent • • •Vim makes it easy to edit text in complicated ways, once you've learned it.
Vim is not easy to learn nor intuitive.
It is simple and compounding.
You might not ever edit enough text to ever need to learn a new skillset to edit text. If that's the case, use
.But if you do find yourself editing a lot of text, consider trying
.It takes 20 minutes and you'll be proficient enough to match
's efficiency ceiling.Racle
Unknown parent • • •Now when I use nano it's frustrating to use and I can do things much faster and easier in vim 😅
Unknown parent • • •Opisek
Unknown parent • • •stebo
Unknown parent • • •theshatterstone54
in reply to Rekhyt • • •Fair enough. I basically gave you a large chunk of vim so it will feel super overwhelming. The trick is to do one command or combo at a time. For example, I started with dd. Then I added yanking. Then I added visual mode. Then I added "o" (which I think I forgot to mention: o creates a newline under the current one and puts you in insert mode. Capital O does the same but above the current line). The real trick is going little by little. And to be honest, there are some commands I still rarely use or forget to mention. I've never used f instead of t. And in terms of forgetting to mention, there's the x command which deletes the single character under the cursor rn.
Also, I'm sure someone will find this list helpful, so on top of this, I'll also add this video (and hope that Piped bot will appear):
It contains some things I haven't mentioned.
As for learning all this, I'm repeating myself for the third time. Do it little by little. And when a command is already a thing you do
... show moreFair enough. I basically gave you a large chunk of vim so it will feel super overwhelming. The trick is to do one command or combo at a time. For example, I started with dd. Then I added yanking. Then I added visual mode. Then I added "o" (which I think I forgot to mention: o creates a newline under the current one and puts you in insert mode. Capital O does the same but above the current line). The real trick is going little by little. And to be honest, there are some commands I still rarely use or forget to mention. I've never used f instead of t. And in terms of forgetting to mention, there's the x command which deletes the single character under the cursor rn.
Also, I'm sure someone will find this list helpful, so on top of this, I'll also add this video (and hope that Piped bot will appear):
It contains some things I haven't mentioned.
As for learning all this, I'm repeating myself for the third time. Do it little by little. And when a command is already a thing you do almost without thinking about it, you're ready to add more.
Why? dw is delete word, c5b change 5 words backwards, and those are the most complicated commands you'll ever get to use, unless you start adding cuatom keybinds.
But I digress. If you don't want to learn it, it's fine.
Unknown parent • • •SomeLemmyUser
Unknown parent • • •Well its shown to you at the bottom of the screen what it does...
And if you want Ctrl v,c,s etc. To work like in word etc you can always use nano --modernbindings
Unknown parent • • •Edit a file, writing a quick shell script or whatever in the terminal. Nano is great. I don't see any use in learning vim or emacs. If I need something more I'm going use a gui editor anyway.
Don't get triggered anyone it's just my preference
Unknown parent • • •ciw
being a thing.TheV2
Unknown parent • • •ggppjj
Unknown parent • • •Nano is the tool that people use when they don't have a need for TUI editors in general and therefore don't want to have to memorize how people with teletypes decided things should have been done 75 years ago and who also don't want to get dragged into endless pointless bickering arguments about which set of greybeards was objectively right about their sets of preferences.
I'm glad people enjoy the editors they use and also I just wanna change a single fuckin line in a config file every once in a while without needing to consult a reference guide.
Unknown parent • • •matthewmercury
in reply to ReCursing • • •notfromhere
in reply to tiredofsametab • • •like this
tiredofsametab likes this.
in reply to matthewmercury • • •If I am forced to use an editor in the terminal, nano generally. But I very rarely need to because I have a functioning modern computer from within the last 25 years and therefore have a gui I can rely on. If I somehow manage to break the gui in a way that requires me to edit a text file (itself very very rare) I can fix it with nano.
Now, why would you voluntarily use an editor with a ui that's needlessly confusing and convoluted, an arse to learn, and notoriously difficult to even save a file and close without checking help files if you haven't already memorised completely random key combinations? I would say we'd love to know, but we already do. It's because you're an arrogant dickwad - at least that's what your last comment makes you look like
in reply to ggppjj • • •I don’t have much to say about nano, except the hotkey bindings are weird and unnatural.
They make sense, but they feel wrong.
Unknown parent • • •wise_pancake
Unknown parent • • •Same here.
The biggest diss I have on emacs users, as a vim user, is that emacs is the only text editor where people routinely need to keep a book about it on their desk!
I used to work with a bunch of emacs guys and they all had an emacs book or two on their desk or as a monitor stand. They usually also had one on awk and/or Perl to go with it.
I’m sure they’d probably make fun of me for being unable to edit a file with anything but my specific vim config, which is not compatible with any other human’s vim config.
(I would never seriously judge someone on their editor, but I will bust an emacs users chops and accept a good natured jab back)
in reply to Opisek • • •Although I came from vi (pre-vim and pre-evil) and still have the muscle memory, I don't and haven't used it myself.
I hear it described as a "nearly complete" and "very comprehensive". There is definitely a solid community of people using and enjoying it, but on the other hand there are always some reports of getting tired of having to work through, and sometimes extend, an additional interface layer, so in the long run being happier to just adopt the default bindings.
I know there are a few areas where trying to follow common vim workflows doesn't work as well. Historically the performance of line number display been weak in Emacs, though I believe it's recently much improved. A lot of people seem to make heavy and constant use of it in vim but conversely for me (and I think it's more common in Emacs) it's only an occasional, transient need when some external log or error quotes a line number, so I have them only displayed when I hit the go-to-line binding.
Overall, I think the most frustrating issues people have trying to adopt Emacs from vim are due
... show moreAlthough I came from vi (pre-vim and pre-evil) and still have the muscle memory, I don't and haven't used it myself.
I hear it described as a "nearly complete" and "very comprehensive". There is definitely a solid community of people using and enjoying it, but on the other hand there are always some reports of getting tired of having to work through, and sometimes extend, an additional interface layer, so in the long run being happier to just adopt the default bindings.
I know there are a few areas where trying to follow common vim workflows doesn't work as well. Historically the performance of line number display been weak in Emacs, though I believe it's recently much improved. A lot of people seem to make heavy and constant use of it in vim but conversely for me (and I think it's more common in Emacs) it's only an occasional, transient need when some external log or error quotes a line number, so I have them only displayed when I hit the go-to-line binding.
Overall, I think the most frustrating issues people have trying to adopt Emacs from vim are due to trying to impose their specific familiar vim workflows. The most obvious example is people concerned with startup time, but for more typical Emacs workflows it's a non-issue. Users typically stay in Emacs rather than jumping in and out of it from a terminal (and if you really want that workflow, you run one instance as a daemon and pop up a new client to it instantly). My Emacs instance's uptime usually matches my computer's uptime.
The draw of Emacs is not about it only being an editor so much as a comprehensive and programmable text environment. It is a lisp-based text-processing engine that can run numerous applications, the primary being an editor (the default, or evil, or others...) but also countless other applications like file managers, VC clients, subprocess management and many others. It 95% replaces the terminal for me, and many other tools. So it's the environment through which you view and manipulate all things text that is very accessible to modify and extend to fit your needs. Hence the joke about it being an OS is pretty apt, though to believe it needs a good editor implies vim isn't a good editor ;).
in reply to ReCursing • • •It’s because my job involves managing and operating systems that are only accessible through ssh or tty sessions. I spend hours every day in a terminal, on a remote session, frequently editing files for stuff: crontabs, configs, etc.
I learned vi because when I was coming up, university systems only had ed, vi and emacs, with pico on the servers that had pine for email. I learned vi because it was more powerful than pico (and because I couldn’t get the hang of emacs key combos). I read the help files and learned how to use it, because it was foundational.
Every Unix-like system has a variant of vi. Many of my container images don’t, but it’s trivial to install and use anywhere if needed.
It’s just a more powerful tool than nano, and consequently more difficult to use. Which is fine, man. It’s okay for you to use a basic text editor on the rare occasion you have to edit something in a terminal. You don’t have cause to learn how to be productive in an advanced editor, and that’s fine.
For what it’s worth,
... show moreIt’s because my job involves managing and operating systems that are only accessible through ssh or tty sessions. I spend hours every day in a terminal, on a remote session, frequently editing files for stuff: crontabs, configs, etc.
I learned vi because when I was coming up, university systems only had ed, vi and emacs, with pico on the servers that had pine for email. I learned vi because it was more powerful than pico (and because I couldn’t get the hang of emacs key combos). I read the help files and learned how to use it, because it was foundational.
Every Unix-like system has a variant of vi. Many of my container images don’t, but it’s trivial to install and use anywhere if needed.
It’s just a more powerful tool than nano, and consequently more difficult to use. Which is fine, man. It’s okay for you to use a basic text editor on the rare occasion you have to edit something in a terminal. You don’t have cause to learn how to be productive in an advanced editor, and that’s fine.
For what it’s worth, when I’m writing and testing python, I use VS Code.
Unknown parent • • •>
in your shell.wise_pancake
Unknown parent • • •The second most important thing about vim to learn is:
If nothing is behaving then you probably have caps lock on.
in reply to SomeLemmyUser • • •sabin
Unknown parent • • •fin
Unknown parent • • •S. G. Tallentyre
in reply to majestictechie • • •LovePoson
in reply to S. G. Tallentyre • • •zaphod
in reply to S. G. Tallentyre • • •AlijahTheMediocre
in reply to majestictechie • • •Imagine using Nano or Vim; when you could be using Cat and Echo.
in reply to majestictechie • • •modal editing can be fun. it is a weird skill like driving a manual transmission.
that said driving a manual transmission in stop and go traffic on a hot day is a lot like editing in vi sometimes.
in reply to TheReturnOfPEB • • •Oliver Tzeng
Unknown parent • • •Mactan
Unknown parent • • •jmcs
in reply to notfromhere • • •nieceandtows
Unknown parent • • •nieceandtows
Unknown parent • • •notfromhere
in reply to jmcs • • •Keith
in reply to majestictechie • • •sunbeam60
in reply to Keith • • •cravl
in reply to sunbeam60 • • •~/.nanorc
. Most of mine are the same as standard desktop editors, except undo is Ctrl+U because Ctrl+Z is commonly bound to suspend, and quit is Alt+Q instead of Ctrl+Q because in browser window terminals (e.g. Unraid) Ctrl+Q usually closes the whole browser (oof).ArcaneSlime
Unknown parent • • •ReCursing
in reply to matthewmercury • • •greyfox
Unknown parent • • •737
Unknown parent • • •root
Unknown parent • • •When you only need to hammer a nail every once in a while, any hammer will do. When you're a roofer, you better have a roofing hammer.
If you don't spend your life in a terminal and just need to edit a file, vim isn't for you. If you want to learn complex strings of arcane wizardry to not only make your life easier but amaze your underlings, use vim.
Unknown parent • • •bizdelnick
Unknown parent • • •dysprosium
Unknown parent • • •So I need to dive into the manual to do something as basic and universal as "copy and paste"? Why not make it Ctrl+shift+c or have it shown in the info text when pressing this almost universally accepted keypairs? Or at least make it somewhat similar to this. I find it bonkers why some programs decide to just have radically different shortcuts or defaults, the complete opposite of what feels intuitive. Same with the design of some doors that need actual SIGNS on them to tell you which direction they open. Just bad design choice.
Edit: just remembered. Same story with tmux. Want to copy something? Surprise, it's not anything you expect it to be. Some ctrl+b + [ or some shit
Unknown parent • • •fossphi
in reply to wise_pancake • • •bigmclargehuge
in reply to J4g2F • • •This is my thought process exactly.
I get it, for a power user, vim is probably incredibly powerful. However, I just want to edit text files. I don't want a text editor where I need a cheat sheet just to save my changes and quit.
The Quuuuuill
in reply to bigmclargehuge • • •SomeLemmyUser
in reply to bizdelnick • • •If something is "easy to use" this includes the time you need learn said thing.
Drinking rahmen from the bowl is easier then using chopsticks (even if you are more elegant with chopsticks)
Driving automatic is easier then driving manual (even if you may be more efficient with manual if you practised shifting a lot)
Walking is easier then flicflacs (even if you may be faster with flicflacs if you practised a lot)
Using Ubuntu is easier than using arch (even if arch gives you more control and opportunities if you understand it)
in reply to AnUnusualRelic • • •bizdelnick
in reply to SomeLemmyUser • • •flying_gel
in reply to dysprosium • • •What you observes could be OS depended,. Vim has its own copy paste buffers (y,p etc) and the OS has its own. Traditionally highligh to copy and middle mouse button to paste on Unix. Windows has 2 methods, ctrl-c,v but those are also bindings in vim so only the older less known crtl-insert,shirt-insert works.
Copy paste is definitely built in, there is no need for extra plugins.
in reply to The Quuuuuill • • •Control+W = "Where is," Control+O = "Overwrite", Control+X = "Exit."
Makes just enough sense to me, and those are really the only three binds I ever need for editing config files.
I don't want to come off like a vim hater, because I do believe it when people say it's powerful, but... I don't need powerful. I just need to edit text files.
in reply to majestictechie • • •ProtonBadger
in reply to majestictechie • • •Greybeard here. I can use vi, emacs, nano, etc. and use whatever is available if it suits the job. For many years I did dev in emacs on my computers and on other systems used vi for quick edits. Currently on my own laptop I have micro as default term editor now. For Rust development - code, though I have hopes for Lapce.
They're all just tools and so are people who get tribal about things.
in reply to ggppjj • • •FriendBesto
in reply to majestictechie • • •On my laptop, I update my bashrc on Excel, in Wine, then export it as a PDF, OCR to .md, Pandoc it to an .Org, and then finally, write it down on paper and re-type it on my phone's Termux's Emacs instance, then TRAMP it to my PC, in the other room.
I use biebian, btw.