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in reply to floofloof

"We have no idea what happens next."

I'm pretty sure there's a movie about this.

Aggiunta l'applicazione Mensinator all'articolo Applicazioni per il monitoraggio del ciclo mestruale

Ho aggiunto questa nuova applicazione chiamata Mensinator nell'articolo dedicato alle applicazioni per il monitoraggio del ciclo mestruale.

Così come per Euki è possibile mandarmi (o scrivere qui) una brevissima recensione per queste applicazioni così da poter dare consigli a chi le volesse provare.

Mensinator è una nuova applicazione open source (licenza MIT) progettata per proteggere la privacy. A livello tecnico non contiene traccianti né pubblicità di alcun tipo. Una cosa bizzarra: la versione sul Play Store richiede l'accesso a internet mentre la versione su GitHub no.

Potete scaricarla su GitHub, su IzzyOnDroid (anche questa non richiede internet) e sul Play Store. Anche in questo caso non ho ancora trovato nessuna persona che abbia testato questa applicazione per cui se l'avete provata e volete scrivere due righe per spiegare come funziona le aggiungo molto volentieri.

in reply to Talia

mi unisco a @skariko per ringraziarti della recensione. Non esistono infatti molte recensioni per questa tipologia di app, anche perché lo staff de @lealternative non è proprio pieno de donne e in generale le donne sono più restie degli uomini a recensire app😅
in reply to informapirata ⁂

consiglio di dare un occhio a questa: totalmente open source e offline.

drip. menstrual cycle and fertility tracking (Open-source, non-commercial and leaves your data on your phone.)

informapirata ⁂ reshared this.

Idag finns det små eller inga möjligheter att tjäna pengar via Fediversum för konstnärer, skribenter och andra kulturskapare. Den som vill tjäna pengar på sitt skapande behöver i allmänhet använda sig av olika externa och slutna tjänster som Patreon, Ko-Fi och OpenCollective.…

Ubuntu Core Desktop - presented by Ken VanDine at SCaLE 2024

Ubuntu Core Desktop is an immutable distro, takes a different path than most other immutable distros.
- The entire OS is built using snaps, including the kernel and bootloader
- Uses snaps instead of flatpak
- Prefers LXD over distrobox and other projects that use podman
in reply to Leaflet


Aaaaaand we're done here. Fuck snap, no, bad dog!

Linux smashes another market share record for August 2024 on Statcounter

reshared this

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

I would love to switch to Linux, but everytime I try to look at it seriously, I get overwhelmed by the choosing of distros and people saying its hard and complicated. I wish it was more clear cut where you should start. I used to think it was ubuntu, but then people shit on it. Then I thought it was Mint, then people shit on that. So on and so forth. Makes it hard to understand how to even approach it.
in reply to qwestjest78

People shit on Ubuntu because its owned by a for profit corporation that hosts an app manager that isnt open source on the backend. Not sure why you heard hate for mint, its perfectly fine. As a beginner I'd definitely go for Mint. If you Genuinely want to try but feel like you need someone to hold your hand, I can add you on Matrix (or discord... ugh) if you want a person to reference.
in reply to qwestjest78

Mint would be a perfect distro to start with. Don’t listen to them—just download Mint. I don’t like Ubuntu but honestly it would be fine too. In other words, although it does matter, it does not matter as much as people say as long as you do not start with something to too hard to install.
in reply to qwestjest78

People shit on any distro 😂 just get whatever works for you, differences aren’t that big, after all.

I personally like the easy version of Arch (endeavourOS) and install stuff there only using yay in terminal (yay [name of program you nees])

in reply to qwestjest78

Don't listen to people. Choose any distro that is newbie friendly. If you don't choose, you are still choosing. The worst of your choices is probably better than what you are currently using.
in reply to qwestjest78

I have a question for you, coming from a long time Linux user. How do you decide which car to buy? There are so many options, each have their own mileage, comfort, capabilities. Would you say it's difficult buying a car?
in reply to qwestjest78

Mint is lovely! I started out with it years ago and still use it today.
in reply to qwestjest78

If you come from Windows Mint is an excellent starting point. People shit on it because it doesn't have all the fancy bells and whistles you get with more latest releases, but on the flip side it's super reliable and as a new user that reliability is worth more than all the bells and whistles.
in reply to qwestjest78

Please do not care about people shitting on popular distros. As a gentoo user myself, it's as niche as it gets, but I will wholeheartedly recommend Ubuntu and mint.
in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆


I'd like to see a logarithmic version of this graph. Picking out a straight line in a log graph is easier than trying to discern an exponential. I want that juicy exponential.

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in reply to Kalcifer

Here is my attempt at digitizing that plot and then log-scaling the vertical axis.
in reply to caden

This is amazing! Thank you so much for doing this!! Would you mind telling me your process for extracting the data from the graph? Did you tediously manually extract eye-balled data-points? Or, did you run it through some software which extracted them? Or, perhaps, did you just find and use the original data source?

in reply to m3t00🌎

Given that energy usage also increases about quadratically, this means that net CO2 emissions will roughly remain equal till 2060.

This is not a good graph.

Fängelse för att ha hanterat 30 kilo kokain. Södertörns tingsrätt har dömt fyra personer för att de bland annat hanterat eller främjat hanteringen av 30 kg kokain. Tre av de åtalade döms för synnerligen grovt narkotikabrott.…

Gnome mutter 47.rc tagged

Notable changes
- Add experimental color management protocol support
- Use libadwaita for server-side decorations on GNOME (on Xorg and Xwayland apps)
- Let scaling-aware Xwayland clients scale themselves
- Add initial PipeWire explicit sync support
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Frikännande hovrättsdom för mord. Den 22 augusti förra året sköts en man till döds när han satt i en bil på Dalhem i Helsingborg. Tingsrätten dömde två unga män, 16 och 17 år gamla, för mord och medhjälp till mord.…

in reply to ggppjj

Vim felt like having superpowers when I started with it, after being spoiled by helix it feels like a relic though
in reply to majestictechie

On my laptop, I update my bashrc on Excel, in Wine, then export it as a PDF, OCR to .md, Pandoc it to an .Org, and then finally, write it down on paper and re-type it on my phone's Termux's Emacs instance, then TRAMP it to my PC, in the other room.

I use biebian, btw.

Snörpvadsbåtar i Ålesund. Jag var för nån vecka sen på besök i Ålesund. Där låg bland annat en lång rad snörpvadsbåtar från Nordlandet vid en av stadens kajer. De flesta från Troms fylke.…

I grekiska Volos har hundratals ton fisk spolats upp på stränderna. Orsaken är klimatförändringar. Det är ett verkligt problem för fisken. För många av världens fiskbestånd. I Sverige nonchalerar så kallade miljövänner som uttalar sig om fiskbeståndet dess verkliga problem och fokuserar helt på ett inbillat problem. De stora trålarna.…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Backebåtar i Ålesundsområdet. Backebåtar eller långrevsbåtar är nåt som i praktiken inte längre finns i Sverige. En gång i tiden var de vanliga i mellersta Bohuslän och på Listerlandet. I Bohuslän användes de till långafiske långt ut i Nordsjön och Nordatlanten. På Listerlandet användes till laxfisk och torskfiske.…

Fishecos Jan Ohlsson är upprörd. Jan Ohlsson som är redaktör för nättidningen Fisheco är antagligen Sveriges främste expert på att ha dålig koll. Han skriver ofta om yrkesfiske och fiskbestånd men hittills har jag nog inte sett ha honom ha rätt en endaste gång.…

Gängskjutningarna och polisen. I mitten av oktober 2023 så upphörde våldsvågen i Stockholm som plågat huvudstaden i flera år. Skjutningarna minskade kraftigt i antal. Minskningen sammanföll med att Erdogan i Turkiet fick igenom sina krav i förhållande till Sveriges ansökan om NATO-medlemsskap.…

Steam On Linux Drops Below 2% For August 2024 Survey

Back in May the Steam on Linux marketshare returned to passing the 2% threshold and remained above 2% through July. But the August 2024 survey results are out this evening and point to a drop for Linux. The August 2024 numbers show a 0.16% drop for Linux gamers, landing at a 1.92% marketshare. Windows meanwhile rose to 96.78% and macOS dropped a tiny bit to 1.3%.

As we have seen in months past when Linux takes a sizable dip, it's correlated to a rise in the Simplified Chinese use. In August the Simplified Chinese use further grew and helping out Windows at the cost to the Linux percentage.

Steam Hardware & Software Survey: August 2024

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in reply to pnutzh4x0r

Couldn't have been me, I purged the last Windows machine from our household last week and the first thing my wife wanted to have installed was Steam.
in reply to pnutzh4x0r

I wonder if this also coincides with back-to-school with students getting their new laptops during the summer running Windows, as well as class software requirements requiring Windows. Lots of those students are definitely loading up steam on their laptop for the first time, adding more windows players, but not lowering the number of Linux players. Also everyone gets it - windows bad, Linux and gnu alternatives good, but for uni courses it's best to save the headache and just run windows for the software that needs it.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

in reply to Anonymous

Not how it works. They are not taking pictures with cameras. Resolution has more meaning then pixels.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to TriflingToad

Radio telescopes. While I don't know the complete process of how an image is created, it's likely a composite of hundreds of thousands of points where radio wave strength was measured.

A very basic explanation is that each radio antenna likely takes a reading of some kind for each equivalent pixel in the resulting image. Over time, you can build an image.

Again, I don't know the full details of how the full image is recreated. It seems super complex reassembling millions of data points from antennas that are located on a rotating earth that is also rotating around a sun. The position of the earth probably has a huge impact on radio signal strength at any given time.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to remotelove

They could be very well using the earth's orbit around the sun to get better resolution - two data points from opposite sides of the orbit. What I know is that the largest "virtual" radiotelescope is literally the size of earth. The data points are synced with atomic clocks (or better), and a container of harddrives gets shipped into a datacenter to be ingested. Thats hundreds of streams (one per antenna) of data to be just synced up, before the actual analysis even can begin. (I'm just guessing after this) At this point, you have those hundreds (basically .wav files) lined up at timepoints they were sampled (one sample, one timepoint column). So row by row, so you can begin to sort out signal phase differences between the source rows.

I.e to put it shortly: an image is not taken, it is inferred and computed. Not that you even could in the first place, it's a blackhole after all.

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in reply to riodoro1

What I mean is a higher resolution than the linked site provides. NASA has an “original” image of the last time they made an image like this but I haven’t found one for this new image yet. That original is 4000x2330 but the one linked in the OP site is only 1200x729.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

News from the #HobbyArcheology department. I have absolutely no clue what I found this time so I’ll go with “probably something religious”.…
