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Vänstermedier deltar i oseriös hets. Borgarmedia, högertroll, högerpolitiker, nazister, högerextremister, borgerliga ledarskribenter med flera hetsar på bred front mot vänstern. Vänsterpartiet och många vänsterpartister.…

happy 10th birthday, ActivityPub! 🎉🎉

in reply to asante [comrade/them]

birthdate counts by the date of the first repository commit to the ActivityPub protocol, btw

Åtal för grov utpressning och grova bokföringsbrott. Åklagare vid Åklagarmyndigheten och Ekobrottsmyndigheten har väckt åtal i ett ärende som handlar om försök till grov utpressning, grov mordbrand, grovt ocker, osant intygande, olaga tvång, grov utpressning, övergrepp i rättssak, folkbokföringsbrott och grova bokföringsbrott.…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Fediversum i Sverige - Svenssons Nyheter

Fediversum i Sverige består i huvudsak av Mastodoninstanser. Dessutom finns det några små och privata instanser med Mastodon och andra programvaror som exempelvis Akkoma och några stycken Lemmy-installationer där två instanser är lite större. I tillägg till detta finns det också ett antal WordPressbloggar som exempelvis denna blogg.

GE-Proton9-13 Released


  • Update vkd3d-proton to latest git to include World of Warcraft MSAA fix


  • wine updated to latest bleeding edge
  • dxvk updated to latest git

-proton upstream fixes added


  • protonfixes updated to latest git

Instead of algorithms why don't we create a map of Lemmy?

cross-posted from:

Instead of focusing of creating good algorithms to push certain content to users why don't we focus on creating a good map that allows users to find the kind of content they want more easily?

I found this website that created a map of reddit with different countries for different topics and I thought it would translate to lemmy because instances sort of do this already really well.…

~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~ ~(CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0)~

in reply to Danterious

I always thought it would be nice if communities (and/or posts) could be tagged. It would open up a lot of potential for discoverability

NASA discovers Earth's electrical field at last after 60-year search

A long-sought invisible force wrapped around Earth has been detected more than half a century after it was first hypothesized.

The field, dubbed the "polar wind," explains how Earth's atmosphere escapes easily and rapidly above the north and south poles, and may have played a role in shaping our planet's thin upper atmosphere.

in reply to yamaonan

Edit: ELECTRICAL field sorry

A long-sought invisible force wrapped around Earth has been detected more than half a century after it was first hypothesized.

99% chance I'm being an idiot here, but, compass?

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Kairos

I think it means the electric field created within Earth's atmosphere that is responsible for lightning as opposed to the (electro)magnetic field which forms the magnetosphere around Earth and makes compasses work.

in reply to Leaflet

"The discussion continued for quite a while without making much headway."

I think Debian is interesting, being such a large project of collaboration. I want this democratic, volunteer, non-corporate backed, free project to show that 10000 eyes make bugs shallow. I wish this model produced new ways of doing things, bringing people together in the spirit of creativity and playful productivity.
I've used Debian in different ways for around 15 years now, and I really want it to succeed.
Having said that, there is a "but..." looming in the back of my mind. But... it's difficult to ignore that other distributions are the ones pushing Linux forward. The innovation from Fedora and the distributions still called OpenSuse explore new areas which become the standards.
This is not criticism of Debian, I just wonder if we humans are capable of collaborating freely at that level without some top-down force directing work forward, or if we are bound to being one step behind, always trying to catch up to what others have already done?

in reply to Leaflet

I'm glad to see were rediscovering what we lost in 2002 when we laid off all our mentors and experts after y2k.

Reproducible builds require complete and consistent validation. The deb format lacks this ability.

Help a noob with jellyfin on Ubuntu server

I'm have some trouble on how to get Jellyfin running on Ubuntu server. I'm Very new to using Linux with the command line so please be patient with me.

i have tried to Duck(duckgo) a solution but i cant find anything that works for me.

If you need some kind of logs please tell me how to get them!

// A very lost linux noob

in reply to upriver4458

We're going to need to know as a minimum:

  • Linux distribution and version
  • Jellyfin install method and version
  • what you have already tried- not sure where all those flags are coming from

I would also support the comments here recommending that you use docker. There's only a small number of Linux distributions and versions where a distribution package installation of jellyfin is fully supported, but even then what you need to do varies across each one. All Linux distributions and versions support docker and the process is essentially the same for all of them.

New Version of Power Profiles Daemon Improves AMD Support

For those unfamiliar with it, power-profiles-daemon is a low-level component to provide power handling over DBus. Ever used the Power Mode options in the Quick Settings menu in GNOME Shell? Those options interface through this.

From 0.22 Release Notes:

Since this release power-profiles-daemon is also battery-level aware and some drivers use this value to be smarter at tuning their optimizations. In particular both the AMD panel power action now uses a progressive approach, changing the the ABM based on the battery percentage.

AMD p-state received various features and improvements:

  • it supports core performance boost when not in power-saver mode.
  • uses minimum frequency to lowest non-linear frequency
  • it is more impervious to faulty firmware and kernel bugs

This should be included in the upcoming Ubuntu 24.10 release.

in reply to pnutzh4x0r

Great news, because I'm sick of having to keep an eye on the out of whack shit the older versions had happening.
in reply to pnutzh4x0r

(This is also used for Plasma's performance profiles, not just GNOME's)

Newgrounds is considering adding activitypub support but is concerned about hosting fees for serving images to millions of people

Original link…

The creator of Newgrounds has considered adding ActivityPub support to join the fediverse but is worried it would make their hosting fees untenable by “serving files to millions of people on third party apps“. Can anyone with more knowledge on how this works help them?…

Having Newgrounds on the Fediverse would be incredible. Newgrounds has a huge art community, many features not available on any platform and has been around the longest (1999)
CC @dansup @Gargron @ruud

Any arguments against separating identity from instance/platform? (single identity across the fediverse)

I am sure it was discussed here before, but I can't find a good way to search this community.

Are there any arguments against having a user's identity federate, and be compatible across platforms?

For example, let us say I sign up with my instance,

But what if I go on mastodon, and I want to have my own micro blog. Or maybe go to write freely and post some blog posts. I'd have to make a different account on each one.

What if mastodon or write freely could just let me log in with my lemmy account (or lets call it federated account). This has several benefits:

  • users don't have to scratch their head on if I am the same person or not across these platforms
  • theoretically, someone following my feed can get updates on what I do on multiple platforms

Now I understand this would be difficult to implement and iron out all the edge cases, but am I missing anything on why it wouldn't be a desirable feature, given it is implemented?

Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source

Yea in theory you wouldn't need the password if you have the private key but here the key is only used for signing, maybe not for login. If it also needs to be backwards compatible. In any case, I don't think user-held private keys is viable.

Sharing with trusted parties... I dunno, I think again it's too technical and complicated to do it. And you'd need people on the platform you trust to already be there.

Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
a bit of text you can send to them by whatever secure side channel you want down to handing them a flash drive

Normal non-technical people are never going to do this. It needs to be easy as clicking a button, otherwise it will never happen for them. Again, this is a neat technical solution but it completely forgets the human.

A Brief History of the Fediverse Symbol

In the development and building of a shared, open, collaborative network, efforts have come and gone over the years for the Fediverse. We dig into the history, various attempts, and some of the ideas people have had.

A Brief History of the Fediverse Symbol

In the development and building of a shared, open, collaborative network, efforts have come and gone over the years for the Fediverse. We dig into the history, various attempts, and some of the ideas people have had.

My first build - Cantor

Finished my first build, it turned out prettier than I expected honestly. I got a diodeless kit because I had never soldered anything before, it was quite a fun learning experience. Also my first mechanical keyboard, I'm really enjoying the feel of the keys (Kailh sunset).

I was really worried about adapting to the column-stagger, I've only used the regular row-stagger before, but after one hour of practice I was already typing at about half my normal speed, so I'm pretty happy.

I do feel that I need wrist rests though. not sure how to fix that yet.

in reply to Panties

Ahh a fellow sunset user. I love those. Zeilo v2 is my favorite switch and the sunsets feel very similar.
in reply to Panties

Did you modify the PCB to accommodate the new microcontroller?
in reply to skulkymonster

Not me, I just bought a kit. I believe the vendor did and have the repo public on GitHub, but I have trouble finding it half the time.

Anybody use micro text editor?

i started using micro and its pretty great. but when i try to open the terminal within the editor


it seems to just open a whole new terminal window with no context within my document.

anybody got ideas?

in reply to HotsauceHurricane

I feel like there is an alternate reality where I use micro.
I remember getting excited when it was first announced, then I just never really needed it.

The Insecurity of Debian

in reply to pnutzh4x0r

Everything has security issues. That's a good thing as it means there are people finding things. I do wish Debian was a little faster on patching things but I also understand that they have a limited number of people. There are thousands on packages and a large amount of new security vulnerabilities. Patching takes man power and they only have so much to go around.

Debian isn't this security mess like this person makes it sound. They can be slow on patches but the reality is a lot of these vulnerabilities aren't getting readily exploited in the wild. Just keep up with the security tracker and follow basic security practices such as least privilege and security in depth.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

in reply to trevor

Thanks for keeping the Lemmy community up to date. Its been cool hearing about how youve grown this project from engine to website to online cloud platform and now a game cohesive enough to sell to a casual steam audience. Congratulations on this achievement. Your passion for backgammon, and this bgammon project, is inspiring.