FEP-7888 and the Add activity
@thisismissem@hachyderm.io in a post yesterday brought back the idea that better post controls could be achieved if the reply were sent to the target only, and the target then forwards it if applicable.
It reminded me of @trwnh@mastodon.social's w3id.org/fep/7888, which attempts to govern a similar flow where a reply is sent to the context owner (instead of inReplyTo
, which I think was Em's intent), and the context owner (and/or originating server) federates out an Add
if approved.
Which got me thinking about whether that federated server could actually send out a Remove
Let's say a reply is made but later on, a mod decides that it is to be deleted. A Remove
would be a way to signal to other instances that the content actually be removed/deleted!
We could even take it one step further; servers will always exist who don't adhere to the philosophy of the context owner approving replies. If they federate their own replies out, the context owner could actually proactively send a Reject
and limit the spread of those replies...
Magical equation unites quantum physics, general relativity in a first
Edit: The paper is total nonsense. Sorry for wasting people's time.
Magical equation unites quantum physics, general relativity in a first
Scientists have finally figured out a way to connect the dots between the macroscopic and the microscopic worlds. Their magical equation might provide us answers to questions like why black holes don't collapse and how quantum gravity works.Rupendra Brahambhatt (Interesting Engineering)
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Maeve and Lasslinthar like this.
The math here is beyond me, but this statement from the paper seems contradictory:
The obtained equation is covariant in space–time and invariant with respect to any Planck scale. Therefore, the constants of the universe can be reduced to only two quantities: Planck length and Planck time.
Planck time is derived from the speed of light and the gravitational constant. So wouldn't there be at least four universal constants?
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KaRunChiy and NoneOfUrBusiness like this.
Yeah , on top of how ad-infested and vague the article is and on top of the discussion I’ve seen about this paper elsewhere, it looks like at least one of the authors, Adrian David Cheok, doesn’t have any physics training according to his ORCID bio or his his wikipedia page, but has dabbled in AI according to the latter.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is just some AI schlock.
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NoneOfUrBusiness likes this.
Yeah , on top of how ad-infested and vague the article is and on top of the discussion I’ve seen about this paper elsewhere, it looks like at least one of the authors, Adrian David Cheok, doesn’t have any physics training according to his ORCID bio or his his wikipedia page, but has dabbled in AI according to the latter.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is just some AI schlock.
Pop sci
The direct article: sciencedirect.com/science/arti… (Jan 2025)
Reddit chatter about it: reddit.com/r/Physics/comments/…
Might be LLM bunk. If you're consuming science news, then first: I recommend PBS Spacetime and second: if a quantum gravity was actually formulated, you'd hear about it there first. It might actually be exciting enough to make CNN.
More to the point though: this sorta thing is too good to be true. Plenty of things are, and are still real. But even still they bear a second glance. This one doesn't pass the sniff test.
No shade to OP. Something like this isn't likey to trip BS alarms unless youre already aware of how big this should be. and it's the kinda thing that isn't sexy enough to grab public attention, which lends some credence.
like, I read a headline like, "FUSION MAKES POWER NOW, FUSION POWER PLANTS EXPECTED NEXT YEAR" and I know it's BS. But part of that is the way it promises to affect your life, and it does do in terms of Fusion, which enough people would recognize so as to make their eyeballs valuable.
This article has neither of those really. So yeah. No shade.
(Edit: guess the words "magical equation" is a pretty quick tip off too lol)
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NoneOfUrBusiness likes this.
I had my suspicions but I wanted to see what others made of it. The headline was obviously dodgy, but that might just have been the reporting rather than the paper. And I glanced at the paper but didn't dig through. Since then I had a slightly more careful poke through it, and sentences like this ring some pretty loud alarms:
The masses of electrons, muons, and tau can be explained by the different curvatures of universe, galaxy, and solar system, respectively.
Anyway, I appreciate your comments and the comments of the person you replied to. I should have recognized this for what it was.
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NoneOfUrBusiness likes this.
The masses of electrons, muons, and tau can be explained by the different curvatures of universe, galaxy, and solar system, respectively.
What the actual fuck? I mean I get that it's a bullshit paper but at least try for god's sake.
Nah, you're doing the right thing: getting input when not sure. That's the way of learning!
Only one request: add the thoughts from this answer to the OP the next time please! Would make reading it a bit easier and better framed, at least for me.
(I.e. "I'm an authority in this field, look at this exciting news!" VS "my bullshit sensors tingle but I don't know enough. What are your thoughts?"
It's utter bullshit from the very start. First, it isn't true that the Ricci curvature can be written as they do in eqn (1). Second, in eqn (2) the Einstein tensor (middle term) cannot be replaced by the Ricci tensor (right-hand term), unless the Ricci scalar ("R") is zero, which only happens when there's no energy. They nonchalantly do that replacement without even a hint of explanation.
Elsevier and ScienceDirect should feel ashamed. They can go f**k themselves.
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massive_bereavement and IAmLamp like this.
‘Sustainable’ logging operations are clear-cutting Canada’s climate-fighting forests
cross-posted from: lemmy.world/post/19517395
With its vast expanses of forest, Canada has the most “certified” sustainable timber operations of any nation, according to the nonprofit organizations that attest to the environmental soundness of logging practices.Such forestry-standards groups were born in the 1990s out of rage over tropical rainforest destruction. Today, they put their leafy seals of approval on toilet paper, two-by-fours and other wood and paper goods to assure eco-conscious consumers and investors they were responsibly produced.
Yet research shows Canadian forests have seen some of the world’s largest declines in ecologically critical primary and old-growth woodlands over the last two decades, even as sustainability-certification programs grew to include nearly all of Canada’s logging.
To track destruction of older woodlands in these certified zones, Reuters analyzed forestry data in Ontario, a major logging province. The analysis found that about 30% of the certified boreal forests harvested from 2016 to 2020 were at least 100 years old. That resulted in the loss of 377 square miles of these older forests, an area the size of New York City and Washington D.C. combined, the analysis found.
GitHub - Rolv-Apneseth/rofi-games: A rofi plugin which adds a mode that will list available games for launch along with their box art
cross-posted from: lemmy.world/post/19516210
Hey! Figured I haven't posted this on Lemmy before so should be OK to share here in case anyone else finds this cool/interesting.This is a rofi plugin for launching your games, simple as that. I built it both because I think it looks cool and to make launching the game I know I want to play faster (no need to navigate the dreaded Steam UI). It parses games from several sources, such as Steam, Heroic Games Launcher, Lutris and Bottles, as well as some modded Minecraft instances (check out the readme for instructions).
The repo can be found here, and there's an AUR package available for Arch users.
Let me know what you think! I haven't built all that much but this my favourite tool that I've created (I am addicted to games).
Looks good. Now I can view all the games I won't ever play in a beautiful menu! /s
For real though, looks good. 🙂
That looks awesome I'll have to give it a go
I guess it just launches the games via the shortcut the same way rofi normally works?
Thanks hope you like it.
It parses files from different launchers like Steam or Bottles preaent on your system, and when the game is selected, it will spawn the command for launching the game directly via e.g. a steam command to launch that specific game ID. It doesn't interact with desktop shortcuts in any way if that's what you mean, though that is how it started
Ahh perfect the desktop shortcut thing was what I was worried about, doesn't seem like an ideal solution
Props to you for making it work with the launchers directly
Two things scare me the most….
Read it on my website (recommended):
Or read it here:
Two things scare me the most, personally. First is death or health related issues. It is normal, if I die I’m fucked for eternity :). I think this is easy to understand for many people.
Second thing that scares me so much is to slip back into the fantasy world that humans created and forget about the amazing reality discovered for the past hundreds of years. To become too normal, even if that can mean to laugh, have fun, enjoy. I am scared of this. I battled this for all of my life trying to inject myself with reality bits and info (atoms, galaxies, evolution, stars and everything real) in the hope that my brain can understand the value of reality. It is hard. It is so hard and it is something I feel not many, if any, understand. It is also something that you can lose very fast, when you “get it”.
I wanted to put a printed Hubble image of the Andromeda galaxy on the ceiling in my room when I was in college so that when I wake up it will remind me of how reality is mind blowing and the human invented one is a simplistic, myopic and colorless at best.
Most humans are today as they were 400, 1.000 , or more years ago. Let’s have a beer, a chat, get married, fuck, have kids, gossip, have fun or war. Not saying some of these are not good or reasonable, but isn’t it mindblowing that not much has changed in the core of our global society and the day to day life of humans for the past 400 years considering in this time we discovered cells, atoms, galaxies, evolution, and everything in between?
To me, this is so odd it creates a turmoil in my head. I think I have an explanation why this is the case tho: an aggressive trade-based society where everyone is a working ant. No time to even know about reality, let alone absorb it.
Reality is shocking, mind-blowing, fabulous, scary, infinitely complex and amazing.
Day to day life in this society is simplistic and almost parallel to reality.
If you don’t fee like losing your mind when you think about this contrast, I don’t think you understand.
#society #trade #capitalism #andromeda #science #TradeRuinsEverything
Just ran through that list of bugs and don't see my issue that happens all the time. I guess I'll have to add a ticket.
My bug is when minimizing and restoring windows (fedora plasma 6 latest version), the first time or two it is smooth, but a few more times and it gets really jerky. It acts like a memory leak somewhere.
It's a great addition. It's a surprisingly powerful aspect of gnome that nobody, not even Gnome, ever seem to talk about.
They really should place a text file in that folder to explain how it works (and of course exempt it as being used as a template)
Sharing a file to your device via KDE Connect no longer breaks after the first time you do it until the app you shared the file from is restarted
Yeah sorta. First you gotta know what the problem is, good luck getting the average user to figure out the UI looks off because of the padding. Then you gotta know where and how you need to change it to make it better.
Customizing is cool for power users that like to fiddle with their settings, however it can't replace good defaults; not that I have anything against the defaults in this case...
Yes, I can't begin to express how much I love 5 cm of whitespace between every setting on Windows Settings pages.
Thanks, Microsoft.
0% fixing the multitude of crippling crashes and bugs that plague the software making it unusable for daily computing.
You say this in the comments of a blogpost where they are precisely doing that

By definition an email server is not under your control, so the question of whether or not it runs FOSS is a bit moot and in any case impossible to verify.
In terms of privacy-respecting email hosting, Proton, Posteo, and Mailbox all spring to mind.
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aramis87, Hegar and bizarroland like this.
Here is the problem with crop quality:
- Most of the purchase decision is what is observable at the store.
- Does it look good.
- What is the price.
- How is the smell, texture, weight...
- Some happens at home, and you might remember for next time.
- How does it taste.
- How long does it last.
- Does it make you feel satisfied.
- It is basically impossible to know how good food was for you.
- You eat a lot of food and the response is delayed.
- Even if you have a response you probably don't properly understand your body.
- In the end most of the "health" of food is just your believes and marketing.
So there is basically no business pressure to have crops be nutritious.
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aramis87 likes this.
But it does boil down to business pressures. The business prefers more and bigger produce to more nutritional produce.
Is that a bad thing? Maybe not. Maybe you can just eat more to get your nutrition since higher yield should reduce cost.
But the point still stands that there is very little business pressure to make a nutritious product.
Even then how you you know? I don't think anyone can reliably look at a vegetable and tell you how nutritious it is. I don't think it is reasonable to have the general population being experts in evaluating vegetables.
I think what could work here is mandated labeling. This is required for most foods but generally not produce. I think there are some reasonable reasons for this, but for farms producing huge volumes it seems that occasional testing that gets reported at the store would make sense.
USSR was founded in 1917 and based on my rough count it looks like majority of the famines in time period were conducted by communists regimes.
This seems like a what aboutism. I am not going to disagree that capitalist regimes didn't cause famines for funsies like like commies did but recent time frame comparisons show communist did do it more frequently.
Especially once you account for the fact that have been very few comminist regimes, and they all of that that came to lower via a "revolution" ie brute force used famine as tactic to pacify the peasants.
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frustrated_phagocytosis and aramis87 like this.
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aramis87 and bizarroland like this.
And, playing the devil's advocate, if you die in your early 60s due to long-term sustained malnutrition that is better for the economy than if you live until you are 80.
They got to do everything they can to prevent them from having to pay back those social security loans they took out and never paid back.
Didn't those SS trust fudn loans were already converted into national debt?
Cure of you to assume boomers ain't gonna go get that money lol
Many vegetables today are either sweeter than their predecessors or less flavorful or both.
Corn, for instance, grows so fast under modern fertilizers that the internal cells split during the growth process.
Their stalks are weaker but their yield has more than doubled since the 80s.
If you want to learn more about that, I can highly recommend the book The omnivore's dilemma. It's fascinating how modern agriculture is so completely divorced from what most people think it is.
In response to the call for action for Palestine, we put up this banner in Queens, New York to connect the struggle here to the valiant resistance in Palestine. While this may be a small symbolic action in comparison to what the fighters are doing in Gaza and the West Bank, we hope they will see this as a salute to their efforts. The work they are doing on behalf of the Palestinian people is felt around the world in struggles that have not yet blossomed, but see the potential in fighting for those who have been systematically oppressed by the United States.
Long live the resistance!
Let the flood of Al Aqsa drown all settler regimes!
Death to the US!
Death to the Zionist entity!
Anarchists in New York
#action #alAqsaFlood #anarchism #nyc #palestine #queens #Solidarity
How Cells Control Gene Expression by Cleaning Up Their Mistakes
How cells control gene expression by cleaning up their mistakes
New research from the University of Chicago shows that alternative splicing plays a much bigger role than expected in controlling gene expression.biologicalsciences.uchicago.edu
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Maeve likes this.
Foxtrotman gripen i Spanien. En 34-årig svensk har gripits i Spanien. Mannen anses ha haft koppling till Foxtrotnätverket. Sen i våras har han varit efterlyst för inblandning i en stor narkotikahärva i Upplands-Väsby där tre kvinnor i olika generationer dömdes för inblandning. En 80-årig mormor, hennes dotter i 60-årsåldern och ett barnbarn.
Developers Want to Support The Steam Deck - The SDHQ Podcast
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.www.youtube.com
Yeah, I can't believe how hard targeting other consoles is for basically no reason. I love this Godot page that accurately showcases the difference:
Currently, the only console Godot officially supports is Steam Deck (through the official Linux export templates).The reason other consoles are not officially supported are:
- To develop for consoles, one must be licensed as a company. As an open source project, Godot has no legal structure to provide console ports.
- Console SDKs are secret and covered by non-disclosure agreements. Even if we could get access to them, we could not publish the platform-specific code under an open source license.
Who at these console companies think that making it hard to develop software for them is beneficial? It's not like the SDK APIs are actually technologically interesting in any way (maybe some early consoles were, the last "interesting" hardware is probably the PS2). Even if the APIs were open source (the signatures, not the implementation) every console has DRM to prevent running unsigned games, so it wouldn't allow people to distribute games outside of the console marker's control (other than modded systems).
So to develop for the Steam Deck:
1. Click export.
2. Test a bit.
To develop for Switch (or any other locked-down console):
1. Select a third-party who maintains a Godot port.
2. Negotiate a contract.
- If this falls through go back to step 1.
3. Integrate your code to their port.
4. Click export.
5. Test a bit.
What it could be (after you register with Nintendo to get access to the SDK download):
- Download the SDK to whatever location Godot expects it.
- Click export.
- Test a bit.
All they need to do is grant an open source license on the API headers. All the rest is done for them and magically they have more games on their platform.
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meticulousmind likes this.
I’ve been using this online editor for a while—good to have a local alternative.
Ranked by complexity:
- Demystify the universe
- Demystify the human brain
- Demystify our sed scripts
Think we should maybe walk before we run here.
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KaRunChiy likes this.
As per blog.gtk.org/2024/01/28/new-re… and phoronix.com/news/GTK-4.16-Rel… :
You can still use either a new OpenGL renderer or the old OpenGL renderer. This can be set with the GSK_RENDERER
environment variable (e.g. GSK_RENDERER=gl
I would assume it will also probably detect unsupported hardware and switch to OpenGL automatically but I don't have any source to back this up.
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Aatube likes this.
Bilhandlare utpressade man. Åtal har väckts vid Malmö tingsrätt i ett utpressningsärende där sammanlagt 23 personer misstänks ha deltagit i ett grovt bedrägeri med inslag av utpressning. En man har under flera års tid tvingats och lurats till att betala cirka tre miljoner kronor till den huvudmisstänkte och dennes nu avlidna pappa.
The New York Times is still an obscenity
Following their re-fashioning Trump’s planned mass ethnic purge of 15 million people as an “affordable housing programme,” they decided to re-frame Hitler-quoting book-burning extremist hate group “Moms for Liberty” as a run-of-the-mill group of “conservative moms” who can “can get a bit carried away” but are mostly “fired-up suburban women.”
The New York Times couldn’t be working harder to normalise literal fascism if they tried, and oh wait, they absolutely are trying.
They’re absolutely part of the problem. If we hadn’t already ditched ’em, we’d be doing it now.
62 days remain.
Tre personer åtalade för skjutning i Örgryte. Kvällen den 28 mars 2024 besköts en lägenhet i Torp som är en del av Örgryte med flera skott. Nu har tre personer åtalats för inblandning i skjutningen.
Lemmy wouldn't really takeoff to replace Reddit until it's content is search indexable
cross-posted from: lemmy.world/post/19004972
Let’s be honest, the real reason Lemmy build most of its traffic is because of Reddit users. But the thing is, outside of the mass exodus in the west that too from the PC era.. people discover and join Reddit not because it’s another social media like Facebook or Twitter that people need to reserve their usernames on like a brand or celebrity but because Google Search is kinda… actually absolute trash by SEO and machine learning crawlers.
Most of the world (I am from India btw, hello~) join or even discover reddit because they’re trying to search for actual solutions, recommendations, advice or even reviews by actual experienced people without having to go through another YouTuber which can stem from troubleshooting a router, finding an actual FOSS option or seeking immediate solutions to the recent CrowdStrike fiasco for example. After having to visit reddit every time whenever using a search engine including for education to career advice, I ended up directly signing up with reddit a decade ago.
Recently, Reddit even restricted its search results to Google only in a business partnership meaning those using Bing, DuckDuckGo to Ecosia or even SearchGPT wouldn’t be able to access Reddit answers anymore. Say, if someone searches for how to block ads on chrome as example - Solutions like uBlock Origin come into existence and continue to exist because of the combined community in Reddit that Lemmy is trying to preserve.
Unlike others, am not saying Lemmy would be dead but it would be pretty much like Discord-Telegram or Tumblr instead of wiping Reddit or correcting Facebook. Reddit is not something you discover from word-of-mouth or join from peer pressure unlike other social media which is even truer for Lemmy but because it actually helps and is useful to people.
Lemmy can’t be taking the path of 𝕏 (Alone Mask’s Twitter) but any of the good platforms were before the Enshittification with Facebook’s way~
There's no objection here https://www.google.com/search?q=Lemmy+wouldn’t+really+takeoff+to+replace+Reddit+until+it’s+content+is+search+indexable
An example fix from over a year ago github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ui/i…
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jwphinia likes this.
Exactly and for the same reason Lemmy won't become as big as it has the potential to become. "Join Lemmy!" "How?" "Go to one of hundreds of websites and join and you'll have access to the Lemmy content the admin decided you could have access to... Oh and people logging in from those other sites might not have access to the content on your site so you might not be able to interact with a big chunk of users unless it's on a website that is connected to both your site and the site your site isn't connected to so choose the site you create your account on wisely! Makes sense?"
Also, even if you find results through searching, it sucks that it probably brings you to an instance that isn't yours so you have to figure out a way to open the link from your own instance in order to post in the discussion... That is, if you actually can from the instance you're signing in from!
it probably brings you to an instance that isn't yours so you have to figure out a way to open the link from your own instance
This is a pretty much a solved problem, the solution just needs to be promoted more, perhaps even on the join-lemmy page.
Do any of the apps do better with search?
something on your end? my top result is from lemmy.world
maybe try opening the link in Private Mode or Incognito
It’s not really about the name, people are just too lazy to switch app and they don’t care about the greedy Reddit’s CEO trying to make money in every possible way. Last thing I read about him was his idea to put some subreddits behind a paywall.
I was still using the Reddit app but with some tweaks installed on iOS to block ads, otherwise every app that it’s full of ads it’s just unusable.
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TVA likes this.
Even taking only English speakers into account, it isn't a bad name. It's a simple word, it sounds like "let me" (good association - unlike... GIMP), at most it might evoke you Lemmings.
And once considering other languages it's actually better than plenty brands out there, including Reddit, Facebook or Twitter. By sticking to CV syllables there's less room to butcher it into unrecognisability.
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TVA likes this.
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TVA likes this.
There are MANY reasons that Lemmy won't replace Reddit.....the list is almost endless, with each individual reason not being a hurdle on its own that can't be solved. However the combined number of problems is just mind blowing.
There is one chief problem that sums up all the little problems quite nicely. It's the Fediverse culture. It's somehow a platform that is designed to be open and free, but because of the userbase comes off as a walled garden. If you're not a programmer, or a linux user, or have techie interests, it's not the platform for you. And in order to even be comparible to reddit, it has to be a platform for everyone.
As it stands though, Lfmmy is a disjointed, unorganized mess that if you aren't part of their clique, you're not welcome. If you say anything bad about linux, or star trek, or github, you get downvoted to hell. Ask me how I know.
Oh, and for the record, linux is ALSO a confusing hot mess for the average person. But until linux developers accept this, and make a linux distro that is as easy to understand as windows, it's userbase will remain something akin to a rounding error for windows userbase numbers. And I'm saying that as someone who's remaining on Windows 7, because everything since has been hot garbage.
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TVA likes this.
No. My post got 40% down votes. One particular user insisted that I was using Samsung flaws as an excuse to like the iPhone. That I should admit that I just wanted an iPhone and my criticism towards Android were invalid.
I felt like talking to cultists. But I don't think mods needed to involve. Lemmy is what it is.
Sad to hear.
But I don’t think mods needed to involve.
I think they should to an extend, especially if the topic is Apple, being Apple to like Apple products seems like an evidence.
That's a cool idea. There have been somewhat related discussions, but I can't find any exactly like that. Maybe you should file an issue on GitHub for them?
I've seen your post. Ouch - you stumbled upon some nasty circlejerking there. On multiple levels.
Plenty people here expect you to treat their "vision" as above everything else. Including your agency ("free will"), issues that you might want to solve, etc. That makes them unable to tell the difference between "criticising Apple" (a fair thing to do) versus "treating someone who bought an iPhone as an emissary of Satan" (what they're doing against you).
To make things worse plenty muppets there are putting words in your mouth, regarding Samsung vs. Apple.
If it's any consolation, it isn't just Lemmy. The whole internet of the 20s feels like this nowadays.
TL;DR: I know that feel, bro.
If you say anything bad about linux, or star trek, or github, you get downvoted to hell
If not simply moderated out of the community because 'fostering dialogue is an important goal'.
If you’re not a programmer, or a linux user, or have techie interests, it’s not the platform for you.
There is a group of people who created a community here because their sub got banned. They cannot be more far from linux or tech, still they do well, their community is active and they are able to discuss.
Sometimes I feel like the complexity of Lemmy is exaggerated. People ask you about it, "go to Lemm.ee, use it the same way as Reddit. And as Reddit, don't hesitate to block political communities"
People said the exact same thing about reddit being only good for technology enthusiasts and porn in the early days.
In my experience that is just how it goes on the internet. Nerds, furries, and porn collectors, are the early adopters for most places. The normies follow along years later.
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TVA likes this.
Oh, and for the record, linux is ALSO a confusing hot mess for the average person. But until linux developers accept this,
I've heard the same kind of stuff about lots... lots of things that "will never catch on". Every one of those doomsayers were wrong. Some of them unfortunately, but still, they were all wrong.
I’m from Connecticut and once had a serious problem with a person my company insured from North Carolina. He was talking to me about what caused his accident and I kept hearing “tar” instead of “tire.” We were equally qualified as native speakers.
If you’re concerned, you can listen to more Indian English, because familiarity should ease any understanding difficulties in the future.
I had already spent years doing occasional side work with around a dozen if not more folks originally from India. Most, except the oldest of the elders spoke good if not excellent English. But there's pretty much always gonna be at least a subtle accent, if not a heavy accent with secondary languages.
I thought I understood the fella clearly, but it was both a combination of his accent plus the strange sentence structure context that threw me totally off.
He said he was 'updating his tiles', but I misunderstood his vowels, so I heard 'updating his towels'
And why the hell would he use the word updating, he was literally having all the carpet removed in 44+ rooms and having tiles installed, not 'updated'.
So even the context clues didn't add up, I never guessed he was talking about the tile work he had been planning for months.
Twitter has been turned into a dumpster fire and people are still using it because of convenience, the same applies to Reddit.
I left Reddit not just because of the CEO but also because of the awful app they forced their users to use full of ads.
Spez (or one of their admin monkeys) perma-banned me from Reddit after like 7 years, for of all stupid things, posting actual facts about Elon Musk and his Boring Company's "Not A Flamethrower" contraption.
Wasn't any hate speech. Wasn't misinformation, I even posted reference links. Wasn't anything inappropriate or gory. Just straight up facts.
That was not all that long before Elon bought Xhitter.
Gotta love the irony huh? Fuck Spez and Musk.
Even if it's indexed, there's no single website to search for so even if I add "Lemmy" to help, it won't look for content where Lemmy isn't mentioned.
The mistake that was made was making the decentralization something that affects the front end. If the backend was decentralized and the front end was a single default website with people being able to create alternatives (but everyone being guaranteed access to all the content), that wouldn't be an issue. We could tell new users "Sign up on Lemmy.com and if you decide you don't like the UI just choose an alternative and use the same credentials to sign in." No one would know you're using a different UI, all content would be searchable by adding site:lemmy.com to your query.
That's why you make the backend available to all to develop a front end, but there's a default option just called Lemmy that helps solve the indexing and getting people started issue. If the Lemmy default option becomes shit the data is still available and something else becomes the default option.
A bit like Jerboa is the official app, but everyone can develop an alternative... Get rid of the instances and make all content available no matter where you sign up from and let the users curate their feed, you get rid of the admins completely, only moderators continue to exist.
I agree it gets complex for users. But pushing back a bit, wouldn’t we instead say:
We could tell new users "Sign up on Lemmy.com and if you decide you ~~don't like the UI~~ aren’t a pedophile just ~~choose an alternative and use the same credentials to sign in~~ make sure you start blocking."
I have in mind that the top blocked instances are pedo oriented. Also seems like it would create a liability issue for servers mirroring that content.
Although it’s not a perfect solution to choose a default instance for new users, I do think it’s a powerful question to eliminate.
Lemmy won't catch on until there are groups of communities you can ban at once. Sports, Linux, German, pervy anime... It's a very rare user who will put up with the absolute dreck of the initial feed and manually block communities until they have a feed that's marginally personalized.
Then there's the fact that any communities that are specific to peoples interests are completely empty.
Then there’s the fact that any communities that are specific to peoples interests are completely empty.
Those should be locked, and redirect to more generic active communities for the time being.
Any example in mind?
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Chozo and magnetosphere like this.
Very true. But that's what we can create whole instances for: to be the site you think will attract the users you want. With curated feeds, less pervy content, whatever.
There's nothing stopping anyone from starting a whole new world they want to see in the fediverse. Lemmy and other fedi apps are built like this for that very purpose.
That level of feed curation will appeal more to the masses, yeah. Just no one has started an instance like that yet. Although you seem like the perfect person, based on your analysis and responses. 😉
Bluesky is closer to what you're describing. The platform is more centralized and the feeds are more curated for the masses.
I mean it predates a lot of the pervy anime, but Usenet looked the same at the start with lots of Unix/computer boards and an alt.
Computer enthusiasts gonna enthusiastically talk about computers. People who pick up and move to a new platform are likely to be united around being technically competent enough to get there first, and everything else second.
Why rely on google which is going down on reliability so quickly.
What we need is a GOOD lemmy based search engine. Which I think is entirely possible with current lemmy implementation.
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TheNickOfTime likes this.
And how exactly do you plan to reach this high quality elite content without search engines?
"[search term] reddit" has been a top search since OpenAI decided to open the SEO bot floodgates.
I mostly agree with the OP, it would be great if Lemmy had more sources of newbies than just "pissed off redditors". (I have further reasons for that, but they don't matter here.) As such I'll focus on specific tidbits here and there.
The content is indexable (by Google), but your point stands as it sucks. It's hard to reliably find Lemmy content by it.
Do you - or anyone here - have a good idea on how to solve that? Someone suggested a Lemmy-based engine; it's tempting but it wouldn't help if the person doesn't know about Lemmy already.
Reddit is not something you discover from word-of-mouth or join from peer pressure
It used to be like this. "Stumbling" upon the site was only a thing later, as it had already enough content to become a source of info.
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TheNickOfTime likes this.
type site:lemmy.world
in front of your search if using google. You can combine multiple instances with the OR operator ie site:lemmy.world OR site:programming.dev
this will force google to give you content only from your desired domains but lemmy.world posts will likely trample the other instances for a lot of stuff.
We're becoming a little centralized (which I personally don't find to be such a bad thing yet).
I'm aware of the site:example.com
google feature. And, while useful for users who already know about Lemmy, it doesn't help to recruit new users, and that's a main point of the OP.
About centralisation: that "yet" is key. Putting all your eggs in the same basket is not a bad thing... until someone drops the basket, you know?
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TheNickOfTime likes this.
Yeah clerk.
What’s the point on commenting on something when you know you’re gonna be the only one doing it.
So I guess a few more people would be nice on Lemmy.
Are you here for political discussions?
- if yes, find communities that align with your views. !worldnews@lemmy.world is very different from !worldnews@lemmy.ml and !globalnews@lemmy.zip
- if not, block them
On Reddit there are plenty of examples of subs with "eat the rich" content: reddit.com/r/trolleyproblem/co…
For the vegan thing, the vegans went to another instance, what would you have preferred to happen?
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Noxious likes this.
sunzu2 likes this.
Oh, that's a throwback. The internet and "nerd culture" used to be somewhat more exclusionary now that I reminisce a bit.
Mike Macgirvin 🖥️
in reply to julian • • •Last year, I moved conversations into Collections identified by the context element, and we only accepted Add/Remove activities for collections from Collection->attributedTo. All submissions were made to them and only to them.
We previously sent replies only to the thread originator - a concept for restricted access conversations I came up with about the same time the Diaspora folks did. We kept it for a number of years even though Mastodon didn't support it, but moving conversation threads into a simple collection management operation not only makes sense, it bloody works brilliantly and co-exists with microblogging. It also co-exists with FEP-7888.
in reply to Mike Macgirvin 🖥️ • • •infinite love ⴳ
in reply to silverpill • • •silverpill
in reply to infinite love ⴳ • • •>In a constrained conversation, the target->id and the context are identical.
would be identical tooinfinite love ⴳ
in reply to silverpill • • •Mike Macgirvin 🖥️
in reply to infinite love ⴳ • • •I would be happy to consolidate, but I think the chances of some large percentage of the fediverse choking badly on an array for the context element are pretty high. Same reason I don't use an array in an actor 'url' field. It's a few years since I tried this, but 2/3 of the fediverse projects at the time couldn't deal with it and nobody bothered to fix it for years because "Mastodon doesn't do this, so you must be doing something wrong."
Anyway, I'm retired from the fediverse shit-show now. Y'all can do what you want. But please implement comment control. It isn't a "feature" - it's basic online security (except for some freespeech folks who still think everybody with an opinion or a dick has some God-given right to shove it in your face).
The fediverse you save might be your own.
Bill Statler likes this.