The Failed Migration of Academic Twitter
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cohost to shut down at end of 2024
cohost to shut down at end of 2024
also the August 2024 financial update, but I’m trying not to bury the lede. Hi everyone, We have come to the decision to cease operations of cohost and anti software software club due to lack of funding and burnout.cohost dot org on cohost
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Are there any communities dedicated to product reviews?
cross-posted from:
Is that something people would even need/want here?
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I've lost trust in reviews in general but am interested in repairable products. For TVs/screens I like rtings. Youtube covers a lot of products.
What kind of stuff are you thinking about?
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I'm thinking generally about electronics, because I like tech stuff, but I don't see a reason to limit it to just that category. The idea of a federated review system is kind of what I'm getting at, with the posibility of encompassing things like design, collaboration, speculation for ways to improve, (repairability would be a great thing to cover as well, but I'm not extrememly savvy when it comes to repair!)
I think that a federated library of product reviews/discussions could be a great resource.
I agree. The best option now is to look for specific sources of trustworthy reviews.
Regarding rtings, the two monitors I purchased myself had completely different results from the monitor RTINGS showed. What does that say? RTINGS is totally unreliable? I got ridiculously unlucky?…
Next generation internet (NGI) je pobuda Evropske komisije, katere cilj je oblikovanje razvoja interneta v internet zaupanja. Interneta, ki se odziva na temeljne potrebe ljudi, zaupanje, varnost in vključenost.
NGI Zero je skupno neprofitno prizadevanje koalicije organizacij za podporo razvoju skupnih tehnologij kot gradnikov pobude Next Generation Internet. NGI Zero vodi fundacija NLnet, ki jo ustanovijo pionirji evropskega interneta za podporo razvoju odprte informacijske družbe.
NGI Zero podpira razvoj in raziskovanje strateških tehnologij, predvsem razvoj proste/libre/odprte programske opreme in strojne opreme ter vzpostavitev odprtih standardov in odprtih podatkov - tehnologij, ki jih lahko vsakdo uporablja, preučuje, spreminja in deli za kakršen koli namen. Prek petih programov financiranja se več kot 50 milijonov evrov dodeli stotini neodvisnih raziskovalcev in odprtokodnih razvijalcev, ki razvijajo projekte, ki prispevajo k bolj odprtemu in dostopnejšemu internetu.
Predstavljeni bodo projekti, ki jih NGI Zero finančno podpira, in programi financiranja pod okriljem NGI Zero.
Na koncu pa še vabilo, k prijavi svojih projektov na razpise v okviru NGI Zero.
Predstavitev pripravlja Lio Novelli, regijski predstavnik NGI Zero, soavtor radijske oddaje Tehnoklistir, član kolektiva kompot in Drupal razvijalec.
Vabljeni na c| srečanje №19: Internet naslednje generacije - Predstavitev programa NGI0
Dobimo se 4. novembra ob 17:00 v @muzej
@len bo predstavil »Internet naslednje generacije - Predstavitev programa NGI0«, kaj ima NLnet pri tem zraven in kako sodelovat.
Potem pa bomo planirali #HackerTrain to #FOSDEM. Zadeva BO! (kmalu kako bookat)…
👆 več info & pofočkaj se
#Kiberpipa #Cyberpipe #FOSS #OSHW #NLnet #NGI0
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Linux's Bedtime Routine
How does Linux move from an awake machine to a hibernating one? How does it then manage to restore all state? These questions led me to read way too much C in trying to figure out how this particular hardware/software boundary is navigated.
Linux's Bedtime Routine
How does Linux move from an awake machine to a hibernating one? How does it then manage to restore all state? These questions led me to read way too much C in trying to figure out how this particular hardware/software boundary is
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Palli hjá Mariannu P/f är ett stort pelagiskt fiskeriföretag i Klaksvík på Färöarna. Det har flera dotterbolag såsom frá 5. juni 1992 P/f med de två fiskeriföretagen P/f Hvalnes och P/f Christian í Grótinum. Dessutom äger företaget 30,3% av fiskberedningsföretaget Pelagos P/f. Övriga ägare i Pelagos är Sp/f Framherji, P/f Havsbrún and P/f Enni.
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Allt fler barn begår mycket allvarliga brott som skjutningar och sprängningar. Ibland leder det till mord. Sådana brott förtjänar hårda straff skriver Annie Crona i ETC. Det gör det inte alls. Barn förtjänar aldrig hårda straff. Straff leder nämligen inte framåt. De leder inte till ett bättre samhälle eller att barnet får ett bättre liv. Istället […]
Contribute at the Fedora Linux 41 i18n and Tuned Test Week - Fedora Magazine
Contribute at the Fedora Linux 41 i18n and Tuned Test Week - Fedora Magazine
Fedora test days are events where anyone can help make certain that changes in Fedora work well in an upcoming release. Fedora community members often participate, and the public is welcome at these events.Sumantro Mukherjee (Fedora Project)
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New app allows you to track the number of fucks you have given over time
Fucks Given lets you keep track of the things that made you care. Whenever something happens that you needlessly concern yourself with, jot it down with a tap. The app creates a chart of how many fucks you’ve given, so you can work to give none.
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What's the confusion? Maybe I can help.
Did you realize it was working backwards?
What does “experimental color management” mean? Is that HDR support?
Can anyone expand on that?
Its not for everyone, same as any other DE. I will say on portable devices it can be nice for staying out of the way.
Extensions are fairly easy to use too. Let's you add and customize stuff. Honestly just spin up a fedora VM and see for yourself?
It's nothing like the beloved gtk of old, but I don't always agree with the hate.
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GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar: Key features, spread, and implications for preempting evidence manipulation | HKS Misinformation Review
GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar: Key features, spread, and implications for preempting evidence manipulation | HKS Misinformation Review
Academic journals, archives, and repositories are seeing an increasing number of questionable research papers clearly produced using generative AI.Magda Tarnawska (HKS Misinformation Review)
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It can write simple well known stuff. But as soon as you ask it more difficult things to code, it falls apart.
Also, a program is not just 1 or 2 functions. It consists of a ton of code that needs to work well together has specific conditions it needs to meet for the program to work as expected.
I can ask it to write me a function that adds numbers, or do something with a well known python library. Or write some html code to display some shit. But writing an entire program is not easy.
Gpt just combines certain things it knows about. It does not know what the rest of your program is like or the software yours needs to work with. What it contains or what expectations need to be met.
Its like making a robot put a slice of cheese on bread and thinking it will replace a chef.
Just as what the article is about, it knows how to write a lot of bullshit and make it believable. The same goes with code. But things that have been written a million times before are easy to copy.
in reply to Stopthatgirl7 • • •like this
Aatube, osaerisxero, Someplaceunknown, goldenbug and echomap like this.
in reply to Sundial • • •Oh, right. Like that’s gonna help. Pfft.
(How was that)
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Aatube, osaerisxero, Someplaceunknown, goldenbug and echomap like this.
in reply to Optional • • •like this
osaerisxero, Someplaceunknown and goldenbug like this.
in reply to Sundial • • •Nonsense. If they were perfect, wouldn’t they have used a question mark? Your judgement of character is laughable. What empirical evidence is there that they are perfect?
(How was that?)
in reply to fartsparkles • • •palordrolap
in reply to Sundial • • •"Hurt me, daddy."
"OK, now you've made it weird."
"Aw yeah, that's the stuff."
in reply to Sundial • • •like this
Someplaceunknown and echomap like this.
oce 🐆
in reply to Stopthatgirl7 • • •like this
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in reply to oce 🐆 • • •like this
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in reply to TheTechnician27 • • •I tried that. No one ever really joined. I tried posting content, and no one ever engaged with it.
Guess theres not many childcare educators on Lemmy as the reddit community is always super active.
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originalucifer and celeste like this.
in reply to Quokka • • •I honestly wouldn’t expect to see a lot of that, being that in my anecdotal evidence the majority of K-12 educators would likely fall under a more generalized population, than what lemmy currently is, which is generally very technical and STEM oriented.
All the other subs on Reddit didn’t exist until general population got pulled in with memes, and started partaking in communities there. Lemmy is just like Reddit was, when Reddit was young.
Blaze (he/him)
in reply to Quokka • • •oce 🐆
in reply to TheTechnician27 • • •pandapoo
in reply to oce 🐆 • • •News, tech, left-wing politics, memes, anime, and porn are Lemmy's biggest community types.
I know a lot of different subtopics fit under each, and I'm sure I left a few top level subjects out, but my point is that there are a lot of mid-sized, and especially smaller (by Reddit standards), subreddits that Lemmy is no where near being remotely useful as a replacement for yet.
I have community subreddit collections that I don't see Lemmy replacing anytime soon. I mean, I hope they do. I still check every so often, and yes, communities for them exist and they have maybe a few dozen users, but not enough to even try to just suck it up and deal.
in reply to Stopthatgirl7 • • •like this
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in reply to lolola • • •maegul (he/they)
in reply to lolola • • •I don't think this is true, maybe not at all.
Academia, by its nature, is socially exclusionary. So what they want/need is the ability to have flexibly closed spaces as well as very public spaces. Big-social never really provided that and in many ways I think academia is being kinda left behind by social media.
in reply to lolola • • •like this
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in reply to catloaf • • •catloaf
in reply to lolola • • •maegul (he/they)
in reply to Stopthatgirl7 • • •Reality for mastodon, I think, is that the "migration" is basically over, and has been for over a year now. The Brazilian move to BlueSky (and not mastodon) highlights it very well.
Recalibrating on what we want and can do with the fediverse, as well as how central we want the mastodon project to be, are the best things to do now.
For me, it seemed like Gargron didn't really know how to speak about the lack of a Brazilian migration to mastodon in favour of BlueSky, and handle a new moment of actually dropping in popularity or perceived relevance (having been the underdog then rising start for a while), which I take as a cue that being the dominant center of the fediverse isn't a natural fit for Gargron and his project, to the point where the fediverse may have just outgrown it.
So, random thoughts:
... show more* I think de-emphasising mastodon as the fediverse's big player and surest means of gaining users is likely a good idea in the medium to long term. Replacing twitter for twitter users is now something others do substantially better: Threads and Blue
Reality for mastodon, I think, is that the "migration" is basically over, and has been for over a year now. The Brazilian move to BlueSky (and not mastodon) highlights it very well.
Recalibrating on what we want and can do with the fediverse, as well as how central we want the mastodon project to be, are the best things to do now.
For me, it seemed like Gargron didn't really know how to speak about the lack of a Brazilian migration to mastodon in favour of BlueSky, and handle a new moment of actually dropping in popularity or perceived relevance (having been the underdog then rising start for a while), which I take as a cue that being the dominant center of the fediverse isn't a natural fit for Gargron and his project, to the point where the fediverse may have just outgrown it.
So, random thoughts:
* I think de-emphasising mastodon as the fediverse's big player and surest means of gaining users is likely a good idea in the medium to long term. Replacing twitter for twitter users is now something others do substantially better: Threads and BlueSky. While I'm not sure Mastodon, or its decentralisation, offers anything particularly novel, different or attractive. If anything, its lack of compatibility with other fediverse platforms is likely a negative.
* More broadly, a focus on microblogging is best de-emphasised, for the same reasons as above. Conspicuously, mastodon is the only platform that's really trying to replicate twitter-style microblogging. Just about every other platform tries to go beyond it in some way.
* Instead, IMO, community building through richer and more flexible platforms is what the fediverse should focus on, in large part because it matches what the fediverse's decentralisation actually provides: control and ownership over your community.
* Indeed, I think the fediverse needs to kinda wake up to what it really is. So much of the advocacy during the twitter migration was pushing the idea that the decentralisation doesn't really matter (and "it's just like email") and can be ignored for the most part.
* In reality, it does matter and can't be easily ignored. And the world has more or less realised that, with mastodon (and the fediverse) now suffering from a branding issue.
* So I say the way forward is to accept what decentralisation is and either add an additional layer to polish the UX, or lean into it and build on it rather than pretend this place is something else.
* By community building, I mean "flexible space creation" that likely translates to a range of relatively composable features, structures and content types and formats. Basically, stop rebuilding big-social style platforms, and build "humane spaces" that more or less comprise any/all of the formats of the existing platforms in a way that people can use however they want.
* Unfortunately, this is likely not trivial, at all, and would likely require better organisation amongst those contributing to the fediverse, and perhaps improvements to the protocol itself.
As for the threadiverse (lemmy, piefed, mbin, nodebb etc), it's always struck me that group based structures (EG, lemmy communities) seem to work better over federation. Account migration from instance to instance is simpler, in part because the user is not the central organisation. Which instance you're on doesn't really matter that much. Also, blocking a whole community seems a useful middle ground between blocking a user and defederating a whole instance at the instance level, and ditto with community level moderation which can operate over federation. Additionally, the little technical talk I've seen on the issue seems to indicate that moving a community from instance to another might actually be quite viable.
If true, then community building might be best started with the group based platforms. Maybe an ecosystem of formats that involves all of them other than microblogging might work well?? Perhaps user-based content could take on a different structure from what microblogging does ... perhaps something like what BlueSky does could be adapted to fuse user-based structures into group-based platforms like lemmy (IE, your content exists in a pod which you can own and which is portable, which is then sucked up into various public feeds depending on what permissions you provide)??
Things like private communities, group chats, blogs, wikis (and RSS feed management?) intuitively seem to me to pair well with group-based platforms and community building.
in reply to maegul (he/they) • • •maegul (he/they)
in reply to technomad • • •technomad
in reply to maegul (he/they) • • •maegul (he/they)
in reply to technomad • • •Yea ... I suspect it's a protocol problem more than any one platform, because there's just too much flexibility in the protocol and so any inter-platform transfer is necessarily noisy. Multiplied by the number of platforms, and you get quite a bit of noise.
To your point though, a new platform that kinda does it all on its own could likely take off quite well and then set a new de facto standard around how to do things. Bonfire seemed to be that, and may still be. AFAIU, they're trying to solve performance issues right now before properly opening up.
in reply to maegul (he/they) • • •Could be, but I kind of feel like the protocol might be close enough and that it just needs the right implementation. I think Kbin almost had it, but just needed more refinement.
I'm definitely excited for bonfire though, seem like it's got tons of potential!
in reply to maegul (he/they) • • •The best we can do with current tools is just trying to tie multiple platforms/views together I think. runs a bunch of different services under the same umbrella like that, and I’ve setup something similar on /
I think having communities that consist of a group of fediverse services like that are probably the way forward in the short term. I kinda want to package that up as a ‘Verse as a Service sort of thing, but I’m still not sure if anybody will be willing to pay for it.
maegul (he/they)
in reply to patrick • • •Definitely interesting idea (I hadn't really quite seen it formalised like this)! I've kinda had vague similar-ish thoughts along these lines too.
Any chance you'd be willing to go into any more detail, or point to specifics? I'm not familiar with what's going on over on bestiver or in the way of service-type things.
in reply to Stopthatgirl7 • • •like this
echomap, originalucifer and RandomStickman like this.
maegul (he/they)
in reply to kbal • • •In general, this is true of the broader population as a whole. Mastodon got the size that it's an actual place (and I think this applies to lemmy/threadiverse too). But it's by no means "THE place" or even categorically a big public place. More like old-school forums that have a particular user base and vibe that you visit from time to time.
For the fediverse, the "migration" was exciting and successful, but compared to big-social, a drop in the ocean. And the biggest clue for that is that the people most excited about Threads joining the fediverse are Evan (author and lead "advocate" of ActivityPub) and Gargron (masto CEO/founder) ... they want to taste that big-social scale and know that they don't have it and likely never will.
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in reply to kbal • • •As much as people around these parts despise algorithmic feeds, I suspect an algorithmic feed would've worked far better in this situation to feed all academic based content to someone immediately on account creation if they show interest/ follow peers in the field.
This would've helped the migration since they most likely don't know the accounts of the Twitter accounts posting academic content as that was algorithmically fed as well. I'm really doubtful it's a problem with decentralization, seems to me mastodon had a problem with both not having a critical mass and the content that was there wasn't easy enough to find.
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originalucifer likes this.
in reply to Stopthatgirl7 • • •The problem with comparing "engagement" across platforms is that it is never apples to apples. My experience on Mastodon has been that the engagement is lower in quantity, but much higher in quality. The number of meaningful and thoughtful engagements is much higher. The number of enduring connections is much higher.
If you want to interact with people who are seeking your exact content, if you want to build fidelity, if you want more meaningful comments and to build community, there is no better place I've found than Mastodon.
Social mass media favors "influencers" who create content that has broad appeal, but no depth or meaningful engagement, or else ragebait that attracts conflict and repetitive comments.
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originalucifer and aasatru like this.
in reply to gedaliyah • • •I don't have experience with Twitter or Mastodon but it reminds me of time when I quit drinking.
When I quit drinking and tried to stay around people I used to drink with, I realized really fast how pointless this "engagement" (really just two people speaking past each other, and feeling like they have deep conversation) is. It's almost insulting what a waste of effort such an "engagement" can be.
in reply to Stopthatgirl7 • • •I gave in to peer pressure and finally got Twitter right before shit completely hit the fan, even though I was already uncomfortable with it. I already had a Mastodon user, but not under my real name.
Then, during the exodus, I created a Mastodon user for academic use. This was a few months before defending my PhD in social sciences.
For a while, I was posting the same content on both platforms. On Twitter I am followed by a lot of people in my field, and many of them are still active. On Mastodon, there's like.. two active people specifically in my field.
Still, whenever I post anything both places, I have gotten more interactions on Mastodon than on Twitter. On Twitter a couple of people see it and boost, and they can be somewhat central in the field. But then it kind of deflates. On Mastodon, I get boosts from the ones there in the field, people in adjacent fields (for example the #rstats crowd), interested people from civil society, commentators, a real variety of people. Hell, the other day I was boosted
... show moreI gave in to peer pressure and finally got Twitter right before shit completely hit the fan, even though I was already uncomfortable with it. I already had a Mastodon user, but not under my real name.
Then, during the exodus, I created a Mastodon user for academic use. This was a few months before defending my PhD in social sciences.
For a while, I was posting the same content on both platforms. On Twitter I am followed by a lot of people in my field, and many of them are still active. On Mastodon, there's like.. two active people specifically in my field.
Still, whenever I post anything both places, I have gotten more interactions on Mastodon than on Twitter. On Twitter a couple of people see it and boost, and they can be somewhat central in the field. But then it kind of deflates. On Mastodon, I get boosts from the ones there in the field, people in adjacent fields (for example the #rstats crowd), interested people from civil society, commentators, a real variety of people. Hell, the other day I was boosted by a folk singer I've been a fan of for years but that I didn't even know was on there.
Meanwhile, I occasionally check the temperature on Bluesky, and I bridge my posts there. Many in my field signed up while it was invite only. Some of them posted one or two posts back then. I haven't seen any actively since, and nobody from my field has followed my bridged account - but one R stats person has.
I guess they must be on Twitter still, if they are anywhere.
Anyway, point is, my field indeed failed to migrate. But I still achieve more by posting on Mastodon than on Twitter.
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in reply to cabbage • • •matcha_addict
in reply to Stopthatgirl7 • • •Many people will always be obsessed with "engagement", and there's no saving them. They've been under the influence of big tech social media for too long, and it becomes an addiction.
The fediverse is an option to get away from this, but it certainly is not a cure. The only cure is the willingness to help yourself and change.
You know who else is obsessed with engagement? Clickbait authors