See Saturn at its biggest and brightest tonight before its rings 'disappear' in 2025
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It seems that Lemmy has dropped to 28k Monthly Active Users according to
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What happened with active users on Lemmy?I just noticed that active users on Lemmy got slashed, what happened?
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) discovered a distant galaxy, JADES-GS-z13-1-LA, that emits a type of light called the Lyman-α emission line. This light is usually blocked by the intergalactic medium (the space between galaxies) and has never been seen from a galaxy this early in the universe's history, just 326 million years after the Big Bang
This discovery is puzzling because it challenges our understanding of how light travels through space and how early galaxies formed. Scientists are now trying to figure out why this galaxy's light isn't blocked like others.
We're essentially seeing hydrogen in a galaxy that is technically too young to have it.
KDE Plasma 6.1.5 Released with More Bug Fixes for Plasma 6.1 Users - 9to5Linux
KDE Plasma 6.1.5 Released with More Bug Fixes for Plasma 6.1 Users - 9to5Linux
KDE Plasma 6.1.5 is now available as the fifth and last maintenance update to the KDE Plasma 6.1 desktop environment series.Marius Nestor (9to5Linux)
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Sp/f Framherji är ett färöiskt fiskeriföretag som idag ägs av Framholding Sp/f (66,67%) och Framinvest Sp/f (33,33%). Framholding Sp/f äger i sin tur 53,85% i Framinvest Sp/f medan Rósa Olsen, Jógvan Ingvard Olsen, Helena Olsen och Durita Olsen äger 11,08% var. Men Framherji var en gång en del av Samherji.
Dansk man gripen i Dubai. Mannen anses vara ledare i en grupp som allierat sig med det kriminella svenska nätverket Rumba har gripits i Dubai. Mannen är 30-årsåldern och misstänks för att ha spelat en central roll i den pågående konflikten mellan LTF och det nätverk som kallas Unknownteam som består av danska allierade med Rumbanätverket.
Les contribateliers sont des ateliers conviviaux où chacun·e peut partager ses outils libres préférés et y apprendre à y contribuer ! Cet atelier est plus spécifiquement dédié aux photos. Vous avez pris des photos cet été, de bâtiments, de lieux ou de plantes ? Venez découvrir comment les verser à Wikimedia Commons pour alimenter une base de photos sous licence libre !
Cet atelier se déroule à Hyperlien, à Nantes !
Seeking up to three Steam Deck owners to help playtest backgammon game on Steam
The Failed Migration of Academic Twitter
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Many people will always be obsessed with "engagement", and there's no saving them. They've been under the influence of big tech social media for too long, and it becomes an addiction.
The fediverse is an option to get away from this, but it certainly is not a cure. The only cure is the willingness to help yourself and change.
You know who else is obsessed with engagement? Clickbait authors
cohost to shut down at end of 2024
cohost to shut down at end of 2024
also the August 2024 financial update, but I’m trying not to bury the lede. Hi everyone, We have come to the decision to cease operations of cohost and anti software software club due to lack of funding and burnout.cohost dot org on cohost
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Are there any communities dedicated to product reviews?
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Is that something people would even need/want here?
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I've lost trust in reviews in general but am interested in repairable products. For TVs/screens I like rtings. Youtube covers a lot of products.
What kind of stuff are you thinking about?
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I'm thinking generally about electronics, because I like tech stuff, but I don't see a reason to limit it to just that category. The idea of a federated review system is kind of what I'm getting at, with the posibility of encompassing things like design, collaboration, speculation for ways to improve, (repairability would be a great thing to cover as well, but I'm not extrememly savvy when it comes to repair!)
I think that a federated library of product reviews/discussions could be a great resource.
I agree. The best option now is to look for specific sources of trustworthy reviews.
Regarding rtings, the two monitors I purchased myself had completely different results from the monitor RTINGS showed. What does that say? RTINGS is totally unreliable? I got ridiculously unlucky?…
Next generation internet (NGI) je pobuda Evropske komisije, katere cilj je oblikovanje razvoja interneta v internet zaupanja. Interneta, ki se odziva na temeljne potrebe ljudi, zaupanje, varnost in vključenost.
NGI Zero je skupno neprofitno prizadevanje koalicije organizacij za podporo razvoju skupnih tehnologij kot gradnikov pobude Next Generation Internet. NGI Zero vodi fundacija NLnet, ki jo ustanovijo pionirji evropskega interneta za podporo razvoju odprte informacijske družbe.
NGI Zero podpira razvoj in raziskovanje strateških tehnologij, predvsem razvoj proste/libre/odprte programske opreme in strojne opreme ter vzpostavitev odprtih standardov in odprtih podatkov - tehnologij, ki jih lahko vsakdo uporablja, preučuje, spreminja in deli za kakršen koli namen. Prek petih programov financiranja se več kot 50 milijonov evrov dodeli stotini neodvisnih raziskovalcev in odprtokodnih razvijalcev, ki razvijajo projekte, ki prispevajo k bolj odprtemu in dostopnejšemu internetu.
Predstavljeni bodo projekti, ki jih NGI Zero finančno podpira, in programi financiranja pod okriljem NGI Zero.
Na koncu pa še vabilo, k prijavi svojih projektov na razpise v okviru NGI Zero.
Predstavitev pripravlja Lio Novelli, regijski predstavnik NGI Zero, soavtor radijske oddaje Tehnoklistir, član kolektiva kompot in Drupal razvijalec.
Vabljeni na c| srečanje №19: Internet naslednje generacije - Predstavitev programa NGI0
Dobimo se 4. novembra ob 17:00 v @muzej
@len bo predstavil »Internet naslednje generacije - Predstavitev programa NGI0«, kaj ima NLnet pri tem zraven in kako sodelovat.
Potem pa bomo planirali #HackerTrain to #FOSDEM. Zadeva BO! (kmalu kako bookat)…
👆 več info & pofočkaj se
#Kiberpipa #Cyberpipe #FOSS #OSHW #NLnet #NGI0
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Linux's Bedtime Routine
How does Linux move from an awake machine to a hibernating one? How does it then manage to restore all state? These questions led me to read way too much C in trying to figure out how this particular hardware/software boundary is navigated.
Linux's Bedtime Routine
How does Linux move from an awake machine to a hibernating one? How does it then manage to restore all state? These questions led me to read way too much C in trying to figure out how this particular hardware/software boundary is
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Palli hjá Mariannu P/f är ett stort pelagiskt fiskeriföretag i Klaksvík på Färöarna. Det har flera dotterbolag såsom frá 5. juni 1992 P/f med de två fiskeriföretagen P/f Hvalnes och P/f Christian í Grótinum. Dessutom äger företaget 30,3% av fiskberedningsföretaget Pelagos P/f. Övriga ägare i Pelagos är Sp/f Framherji, P/f Havsbrún and P/f Enni.
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Allt fler barn begår mycket allvarliga brott som skjutningar och sprängningar. Ibland leder det till mord. Sådana brott förtjänar hårda straff skriver Annie Crona i ETC. Det gör det inte alls. Barn förtjänar aldrig hårda straff. Straff leder nämligen inte framåt. De leder inte till ett bättre samhälle eller att barnet får ett bättre liv. Istället […]
Contribute at the Fedora Linux 41 i18n and Tuned Test Week - Fedora Magazine
Contribute at the Fedora Linux 41 i18n and Tuned Test Week - Fedora Magazine
Fedora test days are events where anyone can help make certain that changes in Fedora work well in an upcoming release. Fedora community members often participate, and the public is welcome at these events.Sumantro Mukherjee (Fedora Project)
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