Evan Prodromou Launches The Social Web Foundation
Evan Prodromou Launches The Social Web Foundation
In a gesture that's been a long time coming, Evan Prodromou, co-author of the ActivityPub protocol, has launched The Social Web Foundation. The organization aims to tackle the various headaches and chSean Tilley (We Distribute)
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Fitik, ShaunaTheDead and 𝔻𝕚𝕖𝕘𝕠 🦝🧑🏻💻🍕 like this.
Would be very interested to know if Meta (listed as a "partner" organization) is providing financial support, like how fellow partner the Ford Foundation lists a $50k grant[1] in February 2024 to the Exchange Point Institute, which is the "fiscal sponsor" of the Social Web Foundation
Smartphone liberi e guida per tutti su GrapheneOS
L'avventura di Piersandra la porta a scoprire un nuovo negozio nella sua città dove trova smartphone mai visti prima.
Il negoziante, dal nome molto particolare, le mostra che esiste un'alternativa al duopolio di Google ed Apple in ambito smartphone. Lei rimane incuriosita e approfondisce uno dei sistemi operativi alternativi con cui è possibile avere maggior controllo su Google: GrapheneOS.
Ho da poco pubblicato un simpatico racconto di oltre 1 ora di lettura dal linguaggio semplice e comprensibile a tutti. Il racconto parla di smartphone con sistemi operativi alternativi e l'approfondimento riguardo uno di questi, ovvero GrapheneOS. L'obiettivo è sensibilizzare sul tema della privacy le personi comuni che non masticano troppo l'informatica!
È diviso in due parti:
- la prima parte descrive il contesto degli smartphone e introduce il personaggio della storia: Piersandra. Viene spiegato bene quali sono i modi per limitare lo strapotere di Google sugli smartphone.
- la seconda parte è invece proprio una guida dalla A alla Z del sistema GrapheneOS
Sarei molto felice di ricevere pareri, opinioni, feedback, critiche costruttive e in generale commenti sul racconto! Questa è la versione 1.0 della guida, insieme possiamo migliorarla!
Element Starter: open source meets on-premise collaboration
After trying to understand if Synapse was still the preferred community method for Matrix after the post on Element X/ESS, I thought I'd share this.
Element Starter is a game-changer, offering a free (as in beer) self-hosted version of Element Server Suite. It is a lightweight version of the officially supported Kubernetes-based components found in our paid packages (Business, Enterprise and Sovereign) - the very same stack used to power the biggest Matrix homeservers in the world; built by the team who created Matrix.Element Starter is designed to allow anyone in the world (who doesn’t need to start with our powerful paid-for enterprise features) to adopt Element Server Suite for free. This option gives them all the real-time communication functionality they expect from a leading messaging and collaboration app with the added benefit of self-hosting to ensure data ownership and control, while building on a wrought-iron foundation which is futureproofed for commercial support and features on demand.
Really surprised I can't located migration methods anywhere, though. And that all the Element X app repos are still labeled pre-release but the blog says they are production ready.
Edit: This does require sign in and terms of use agreements, so I'll be sticking to my Synapse docker container for now.
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ShaunaTheDead likes this.
Premises: a house or building, together with its land and outbuildings (properties).
Premise: an idea, theory, or theme that forms the basis for a statement or action.
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timlyo likes this.
GE-Proton9-14 Released
- Update wine to latest bleeding edge
- Update dxvk to latest git
- Update vkd3d-proton to latest git
- Update dxvk-nvapi to latest git
- Import upstream proton changes
- Update mono to 9.3.0
- Rebase wine-staging
- Added god of war ragnarok SteamDeck=1 workaround (thanks UserNamesAreNotMyThing)
- Added Star Citizen libcuda nvidia fix (thanks ProjectSynchro)
- Added fix for Plain Site (thanks iodream)
- Added fix for Worms: Blast (thanks iodream)
- Remove deprecated Sleeping Dogs: DE fix
- winetricks now built from source
- Elden Ring fix updated (thanks UserNamesAreNotMyThing)
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NodeBB v4.0.0 Beta
Last friday I quietly tagged a commit on the activitypub
branch with v4.0.0-beta.1
, which signals that the ActivityPub integration is now ready for beta testing.
For the most complete (yet readable) list of new functionality from the alpha, check out the "Road to Beta" project page.
tl;dr — some new features and a lot of fixes
- Editing a category now issues an
is now populated and responds with an OrderedCollection of direct replies (see the post about that)- Proper
support - Better indicators for content that comes from non-local (aka "remote") users
- Conversational
synchronization mechanic (corresponding post for that) - Moving a topic out of the "uncategorized" category will now federate out an
By and large most incompatibilties have been resolved, although if you do find some issues, please do let me know in the corresponding bug report thread.
I'm looking to wrap up the year with some of the more difficult projects I've put off
* Object Integrity Proofs, which will also enable Inbox Forwarding
* Better handling of "Open in App" signals from third-party instances
* Post visibility support (or at least better handling so non-public messages aren'y unceremoniously dropped!)
* Ongoing integration with FEPs 400e and 7888
Fediverse Report reshared this.
Grovt dataintrång utfört av Iran påstår Säpo. Irans säkerhetstjänst har genomfört en specialoperation mot mål i Sverige. Det påstår i alla fall Säpo. Genom ett grovt dataintrång tog hackare över en svensk sms-tjänst och skickade 15 000 meddelanden med uppmaningar om hämnd mot koranbrännare. Enligt åklagare var målet att skapa splittring i det svenska samhället. Det visar en svensk förundersökning som nu är nedlagd.
Beslut utan konsekvenser om fisket i EU. Idag finns en begränsningsregel om fiskekvoter i EU som i princip säger att allt riktat fiske efter bestånd som riskerar kollaps kan stoppas helt. Den har i princip aldrig haft nån praktisk betydelse och det fanns ett förslag om att ta bort regeln. Förslaget röstades dock ner i fiskeriutskottet i EU.
Announcing: frog-protocols for wayland
From the repo
Wayland Protocols has long had a problem with new protocols sitting for months, to years at a time for even basic functionality.This is hugely problematic when some protocols implement very primitive and basic functionality such as
, which is needed for VSync to not cause GPU starvation under Wayland and also fix the dreaded application freezing when windows are occluded with FIFO/VSync enabled.We need to get protocols into end-users hands quicker! The main reason many users are still using X11 is because of missing functionality that we can be shipping today, but is blocked for one reason or another.
Mesa MR to add support for the 'frog-fifo-v1' protocol :(github.com/misyltoad/frog-prot…)
GitHub - misyltoad/frog-protocols
Contribute to misyltoad/frog-protocols development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
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imecth, Virkkunen and ShaunaTheDead like this.
Yay, another set of protocols that will just lead to more and more fragmentation.
You do acknowledge one issue with Wayland, probably the biggest issue with Wayland, but then fail to acknowledge the second biggest issue with Wayland being fragmentation.
Solve one issue by making another issue worse.
Wayland's approach has always been to make 3rd party protocols easier to opt in and out of. Sway and Hyprland both used custom protocols whilst official solutions were being designed iirc. Nothing stopping anyone from switching from one protocol to another if they implement the same thing down the line.
At least this way, compositors may be able to use something like frog as a shared "experimental branch" which can be enabled for users who need them, but otherwise disabled whilst Wayland core isn't pressured to work faster.
It's up to Wayland to make these projects obsolete if it causes them or users a problem.
that's just the thing, This is again, more fragmentation, Some compositors support always on top, some don't, you choose x protocol for your app, and now your app works great on sway, but not on KDE or gnome, or it works great on gnome and not kde or sway etc. As an app developer the situation is a bloody joke. My current stance is "just use xwayland because wayland will never be suitable" and thankfully with cosmic and kde both supporting "don't scale xwayland" this seems to work well.
EDIT: they also make enough deviances from the upstream protocols that this can't really be considered a "experimental branch"
EX: github.com/misyltoad/frog-prot… vs gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland…
I like the approach here, but the requirements are a little vague and prone to bikeshedding. Stuff like "could this be used by multiple clients" might mean a protocol is held in limbo whilst it's given extra scope for example.
It'll need some strong moderation which might rub people the wrong way, but if this keeps Wayland's cutting edge moving whilst the official solutions are found, I'm all for it.
Octopuses and fish caught on camera hunting as a team (ft. octopus punching fish)
"Octopuses normally hunt alone, but footage captured by divers has revealed that they can collaborate with fish to find their next meal. The videos, described today in Nature Ecology & Evolution (citation 1), show that the different species even adopt specific roles to maximize the success of joint hunting expeditions."
Associated research article (open access):
Sampaio E et al. Multidimensional social influence drives leadership and composition-dependent success in octopus–fish hunting groups. Nature Ecology & Evolution (2024). doi.org/10.1038/s41559-024-025…
Same news that was independently reported by Science News (might need membership):
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Earth may have breached seven of nine planetary boundaries, health check shows
Earth may have breached seven of nine planetary boundaries, health check shows
Ocean acidification close to critical threshold, say scientists, posing threat to marine ecosystems and global liveabilityDamien Gayle (The Guardian)
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originalucifer, Atelopus-zeteki, aramis87, Maeve, willismcpherson and ShaunaTheDead like this.
Sorry to be a pessimist, but, I truly believe Earth will smother the vast majority of humanity within 6-10 years. I'm squeezing in as many adventures as I can until then.
Good luck y'all.
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Maeve likes this.
Announcing: Frog Protocols for Wayland
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Virkkunen and ShaunaTheDead like this.
Unauthenticated RCE vs all GNU/Linux systems to be fully disclosed in 2 weeks with no working fix yet
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dhhyfddehhfyy4673 and ShaunaTheDead like this.
A 9.9 is pretty bad no matter what. They wouldn't rank it almost a 10 if it was some obscure bug that is very hard to exploit.
With that being said it is hard to know without details
This link should be working.
Quoting from the OP tweet:
* Unauthenticated RCE vs all GNU/Linux systems (plus others) disclosed 3 weeks ago.
* Full disclosure happening in less than 2 weeks (as agreed with devs).
* Still no CVE assigned (there should be at least 3, possibly 4, ideally 6).
* Still no working fix.
* Canonical, RedHat and others have confirmed the severity, a 9.9, check screenshot.
* Devs are still arguing about whether or not some of the issues have a security impact.I've spent the last 3 weeks of my sabbatical working full time on this research, reporting, coordination and so on with the sole purpose of helping and pretty much only got patronized because the devs just can't accept that their code is crap - responsible disclosure: no more.
Since this affects Linux and others, I'm guessing this is about OpenSSH. But I'm not very certain. Just can't think of another candidate.
But holy sh, if your software has been running on everything for the last 20 years
This doesn't sound like glibc as someone in the thread guessed.
Could be quite a few different things.
Could be the kernel itself, gnupg, openSSH or even bash.
But we won't know for sure, until it's publically disclosed.
Could be the kernel itself
Wouldn't make sense to me because the thread says GNU/Linux and others, though this could relate to Android or distros not using any GNU.
Usually not exposed to the network though, but it's generally a mess so wouldn't be too surprising
Another candidate I have in mind is ntpd, but again that is usually not easily accessible from outside and not used everywhere, as stuff like systemd-timesyncd exists.
Just want to stress that I'm not sure about it being OpenSSH, it was more supposed to be a fun guess than a certain prediction
I can't think of anything except the kernel that is genuinely obligatory on all Linux systems, including embedded. Not glibc (musl). Not udev (mdev). Not systemd (OpenRC/runit/etc). My guess is that this is another exploit of something the reporter hasn't realized isn't mandatory because they're not familiar with non-mainstream distros. I suppose it could be a kernel issue that Android has specifically patched, but if that's it it'll be fixed in short order.
In other words, not exactly holding my breath.
If it's only GNU Linux - and not regular Linux - then we know it's not the Linux where the issue occurs.
(Just analyzing what's said. It's probably all linuxes if it's not a glibc issue)
It says GNU/Linux but also says "and others" which could mean anything. eg doesnt specify if something like Alpine would be affected—is that "and others"?
In any case, I'll wait 2 weeks and find out.
Looks like its out there now:
Short version (correct me if I'm wrong):
If you have CUPS service cups-browsed on your machine and you for some reason exposed that to the internet (port 631), you are about to get pwned.
EDIT: It also requires the user to print to the malicious fake printer.
Disappointment? Only if you mean the person that came up with FoomaticRIP.
For those who did not read the entire thing, it's a so called "filter" that converts the document before it's sent to certain nasty types of printers. Except it's not executed on the print server. The unauthenticated print server can just ask a client to run it on their side. And it's designed to be able to execute ANY command.
Getting very close?
At this point they should just have that announcement when they actually have the thing.
God idk what version I'm even using. I never update programs like this unless I have to. From breaking things, to confusing my workflow and moving things around; I've always been more frustrated than thankful. I haven't updated Reaper in ages too and I'm certain they're better about keeping continuity than anyone.
Edit: lol people are mad about my own software updating habits? why and how are .worlders this way? I can't imagine the realities they live in, and am glad so
Maybe some people just click dislike because it has lots of dislikes? Who knows :)
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originalucifer likes this.
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we may see more US politically motivated investment to stay ahead in the game vs our global enemies.
Yes Boeing et al should be given more taxpayer money to waste like
Ain't the free market grand
This is expensive cgi, it screams it.
Not quite sure why they made it but someone needs to be convinced of something for sure.
(Just compare it to any footage of SpaceX landings, this video is far to clean, the sky alone is "perfect")
SaltySalamander likes this.
I'm thinking of building a PC - any advice?
My laptop is running out of storage space and I don't have anything I can remove anymore to increase it by much, so I'm thinking about building a pc. I'd also like to find a better gpu for doing video editing.
It will be the first one I've built, so I don't really know what I need. Also, does it matter for compatibility for Linux whether I go with AMD or Intel?
The high end of what I want to use it for is video editing with Kdenlive or Davinci Resolve, some modeling and animation in Blender, and some light gaming, like Minecraft or TUNIC.
I figure one of these guides might be useful, but I don't really know which.
Is there anything else I should know for setting up a PC to run Linux?
Edit: Maybe these guides from Logical Increments can help actually.
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offendicula, ShaunaTheDead and bizarroland like this.
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Tech Cyborg reshared this.
Just don’t bother with a 13th/14th gen intel right now. Either go 12th gen intel, or straight up AMD which is what I’d recommend.
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rem26_art likes this.
Uh… are you not aware of the catastrophically bad lithography issues Intel has had lately across both the 13th and 14th gen, and the subsequent ass-tier fashion in which they handled it?
Do not buy a 13th or 14th gen Intel CPU.
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imecth likes this.
Whatever you do, do not get an Nvidia GPU. I've only ever had problems with Nvidia drivers on Linux. Meanwhile, the AMD drivers (both the ones baked into the kernel and proprietary) work nearly flawlessly.
Intel's most recent generation of CPUs were also frying themselves and Intel (at least last I checked) were not accepting RMAs from affected customers. Something to consider for your CPU at least.
pcpartpicker.com is a good place to start and can help you know if specific parts are compatible but it's just a place to start and is often still missing important info.
So you still need to do due diligence and do things like check measurements to make sure, for example, your video card will actually fit inside your case, etc.
Also, since its your first time, you want to avoid any motherboards that require you to do a BIOS update to handle a newer processor, because that's just complicated stuff that you're going to want to skip as a beginner.
It's more expensive but go for a newer motherboard that is compatible with your processor out-of-the-box. BIOS updates are a pain and scary even for advanced users.
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rem26_art likes this.
High use Blender users tend to avoid AMD for the reasons you point out.
This leads to less updates due to amd users not being to interested in the community.
It is an issuw without any practicle solution. Because as I need a long overdue update. Again nvidia seems the only real choice.
Everyone is sorta forced to do that unless we can convince amd users to just try out blender and submit results.
So hi any AMD users who dont care about blender.
Give it a try and submit performance data please.
I'd avoid a 13th or 14th gen Intel processor right now because they've had a lot of problems with their manufacturing process. Otherwise, there's not really much difference between AMD and Intel in terms of like, OS compatibility or anything.
I've done some basic work with Davinci Resolve on linux and I haven't really had any issues with my Radeon 7800XT. I can't really speak for using the proprietary drivers for AMD, but with the open source drivers, as long as you install rocm-opencl through your package manager, Davinci Resolve should be fine. Overall, I'd recommend an AMD GPU.
Edit: You mentioned blender in a comment. For AMD's open source drivers you'd need to install rocm-hip for Cycles to work
Edit 2: I hadn't tried blender in a bit and I realized apparently at least on Fedora 40, you also need rocm-hip-devel at least as of 09/24/24 for supported AMD GPUs to show up in Blender. Idk how that would translate to other distros
PC Part Picker is good cuz when you start a new build, you start with the CPU and then it'll only show you parts compatible with that CPU. As someone else mentioned tho, its not perfect and you still may want to check clearances between parts, like that your CPU cooler isnt too tall for your case, or that your Power Supply isnt too long (been there, lmao)
From my own personal experience with buying brand new RAM and it being bad a few times, I'd probably run memtest86+ for a few hours once the computer is together to make sure that the RAM actually works. You can download the linux ISO w/ GRUB option and make a bootable flash drive out of that and let it run. Afterwards, I usually install my OS. Might save you a few headaches down the road if you get into your new OS and things behave strangely, but its up to you.
Other than that, the setup shouldn't be too hard.
- Stay clear from nvidia. AMD if you buy a graphics card, if you just use integrated graphics both AMD and Intel are fine
- When picking a motherboard, look what wifi chipset is used and check Linux compatibility. Some wifi chipsets require to manually install drivers, and some just don't work at all
ebay, ebay, ebay (and also pcpartpicker).
Unless you want to frag people at 4k@140Hz in the latest AAA game, you probably don't need the latest generation components (and I'd say your requirement are quite low here, consider how the only thing you complain about is storage space).
Unless you really want to assemble everything by yourself, consider buying one of the second-hand, previous-gen gaming rigs on ebay (but watch out for scams!). Even if you do want to assemble the PC yourself, consider buying used parts on ebay (or buying a full PC to cannibalize reselling the excess).
What are the specs of your current rig?
Except for storage, are you satisfied with how it runs?
How much storage do you need for the projects you are working on? How much to archive things?
Do you want to do anything about backups?
Is a full size tower ok?
How good a video do you want?
What is your budget?
Here's a video with some good builds at different price points. That should be a decent starting point.
As you have in your post, Logical Increments is a good place to start.
As others have said, AMD is your best bet currently, mostly because of raw performance compared to recent Intel offerings. If you have no limited budget or power requirements, here are my recommendations:
If you have the paid version of Davinci Resolve, AMD does not have the best selection of hardware encode/decode options, but people have reported that Intel Arc GPUs work, so I would get and Intel A310 as a secondary GPU if that is something that you need.
If you want the best of the best GPU, without going Nvidia, the AMD RX 7900XTX is it. Also, AMD has stated publicly that they are moving away from high-end GPUs, so there probably won't be a better one coming out anytime soon.
If you want to plan for more gaming than you stated in your post, the Ryzen 7800X3D is the best gaming CPU on the market, so I would get that. If you plan to focus on video editing, the 9950X is the best, but probably not worth the cost compared to cheaper 9000 or 7000 chips.
If you go with a Ryzen 7000 or 9000 CPU, get DDR5-6000 CL30 memory.
If you're getting an air cooler for your CPU, don't pay more than $50. There are a ton of great, cheap options these days.
Get either the new Antec Flux Pro case (when it's available, probably this month) or the Fractal Torrent if you care about best thermals and quiet operation. Everything else is a compromise.
If you need HDMI 2.1, you'll need a DP -> HDMI adapter on an AMD GPU because of a licensing squabble.
Those are things I could think of off the top of my head. I don't think I missed anything big.
What's ROCm? Lol
ROCm is basically AMD’s GPU compute system, like CUDA but worse but better because the card is actually usable for desktop stuff.
However, they only support it on specific distros, and they’re really weird about what cards they support. This should be changing soon - Debian’s been working on packaging it natively, and I think so has Fedora.
Some build advice:
- Be safe - don't wear socks, stand on a hard floor if possible, ground yourself if you have a wrist strap for that, and discharge any static by touching metal and/or the case before touching any components. And no matter what, DO NOT open the power supply, and definitely don't touch anything in it!
- The huge motherboard connector probably requires more force than comfortable.
- Watch through at least one build guide before starting. That way you know the process.
Hope that helps, and don't let it scare you away - it's really fun to do and if you're careful, chances are nothing major will go wrong.
I built my current PC using one of those PCPartPicker guides, and I'm very happy with it.
The only issue I had was the video driver. I use the Linux Mint Long Term Support version, and the kernel didn't have a recent enough driver for my card. I just needed to switch to the latest kernel and it was good to go. I actually had no idea how to troubleshoot it, and went to the LM forum to ask for help. I was reading through the guide on what info to supply with help requests and realised that the example fault and solution were the exact ones I was facing!
I've noticed that when I am specking out a new computer I typically fall into the trap of wanting the absolute best computer I can get for the money.
I've always been on the cheaper side, so I have found myself spending days or weeks researching various parts at various quality levels at various prices.
It becomes a huge drag.
Set the budget that you're comfortable with, find the motherboard that has the features that you want, then get a CPU that fits in that price range, a case that fits your use cases, and then if you're going to splurge on anything splurge on the power supply as a good power supply can last you through multiple computers.
If you have to save money somewhere, save money on RAM as you can always order more or upgrade the rim that you have relatively inexpensively. Maybe if you're going intel, purchase an i5 CPU and then consider upgrading if you max out its abilities or you find yourself frequently running at 100% utilization.
And don't overlook pre-builts. There are lots of refurbished computers that you can purchase for far less than the cost of the individual parts that have all of the minimum specs that you want in exchange for little things like only having a single stick of ram or having a low quality SSD.
There's nothing that stops you from upgrading later should your use case change.
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bizarroland likes this.
I've used Logical Increments in the past and found it very useful to meet a budget. Now I aim for "price to performance" sweet spots (since GPU prices have been crazy I'm now well overdue for a new GPU).
Both CPU manufactures are changing their naming schemes (to make it difficult to know what it is, I wish this was hyperbole). GPU manufactures also make some weird choice on naming GPUs (same-name GPU with different VRAM). Reading/watching reviews of specific parts will likely be the best way to know what you aught to buy.
If you're confident in your technical knowledge or want to then narrow down your choices then I would recommend watching videos from:
- (GPU, CPU, Case)
- (GPU, CPU, Case, Monitor) Hardware Unboxed and .
For a casual overview of CPUs/GPUs video review I'd recommend something like Linus Tech Tips (even with the prior controversy).
GPU go with AMD, I don't think I need to give much explanations here.
CPU you can do either, BUT AMD is usually better for multi-threaded applications (like video editing, modeling or animation), also an AM5 slot should last you years to come, AMD stayed with AM4 for a long time (I had most of the same PC for almost a decade thanks to that, it's still the same AM4, but I had to replace the MOBO since the old one broke). So I would also choose AMD here, although Intel is not bad either, and if you get it in a sale it might come out cheaper.
My first question is about your laptop; is the SSD removable, because if so, even a pretty large SSD is cheap these days.
Also, the GPU question is complicated. For most use cases, AMD is better on Linux. However, since you’re doing Resolve and Blender, that gets a bit murky. It depends on if ROCm support is less dismal on later AMD cards - I have an RX 580, which AMD quickly dropped support for and I am bitter about.
This is not to say I like NVidia, but for fast video encoding and rendering, as far as I know, it’s the easier option. Someone correct me if I am wrong, please.
As for actually building the thing, you’d start by look for what CPU you want, then find a compatible motherboard, then read the board’s compatibility list for RAM. They usually have compatibility lists for storage - those don’t matter, as it’s pretty universal. Then choose a graphics card, a case with the right form factor, a PSU, and a cooler. I tend to go with liquid cooling, as it’s not that expensive anymore.
Like others have said, check kernel support for your hardware, but also, it’s generally much easier on desktop. The main things to look out for are ethernet and WiFi controllers. By the way, what distro do you prefer, because that’s definitely a factor.
you are getting advice that will make a good gaming pc but not a good workstation for what you said you're gonna do.
do the opposite of what most everyone in this thread is saying:
intel over amd (this could actually go either way depending on the price point), nvidia over amd, start at 32gb of ram and go up from there. prioritize cores over threads, sneak a rotational hard disk in, spend more on your power supply than you planned to.
plan on not using wayland.
I am not going to fight you on if x is better than Wayland.
The ops use case involves operations, software and hardware that function best with x.
The op should avoid Wayland.
The op asked for help to make their experience as painless as possible and listed two primary use cases that not only are often related to the problems people encounter with Wayland but function best with hardware that is also related to the problems people encounter with Wayland.
If someone said they need to haul hay I wouldn’t say “try it in your Saturn first and see if it works!” I’d say “make sure you have a truck or a trailer.”
The harm is in setting a person up for failure when they asked for help.
You mainly want to be able to do 3d and video editing right?
Those two, specifically with davinci resolve and blender, work best with nvenc and libcuda(?), the software libraries that let you take advantage of your nvidia cards encoders and cuda cores.
So if you were building for that workload, you’d have an nvidia card and many problems people encounter in Wayland come from using it with an nvidia card.
So yeah it’s the nvidia support. Most people will say “fuck nvidia, just don’t buy their hardware” but it’s the best choice for you and would be a huge help, so choosing between Wayland and nvidia is a no brainer.
It is a bummer that you’ll need to install x specially, but I’d be really surprised if there isn’t decent support for that.
There’s always the hope that Wayland will get better over time and you’ll be able to use it in a few years.
E: a word on encoding: both amd and intel CPU’s have video encode and decode support, but the intel qsv is more widely supported and tends to be faster most of the time. When people suggest intels arc gpus they’re saying it because those gpus use qsv and for a video editing workstation they’d be a good choice.
Part of the reason I put intel and amd cpus on an even footing for you is because any cost savings you get from going amd would likely be offset by the performance decrease. Theres some good breakdowns of cpu encoder performance out there if you want to really dive in, it remember that you’re also in a good place to buy intel because of the crazy deals from sky is falling people.
That kinda ties into the cores over threads thing too. If your computers workload is a bunch of little stuff then you can really make hay of using a scheduler that is always switching stuff around. One of the things that makes amds 3d processors so good at that stuff is that they have a very big cache so they’re able to extend the benefit of multi threading schedulers up to larger processes. You’re looking at sending your computer a big ol’ chunk of work though, so you’re not usually gonna be multithreading with that powerful scheduler and instead just letting cores crunch away.
Part of the reason I didn’t suggest intels arc stuff is that you’re also doing 3d work and being able to take advantage of the very mature cuda toolchain is more important.
Plus nvidia encoding is also great and if you were to pair it with an intel cpu you could have the best of both worlds.
You’re really looking to build something different than most people and that’s why my advice was so against the grain. Hope you end up with a badass workstation.
For DaVinci Resolve, you will need an nvidia gpu, even their amd support is half-ar3ed, and intel doesn't work at all (they don't support it under linux, while they do on windows). So you need to decide if you're going to use resolve, or kdenlive (that works with everything, since it's not really accelerated -- it's slower (their acceleration is buggy)). However, if you're going with nvidia, you will probably experience problems on the everyday desktop. So I'd suggest an amd gpu and cpu possibly.
Alternatively, just get a refurbished Dell laptop, or an older Zenbook. These usually work great with Linux.
Blender and DaVinci Resolve work better on Nvidia. AMD might work, but it will be a hassle and you'll likely need the proprietary AMD drivers anyway.
With Nvidia supporting Wayland and the open-source NVK continuing to get better, you could even switch to open source drivers for gaming at some point, if you prefer.
Edit: I've had enough issues with AMD GPU's clocking down while gaming, leading to micro stuttering. So don't buy AMD just because everyone tells you they work flawlessly.
For CPU and mainboard, everything works well — just don't buy a random unknown SSD from Amazon, then you're asking for data loss and random issues.
Not sure if this would help, but I found this channel helpful for understanding the basics and mostly avoiding wrong parts. Also he has some videos were he explains why you should choose one part over another.
Hovrättsdom om mord i Huddinge. Svea hovrätt har idag meddelat dom i ett mål om mord i Huddinge. Mordet har utgjort en del i en våldsam konflikt mellan två olika kriminella grupperingar med rötter i Södertälje.
China Is Rapidly Becoming a Leading Innovator in Advanced Industries
China Is Rapidly Becoming a Leading Innovator in Advanced Industries
There may be no more important question for the West’s competitive position in advanced industries than whether China is becoming a rival innovator.Robert D. Atkinson (Information Technology and Innovation Foundation | ITIF)
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ShaunaTheDead likes this.
Foreigners from outside assaulted the wholly innocent local and German population? Please don't let the AFD* hear about that!!1 😱
(AFD is a far-right/right-wing populist political German party which try blame foreigners for all violence happening there and who proclaim that all "foreigners" are "Messermänner", i. e. men who violently attack everybody with their knifes who don't agree with them in all their views.)
PS Sorry, could not resist. But that indeed is quite an interesting article. Thanks!
- Cool story. I liked it, and the visual of the skullbone with an arrowhead in it was welcome, as well as sufficiently out of context not to feel gruesome.
- I think the headline of "Europe's Oldest Battlefield" is more likely to be accurate than the article's "world’s oldest battlefield," but there may be some nuance of meaning (oldest with war dead actually found in situ?) I'm missing. Neat thing to learn about either way.
- The iamverysmart contingent that refuses to read the entire articles is out in full force in the Gizmodo comments, with several people suggesting that the foreign arrow heads were from trade ("The foreign arrowheads have not been found in tombs in the Tollense area, indicating that the arrowheads from elsewhere didn’t simply make their way to the region through trade."), and several others musing on what the metal arrowheads might have been made of ("The arrowheads were flint and bronze.").
As the team noted in their paper, no helmets and breastplates typical of the time have shown up from archaeological excavations of the site, so more digs may be necessary to reveal more about the ancient combatants at Tollense, the remains of many of whom remain on the site.
Probably picked clean after the battle. I would think scavengers knew that this was a location that yielded scrap metal following the battle.
Lettuce eat lettuce
in reply to learnbyexample • • •For another useful resource, this site is really helpful for decoding what cronjobs are in plain language.
Cron Job Translator
in reply to learnbyexample • • •ouch
in reply to gomp • • •gomp
in reply to ouch • • •OnFailure
in your.service
file if you want some thing to happen when that specific service fails, but I don't know if there's a blanket way to tell systemd to notify via email when any failure happens (I wouldn't mind a desktop notification... will investigate)ouch
in reply to gomp • • •When I checked a long time ago, there wasn't.
And not only failures, often it's useful to get mail for all executions.
I guess cron continues to have its place.