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Många vänsterpartister i Göteborg utreds för brott. Ett av argumenten för att ”pausa” (en omskrivning för suspendera) Kristofer Lundberg från sitt uppdrag som ordförande i Vänsterpartiet Angered är att han är föremåla för en brottsutredning. Det är så klart ett svepskäl. För det finns ju faktiskt fler vänsterpartister i Göteborg som är föremål för brottsutredningar. Minst 4 vänsterpartister har nämligen anmälts för brott av den liberale politikern Axel Darvik.…

There are sane people with this many VMs on a personal machine, right? RIGHT?

Half of these exist because I was bored once.

The Windows 10 and MacOS ones are GPU passthrough enabled and what I occasionally use if I have to use a Windows or Mac application. Windows 7 is also GPU enabled, but is more a nostalgia thing than anything.

I think my PopOS VM was originally installed for fun, but I used it along with my Arch Linux, Debian 12 and Testing (I run Testing on host, but I wanted a fresh environment and was too lazy to spin up a Docker or chroot), Ubuntu 23.10 and Fedora to test various software builds and bugs, as I don't like touching normal Ubuntu unless I must.

The Windows Server 2022 one is one I recently spun up to mess with Windows Docker Containers (I have to port an app to Windows, and was looking at that for CI). That all become moot when I found out Github's CI doesn't support Windows Docker containers despite supporting Windows runners (The organization I'm doing it for uses Github, so I have to use it).

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in reply to data1701d (He/Him)

Me and my multiple personalities taking turns driving this sinking boat of a life.
in reply to data1701d (He/Him)

You can say: "I use Arch, Fedora, Windows, MacOS, Gentoo, LFS, Debian, PopOS, and more, btw."

Ytterligare en present till de gängkriminella. Regeringen har beslutat att anonyma vittnen ska införas. Det har enligt all forskning ingen som helst betydelse vad det gäller brottsbekämpning. Det minskar inte brottsligheten alls men innebär en kraftig minskning av rättssäkerheten. Och det används i allmänhet inte i de länder där det finns.…

Bitcoinhandel var inte olaglig. Svea hovrätt har ändrat Västmanlands tingsrätts dom gällande ett fall med bitcoinhandel. En man, Linus Dunkers, dömdes för grovt skattebrott i tingsrätten. Detta då han haft inkomster från bland annat köp och försäljning av kryptovaluta men inte tagit upp detta i sin inkomstdeklaration. Enligt hovrätten hade mannen inte något uppsåt vilket krävs för straffansvar.…

This week in KDE Plasma: converging 6.2

The core Plasma team remains deep in bug-fixing mode until Plasma 6.2.1, with lots of bugs fixed this week! This is the second-to-last week of development before the repos are frozen, and we’re cranking away like mad to get 6.2 in great shape. And it is indeed in very good shape so far. The worst issues we’re still seeing are related to notifications freezing and being mis-rendered, caused by recent changes made to fix another significantly less severe issue. So in the worst-case scenario, we can simply revert the changes before the final 6.2 release if we don’t manage to fix the regressions in time.

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in reply to Possibly linux

Original blog post. That website has too much JavaScript…

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My latest Linux-convincing story

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in reply to ExtremeDullard

This story has nothing to do with why Linux would be any better than Windows. Sure, if you lie to people, then anything can be convincing. What if I had a firewall installed in Linux, wouldn't you have had the same issues?

This is sort of the problem I have with a lot of Linux enthusiasts, when you have a hammer, everything is a nail.

Compared to Windows and MacOS as a client desktop, Linux still severely falls behind, but it is getting better. For a server, Linux is just far superior.

in reply to killabeezio

You think linux doesn't have a firewall? I'm fairly certain every distribution has one installed and enabled by default.

The real reason linux worked so well in this situation was the local admin rights that came from being a rogue, unmanaged device on the network. I'm sure they could have made windows work if all the group policies weren't being enforced.

in reply to GSV_Sleeper_Service

Yes, you have iptables and nftables, but it's not always enabled. So, when I said installed, I really meant enabled. I 100% agree with what you are saying though.

Unfortunately a lot of places just have shitty IT and people go rogue because of it. Some people are just impatient though as it sounds like in this case.

You also have things like apparmor and selinux. If those are enabled, you might be chasing your tail trying to figure out why something is not working. You would need to know where to look and how to fix it.

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in reply to killabeezio

What if I had a firewall installed in Linux

A previous company of mine, required an "AntiVirus" installed on the Linux computers too.
The one the IT guy installed, ran in the background all the time, doing nobody-knows-what and and slowing down every thing and having multiple segfaults in a minute, shown in the journal.

Long after I left, I also saw an RCE vulnerability related to it. So essentially, my system would have been more secure without the app.

in reply to killabeezio

As much as I disagree with your last statement (I think Linux for client is on par with Windows for the vast majority of users), I strongly agree with everything else. This wasn't a Windows problem, but a "your IT is cockblocking you" problem, it could have happened in Linux too if it wasn't because he used a rogue device, he could have fixed it on Windows too doing the same.

Personally I would have gone straight to Linux because I'm out of the loop on how to do these sort of stuff on Windows. If it had to be Windows, let IT figure that out, their firewall, their anti-virus, their problem.

in reply to Leaflet

I read through the update but I'm not quite sure what this means for Valve or Arch Linux. Can users expect better compatibility with hardware and software for gaming? Will this affect other distros or only Arch?
in reply to Cornflake

I guess Valve gave some servers to Arch for building/signing packages 🤔
in reply to syd

That was my reading of it as well. Maybe a bit of technical information tutoring to get them up and running. I would also imagine that Valve is contributing upstream from SteamOS back to Arch.
in reply to trashxeos

That’s not how I read it at all

By supporting
work on a freelance basis for these topics, Valve enables us to work on
them without being limited solely by the free time of our volunteers.

Seems pretty explicit to me. Valve is allowing some arch linux contributors to work freelance for valve and get paid money to work on the things they would otherwise be working on for free. This allows these contributors to spend much more time working on these things because they can treat this work as the-thing-I-do-to-put-food-in-my-mouth rather than something extra they would do on the scraps of time they have on the side.

in reply to syd

By supporting work on a freelance basis

This sounds like Valve is paying devs to work full time on arch, and thus managing to achive more than volunteers could.

in reply to Cornflake

Steamos is based on arch so they are helping with upstream development

in reply to Leaflet

That is absolutely massive. Props to them for continuing to invest into the tools they use
in reply to Leaflet

Admit to not reading the whole article but does this mean they're finally going to officially release SteamOS 3 for desktops? Or am I stuck with hacky ports from the Steam Deck?
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in reply to TerkErJerbs

Not directly helping with SteamOS 3. But this financial support is helping Arch improve.
in reply to Leaflet

Right. We all know Steam Deck is running on Arch. And also that Steam previously did publicly release SteamOS for awhile (Debian based). So hopefully one day soon they get ballsy enough to push a new/modern official linux build and profit. They haven't even taken the old links to the SteamOS builds down. I mean c'mon!
in reply to TerkErJerbs

I don't think that the unofficial steamos ports are "hacky" if you mean unstable or bad.

winewayland: "Use subsurfaces for unmanaged windows" merged

Interestingly, the developer is already bringing up the possibility of using Wayland by default.

Btw, after this I feel like the driver is much more usable, would it be acceptable to enable it by default? Is there any other major feature missing (given that virtual display settings is being worked on)?
in reply to Leaflet

I have been keeping an eye on wineland due to a gnarly cursor warping issue in XWayland and it's not better on wineland yet
in reply to Mactan

I haven’t been able to try it yet. I only use Proton, but Valve compiles it without winewayland.

in reply to mesamune

lovely to see @phanpy get a new round of excitement, its really one of the best interfaces to "social media" on that I have ever used...

Fediverse reshared this.

in reply to wakest ⁂

it really is. I love the catch up feature too for times where I feel behind on everything in my feed. I usually start the morning with catch up from the past few hours and it's really helpful. I've also tried probably every Mastodon app and after each time I always come back to Phanpy. It's too good. I do wish there was a setting to display likes and repost counts below posts in the feed however. Would make it even better.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Fediverse reshared this.

Cubedex - Open source bluetooth cube training

Cubedex is a lightweight Progressive Web App (PWA) that connects to your GAN smartcube using Bluetooth. It's designed to help you drill, time, and master algorithms like PLL and OLL, making it easier to build them into your muscle memory faster and more effectively.

📱 How to Get Started:

✅ Visit in your browser
✅ Add Cubedex to your home screen for an app-like experience
✅ You can use it offline - Cubedex works perfectly without an internet connection

Cubedex has been created with ♥ by Pau Oliva Fora using gan-web-bluetooth and cubing.js.

If you enjoy using Cubedex, please consider supporting the development on Ko-fi.

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in reply to mesamune

in reply to Rimu

From the "privacy nightmare" "article":

If you have any objection at all to your posts and profile information being potentially sucked up by Meta, Google, or literally any other bad actor you can think of, do not use the fediverse. Period.

It's on the internet. Public. Got it. It's almost as if, and hold on to your hats here, the whole point of posting on something like Mastodon or Lemmy or so is to have a public discourse, as you cannot know who will be replying anyways. It's almost as if, and this is getting wild, I know, read-access being public is intentional and explicitly part of the design.

Sorry, but this always make me rage. It's like these people are discovering in 2024 that public access means anyone can read it, not just 2000 individual tech bloggers. It's like in 2024 they're discovering that, but aren't technicallly skilled enough to open a forum to have their closed-of discussions in.


No wonder the tech sphere is going to shits if this is the modern discourse around it. :(

Sorry, rant over.

in reply to Carighan Maconar

It’s because of how people people on mastodon freak out over privacy and consent. That’s why he wrote that article as the expectations and views of a large number of users are fundamentally against what actually happens
in reply to Carighan Maconar

in reply to Rimu

Asynchronous Device Shutdown Doesn't Make It For Linux 6.12

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in reply to Possibly linux

well of course. however not everyone uses only SSDs, especially before SSDs became popular, but even today.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Flohmarkt is a Fediverse Marketplace

As the Fediverse continues to grow, people are looking to build new experiences that change what's possible on the network today.

Flohmarkt is a nascent project intended for selling personal items, and may be the first attempt of its kind here.

in reply to cron

flea market

I don't know how, but i kinda imagined it even though i don't speak a word of German (nor i am an English native speaker). It just... uh, sounds like it.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

in reply to m3t00🌎

The process of scientific discovery is never “Eureka!” but rather “That’s funny…”

in reply to Leaflet

😅 thank you!! Following ISO 8601 is always appreciated.