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Anyone know if the MX creative console from logitech works on Linux (and to what degree?

I kinda want to hook one up to raspberry pi for some home control, but I'm not sure if the software to configure it works on Linux (or how it even presents itself HID-device wise)

I'm sure it'll eventually be reverse engineered and have some custom drivers on github soon, but a quick google came up empty for this new device.

Edit: Oh I just realized this hasn't been released yet, I saw the "buy now" button and assumed it was.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to kelvie

It's $269.99 and has 9 programmable buttons. It's designed to control rent-seeking apps like Photoshop.

The Streamdeck XL costs $200 and has 32 programmable buttons. I'm using it to control my dorm room through Home-Assistant, and my robot camera through Bitfocus Companion.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to kelvie

Logitech does not support Linux.

Most of the current compatibility of Logitech devices comes from, Linux devs reverse engineering their software, USB standards or from default programing stored in the device.

in reply to m3t00🌎

By the time we see the nova in the coming days, another ~75 will have happened since the one we'll be seeing.
in reply to m3t00🌎

Websites sure have been milking this all year, huh? Must be reliable ad revenue it gets posted so much

1. Oktober 2024, 17:00:00 CEST - GMT+2 - Polytechnischer Werkraum, 02763, Zittau, Deutschland
Oct 1
Offener Treff
Tue 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Polytechnischer Werkraum Zittau (Termine)
Chaostreff und Erfahrungsaustausch zu technischen Themen

in reply to Leaflet

in reply to Leaflet

Why would anyone be running a 32bit application in 2038? It is already hard enough now to continue 32bit support.

Mandelbrot Viewer: a cool program that renders the Mandelbrot Fractal

Hello everyone! This is a small program I made yesterday to render the Mandelbrot Fractal with beautiful colors!

It isn't as fast as other programs (e.g. XaoS) but it is the first good program I have made using OpenGL. I may update it to render some other fractals too in the future (e.g. The Burning Ship).

I hope you like it!

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Nutidens thinner eller GHB är lustgas. Det är en större klimatbov än bilar utropar ETC i en rubrik. Vilket naturligtvis är trams. I alla fall om vi pratar om lustgas som berusningsmedel. Visserligen är kväveoxider (som lustgas är) kraftiga växthusgaser, betydligt potentare än koldioxid.…

in reply to petsoi

So, Poettering wants to make life difficult for everyone using something other than his precious again by transitioning from the normal standard for IPC to something hardly anyone has ever heard of or uses that's based on JSON? Seriously? 🤢
in reply to nyan

It's not just "hardly anyone," it's "literally no one." Varlink was invented by the systemd developers out of whole cloth specifically for this purpose.
in reply to Snarwin

This has always been the whole point behind the Trojan Horse that is systemd. Now that Poettering/Red Hat control the entire userspace across virtually all distros, he/they can use it as a vehicle to force all of them to adopt whatever bullshit
he thinks of next.

This is what the Linux ecosystem gave away when they tossed their simple init system to adopt the admittedly convenient solution that is systemd. But in reality, the best solution was always to drop init, and instead replace it with an alternative that was still simple to replace if the need should arise. But now that everyone is stuck on systemd, they're all at the mercy of Poettering's Next Stupid Idea.

Convenience comes at a price. systemd is the Google Chrome of Linux userspace. Get out while you can.

in reply to namingthingsiseasy

Jesus fucking Christ, why is everything a war? Its so fucking exhausting.
in reply to petsoi

Using json for IPC but a binary format for log files sounds insane to me, but alright.

Ebba Busch åkallar djävulen. Kristdemokraternas partiledare Ebba Busch med ett förflutet i evangeliska kristna kretsar besökte ett bröllop fullt med med fascister och nazister. Jimmie Åkessons bröllop. Där poserade hon bland annat på en bild ihop med Marcus Öhrn, som är sångare i Åkessons band Bedårande barn. Han är bland annat dömd för narkotikabrott och grov rattfylla. Dessutom för sexuellt ofredande efter att antastat två tonårsflickor i en kö på Gröna Lund i Stockholm.…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

The CUPS explout is here: GitHub - RickdeJager/cupshax

I hope this goes without saying but please do not run this on machines you don't own.

The good news:

  • the exploit seems to require user action

The bad news:

  • Device Firewalls are ineffective against this
  • if someone created a malicious printer on a local network like a library they could create serious issues
  • it is hard to patch without breaking printing
  • it is very easy to create printers that look legit
  • even if you don't hit print the cups user agent can reveal lots of information. This may be blocked at the Firewall

TLDR: you should be careful hitting print

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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in reply to Possibly linux

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to tetris11

From what I understand, this allows arbitrary command execution. So, an attacker can specify a string of text that something on the affected system will just plop into a command line and execute.
in reply to Possibly linux

Not true, Arch and Ubuntu (the ones I personally checked on) already pushed patches that disabled cups browsed by default, removing the service listening on 631.

Discover RSS-Parrot: Your Fediverse-Friendly RSS Reader

in reply to Matt

Always happy to see more RSS-related tools emerge!
in reply to Matt

GE-Proton9-15 Released

Hotfix build:


  • Updated wine to latest bleeding edge -- fixes regression in video playback from 9-14
  • Updated dxvk to latest git -- fixes regression which causes black textures and stuttering on NVIDIA cards.
  • Updated vkd3d-proton to latest git
  • import upstream changes for lsteamclient
  • update xalia to 0.4.4


  • Remove deprecated workaround for Total War Rome 2

Drinking 3 cups of coffee linked to preventing multiple diseases

WASHINGTON — A new study suggests that your morning brew might be doing more than just perking you up — it could be protecting you from a range of serious heart conditions. Researchers working with the Endocrine Society have found that drinking a moderate amount of coffee is associated with a lower risk of developing multiple cardiometabolic diseases. In simpler terms, your daily cup of coffee (or three) might help ward off conditions like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

“Consuming three cups of coffee, or 200-300 mg caffeine, per day might help to reduce the risk of developing cardiometabolic multimorbidity in individuals without any cardiometabolic disease,” says Dr. Chaofu Ke, the lead author of the study from Suzhou Medical College in China, in a media release.


in reply to W4nd3r3r

Also makes you awake for most of the nights.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to W4nd3r3r

...what kind of cup? Does a Crema + double Espresso count as one or as three?

in reply to ColdWater

I literally used sketchup today for the first time since moving to fusion 2 years ago. Had to modify a really old model. It was dreadful compared to fusion and sketchup crashed once when merging edges but surprisingly i still knew how to do what I wanted
in reply to voracread

Autodesks hell in the cloud called fusion 360.

A real* CAD which is free for hobbyists**.

*If you use sketchup long enough, you know I’m right.

**With increasing restrictions and only win/mac compatibility.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to ColdWater

Sketchup has always worked pretty well with Wine. It's always just been installing a couple of things with winetricks (like vc runtimes) and then it usually works fine.

Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration

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Reflections on 2024 Linux Display Next Hackfest