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Notcurses ii - A different TUI library [demo video]

I've remembered this exists and there seems to be some very recent activity in the repo so if you didn't know what was possible with TUI graphics now you know! (recommended watching with sound :)

Official site:

PS: dank (the guy behind it) is definitely one of a kind, just read the releases haha

PPS: here is a doom running through notcurses in the terminal:

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Past failures can’t stop Indonesia from clearing forests, Indigenous lands for farms

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Current state of Intel 13/14th gen CPUs?


I think everyone here is already aware of the current problems regarding Intels 13/14th generation CPU-chips.
If not this
should explain your questions.

Since Intels new ucode update came and went,
I was looking for an update on the situation and wanted to ask you (the users) for your experience using an Intel 13/14th gen CPU.

Are you still facing issues regarding degradation or are there any other issues potential users should be aware of?

Thanks in advance :)

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in reply to B0g3nNutz3r

0x129 (plus turning off XMP) was enough to stabilize my 13700KF for now, and hopefully 0x12B will be the final nail in the coffin for continued degradation.

However, polling users here for experiences isnt going to give a good perspective on how the CPUs are actually doing. Until it's pretty far gone users may not even notice, and the small sample size of folks who'll reply here is probably not going to accurately reflect the actual state of the CPUs.

Level1techs has done some really good work investigating this at large scale on datacenters, and the takeaway there is that these problems are going to take a while to show, so its generally not a good idea to buy these CPUs til 0x12B has been out for a few months and we know the effects, at which point Arrow Lake will probably be a better option.

tl;dr if you're going to buy right now, buy AMD 7000, but if you're willing to wait til February or so, it'll be a decision between the new gen of Intel CPUs and current AMD CPUs (only 9000 series will probably be available by then).

in reply to B0g3nNutz3r

I anticipate the used value for those gens is going to drop quicker than a Mercedes CL65AMG

Congressman Hank Johnson: It’s time to shut down BioLab

From Decaturish:

DeKalb County, GA — U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson is calling for the closure of BioLab, a chemical plant in Rockdale County that recently caught fire. The fire triggered a sprinkler system. The sprinkler water mixed with chlorine, a water-reactive chemical, allegedly creating a plume over the plant, WABE reported. Rep. Johnson said it’s time for BioLab to […]

Who owns your shiny new Pixel 9 phone? You can’t say no to Google’s surveillance will live on as a PieFed instance

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in reply to Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼

Whoa... ! looks really good in PieFed's tile views! It's kind of what I was going for with my CSS. I think PieFed has a ton of potential, and I want to mess around with it more., if you just saw a spike of like 1GB of data getting federated in, that was me manually retrieving my first few hundred posts.

Edit: Oops, I tagged the wrong instance admin named Jerry!

Gänguppgörelse i Hellerup? Vid middagstid på onsdag denna vecka grep vakter på Köpenhamns järnvägsstation två svenska ungdomar, 16 och 19 år gamla De var på väg till Tyskland. När de greps hade de några handgranater i sitt bagage.…

Nederländare med fiskeriföretag i England. Det finns flera stora nederländska fiskeriföretag som har dotterbolage och verksamheter i England och Skottland. Ibland även på andra håll i Storbritannien. 3 av dem sysslar främst med pelagiskt fiske.…

How did we move from forums to Reddit, Facebook groups, and Discord?

cross-posted from:

A bit of an effortpost :)

Please do crosspost in more fitting communities if you think of any

in reply to sep

in reply to toastal

Terribly sorry. This is probably my norwegian shining thru. Where concatination of words are very common.

my semi move to Linux in early-mid 2024 (Excuse some grammar and punctuation)

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in reply to Mwa

Discord: Their are custom clients like Vesktop that fix streaming on Linux and add features

Da Vinci: You can use this project for easier use, or just get Kdenlive which is fully supported on Linux

WhatsApp: If you do want to call people you could use Waydroid and install the android version, or if you don’t need calls but want background notifications you can use Zapzap

in reply to RmDebArc_5

Discord: Their are custom clients like Vesktop that fix streaming on Linux and add features

Heard of it but as i mentioned the discord app is mostly fine and i might use the discord web browser app instead i only rlly use vesktop for streaming

Da Vinci: You can use this project for easier use, or just get Kdenlive which is fully supported on Linux

Thanks for that project and heard of kdenlive as well since yk i got resolve from the aur

WhatsApp: If you do want to call people you could use Waydroid and install the android version, or if you don’t need calls but want background notifications you can use Zapzap

heard of waydroid but not zapzap as i said its low importance aka minor issues but i think am gonna word it out diff

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Fly brain sheds light on human thought process

Now for the first time scientists researching the brain of a fly have identified the position, shape and connections of every single one of its 130,000 cells and 50 million connections.

It's the most detailed analysis of the brain of an adult animal ever produced.

One leading brain specialist independent of the new research described the breakthrough as a "huge leap" in our understanding of our own brains.

in reply to jaybone

Does the teleportation pod cut and paste, or copy and paste? What happens to the original?

gtk apps are a pain in the arse

I spend hours trying to fix this stupid error and nothing work, please help
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in reply to ColdWater

(completely sidetracked here – there’s a reason Dirk Hohndel (and Linus) decided to )
in reply to cerement

The additional compilation overhead is a good stress test for a new kernel? /j

Ebba Busch festade med gängbossar och antisemiter. Ebba Busch som är vice statsminister var på bröllop. Högerextremisten Jimmie Åkessons bröllop. Där var också den norska antisemiten och proryska aktivisten Rebecca Mistereggen.…

Making climate models relevant for local decision-makers

Interesting application of machine learning to actually reduce computational intensity for once...

Kontroller tyder på omfattande avfallsbrottslighet. I alla fall enligt polisen. Myndighetsgemensamma kontroller av avfallstransporter i sex kommuner i landet påvisar stora brister. Enligt polisen indikerar det förekomst av en omfattande avfallsbrottslighet och arbetslivskriminalitet inom avfallsbranschen.…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 6 October 2025

in reply to blakestacey

Found while poking around today: the Wikipedia club for cleaning up after AI.

Example: the article Leninist historiography was entirely written by AI and previously included a list of completely fake sources in Russian and Hungarian at the bottom of the page.
in reply to blakestacey

from this post (archive)

App developers think that’s a bogus argument. Mr. Bier told me that data he had seen from start-ups he advised suggested that contact sharing had dropped significantly since the iOS 18 changes went into effect, and that for some apps, the number of users sharing 10 or fewer contacts had increased as much as 25 percent.

aww, does the widdle app's business model collapse completely once it can't harvest data? how sad

this reinforces a suspicion that I've had for a while: the only reason most people put up with any of this shit is because it's an all or nothing choice and they don't know the full impact (because it's intentionally obscured). the moment you give them an overt choice that makes them think about it, turns out most are actually not fine with the state of affairs

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

A hurricane’s aftermath may spur up to 11,000 deaths

in reply to Sunshine (she/her)