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López Obrador and the Fourth Transformation

in reply to Elonkilledmymom

lol looked it up and it gets even better

Ironically, the civil servant was discovered only when the deputy mayor attempted to give him an award for 20 years of "loyal and dedicated" service in 2010.…

Double standards in promotion and tenure (for underrepresented minority faculty: especially if you are a women of colour)

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to zlatiah

Asians/Asian Americans are nto considered minorities in academia.

And shit like this is why this entire discussion is a clown show lol

in reply to sunzu2

We are minorities not underrepresented minorities. Asians would actually be overrepresented relative to their population.
in reply to zlatiah

Fucking finally. It is a well known bias in academia, which is sadly, very difficult to prove without studies like this one.

Proton is the Future of PC gaming. But how does it work? [Gardiner Bryant, YouTube]

cross-posted from:

YouTube video:

Invidious video from YouTube without YouTube:… or…

Video description:

It’s clear there are some people who don’t understand Proton. So let’s talk about it. #Proton #SteamPlay #CompatibilityLayer

00:00 Introduction
00:41 The basics of a computer
01:46 What Proton is not
03:04 What is an emulator
04:32 Proton acts like a map
05:25 Proton translates API and system calls
06:18 Proton provides a Windows-like software environment
06:55 Why are some games incompatible?
08:52 Shouldn't we demand native Linux games?
11:07 Conclusion
in reply to Creat

As long as the title is in line with the videos content I don't mind but whenever I see the word "slams" it grinds my gears
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to LiveLM

This is really interesting, will have to give it a shot. Wonder if it can be integrated into grayjay.
in reply to LiveLM

I have been looking for something like this for ages. Wish it could be integrated into freetube and newpipe. Thanks for sharing!
in reply to hobbsc

In FreeTube, go to Settings > SponsorBlock and enable "Use DeArrow Video Titles" and "Use DeArrow for thumbnails"
in reply to LiveLM

I actually have it installed on my desktops. It doesn't work on mobile and it doesn't work on thumbnail previews in lemmy either. Also the number of videos that actually have an alternative thumbnail is like 10%, at best.

I've also "gotten over it" by just not watching videos like this.

in reply to mariusafa

This is about Proton, not about a programming language. Besides that, C# is actually cross platform.

RPM 4.20 released

The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful package management system. Highlights of the version 4.20 include:
- Declarative build system support
- Dynamic spec improvements
- Guaranteed, RPM-controlled per-build directory
- Support for spec-local file attributes and generators
- Support for group membership in sysusers.d(5) files
- Proper distro-agnostic debuginfo support
- Sanitized spec comments and indentation syntax
- Sanitized --build-in-place mode
- New unshare plugin for scriptlet isolation
- Plugin API made public

reshared this

Development start of Leap 16.0

Sulla stessa origine della fisica quantistica e della relatività generale dalla geometria riemanniana e dal formalismo della scala di Planck

in reply to maxwell

direi di sì. La Hossenfetcetera oltre a esprimere il proprio scetticismo (e non sono sinceramente in grado di prendere posizione su questi argomenti: mi mancano almeno 5 anni di fisica 😂 ) ha mostrato che l'articolo presenta refusi, errori metodologici e formali che indicano inequivocabilmente che detto "studio" o è stato scritto con il culo o che è una delle (tante) bufale scherzose pubblicate per dimostrare la vulnerabilità dell'attuale editoria scentifica basata su finte peer review

Question: Is there an equivalent to Google Drive in Windows for KDE?

Is there an equivalent to Google Drive in Windows for KDE?

I'm talking full synchronization of my Google Drive files into a local folder.

I know there's the KDE KIO Worker that can integrate with Dolphin, but according to

Each time you try to modify a file, it is copied to a local cache directory. Once you finish modifying a file, it prompts for uploading the modified file to GDrive.

There's RClone that can do that I think, but I'm not certain. And it looks a bit complicated to set up.

What are you recommendations?

in reply to Cyborganism

KDE has the ability to connect to Google account, in the system settings.
Than you can use Dolphin to handle your Google Drive as if it was a network drive.
Unfortunately, sometimes it wont let you login, so try it yourself
in reply to Xeroxchasechase

Yeah that's what I was referring to in my post. The KDE KIO thing. It's not exactly what I'm looking for.

I want the files to be accessible locally and to sync with the cloud when there are changes both ways.

in reply to manucode

When our turn comes we shall not make excuses for the terror.
in reply to manucode

It looks like Trump is looking away from Elon lol

Maybe make him bigger and blurry so it looks like he's in the foreground

Oct 18
Linux install party & osvobajanje androidov
Fri 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Prevzemimo nazaj nadzor nad našimi napravami in v skupnosti raziskujmo načine uporabe tehnologij, tako da bo spet služila povezovanju in zabavi brez doom scrollanja in pranja možganov. Na PLAC prinesi računalnik ali telefon in skupaj jih bomo poskusili osvoboditi z inštaliranjem Linux in Lineage OS-ov.

Napotek: Vsi podatki iz računalnikov in telefonov bodo izbrisani, tako da prej naredi varnostno kopijo. Glede na to da je v PLACu internet počasen je najbolje že doma prenesti OS, ki ga želiš namestiti in ga prinesti na USB ključu.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Blinken Approved Policy to Bomb Aid Trucks, Israeli Cabinet Members Suggest