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Barntorpeder är undantagen. De flesta gängrelaterade skjutningar, sprängningar och mord utförs av vuxna människor. Det gäller cirka 70% av alla gängrelaterade mord enligt polisen. Endat en minoritet av alla skjutningar utförs av vad som börjat kallas för barntorpeder i media.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Elisa: Simple music player aiming to provide a nice experience for its users. [Android and Desktop]

With Elisa by KDE, you can browse your local music collection by genre, artist, album, or track, listen to online radio, create and manage playlists, display lyrics, and more.


  • Android


  • Desktop

reshared this

in reply to sag

Looks cool, but well the Linux app ecosystem and the inability to standardize anything and/or have simple binaries. I really don't get the people that go for Linux for privacy/preservation/not-dependent-constantly-on-the-internet and then everything is a repository hosted somewhere that's hard to archive or crazy container-like formats.
in reply to sag

This came pre-installed on fedora kde spin, and i really tried to like it.But it couldn't, it just didn't work intuitively, kept freezing, options were missing,...
Right now i'm using audacious, and I like it a lot. Still a big fan of KDE's stuff, for example, i love the Haruna media player ❤

Linux usage on STeam is Up 0.13%

Linux just gained another .13% usage, while Windows lost .23. Another win for Linux

First Router Designed Specifically For OpenWrt Released

in reply to exu

Uh, if you’re wanting to go above 1G, this thing is not going to cut the mustard. Seriously, why would they give it a 2.5G WAN port paired with a 1G LAN port? That’s so dumb.
in reply to gravitas_deficiency

It’s not the other way around? It says the 2.5Gbe port has PoE, I thought that sold be for LAN
in reply to gravitas_deficiency

I can see benefit in the 2.5G on the LAN side if you connect a disk to the USB port and have it function as a NAS. It gives you enough bandwidth for the full WAN speed plus headroom for that.

I agree I'd still prefer 2x 2.5G though.

Samma politik även om vi fäller högerregeringen i nästa val. Socialdemokraterna har tydligt deklarerat vilken politik de vill ha och vilka de vill regera ihop med. De har tidigare gått ut med att de tänker föra exakt samma ekonomiska politik som de nuvarande regeringen.…

Uselt om fiske i reformisternas landsbygdsprogram. Reformisterna är en grupp vänstersocialdemokrater. De har precis presenterat ett landsbygdspolitiskt program. I programmet finns en del om fiske.…

Jellyfin for Android TV 0.18

"What the Occupation Did to My Home in Gaza

The attached photos show the destruction of my family’s home in Gaza after the recent attacks. We were displaced from our home due to the brutal assaults, and despite the tragedy we’ve endured, we are striving to rebuild with the help of kind-hearted people. Anyone wishing to offer support can visit the following link to contribute:

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

You realise that this graph shows how USD is gaining worth compared to the rubel?

This is what you actually wanted to show:

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to schoegge

I think their point is that the sudden peak in the graph a few days ago was not the beginning of a much bigger increase
in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

Professional Russia Watcher here. Russia is on the brink of collapse because line went up and then down.

First Router Designed Specifically For OpenWrt Released

cross-posted from:

in reply to schizoidman

Are there some openwrt based access points with proper client roaming? I use some random off the shelf tplinks as APs, and the connection always drops for a few seconds as I walk through the house. Turns out, I walk around a lot while talking on the phone.

I've been playing with the idea of buying ubiquiti, but that's quite overpriced, especially considering that the budget option goes 90% of the way for at least 1/10 of the price.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to deafboy

You can set up fast roaming (802.11r) which is supported by most mobile clients and gives a much more organised handover between APs. Bit of config tangle but apparently works ok once you get it going.

No antimony from China means no artillery shells for NATO, Ukraine

in reply to captainkangaroo

This is great! If I ever get a minute from playing Balatro from the Steam sale I'll try some out!

NC State & North Carolina get into altercation after their rivalry game | ESPN College Football