U.S. fossil fuel giants eye permanent control of Europe’s energy supply
U.S. fossil fuel giants eye permanent control of Europe’s energy supply
While much of the world has long recognized that the U.S. has been fighting a proxy war against Russia by arming Ukraine to the teeth, proof of a new twist in that story emerged recently from no other a source than the savagely pro-business Wall Stre…People's World
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Bancomat a gambe all'aria: possibile che in Italia non si faccia un test di tenuta delle infrastrutture strategiche?
Bancomat a gambe all'aria: possibile che in Italia non si faccia un test di tenuta delle infrastrutture strategiche?
Incredibile: un fascio di fibre viene tranciato vicino a Lugano per lavori a un gasdotto e va giù l'infrastruttura dei pagamenti elettronici di mezza Italia.Gianfranco Giardina (DDay.it)
Last time I applied, I filtered out anyone requiring 40h/week.
I now work 35h/week, with 42 days PTO I can (actually, have to) take.
Pay is for a full time position and supports my wife and me comfortably.
Flexibility is given, I just (at 8pm) told my team leader I won't be coming in tomorrow.
My resumé isn't exactly an HR department's dream, I got a BSc in Ecology when I was 31.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, what you're describing isn't normal. And it shouldn't, and doesn't have to be, either.
So where do you work?
edit: Though, based on some of the terms you used and the fact that you got a favorable employment agreement, I doubt it's a country that would consider me.
Correct: I have had two jobs where I only worked 32 hours/week, but was considered a full time employee with benefits and all that.
However, just because your employer considers you full-time doesn't mean other organizations will. When I was getting my mortgage, it was with one of those 32 hr/week jobs, and my loan company would not sign off on an approval until I could show a paystub with 40 hours/week.
I told them I'm considered full time at my company at 32 hours, and they basically said that's great, but their policy is 40.
The 40.00 is only what they are legally allowed to say/propaganda. Otherwise even 80 would be depicted as barely chad.
We had protests and deaths to achieve that 40.
Isn't it just someone else watching the kids and cooking the food? Except now that daycare worker or cook might be a man.
It's certainly an efficiency improvement (different people different skills) but not double the work IMHO.
Now when covid hit and we had to educate our own kids and cook our own food, while holding down our jobs - that was double the work.
No. Most people can't afford to have someone else do it even on 80 hours for the household.
It's a privilege to still have a house servant even if they are paid.
A tragedy of about 2 dead billionaires?
Bcs 20 is plenty.
Most companies would comfortably survive doubling their wage costs. And the ones that wouldn't could still just live with a lower production.
Employers hiring for 40 hours a week (empty line)
Employers hiring for 35.9 hours a week (crowded queue)
this is something I didn't expect would bother me until it did
growing up I thought "part time" hours meant you could just pick a set of hours and work but that's "contract work" instead (don't get me started on time sheets)
and so for full time in thought you get to pick your days or schedule or any, nope, all HR and company policy.
I'd work 4x10s if I could and have a nicer and longer weekend if I could
Plenty of employers do take this approach. 4x10 isn't an unknown work schedule. But a lot of firms are client facing and demand business hours coverage. What do you do when a client needs something on Friday (or Saturday or Sunday)?
What do you do with staff for the back half of the 10, when clients aren't around demanding support because the business day is over?
4x10 works best when everyone you work for is either also 4x10 or on such a time delay that it doesn't matter.
Or you just stagger your workforce.
Definitely possible but also harder to manage. You need more redundancy in your workforce. You need good documentation of workflow and roles. You need a system for handing off work between staff and people roll on and off a project.
It's all possible. But it takes effort and some marginal degree of expense that a lot of admins don't want to put forward. Bosses are naturally cheap and lazy. That's why union leadership is necessary to improve the workplace.
Agreed on every point. It's possible. Bosses are bloated in that they're largely ineffective and are more costly to the salary chunk of budget. If they were expected to accomplish things like workers are, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
In reality, we should be implementing 4 8s as full time since study after study has shown that productivity actually increases when executed properly. There is measurable incentive for companies to transition to it.
In reality, we should be implementing 4 8s as full time since study after study has shown that productivity actually increases when executed properly.
Raising my little red and yellow flag with "Technocracy" spelled out in hammers and sickles.
The business has more than one person working so there's adequate coverage.
We run some 10x4 but also a lot of 9x9. This is gonna leave some days with reduced coverage if it's one person but, well, we aren't one person. Everyone chooses a different day to be their "flex" day when they're off. Everything is covered.
Is it that companies are stuck thinking small?
The business has more than one person working so there’s adequate coverage.
Unless everyone had identical knowledge, there is not. Good luck getting your HR lead to fix a server error or your pipeline engineer to submit your quarterly financials.
I'd rather just skip the unpaid break, but no choice.
A fella down the street across the county line by one of the lakes is a radiologist who works 14 weeks a year and get $780,000.00/year.
And they bragged about it on /r/salary.
The United States is still a slaver nation if you adjust for inflation.
And tell any doctor that says they, too, want "medicare for all" to STFU. They lying.
Depending on the workplace and the labour laws in effect, they could well prefer you to work 39.7 hours a week so you're not considered full time which would cost more for the company.
A lot of grocery stores around where I live schedule you just under the 40hr full time threshold so you get no benefits.
GOP senator: Kash Patel will lead FBI by 'taking it apart'
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.www.youtube.com
Don't always be pedantic when what was being said was still easily understood.
It's stupid
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Who said anything about his socioeconomic position? He was in fact wildly rich. He was a product of US interventionism. He had been a CIA asset for years. He didn’t just wake up one day and decide that Allah wanted him to blow up buildings on the other side of the world, for no reasons connected to US foreign policy.
6 December 1993: Anti-Soviet warrior puts his army on the road to peace
FAIR: Forgotten Coverage of Afghan ‘Freedom Fighters’
But the U.S. government and the American press have not always opposed Afghan extremists. During the 1980s, the Mujahiddin guerrilla groups battling Soviet occupation had key features in common with the Taliban. In many ways, the Mujahiddin groups acted as an incubator for the later rise of the Taliban in the 1990s.Despite CIA denials of any direct Agency support for Bin Laden’s activities, a considerable body of circumstantial evidence suggests the contrary. During the 1980s, Bin Laden’s activities in Afghanistan closely paralleled those of the CIA. Bin Laden held accounts in the Bank for Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), the bank the CIA used to finance its own covert actions. Bin Laden worked especially closely with Hekmatyar—the CIA’s favored Mujahiddin commander. In 1989, the U.S. shipped high-powered sniper rifles to a Mujahiddin faction that included bin Laden, according to a former bin Laden aide.
If Islamism is the ultimate cause of 9/11 then Islamism must be the ultimate cause of October 7th which is literally the same story and the same propagandistic cover in the West.
I think a lot of people don't understand geopolitics in the sense that it's not a functional system of yeses and noes, it's a system of maybes based on maybes.
The ultimate cause of October 7th is that the geopolitical factors especially the intentions of the US were to remove Palestinian question from the heart of the security architecture of the Middle East. October 7th was effective because it closed off the possibility of the Abraham Accords and a Middle Eastern security architecture based on a Saudi/Israeli/Egyptian agreement which was tacitly against Iran and the Palestinians.
Likewise the ultimate cause of 9/11 was based on geopolitical factors. The first Al-Queda fatwas said
It should not be hidden from you that the people of Islam had suffered from aggression, iniquity and injustice imposed on them by the Zionist-Crusaders alliance and their collaborators; to the extent that the Muslims blood became the cheapest and their wealth as loot in the hands of the enemies. Their blood was spilled in Palestine and Iraq. The horrifying pictures of the massacre of Qana, in Lebanon are still fresh in our memory. Massacres in Tajakestan, Burma, Cashmere, Assam, Philippine, Fatani, Ogadin, Somalia, Erithria, Chechnia and in Bosnia-Herzegovina took place, massacres that send shivers in the body and shake the conscience.
They're literally referencing Chechnia and Tajikistan here. It's a complex geopolitical statement. This is a group that has fought the USSR, who were not Zionist-Crusaders in their opinion. The references to Chechnia and Tajikistan were directly based on the calamity that liberalization of the USSR brought upon Muslims, that the US helped lead into those positions. Much like the Chicago boys in Russia.
The second said
First, for over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples.If some people have in the past argued about the fact of the occupation, all the people of the Peninsula have now acknowledged it. The best proof of this is the Americans' continuing aggression against the Iraqi people using the Peninsula as a staging post, even though all its rulers are against their territories being used to that end, but they are helpless.
Second, despite the great devastation inflicted on the Iraqi people by the crusader-Zionist alliance, and despite the huge number of those killed, which has exceeded 1 million... despite all this, the Americans are once against trying to repeat the horrific massacres, as though they are not content with the protracted blockade imposed after the ferocious war or the fragmentation and devastation.
So here they come to annihilate what is left of this people and to humiliate their Muslim neighbors. Third, if the Americans' aims behind these wars are religious and economic, the aim is also to serve the Jews' petty state and divert attention from its occupation of Jerusalem and murder of Muslims there. The best proof of this is their eagerness to destroy Iraq, the strongest neighboring Arab state, and their endeavor to fragment all the states of the region such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan into paper statelets and through their disunion and weakness to guarantee Israel's survival and the continuation of the brutal crusade occupation of the Peninsula.
Bin Laden himself has pointed to the 1982 invasion of Lebanon:
The events that affected my soul in a direct way started in 1982 when America permitted the Israelis to invade Lebanon and the American Sixth Fleet helped them in that. This bombardment began and many were killed and injured and others were terrorised and displaced.I couldn't forget those moving scenes, blood and severed limbs, women and children sprawled everywhere. Houses were destroyed along with their occupants, high rises demolished over their residents, rockets raining down on our home without mercy...As I looked at those demolished towers in Lebanon, it entered my mind that we should punish the oppressor in kind and that we should destroy towers in America so that they taste some of what we tasted and so that they be deterred from killing our women and children.
And that day, it was confirmed to me that oppression and the intentional killing of innocent women and children is a deliberate American policy. Destruction is freedom and democracy, while resistance is terrorism and intolerance.[32]
The idea that 9/11 was the invention of Osama Bin Laden getting high on Islam in a Mosque while chanting and then telling his evil followers that god has told him to destroy America is a false American invention seeking to discredit the actual geopolitical arguments that underpinned the attacks, and transform them into merely cultural grievances that escalated into a war which is easy to sell to a moronic liberal audience all to ready to consume propaganda because the Soviet Union fell and they needed a new bad guy that hated them for their freedom.
The fact that this isn't common information despite being in multiple reputable places online speaks to the propagandized nature of the discussion of this event in America.
This wasn't about globohomo, women's rights, American cultural permissiveness, or any other bromides you can easily fit into "religious extremism" narratives. It was simply about the imperialism of the American Empire.
The hijackers were motivated by slaughtering the infidel and entry into the afterlife, having spent far too much time in mosques. Bin Laden was motivated by an ideology borne of cultural hatred of the West and secularism.
I know I know, you're from the LARP instance, so it's tempting to believe US foreign policy is behind literally everything bad, but the world is just more complex than that ✈️🏢🏢
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but the world is more complex than that
Proceeds to give the absolute most naive surface level interpretation
Ok then.
Oooh so close! You're almost there. Just one more step.
Who put those extremists into power by overthrowing middle east democracies? Who funded them?
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The notion that the attacks were reeeaaally about oil access or regime change or economic disparity as opposed to bloodyminded religious zealotry is a lie.
I love it when dummies who made up their own history fight strawmen of other dummies who made up their own history instead of you know, reading.
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"bin Laden did. The guy was an egomaniac bedazzled by his own bullshit" what bullshit would that be? You must think you're so smart and know geo politics yet come here insulting others giving the most peewee American propaganda bs. So you're conclusion "world is more complex than America doing all bad, but at same time Osama waa bloodyminded religious zealotry"
Latuff created his dopey comic because he knows his left-wing audiences want confirmation of their political biases. There's nothing wrong with that. We all seek it on occasion. But what crimes the US is and is not guilty of has virtually no bearing on the fact that 19 muslim men literally took up box cutters against passenger airliners as a profession of their faith. The hijackers didn't care about bin Laden's politics, they saw an opportunity to kill infidels and they took it. They certainly didn't care about Iran Contra or Mosadegh or fucking Halliburton profiteering, and they certainly didn't become fundamentalists because of those things.
The wikipedia links are stunningly impertinent. The charts contexually lame. Muslim fundamentalism is the cause of the 9/11 attacks; no ackchually-tier insistence on proximate versus ultimate cause is necessary.
Did the IRA bomb London because of their Catholic estremist ways too? My god, I could make a fake news site right now, populate it with bullshit, and of 8 billion people, i know you specifically would find my site and believe whatever crap people say online
you’re from the LARP instance
Ah yes, no one could ever have a serious issue with U.S. foreign policy
You’re the one removing material reality from the picture and chalking it up to a culturo-religious clash of ideas. You’re the one simplifying things down vibes.
Infographic: US military presence around the world The US controls about 750 bases in at least 80 countries worldwide and spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined.
- List of Atrocities committed by US authorities
- A Detailed Chronological List of US Interventions, Invasions, Destabilzations, and Assistance to Oppressive Regimes (ending in 2002)
- Shock therapy (economics)
- The U.S. Did Not Defeat Fascism in WWII, It Discretely Internationalized It
- The blueprint of regime change operations How regime change happens in the 21st century with your consent
- blowback.show/
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I'm more offended by the shit spelling of "heroes".
And I was nearby NYC on that day and watched the second tower fall (largely as a shape in the smoke and particulate cloud).
Killing innocent people === HERO
Because the best way to stop US imperialism is to drag them into and/or start a war that only prospered US imperialism.
I am not even anti US imperialism but this is retard logic
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Because the best way to stop US imperialism is to drag them into and/or start a war
Citations Needed podcast: Episode 13: The Always Stumbling US Empire “Stumbling”, “sliding”, “drawn into” war––the media frequently assumes the US is bumbling its way around the world. The idea that the United States operates in “good faith” is taken for granted for most of the American press while war is always portrayed as something that happens to the US, not something it seeks out.
I am not even anti US imperialism
Well see, there’s your problem.
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Also the panels are fully configurable.
This is a totally different philosophy.
OpenWrt One router is now available for $89
Disclosure: Some links on this page are monetized by the Skimlinks, Amazon, Rakuten Advertising, and eBay, affiliate programs, and Liliputing may earn a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on those links. All prices are subject to change, and this article only reflects the prices available at time of publication.
OpenWrt is a free and open source, Linux-based operating system designed for routers and other networking applications. While it’s most often used as an aftermarket replacement for the firmware that comes pre-installed on a router, earlier this year the OpenWrt team announced it was partnering with Banana Pi to design and sell the first router made specifically to run OpenWrt.
It’s called the OpenWrt One, and the first samples went on sale in October. Now the Software Freedom Conservancy has announced the “production release” of the OpenWrt One. It’s available for purchase for $89.
With support for WiFi 6 and only two Ethernet ports, the router isn’t necessarily the most powerful or versatile option. But it’s designed to be a hacker-friendly, repairable device that’s “unbrickable” thanks to a switch that lets you boot from a recovery image if anything goes wrong with the operating system image written to the primary storage.
Key features include:
- 1.3 MediaTek MT7981B (Filogic 820) processor with two ARM Cortex-A53 CPU cores
- 1GB DDR4 memory (onboard)
- 256MiB SPI NAND Flash and 16 MiB SPI NOR flash storage
- M.2 2242/2230 socket for PCIe Gen 2 x1 SSD (bring your own storage)
- MediaTek MT7976C dual-band WiFi 6 (2×2 2.4 GHz and 3×3 5 GHz)
- 2 RJ45 Ethernet ports: one 2.5 GbE + 1 GbE
- 1 x USB 2.0 Type-A host port
- 1 x USB Type-C (device, console)
- 1 x USB Type-C (power)
- RTC backup battery support
- PoE support
- MikroBUS socket for expansion modules
The system supports Power over Ethernet via the 2.5 GbE port or you can use a USB Type-C power supply.
For every OpenWrt One unit sold, the Software Freedom Conversancy receives a $10 donation earmarked for a fund that goes toward development of OpenWrt.
via Hacker News
#bananaPi #foss #openSource #openwrtOne #opnewrt #router #sfc #softwareFreedomConservancy
JS games collection
Dive Into Classic Arcade Fun 🎮
Love online arcade games? Looking for something simple, fun, and nostalgic? Check out JavaScript Games Collection – a handpicked bundle of six browser-based games, four random arts, I’ve created since 2019.
What Makes These Games Special? 🕹️
- Instant Play: No need to download anything. Just open your browser and dive in!
- Classic Feel: Inspired by retro arcade vibes, these games are pure fun without distractions.
- Simple and Addictive: Easy to learn, hard to master – perfect for quick breaks or endless hours of entertainment.(I play everyday actually)
What's Inside? 🎲
The collection features a variety of games for all kinds of players:
- Fast-paced challenges for thrill-seekers.
- Casual, relaxing games for those who want to unwind.
- Clever puzzles to test your brainpower.
Every game is made with attention to detail, bringing you back to the good old days of simple game-play.
Whether you’re a die-hard arcade fan or just looking for something fun to pass the time, these games are sure to hit the spot. Go ahead, give them a try, and relive the magic of arcade gaming!
Enjoy and let me know your favorites!
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Ukraine struggles to recruit new soldiers as desertions rise
Ukraine struggles to recruit new soldiers as desertions rise
Prosecutors opened 60,000 cases against troops abandoning positions in 2024 — almost double number of past two yearsFinancial Times
In the space of 1 week, a second open-source Chinese AI model equals the best investors are pouring tens of billions of dollars into.
cross-posted from: futurology.today/post/2910566
Alibaba's Qwen team just released QwQ-32B-Preview, a powerful new open-source AI reasoning model that can reason step-by-step through challenging problems and directly competes with OpenAI's o1 series across benchmarks.The details:
QwQ features a 32K context window, outperforming o1-mini and competing with o1-preview on key math and reasoning benchmarks.
The model was tested across several of the most challenging math and programming benchmarks, showing major advances in deep reasoning.
QwQ demonstrates ‘deep introspection,’ talking through problems step-by-step and questioning and examining its own answers to reason to a solution.
The Qwen team noted several issues in the Preview model, including getting stuck in reasoning loops, struggling with common sense, and language mixing.
Why it matters: Between QwQ and DeepSeek, open-source reasoning models are here — and Chinese firms are absolutely cooking with new models that nearly match the current top closed leaders. Has OpenAI’s moat dried up, or does the AI leader have something special up its sleeve before the end of the year?
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These data processing apps are just apps hooked up to big computers with big data. It's no surprise when rich people buy a bunch of computers and data then run an app on it. It's much more surprising that people are hyped into believing this is somehow important. "It took one week to copy an app and load the data?!?! Wow!!!!"
Nobody cares when "China" writes a decent word processing app or whatever, nor should they.
I'm guessing it's in the output handler, not the UI exactly. I don't think you can edit models like that, and the fact that it knows about it at all means they didn't whitewash the training data set. But my knowledge is limited. In their place, I would probably have included "don't talk about tiananmen square" in the initialization rules. But failing that, I would have added something in the output processor to check for forbidden knowledge and throw an exception.
Still, it's strange that it got the words out before dying.
Wasted - A FLOSS vehicular combat racing game
Wasted is a video game that features vehicular combat racing, developed by a cooperative of hobbyist game developers. Players engage in battle arenas where they can also use weapons or other tools to damage or destroy their opponents' vehicles.
Hi main dev here!
Thanks for sharing!!
Just fyi there is also a website which probably has more info and more up-to-date:
I regularly add new articles in the blog section even tho it's every 4-ish months
And also added an rss feed.
I sometimes share the updates on my peertube channel during my livestreams when there's a new release and I usually stream foss games up there:
Free and Open-Source Gaming reshared this.
When they need you: they come over to your place, share a meal and a good time.
When you need them: You sit alone at home, not making any effort to reach out and not going to their house like they did yours, instead stewing in your own bitterness.
One can either be cynical about it and don‘t help others ever, because they can‘t expect it to ever be reciprocated by the ones you help or others, or they can help for the sake of helping.
The former can make one more cold and isolated, whilst the later, even if they enjoy the act of helping others just by itself, can burn one out.
My approach to this is trying to be helpful by default, but setting and communicating limits. In finding a healthy balance lies the art, as with so many other things in life.
My boyfriend asked me why I kept helping people when they don't appreciate me, and I told him honestly that I never help more than is painless for be, but also, I made a decision about who I want to be, and I won't let other people being assholes change that.
The one in a million person whose life is touch, who really needed it, who can live a better, happier life because of me, is worth fifty assholes. Maybe even a hundred.
Nowadays although I've fallen into miserable lives, I'm still helping someone as best as i could because that's how i am & no one can change it
Understanding French Africa and the Alliance of Sahel States
Understanding French Africa and the Alliance of Sahel States
A story of colonization, terrorism, Russia, China and progress in Africa.CriticalResist (Crit) (Critical Stack)
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