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Biden pardons his son Hunter despite previous pledges not to

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden pardoned his son, Hunter, on Sunday night, sparing the younger Biden a possible prison sentence for federal felony gun and tax convictions and reversing his past promises not to use the extraordinary powers of the presidency for the benefit of his family.

The Democratic president had previously said he would not pardon his son or commute his sentence after convictions in the two cases in Delaware and California. The move comes weeks before Hunter Biden was set to receive his punishment after his trial conviction in the gun case and guilty plea on tax charges, and less than two months before President-elect Donald Trump is set to return to the White House.

Biden, who time and again pledged to Americans that he would restore norms and respect for the rule of law after Trump’s first term in office, ultimately used his position to help his son, breaking his public pledge to Americans that he would do no such thing.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to geneva_convenience

Biden, who time and again pledged to Americans that he would restore norms and respect for the rule of law after Trump’s first term in office, ultimately used his position to help his son, breaking his public pledge to Americans that he would do no such thing.

...after Americans voted that norms and respect for the rule of law don't mean shit. Fuck 'em, I would have done the same thing.

Obegriplig jordbrukspolitik i reformisternas program. Jag har tidigare skrivit om hur reformisternas landsbygdsprogram formulerat en helt oduglig fiskeripolitik. Nu är det dags för jordbrukspolitiken och de förslag som reformisterna presenterar i sitt landsbygdsprogram är i huvudsak helt obegripliga för mig.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Lutris v0.5.18 released

in reply to petsoi

Use dark theme by default?

Wow, how ableist, a lot of people cannot see with dark themes well due to no fault of their own and they're expected to change it when that will be difficult because they cannot see anything suddenly? Sigh.

Why not just let people choose what they want at startup or keep people's choices based on what they had before or the system theme?

Software devs need to seriously start consulting people about their needs and not just making choices for them.

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in reply to Lime Buzz (fae/she)

Wow, how ableist

How so? There has to be a default, and with many applications it's white rather than black. Personally, I like the dark themes that some applications now offer as it doesn't offend my ageing eyes so much.

in reply to monstoor

Because if there wasn't anything to complain about many people would lose their identity.
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in reply to Azzu

Or you know, people are knowledgeable about such things, genuinely care and want to reduce harm.

[Sarcasm] But no, it's all down to some imagined 'identity' people are going to lose based on arguing for more care and a little bit of awareness.

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in reply to Lime Buzz (fae/she)

What about the people that can't move their hands properly and it would be hard to select stuff on a new menu on startup? What about the people that can see better on dark themes? It's ableist for you to suggest a menu or light theme as the default!

The thing is that defaults will never accomodate everyone. The only possible thing you can do is provide options. Just because you have a "solution" that is better for you, does not mean that that is better for everyone. All you're doing is trying to make something perfect for you, which is selfish, and not an improvement.

in reply to Azzu

You're assuming a lot. This isn't actually about me I prefer dark themes too a lot of the time. I just know people who have that particular need and so I'd forgo some initial discomfort if it made things easier for them.

Also, nice whataboutism there, but to answer your question, yes things in general should be as accessible as possible to as many people as possible. I get that it might not ever be perfect, but your inane points seek to hold us back instead of considering others and their accessibility needs which software and computer based technology is severely lacking, especially in spaces like open source.

in reply to monstoor

Thank you for asking!

One that I know about (though I am sure there are others) is that many people have an astigmatism in their eyes and so it is very difficult to see anything in dark conditions as the light blurs across their vision when put on a black/dark background (this has other effects like making it awful to drive at night, for example).

The correct solution is to not have any theme as a default, either base it on what folks already have it set at a system level or ask on startup.

I am sorry to hear about your eyes. However, hopefully either of the solutions can be implimented instead of developers making a choice or impliment both a light theme and dark theme, with imo light being the default being the currently 'best' option, can be implimented with the option to change it in apps that don't follow system theming nor ask, so hopefully the most amount of people can see it well enough to change it.

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in reply to petsoi

I hope lutris ends up finding a new default on wine 10 somewhere in there. wine ge 8-26 starting to get long in the tooth for certain bleeding edge non-steam uses. was dismayed that latest proton isn't an option for installer manifests on 5.18

Lutris v0.5.18 released

reshared this

Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
Lime Buzz (fae/she)

Yes, this is a good solution too.

If they're going to insist on a 'default' though, they shouldn't and should ask instead.

in reply to petsoi

darn shame installers can't use a newer wine yet, still stuck on 8-26

in reply to petsoi

Do cert actually matter in candidate pick? Or just for profile on linkedin?
in reply to far_university190

I do believe that some companies look at certs for sysadmin roles. As a requirement not a boost and you'd likely need more than just Linux certs then. Probably also some Cisco and stuff.
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in reply to far_university190

I'd assume you're more likely to get an interview, and it would probably be viewed higher than someone without.

Not essential, but advantageous.

in reply to far_university190

Well, in tech, if you have experience, that tends to be the biggest deal by far and can often do all the lifting on its own. But hiring managers also appreciate certs and formal education, especially if you don't yet have much experience.

It would likely give you an advantage Vs some other person they're considering with your level of experience.

in reply to far_university190

It'll get you past the AI for human eyes to land on the resume. But having hired a lot of IT guys in the past, I would take experience and no certs over certs and no experience.
in reply to ikidd

To take that a little further, I recruit on enthusiasm, experience then certs last.

There's too many “experts” out there that I might not be able to fire due to employment laws.

Certs are what I'd train my team for, to show to our clients.

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in reply to petsoi

As a fairly proficient desktop Linux user for many years, I've always been curious how much of that knowledge would translate to getting a cert like this. I'm definitely not down playing the significance of these.
in reply to bulwark

I recently passed my Sys Admin cert from Linux Foundation and 50% of things by me were done on the fly:
- View to what website the cerficate has been issued
- Git commiting and pushing
- Smart finding and deleting / moving
- NFS and SSHFS mounting
- Firewall redirection probably using iptables
- Overall user management
- Docker container management
- Sysctl kernel parameters persistence
- Systemctl server managing
- AppArmor which I failed
- LVM disk extending
- From source compilation using make
- NTP time synchronisation

that's all I remember. Overall I find that typicall Linux Desktop differs from these certs and the job.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to bulwark

Syrian Dirty War's Secret Origins [Kit Klarenberg]

in reply to mesamune

Hahaha, they're just now noticing? Rich.

And how will Bkuesky be any different? It won't.

in reply to BearOfaTime

Bluesky is what Twitter used to be: a left wing echo chamber. I'm not sure why any of those people would be let down by the platform as it stands today.

‘Moana 2’ Achieves Demigod Status: All the Box Office Records Broken

in reply to Garibaldee

Many nations ties with Israel are hindering the Palestinian struggle for freedom
in reply to robocall

More generally... Nationalism and the global system of violent statehood are hindering humanity's struggle for survival and freedom.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to robocall

Many of those countries also happen to be Arab and border Palestine. Profit before people.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Michael Parenti "Images of Imperialism: Media, Myths and Reality"

You Will Never Look at College Football the Same