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France in Deepening Political Turmoil After No-Confidence Vote Collapses Gov’t

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Linux Patches Would Allow RISC-V To Use A 64K Page Size

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in reply to petsoi

My stupid brain reading that Linux can now use AK47

Me: the fuck does that mean?

Syrian rebel commander: Israel, opposition 'fighting a common enemy'

One of the commanders of rebel forces in Aleppo, known as Abu Abdo, gave a special interview with i24NEWS’ Matthias Inbar on Wednesday, revealing that, despite differences, “we are fighting against a common enemy.”

“We look at Israel and the US, with the arrival of President Donald Trump, and we have a lot of respect and sympathy for them, for their actions against Iran – the country that leads terrorism in the region and all over the world.”

He said that his faction “looks forward to cooperate and eliminate this enemy and restoring stability.”

in reply to IndustryStandard

Just goes to show what these fuckers think of human life. Saying to countries like Israel "we're on the same side".

in reply to realcaseyrollins

Man, this is a really bad precedent to be setting. First pardoning family members, then handing out pardons for "future crimes" to political allies. Imagine if Trump considered doing this shit, how poorly that would be received.

Seems like a quick way to make a farce of the pardon system.

in reply to Darrell_Winfield

I feel like there's only one way this could be pushed further to the limit: by a president (like Trump) pardoning himself.

in reply to Amoxtli


I don't see a problem here. Right wing personalities encourage harming and killing LGBTQ+ people and liberals, far-right people bomb abortion clinics and kill doctors, but now it's suddenly bad to say that oh, yeah, some people deserve a good killin'?

Seems like crocodile tears to me.

realcaseyrollins doesn't like this.

in reply to HelixDab2

The funny thing about this response is I bet you'll continue to criticize the right for doing this after greenlighting the left to do this since the right does this

(Side note: it's fair to acknowledge that both Taylor Lorenz and abortion clinic bombers are extremists in their own respective political wings)

in reply to HelixDab2

I haven't seen nearly as many right-wing people praising/encouraging obvious murder at I have here and on Bluesky. If something horrible happened to Nancy Pelosi, you sure wouldn't see me posing with a model of her decapitated head - unlike a certain comedian.

Even granting what you say, is putting out veiled death threats under one's real name really the kind of thing leftist figures should be doing in the wake of an election where Trump was nearly killed twice and the US decided that the left is too extreme for them?

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in reply to the_toast_is_gone

To be fair, like most left wing echo chambers like Reddit, you're probably more likely to see extreme content there than amongst most people on the left.
in reply to the_toast_is_gone

the US decided that the left is too extreme for them?

Er. No. That's not what happened. When you look at vote totals from 2020, you can see that Biden got 81M votes to Trump's 74M. Looking at vote totals from 2024, Harris got 74M votes--the same as Trump in 2020--and Trump eked out a slightly improved performance at 77m. This isn't a 'mandate'; this is fewer people showing up to the polls. If the same number of people had voted in 2024 as voted in 2020, it's probable that Trump would have lost again. That isn't people saying the left is "too extreme", that's apathy.

in reply to HelixDab2

Could it be that some people found the left to be too extreme but they weren't ready to vote for a Republican yet?

Joe Kernan CNBC, scolds network for negative coverage of Trump

What happened to actor-relative URLs proposal?

I saw this FEP months ago and thought it was pretty promising. However, it seems that there is no update from then. Does anyone know about this?


For those who don't know this proposal brings portable identity across fediverse.

in reply to iso

That sounds more like portable object storage, and not portable identity?
in reply to hendrik

As I understand, it will make things work like Bluesky. Users will be able to use their own domain handles while not hosting an instance as a whole.
in reply to iso

I skimmed the first few pages. And it seems it's just concerned with the content? You can store your notes (posts, file uploads, ...) on arbitrary instances and move them around. But you still need a fixed instance that hosts your actor identity (your account) which then tells where to go to fetch a post. And that one can't change. So your account and username would still be tied to a fixed domain handle. And you can't move it. And even for the content, it seems like you'd need that fixed instance to do the 302 forward, so it needs to be contacted to resolve each location.

Edit: But you might be right. I don't grasp the full concept. Maybe it enables us to configure a webserver on our own domain to forward a user handle to some external server. Meaning we don't have to install a server ourselves. And the servers would then be interchangable (if this translates to fetching everything). You'd still be tied to your domain name. But not to a service anymore. That'd be great.

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in reply to iso

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Joe Biden reads Rashid Khalidi, and so should American Jews

from TheForward
[Jewish publication from USA]

Rob Eshman - Senior Columnist
December 3, 2024

[this might be an article to be shared with someone who still has illusions about Israel. Also has links to some excellent interviews with Khalidi.]

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Peter Link

Not that any US president could put an end to US imperialism, but there's no chance that Biden read that book. He's always been a staunch supporter of Israel.

What can the android app see when running in Waydroid?

cross-posted from:


when running an Android app in Waydroid, what data can it see? Can it read my local hard drive? Can it scan my network? Can I manage it to just live in it's container and get nothing but an internet connection?

in reply to Knuschberkeks

If you want waydroid to see files on the host, you need to muck around with bind-mounting a directory, or just using abd to move files manually.

I think waydroid can't see anything beyond itself normally. I had a hell of a time trying to get files on there, so if there's an easy way to get Waydroid to see files on the host, I couldn't find it.

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in reply to Tlaloc_Temporal

great. I don't want those apps snooping around on my PC. Thank you.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Ett internet som det var tänkt - Svenssons Nyheter

I Fediversum syns bara poster från de en följer - Svenssons Nyheter

in reply to Anders_S

Mycket pedagogiskt! Det behövs sådana här tydliga inlägg

COSMIC Alpha 4 Released For System76's Rust-Based Desktop

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in reply to Karna

Ngl this Desktop might make me use Popos and even outside Popos it looks nice,Idk about X Fallback. support (Since i play Beamng Which does not run on Nvidia Wayland And i cannot figure out a way to fix it),And i wanna see peoples opinion on it or if people will care anymore.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Karna

So... there will be Alphas 5 and 6. And we got Alpha 4 a week late, compared to the old release schedule of the last Thursday of every month. And a lot of the things that were meant for Alphas 3 and 4 were pushed back. I hope that System76 doesn't encounter more features that push things back further (the way VRR seems to have done), for their own sake. That way, they can keep up a lot of hype around the Betas and the release of Epoch 1.
in reply to theshatterstone54

That is normal in software development. System76 thinks that they will reach v1.0 early next year, but in reality, this won't mature for another 2 years or so.
in reply to Eugenia

At their self-imposed rates of 1 new Alpha at the last Thursday of every month, and assuming only 2 Betas, and assuming they can get Alpha 5 done in December, we're looking at the end of April for release, though I'd realistically expect Epoch 1 at the end of June or July, or maybe even after that.

This is normal in Software Development.

I know. I'm a CS student, but they are still in a pretty early stage of their project and don't have anywhere near the technical debt or size of projects like Plasma or GNOME, and as such, I think they should still be able to keep on going at a pretty fast pace.

in reply to theshatterstone54

And we got Alpha 4 a week late, compared to the old release schedule of the last Thursday of every month

i bet most likely due to the US holiday. 28/11 and 29/11 were the Thanksgiving and Black Friday holiday in US