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in reply to not_that_guy05

Yeah I thought that was funny too 😂 He's not even mentioned in the article!

Israeli historian produces vast database of war crimes in Gaza

cross-posted from:

Using eyewitness reports, video footage, articles, photographs, eyewitness evidence and over investigatory material, much of it recorded by Israeli soldiers, the historian has produced what Haaretz calls “the most methodical and detailed documentation in Hebrew (there is also an English translation) of the war crimes that Israel is perpetrating in Gaza”.

Some of the most shocking incidents documented by Mordechai include a Palestinian woman with a child being shot while waving a white flag, starving girls being crushed to death while queuing for bread, a handcuffed 62-year-old Palestinian man getting run over by an Israeli tank and an air strike targeting people trying to help a wounded boy.

from #MiddleEastEye #MEE
By Nadav Rapaport in Tel Aviv, Israel and Oscar Rickett in London
Published date: 6 December 2024 14:25 GMT
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to Lovstuhagen

I looked on Wikipedia because there isn't enough in the article preview to tell, but:

The Oxford Union Society, commonly referred to as the Oxford Union, is a debating society in the city of Oxford, England

There's your problem right there. Good luck having open debates in Britain with the rules they have in place rn lol

PHOTOS: IDF Boosts Presence on Syrian Border as Rebels Threaten Assad Regime

PHOTOS: IDF Boosts Presence on Syrian Border as Rebels Threaten Assad Regime

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

Requires PostmarketOS which only has less than 30 phones it's available for, many of which are very old (Samsung Galaxy S III??? Where would you even find one of these anymore?) and out of the list of less-than-thirty at least five of them don't offer full support, only partial.

The newest Pixel phone you can use is a Pixel 3a.

Yeah I think I'll pass on something that requires PostmarketOS.

in reply to Snot Flickerman

Yes, title is very misleading. For the curious here is the list of currently supported phones:…

You could write a similar article: How to install docker on your microwave oven: Step one, install a linux distro on your microwave...

Nonetheless PMOS is genial, I installed it on my Kobo ebook reader.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ doesn't like this.

in reply to infeeeee

For sure, this isn't against PostmarketOS. PMOS is fine. It's rather if I'm trying to set up Docker on a phone, I'd rather find a way that's... less limiting on what hardware can be used.
in reply to Snot Flickerman

I mean it's pretty easy to extrapolate from the article how to do it with any OS that can run Docker. It's the idea of recycling the phone as a server that's useful not the specific OS they used in the tutorial.
in reply to Snot Flickerman

Goodness I actually have a pixel 3a kicking around.

Now if only I could find a use for my galaxy s8 besides glorified webcam.

in reply to Snot Flickerman

I think they are intentionally targeting old devices so that they remain useful.
in reply to catloaf

I think commenter is not mad at postmarketOS itself, but the article making it look like you can 1) use docker on Android (at least thats what Android Smartphone infers) and 2) that you can use it with devices such as the pretty new oneplus 6t
in reply to تحريرها كلها ممكن

prevent e-waste
or maybe as a first step into self-hosting for someone who has no access to more suitable hardware
in reply to تحريرها كلها ممكن

at the very least it’s probably about as good as a pi, but for free… and has a built-in UPS and backup internet connection… could be actually very helpful for reporting system status through power outages etc - perhaps even use the camera as a remote view of the systems

Amnesty International Concludes That Israel Is Committing Genocide in Gaza - The Intercept

in reply to TheWolfOfSouthEnd

I doubt it. I'm a Jewish professional (clergyman) and see how many people in my somewhat liberal congregation are rabid supporters of Israel. For them, this would just be another instance of antisemitism.

“You Feel Like You Are Subhuman”: Israel’s Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza | Amnesty International USA (2024-12-04)

cross-posted from:…

“You Feel Like You Are Subhuman”: Israel’s Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza | Amnesty International USA (2024-12-04)


“Amnesty International’s research has found sufficient basis to conclude that the government of Israel has committed and is continuing to commit genocide against Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip.”

“Our findings must serve as a wake-up call to the international community: this is genocide, and it must stop now.”

#AmnestyInternational #NameGenocideGenocide #StopGenocide

in reply to commander

Steam home console now makes more sense than ever given that the current console generation is sort of ass. A box with gigantic library of games from day 1, supporting all modern TV features, new titles all the time guaranteed, flexibility, not being locked down to just one ecosystem… And if it’s comparable to PS5/Xbox it can get a lot of traction, just like Steam Deck.

in reply to return2ozma

I love how this turned out to be the event that united Americans across pretty much all demographics.
in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

Yep. This is the third or fourth such event that I can think of in my lifetime. (not specifically related to healthcare) Every time I think "hey maybe that means something will change."

So far, it either causes no change, or things get worse.

I've got my fingers crossed on this one.

Until there is some movement on our healthcare system, I will shed no tears for this guy, nor any similar events that occur in the future.

in reply to octopus_ink

Healthcare is likely the most sensitive topic that affects vast majority of people. Everyone has either been fucked by insurance industry or knows someone who has.
in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

Everyone in the country was vulnerable to Covid too; you see how long that unity lasted. Just one example for my pessimism.
in reply to octopus_ink

I don't think this single thing is going to be the catalyst for some major change on its own, but these things add up over time. Eventually, quantity transforms into quality. People are becoming increasingly aware that the system is broken, and solidarity within the working class is starting to slowly develop. It's important to develop a long term perspective here and recognize that change is a long process there will be many setbacks along the way. I do think it's important to use these kinds of events to do agitprop to point people in the right direction in terms of their thinking.
in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

When you say “all demographics”, are you including rich and poor? If so, that’s really interesting.
in reply to TheWolfOfSouthEnd

Seems like it's pretty much all of the working class, including the labour aristocracy.

Unlocking the secrets of diamond: new insights into nitrogen-vacancy center formation

Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers are defects in diamond where a carbon atom is replaced by a nitrogen atom, and there's a missing carbon atom (vacancy) next to it. They have unique properties that make them useful for quantum sensing, computing, and even biological imaging.

Researchers found ways to control the number and location of NV centers in diamonds using irradiation and annealing (heating and cooling). The temperature and the direction of the diamond during the process affect how many NV centers are formed and where they are located.

This study offers a refined recipe for creating NV centers in diamonds, paving the way for advancements in quantum technology.

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This entry was edited (3 months ago)