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in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

Its cool man were not gonna rape and murder our women anymore you can totally trust me and ignore my history of raping and murdering
in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

Just so we're clear, you didn't answer the question. Should different individuals have a choice about whether or not to wear a headscarf?

Or is the answer that you instead believe that the choice wasn't the interviewers but instead directed by, uh, "The West"?

in reply to The Octonaut

Absolutely, everybody should have a choice over that. The obvious problem with your line of arguing is that CNN could've easily found someone who would wear a headscarf to interview the Iranian president as well. The fact that you couldn't see the obvious flaw in your argument really highlights the quality of your intellect.
in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

What argument? I asked you a question that you ignored. Thanks to getting to it eventually, and for answering the obvious followup that indeed you do believe this was orchestrated by "The West" (CNN). It's really shed light on your reason for posting this as it didn't seem to fit with last week's theme of how The West is in decline and America was no longer relevant on the world stage.

What's it called again when a worker steps in to take the place of a worker who has refused to do something on principle because of their rights or conditions?

in reply to The Octonaut

You asked a loaded question which you tried to use as a hamfisted smear. I love the fact that you can't understand just how transparent you are. Meanwhile, western regimes fucking around the world instead of spending resources on improving lives of people living in the west is precisely why the west is in decline. I see this is another direct cause and effect relationship that's too complex for you to comprehend.

Is your follow up question about scabs meant to go somewhere or you're just attempting to be clever again?

in reply to NightOwl

I wonder if it'll even be habitable after ten more years of warming.
in reply to NightOwl

Guess I'll be not watching my second World Cup in the space of 12 years. Fuck off FIFA.

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

The result is a display of bright red, glowing liquid iron droplets that rain down and collect at the bottom of the furnace, forming a stream of high-purity iron that can be directly used for casting or “one-step steelmaking”.

Looking forward to the videos.

Frikännande dom för mord i parkeringshus. Malmö tingsrätt har frikänt den man som åtalats för mordet i Ica Maxis parkeringsgarage på Cypressvägen i Hindby, Malmö. Den man som åtalats som medhjälpare dömdes inte heller för inblandning i skjutningen.…

Ninja Loses It After Throwing TimTheTatMan Onto A Spike Trap

in reply to OsrsNeedsF2P

Russia did it for a few days and then quit. Now it is US and Israel.

Bake My Day är bageriet utan rent mjöl i påsen. Tidningarna Arbetet samt Mål och Medel har granskat bageriet Bake my day och deras bageri i Huddinge. De avslöjade en fruktansvärd röra med smuts, råttor, döda fåglar med mera.…