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in reply to HotWheelsVroom

Fuck yea this is the best news ever and that trailer looks amazing 😍
in reply to Aviandelight

If the game even looks slightly like the teaser I will be in love
in reply to HotWheelsVroom

I'm so mad that I heard about it second hand instead of watching the teaser firsthand during the event. Either way the hype is killing me

in reply to Leaflet

Lets hope they actually fix dnf be faster rather than shifting blame

in reply to Garibaldee

Doesn't say great things about pakistans nuclear deterrence...

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

Well obviously different people have different brains. It would be weird if they all took turns with one brain
in reply to glimmer_twin [he/him]

It's more that reading exercises specific parts of the brain. In particular it develops the anterior temporal lobe, responsible for associating and categorizing different types of information and the auditory cortex, that's correlated with better reading skills, becomes thicker since it's involved in phonological awareness in reading. Basically, reading is good for you.

How to Make Your First Loops Video

For those interested in trying out Loops, you may be wondering: what are good tools or processes for making videos?

We go into detail with some of the tools we're currently using.

Loops is a brand new Fediverse platform for short-form video. This guide covers some of the things we do with making Loops Videos.…

in reply to Sean Tilley

Careful everything you upload there also belongs to them. Its in their tos

in reply to The Spectre

sigh another imagined argument about these mythical “Americans” I keep hearing about.

Most Americans also hate this system haha. I mean, McCarthyism still has its effects to this day, and maybe the people I’ve met are not representative of the general population, but I literally haven’t met one American “in love” with capitalism. The most pro-capitalist argument you’ll get here is “well yeah capitalism has its flaws, but it’s the best we got”…which is a bullshit argument, and is in fact the same argument the south used to convince people to keep slavery around fyi.

in reply to underwire212

Unfortunately tho, a lot of usonians are still virulently anti-communist, and even the vaguely progressive ones just want nordic-style social democracy, where capitalists still stand above the political system, and where social services are funded off the backs of the world's poor via import taxes.

Russia Nears Deal With New Syria Leaders to Keep Army Bases

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

How are you keeping Russian military bases if the narrative is accurate that Israel and the USA are in control of the whole situation.
in reply to freagle

I don't think they're in control of anything in practice. It's pretty much the same situation as Afghanistan. Turkey and Israel unleashed a whole bunch of extremists to overrun the country, but now it's going to be impossible to control them in any meaningful way.

in reply to The Spectre

This is as reductive as when people say religion is what causes all wars. Humans cause war. Race, religion, nationality, money, power,etc. All of them,and more, have been used as pretexts for war.

don't like this

in reply to Sundial

everybody wants to rule the world in some way or another even if it means killing everyone else smh
in reply to The Spectre

Anybody reading Aristophanes in these times of demagogues and world wars? I just finished Birds and Peace. Studies of democracy, Greek hegemony, and hellenization feel like a refresher on familiar problems and their perspectives. I think he was writing about 250 years after Homer, and today we're writing about 250 years after the US framers.

in reply to The Spectre

Who do you think this is applying to? I've seen a ton of people against both. The US government supports Israel because they're a friendly power in the region. But that doesn't make it right, or that most people would agree with the decision.

Also, there's a difference of scales. Russia tried to push to Kiev to install a government, Israel looks like it's more of a land grab. Again, neither are just, but they're not the same.

GE-Proton9-21 Released

in reply to reallykindasorta

And when you get really fed up with this bullshit and look for a way out, there aren't a lot of great options that medical training allows for but still pays med school debts. Guess what one of the few options is? Working for an insurance company and helping them deny claims. Fuuuuhhcck
in reply to reallykindasorta

A lot of doctors hate dealing with the insurance companies as much as we do. They have to deal with medical insurance on both sides.

They all get frustrated whenever they have to not help someone they're perfectly capable of helping

in reply to Mr. WorldWide

Indeed, this post was inspired by a friend who spends an inordinate amount of time off the clock trying to get charts into just so shape so that claims go through. The exact way they want you to phrase stuff and what tests they need to see in the chart before approval changes regularly so practices basically have to hire a dedicated staff to keep up and let the doctors know about changes. Also results in small practices being driven out of business.
in reply to Mr. WorldWide

That's why my old doctor opened up a concierge practice. You pay a yearly membership fee, a low office fee, then everything else is at cost.

in reply to Garibaldee

USA is a criminal Country with an condemned criminal as President. Fucking nazis Trump, Netanyahu and all their supporters


In the UK, Trans Youth Left Out in the Cold by Labour Government — Assigned

in reply to Garibaldee

Like the US, they used the trans community as props and tossed them aside when they were done with them.

in reply to realcaseyrollins

A bit, but it still doesn't explain how this warrants terrorism charges and $100,000 bail. A visit from the police and probation or anger management courses? OK I still don't really agree but it makes some sense. But not prison time. She's getting punished harder than many rapists and child molesters.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Pazu900

Why wouldn't an insinuation of terrorism warrant a terrorism charge and a lot of bail money? That doesn't make sense.