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in reply to Obinice

I should make one thing more clear: Information is **not **an absolute thing. It's **not **like mass or temperature.

You can pick up a rock and determine its mass. You cannot determine its information content. The rock's information is what facts about it, you want to record or communicate to other people.

Even if you only wanted to record the rock's mass, that's still not an absolute amount of information. If you measure small pebbles and huge boulders, you have to record if the numbers are in grams or tons. And that's assuming that it's clear that the numbers give the mass of rocks and not something completely different. Then the record of that rock's mass is more information because of the different context and not because of anything about the rock itself.

in reply to General_Effort

Link to the published paper, hosted by author:…

Pop science writer Carl Zimmer wrote on the study in the NYT. He made his piece available as a gift article via his bsky account.…

December Updates for DietPi v9.9 -

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Även Fediversum har startpaket. Bluesky är lätt att använda. Det ser exakt likadant ut som X (Twitter) och för användaren fungerar det i princip exakt likadant. Men en del funktioner är annorlunda eller finns inte alls på X.…

Dormitory - Dead simple dockerless microservice framework

Hey! I am building Microservices framework with focus on simplicity and potentially targeted to dev environments, it's in veeeeeeery alfa stage, so only WIKI exists reflecting current design and use cases. However I'd like to get some feedback to see if see the whole thing make a sense. Thanks

Död man i utbränd bil i Bollebygds kommun. Strax innan midnatt på julafton ryckte räddningstjänsten ut till en badplats vid Nedflo strand vid Västra Nedsjön norr om Hindås. Detta gjorde de med anledning av en rapporterad bilbrand som upptäckts av boende i området.…

how would you make a linux distro for extreme beginners in tech and elderly people??

this is a topic i've been heavily involved with because i still consider myself to be someone who prefers using technology at a very beginner friendly level, plus it's very good when a linux operating system makes you feel right at home when it has a modern desktop environment. this is why i really like gnome, its simplicity and usability is something available for everyone, for beginners and for a lot of other people, but if you had to, say, rearrange xfce or kde for someone who was an elderly person or an absolute beginner so that they wouldn't have any trouble using linux, how would you do it? (screenshot is my current linux mint desktop, very simple and extremely user friendly!!!!)

Mike Macgirvin 🖥️ Mike Macgirvin 🖥️ wrote the following post Wed, 25 Dec 2024 13:22:39 -0800

Happy December 25th to folks on the far side of the international date line.

A new setting is available on your Display Settings page. What this optional setting does is remove all comments from your channel home page, so that your channel appears to be "just a single-user blog" to outsiders. What it doesn't look like is a "social network" which might be subject to new overly-restrictive UK laws.

Insiders will note that it is still a fully functional consent-based fediverse node with nomadic identity, permissions, and fine-grained conversation restrictions (media access, post audience, and replies).

The streams repository does not encourage breaking laws. It does provide a number of online safety tools so that you have a wide range of options; should you find some day that you require them.

@Mike Macgirvin 🖥️

in reply to Streams

It is a nifty online safety tool. :-)

I've been learning about a few more of the "wide range of options", such as the ones you can find at /pdledit/channel. Maybe add a few theme adjustments, and you could have something that looks very much like a blog.

Ett kriminellt gäng i 1980-talets Göteborg. I en artikel i tidningen Lektyr från 1985 pekas en enda gänggruppering ut för att ligga bakom flera våldsamma rån i Göteborg.…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Merry non-AI Christmas, Linuxers

Milpamérica, a social network for resisting the Musk algorithm

in reply to misk

tl,dr: it's a Pixelfed instance by and for native people in Latin America
in reply to misk

I don't know how to contact them but they put the URL for wrong. It has an accent. Such a missed opportunity to promote it.

Fediversum ägs inte av nåt storföretagsmonopol. Men till skillnad från andra sociala medier är det helt gratis att använda. Där finns ingen reklam, inga riskkapitalister som investerare, ingen spårning av användarna, inget kontrollerande företag och ett välkomnade och öppet samtalsklimat. Men där finns företag, aktieägare, reklam på en del servrar (instanser) och jobbiga människor samt programvaror som inte alltid är de mest användarvänliga.…

MeroChat - Open Source Random Chat

Bored on holidays or miss Omegle? Come chat with us on MeroChat!

It's a web based random chat where you're presented with a flow of user profiles, whom you can choose to chat with. And of course someone else might find you the same way and send you a message out of the blue (provided your privacy settings allow it).

And here's the code. (Written in PureScript!) A lot remains to be done but it's a joyful thing already.

Rust Drama, Russian Kernel Maintainers & Other Top Linux Kernel Happenings Of 2024

300 kilo hasch i lastbilstrailer. Chauffören påstod att han var på väg till Helsingborg för att lasta av gods från Spanien. Men tullinspektörerna vid Öresundsbron blev misstänksamma när hans dokument inte stämde. De tog in den polskregistrerade lastbilen på en fördjupad kontroll. Då upptäcktes två inplastade lastpallar med drygt 307 kilo hasch bakom det ordinarie fraktgodset.…