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Grieving relatives set up tents in airport as they wait for news about loved ones in South Korea plane crash

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“Honestly, I cannot accept what has happened and that they died,” one grieving relative told NBC News.

Grieving relatives set up tents in airport as they wait for news about loved ones in South Korea plane crash

“Honestly, I cannot accept what has happened and that they died,” one grieving relative told NBC News.

in reply to realcaseyrollins

Well he does look like a rotting fish head and is about as fit to lead, so I guess he'd know!

Regeringen har sabbat det mesta, Den svenska regeringen vill stoppa all invandring. Eftersom invandrarna behövs för att det svenska samhället ska fungera har regeringen också sett till att skapa en omfattande arbetslöshet genom att i praktiken stoppa alla industrinvesteringar och byggen.…

unittest recipes for temporary files and directories


2024 har rent generellt varit ett uselt år. Högersegrar, till och högerextrema segrar i många länder. Sveriges värsta regering på årtionden och en massa krig. Men det finns öven många positiva saker.…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

JetKVM's Source Code is now public! ✨

JetKVM is much like nanoKVM but a slightly polised version.

What is JetKVM?
JetKVM is a high-performance, open-source KVM over IP (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) solution designed for efficient remote management of computers, servers, and workstations. Whether you’re dealing with boot failures, installing a new operating system, adjusting BIOS settings, or simply taking control of a machine from afar, JetKVM provides the tools to get it done effectively.

As far as I know, these Jets are not available for retail yet, but can be bought via their kickstarter.

Link to their website:
Link to their kickstarter:…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Rånet i Burlöv center 1974. En värdetransport mellan SE-banken i Burlöv center och bankens kontor i centrala Malmö måndagen den 5 augusti genomfördes med hjälp av en kundvagn och en folkabuss.…

Embodied Is Actually Trying To Release ‘Moxie’ Robots To The Open Source Community

Höjda straff minskar inte antalet vapen. Enligt tullen och polisen finns det mellan 4 000 och 5 000 illegala skjutvapen i Sverige. Som en jämförelse finns det drygt 1,5 miljoner legala skjutvapen hos ungefär 600 000 privatpersoner i Sverige.…

in reply to mox

Seems to be about preventing greening to reduce the natural harmful chemicals.
Neat, but was hoping it had to do with preventing toxins from leeching into the toobers when they grow in poor soil.

Misskey Has Reached 1 Million Registered Users!

in reply to Sunshine (she/her)

god i wish misskey would replace tumblr as the go to microblogger :(

i love misskey/sharkey so much

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This entry was edited (2 months ago)