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Threads och Fediversum, Mikrobloggar är sociala mediesajter där det bara går att skriva korta meddelanden. Den mest kända mikrobloggen är X eller Twitter som den hette tidigare. Threads och Bluesky är två nyare alternativ.…

Introducing AI News Summary Bot for Lemmy!

Hey fellow Lemmings,

I'm thrilled to announce the launch of AI News Summary Bot, a project that brings you News summary! The bot is now live on our community at !

The bot is still in its early stages, and I'm excited to hear your feedback and suggestions on how to improve it. Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas.

Repository: If you're interested in contributing or exploring the code behind the bot, you can find the repository at…

Donations: If you're interested in donating to allow me to spend more time developing please do: monero:8916FjDhEqXJqX9Koec9WaZ4QBQAa6sgW6XhQhXSjYWpQiWB42GsggEh73YAFGF86GU2gEE1TTRdWSspuMgpWGkiPHkgBTX

Stay informed, and let's build this community together!

EDIT: grammar

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Germany hits 62.7% renewables in 2024 energy mix, with solar contributing 14%

in reply to realcaseyrollins

They're not making enough energy for everybody. No company who wants to power their operations directly with power plants will do it with wind energy. It is unreliable energy. The price is volatile. They can go negative to expensive in an instant. Since Germany has no cheap gas, this makes gas backup even more expensive. To keep the large capacity operating, and to incentivize more power plants, they have to pay wind energy providers regardless if they make energy or not with a minimum payment.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Breaking Into Beautiful | Official Trailer | Angel Studios

cross-posted from:

Breaking Into Beautiful | Official Trailer | Angel Studios

in reply to realcaseyrollins

Damn. I never thought I’d click on GBNews (I feel like I need to disinfect my handset now.)

To quote their final paragraph:

“There is a precedent for local authorities delivering successful independent inquiries into the grooming gangs scandal, such as in Rotherham and Telford, where thousands of victims were identified after decades of abuse were ignored by the authorities.”

Whilst, yes, the government should be running the Home Office in reality the Civil Service runs the Home Office.

Another, older, article with a decent précis of what has gone on before:

MEN article

As always, the whole truth is way too complicated to sum up in headlines and soundbites.

Optimize your shell experience

reshared this

in reply to learnbyexample

I would probably disagree with this advice, certainly for anyone who uses more than one machine. Setting up lots of specific aliases means you're learning a unique system, and all your muscle memory becomes useless every time you're in a container or SSHing somewhere without your tweaks.
in reply to smeg

This is always my concern with creating git aliases, and find it's just as easy to use the reverse search in shell to find git commit -a --amend --no-edit rather than make up an alias which just works on one machine. Also, a lot of the time I'm sharing my screen or sending the output to someone, and don't want to have to explain what gcane means.

I do like the syntax highlighting plugin, that was new to me.

in reply to smeg

in reply to smeg

Its not hard to copy your aliases to other machines. All my machines run NixOS, so they all have my home manager config. I would assume you could easily copy shell configs with tools like ansible as well. For aliases it's as simple as copying your .bashrc over.

At my last job where I was regularly doing this, every user had a home directory that would be mounted onto any server we accessed, so all of us could have whatever shell customizations we'd like.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to smeg

I'd rather optimize for the 99% case, which is me getting shit done on my machine, than refuse to use convenient stuff for the sake of maybe not forgetting a command I can perfectly just look up if I do legitimately happen to forget about it. If I'm on a remote, I already don't have access to all my usual software anyway, what's a couple more aliases? To me this sounds like purposefully deciding to slow yourself down cutting paper with a knife all the time cause you may not have access to scissors when you happen to sit at someone else's desk.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to folkrav

Different use cases, innit? I have several personal machines, a work machine, and infinite containers and VMs to deal with so it's not worth it for me. If you're always on the same machine and can easily take your config with you to the next one then more power to you!
in reply to smeg

I do connect to VMs and containers all the time, I just don't see a reason not to speed myself up on my own machines because of it. To me, the downside of typing an alias on a machine that doesn't have it once in a while, is much less than having to type everything out or searching my shell history for longer commands every single time. My shell configs are in a dotfiles repo I can clone to new personal/work machines easily, and I have an alias to rsync some key parts to VMs if needed. Containers, I just always assume I don't have access to anything but builtins. I guess if you don't do the majority of your work on a local shell, it may indeed not be worth it.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to smeg

Working in tech I seriously curtailed customization on my machine to only what I really wanted and this was because I would so often have to deal with defaults or other peoples customization's.
in reply to smeg

Configuration Management tools? In which scenario do you SSH into machines where you don't have root privs and still need elaborate shell commands?
in reply to dino

With some configuration management tools like ansible you don't even need root privs to manage your users environment and keep everything neat and consistent.
in reply to 𝕨𝕒𝕤𝕒𝕓𝕚

Yes I am stupid and thought the link is describing some apps which additionally need to be installed but its mostly config and aliases...

Desktop SSD Upgrade! Install is getting close to 3 years.

Pelagiska kustkvoter och regional tilldelning.Havs- och vattenmyndigheten beslutar årligen om hur de pelagiska fiskemöjligheterna ska fördelas mellan olika kategorier av fiskelicensinnehavare.…

Kokainbeslagen har ökat för att Sverige är ett transitland. DN slår på stora trumman för att kokainbeslagen ökat enormt i Sverige det senaste decenniet. I början av varje år kommer det en sån artikel.…

Roast of 2024 - Live! CNN New Year's Eve

NGI Zero Core grant for (streams) & Hubzilla

Bill Statler Bill Statler wrote the following post Thu, 02 Jan 2025 14:08:10 -0800
NGI Zero Core grant for (streams) & Hubzilla
Threadiverse Reproducible Deployment

Fediverse is more than short form microblogging. The ActivityPub protocol connects all kinds of software for various communication needs. Some of those are concentrated on long blogs and threaded discussion forums. A common understanding of conversations in ActivityPub and their secure and safe-from-spam implementation is being developed in several fediverse projects. This project focuses on stable and documented automated deployment for two of them - Hubzilla and Streams, including interoperability tests. This will support threadiverse standardization efforts, and help to bring features like group photoalbums and full channel portability between instances.

That's all that I know about it.

@Bill Statler

in reply to Streams Users Tea Garden I hope I didn't cause any offense with my comments -- if so, I apologize.

The NLNet article did not clearly explain the grant -- or at least, it wasn't clear to me. It left me confused about who was receiving the money, and for what purpose. Thank you for the explanation. It sounds like a very useful project.

I did not mean to imply that you were using the grant for the hardware upgrade. I just thought it was amazing that you have been able to run all your services on a Raspberry Pi 4.

Anyway, congratulations on the grant!

The good news is, they regognize ActivityPub FEPs of Streams and Hubzilla as worth it and they aim for continuous support of projects.

Yes, that is very good news. :-)

Official Season 3 Trailer | Will Trent