Help for searching a new distro [SOLVED]
Hi everyone.
I have an old ASUS S56C and I use it everyday for web (Firefox) and graphic design (Photoshop with Bottles, Inkscape). I have used for years Lubuntu, and it was all good with LXDE ambient, but with the latest versions it switched to LXQT and with snaps I don't feel it comfortable anymore.
So, I'm looking for another ~~easy weight~~ lightweight distro, no fancy, only for Firefox, Bottles and Inkscape. I'm opened to any suggestions. Thanks in advance to everyone.
EDIT: Thank you all for your time and answers. I've read them all and I think I will start with Debian with LXDE. Thank you all again.
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Polisen och terrordådet i Örebro. Den fjärde februari konfronterades polisen med en situation de enligt egen uppgift övat mycket på. De menar ändå att det aldrig går att förbereda sig fullt ut för ett massmord. På den punkten har de säkerligen alldeles rätt.
African leaders call for direct talks with rebels to resolve Congo conflict
Leaders at an unprecedented joint summit of Eastern and Southern African blocs aimed at defusing the crisis in Eastern Congo urged all parties to hold direct talks, including with Rwanda-backed rebels whose advance has fanned fears of a wider war.In late January, the M23 rebels captured Goma, the largest city in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo - the worst escalation of fighting in more than a decade that has left thousands dead. Despite announcing a unilateral ceasefire, they have continued to march south towards the city of Bukavu.
For context
- Reuters: Democratic Republic of Congo: What's happening and why are M23 rebels fighting?
- BBC: What's the fighting in DR Congo all about?
- The Conversation: Rebels are continuing their march in eastern Congo – what is their long-term goal? (Author raised in the region)
- The East African: My 24 hours with M23 in Goma (personal account)
Rebels are continuing their march in eastern Congo – what is their long-term goal?
After capturing the key city of Goma, the M23 rebels in eastern Congo seem intent on capturing more territory – and lucrative mining operations.The Conversation
Remote Desktop over SSH ?
I'm using the LITE version of Raspberry PI OS. ( so without desktop environment and other stuff, but unfortunately not systemd free... )
When I use this raspberry locally I don't need a desktop, but remotely I might...
I've found an interesting link: \… \
see Method Three: X11 Forwarding for Desktop over SSH
I see that xinit is not installed by default with LITE ( and it make sense ) so do you think if I install it, and follow the rest of instruction it will work ?
If I understand well the mechanism I do not need to install a desktop environment on the server ( the rpi ) but only on the client right ?
Or do you know a better way do achieve this ?
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Seconding this. The last time I use raspberry pi it was the first version and it could barely do x windows; trying to push everything to remote x and through ssh might make it unusable, but it will still technically work.
In your shoes: I would use something like cockpit and it comes with most distos by default. It uses your local browser to administer your rpi and can also give you a shell or virtual terminal.
If you insist on forwarding x over ssh, then be sure to enable compression. (I didn't see it in the article that you linked).
GitHub - cockpit-project/cockpit: Cockpit is a web-based graphical interface for servers.
Cockpit is a web-based graphical interface for servers. - cockpit-project/cockpitGitHub
Depending on needs, a web interface may be better. Like Cockpit or something more application-specific.
Ssh x11 forwarding has been a popular system for decades. (Id love to know if wayland options exist yet)
But as other have suggested you need x11 on both systems. It is very inbuilt into the way x11 was originally designed. (From back when we had huge shared servers and dumbish xterm workstations. This means it was designed to do much of the work on the server end with the display being the lower cost less able system.
It will work on a pie. But not with the lite os system as designed.
waypipe ssh desktop.local thunderbird
GitHub - wayland-transpositor/wprs
Contribute to wayland-transpositor/wprs development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
EU far-right parties rally in Madrid behind slogan 'Make Europe Great Again'
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and France's Marine Le Pen headlined a rally in Madrid on Saturday by Europe's biggest far-right bloc, buoyed by Donald Trump's return to power and calling for "a 180-degree pivot".Patriots for Europe has realigned extreme-right forces in the European Union. It became the European Parliament's third-largest force after Orban helped launch it last year to pull the bloc towards the far right.
"Yesterday we were the heretics. Today we are the mainstream... We are the future," proclaimed Orban, sharing the stage with other leading extreme-right nationalists including Dutch anti-Islam firebrand Geert Wilders, Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini and former Czech premier Andrej Babis.
EU far-right parties rally in Madrid behind slogan 'Make Europe Great Again'
After last year's European Parliament elections, in which far-right parties performed strongly in several countries, a rally Saturday in Madrid was a meant as a show of force by the EU parliament's biggest far-right bloc.NEWS WIRES (FRANCE 24)
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aramis87, subignition, NoneOfUrBusiness, Lasslinthar, PokyDokie, FartsWithAnAccent and Maeve like this.
Much like America, I have to ask when the "before" was that they want to make great again. Because it always seems like the "before" in the case of MAGA people was "before slaves were emancipated and women were given rights."
So I'm guessing 13th century or so here?
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There's no before for them, it's pure fantasm. They just want control and order.
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I find it incredibly cringe anyway that all these parties just copy the same slogan. Some weird form of international nationalism, where they all just copy whatever the others are doing. It apparently works very well.
I guess in Western Europe it’s largely focused around anti-immigration and anti-EU sentiments, but with this movement being more and more international, I do notice an uptick in rhetoric concerning sexual minorities and women’s rights, with a lot of anti science and elitism/wokeism sprinkled in. It’s very scary. I’m happy that we don’t have a political system where the winner takes it all in my country, as it’s pretty bad already as it is right now.
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I guess in Western Europe it’s largely focused around anti-immigration and anti-EU sentiments
That's part of what's so ridiculous though. Europe is basically a long history of wave after wave of immigration. So the "again" is when, the point when the Neanderthals colonized it?
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Europe is basically a long history of wave after wave of immigration.
So is the US, and it's even more recent. Don't seek logic in it.
I don't know much about the history of anti-Semitism in Europe (so anyone feel free to correct me or add more info), but what I've been thinking is that the cause/origin of anti-Semitism is no different from the anti-immigrant panic from today. They both come down to people from a "foreign" or at least different culture coming into a society and getting jobs or opening business. It just so happens that now those foreign people are more diverse, whereas before (centuries ago in Europe) they were mostly Jewish.
This tells me we have learned nothing from our past except for the most surface level details. We learned that anti-Semitism is bad and beat people over the head with it, but we never properly addressed the roots of it, and so now the same thing is repeating but for different groups of people. It's the same sort of thing as when it is said that "people nowadays are more open minded", when the reality is simply that they were taught to be okay (or not) with certain things; but the bigoted though process has not really gone away.
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Yes it's a particularly dumb slogan when most of their common "plan" is about destroying Europe.
They are basically saying "can we go back to hating and periodically invading each other?".
These guys are united by their dislike of each other. Which is fair enough, because I really dislike every single one of them too. I just wish instead of all this talking they mounted on their horses and jousted, like back then when Europe was, you know... great?
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Oh for FUCK sake! They really are all falling in line behind Musk, aren't they?
... I need to find out if the Danish right wing parties are thinking of joining them...
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Donald Trump Told to 'F*** Off,' Leave Greenland Alone by Danish Lawmaker
A Danish lawmaker has issued a strong rebuke to President Donald Trump over his desire to purchase Greenland.Alia Shoaib (Newsweek)
Yeah I know. That was a, pretty hurrah moment for me. A Danish person on the floor of the EU, "... Let me use words you can understand. Mr. Trump, fuck off!"
But Denmark does have its more extreme elements, the kind of "Denmark first above all else" anti-European types.
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I knew this kind of shit would happen. This is why it's important to keep an eye on US politics and why US news always kinda fits in 'world' news. Because like it or not, we all seem to be under the spell of the USA's influence.
Take these European variety ass flies following the waft of stink coming from Donald Trump's backside for example. "Make Europe Great Again"? Apparently Europe is joining China in the game of making cheap knockoffs of famous American brands. Or maybe it's just going full circle, considering that MAGA is just a knockoff brand of Nazism. Which was long ago but not long ago enough for everyone involved in it or brainwashed by it to have shuffled off this mortal coil yet.
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Europe is already great.
These guys are making it not great.
It's super simple.
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While it’s true, this argument should not being used to defend people who don’t even consider Africa people as "real" human.
In fact, it’s probably the same people (few generations earlier but with the same mindset) who jumped on boat to create the slave routes, kill people for lands and ressources... You know the people that don’t consider we are all the same.
It's not defending conservatives. It's pointing out that European exceptionally comes at the detriment of others which creates many negative opinions of the continent as a whole.
You don't get to claim Europe is already great when their entire way of life is propped on colonization and exploitation on the global south. Whether or not it's only conservatives that don't see them as ppl is debatable considering liberal and conservative alike have exploited African for centuries and actually never stopped.
Nationalistic Exceptionalism is a tool of the elites to manipulate the rest.
I'm from a country in Europe - Portugal - which had "colonies" in Africa and forced work camps for the locals there as little ago as the 60s - a form of Slavery - whilst the country was under a Fascist Dictatorship and most people in the "Fatherland" were themselves dirt poor to the point that the country actually got food help from other countries in Europe.
Most of the wealth from exploiting those other countries went to a handful of rich families (the so called "7 families") tightly tied to the regime and their wilful minions, not the majority of the people in a country whose "way of life" was supposedly "propped on colonization".
(I can't quite see which part of the miserable life of my grandparents, on both sides poor countryside farmers with many often undernourish children who didn't have shoes to walk to school even during Winter, was "propped on colonization")
But, damn, the Fascist Dictator was really big on propaganda about the "Glory of Portugal" and the "Superiority of the Portuguese".
Absolutelly, all this shit was whitewashed after the Revolution that overthrew the dictator, a few years after the revolutionaries confiscated, the wealth of those 7 Fascist families - which was indeed their loot from pillaging both the "colonies" and the "mainland" itself - was soon returned to them by the mainstream parties and a propagandistic slant on all that kept going on since (even more recently, when past pillaging is recognized, the claims from politicians of "national shame" are really all about difusing the blame of the choices of the elites onto the entire population of the nation and at times just meant to indirectly get money in the wallets of those very same politicians and their friends).
"Europe" (as in, its elites) did pillage all over the World the riches of others and still does if less so (nowadays mainly by helping foreign dictators stay in power, pillage the wealth of their countrymen and then share some of the loot with wealthy European interests) and all that shit has been whitewashed for the masses in various ways, but now just like in that shameful past there was and there is no meaningful trickle-down of the wealth the elites pillage.
If they were Nazis they would be marching down the street holding swastikas
...wait, fuck
MEGA? Really? Who the fuck looks at what Trump does and says "Yes, more of this please?"
I mean besides the voting public in 2024 after getting amnesia about Covid
As if breaking up the EU would somehow make individual countries in it (even the mid-sized ones in a global sense like France or Germany) be better capable of defending their interests against the likes of the US, China or even India and Russia.
By their own criteria, these people are traitors to their countries and I'm pretty certain that's because they sold themselves to foreign interests (for example the Portuguese one has had his party subsidized by Brazilian Christian sects).
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Thai Gaza hostages: Freed men arrive home to tears of joy in Bangkok
Five Thai farm workers released by Hamas in Gaza last month have arrived home in Bangkok, after spending nearly 500 days in captivity.Pongsak Thaenna, Sathian Suwannakham, Watchara Sriaoun, Bannawat Saethao and Surasak Lamnao had all been working in southern Israel when they were kidnapped during the attacks by Hamas on 7 October 2023.
Thai Gaza hostages: Freed men arrive home to tears of joy in Bangkok
"I don't know how to put it into words," says one of the hostages released from Gaza last month.Thomas Mackintosh (BBC News)
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These are the "lucky" ones as 46 Thai people were murdered by Hamas for just working there.
I'm currently in Thailand and it's big news here even though nobody really cares about Middle East shit here. I sincerely hope Hamas will be erased from existence and history with everything they stand for.
Taiwan economics officials to meet with Trump's team to avoid 100% tariff on chips
Economics officials to meet with Trump's team to avoid 100% tariff on chips - Focus Taiwan
Two senior officials from the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) will visit Washington and meet with U.S. President Donald Trump's team in an effort to prevent the imposition of tariffs potentially as high as 100 percent on chips from Taiwan.Focus Taiwan - CNA English News
How to rip music from spotify?
Ah yes, the modern day equivalent of recording radio broadcasts to magnetic tape. Made a few mixtapes that way myself. They were absolute garbage quality and I never listen to them anymore, but it was an interesting exercise and my only option for some stuff at the time.
Now I just buy as directly from the artist as I can for things that are rare enough that they are difficult to pirate.
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GitHub - glomatico/votify: A Python CLI app for downloading songs/podcasts from Spotify.
A Python CLI app for downloading songs/podcasts from Spotify. - glomatico/votifyGitHub
I use Spotdl:…
It's a python based CLI tool. You run the command and link to song/playlist/album and it basically looks on YT for the song, downloads the audio, the artwork and metadata.
It's what I've been using since I cancelled Spotify last year and decided to own my own library again
GitHub - spotDL/spotify-downloader: Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata (from YouTube if a match is found).
Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata (from YouTube if a match is found). - spotDL/spotify-downloaderGitHub
This is what I was looking for:
GitHub - justin025/onthespot: A GUI music downloader for Apple Music, Bandcamp, Deezer, Qobuz, Spotify, Tidal, and Youtube
A GUI music downloader for Apple Music, Bandcamp, Deezer, Qobuz, Spotify, Tidal, and Youtube - justin025/onthespotGitHub
I use… . it works well but requires a Spotify account.GitHub - casualsnek/onthespot: qt based music downloader written in python
qt based music downloader written in python. Contribute to casualsnek/onthespot development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Upvoted. It is literally impossible for 99.99% of the population to tell the difference between a good LAME mp3 encode and the original. If someone is working with the audio, making their own remixes and such, they can benefit from lossless/higher bit depth/higher sample rate though.
There were shitty mp3 encoders like Blade in the past (planted by the music industry?) that are easy to hear a difference, and if dealing with files from an unknown source one can only make an educated guess with a spectrogram as to the files' lineage. Example: Was it a Blade mp3 from Napster burned to audio CD that some moron ripped and posted as flac?
Source: old Hydrogenaudio forums and personally been Exact Audio Copying to flac for over 20 years. Had (modded? custom? can't recall) Envy24 drivers on WinXP for bit-perfect S/PDIF output of "bit-perfect" CD rips. It was overkill but fairly easy to get the digital part perfect, then the analog part can be subjective... never used special stones, or coat hangers as speaker wire. 🤣
GitHub - casualsnek/onthespot: qt based music downloader written in python
qt based music downloader written in python. Contribute to casualsnek/onthespot development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
GitHub - justin025/onthespot: A GUI music downloader for Apple Music, Bandcamp, Deezer, Qobuz, Spotify, Tidal, and Youtube
A GUI music downloader for Apple Music, Bandcamp, Deezer, Qobuz, Spotify, Tidal, and Youtube - justin025/onthespotGitHub
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GitHub - zotify-dev/zotify: A fast and customizable music and podcast downloader.
A fast and customizable music and podcast downloader. - zotify-dev/zotifyGitHub
- Already mention SpotDL
- Spowlo - android app (uses
under the hood) - Spotifydown - website
GitHub - spotDL/spotify-downloader: Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata (from YouTube if a match is found).
Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata (from YouTube if a match is found). - spotDL/spotify-downloaderGitHub
These aren't actual Spotify downloaders:
spotDL finds songs from Spotify playlists on YouTube and downloads them
spotify-downloader/ at master · spotDL/spotify-downloader
Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata (from YouTube if a match is found). - spotDL/spotify-downloaderGitHub
I don't believe those tools download directly from Spotify. They use the Spotify api to gather the metadata then they download the files off YouTube.
As I've seen others say, probably what you want to do is download them off Tidal or Quboz. Those YouTube rips suck.
Soggfy rips the audio and data from the stream itself as music plays on your machine. No searching the web for the music, no mistakes.
It works well, i hear.
GitHub - glomatico/votify: A Python CLI app for downloading songs/podcasts from Spotify.
A Python CLI app for downloading songs/podcasts from Spotify. - glomatico/votifyGitHub
You can use Audacity to record from the Speaker output internally. Just make sure there isn't anything else running that could interfere or make noise (anything connected to push notifications), and you should definitely make sure volume isn't too high else it'll peak and distort.
Avoid Spotify Downloaders, they are a Scam that often just searches for the music on YouTube. For true Spotify exclusives (or ones that just aren't on YouTube) the songs from those will be wrong, or if they're a downloader that is better at matching the songs, will just error because it couldn't find it.
Happy 40s day to those who celebrate!
cross-posted from: from:
34 Is close enough, right? Here's me hoping I'm not a day off. 😁
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This is a Sweep with choc switches and Nice!Nano knock-offs for controllers.
Oh, you probably mean the magnetic thingies... Here you go!
GitHub - davidphilipbarr/Sweep: Sweep - a small promicro based keyboard inspired by the Ferris.
Sweep - a small promicro based keyboard inspired by the Ferris. - davidphilipbarr/SweepGitHub
Åtal för grova ekobrott i Södertälje. Åklagare vid Ekobrottsmyndigheten har väckt åtal mot 14 personer för grova ekobrott kopplade till två fastighetsköp i Södertälje. Bland de åtalade finns bland annat en präst, en banktjänsteman och flera före detta fastighetsmäklare som har möjliggjort den misstänkta brottsligheten.
Åtal för försök till mord och grovt vapenbrott i Sundsvall. Åklagare har väckt åtal mot sex personer med olika koppling till en skottlossning som ägde rum mot och i en bostad i Sundsvall i oktober 2024.
AMD-compatible AI generation
Hi guys! I've tried quite a few months back Fooocus for AI image generation, and while it kinda worked well, it tended to have trouble figuring more than one person on the drawing (ie, man and woman dancing my end up with any combination of men/men, woman/woman, or just a random group dance etc). Moreover, I just found out that this project is just in maintenance mode.
So...What's the cool software for AI generation/Stable diffusion etc? Preferably AMD compatible, as I have a 7800XT.
Fedora looks at adding AI, kernel maintainer resigns over Rust issues: Linux & Open Source News
Fedora looks at adding AI, kernel maintainer resigns over Rust issues: Linux & Open Source News
Check out TuxCare's Endless Lifecycle support for .NET 6:
Similar app to Cricfy TV but for Windows
I use Cricfy TV app in my android phone but I'd like to use something similar in my Windows PC as well. Is there any app like that? If not, what would be a good Android emulator for Windows?…
Download and run CricFy TV on PC & Mac (Emulator)
Install BlueStacks and run CricFy TV on your PC, Mac or laptop. Enjoy better performance and a larger screen for your favorite mobile apps.BlueStacks
CricFy Tv
Download CricFy TV APK (v4.9) for Android & Smart TV. Watch your favorite sports matches in 4k HD. Enjoy Live Cricket Matches, Soccer, Tennis & more for free.Cricfy Tv (CricFy Tv)
So how is not buying American going for you?
Last trip to the grocery store I couldn't find any non-US salad kits, and Silk NextMilk is made down there now, because I guess our plants were the listeria ones. Chip dip was surprisingly hard to find too, although I did it.
I'm very pleased with how many vegetables actually come from Mexico (definitely via the US though), and there's even a few things you can get from greenhouses, so that situation is less dire than I'd expected.
Dessalines likes this.
Dreams ‘crushed’ as Ticketmaster cancels fans’ Oasis ’25 tickets
Dreams ‘crushed’ as Ticketmaster cancels fans’ Oasis ’25 tickets
Those affected were accused by the company of being bots and asked to fill out a form for the tour’s promoters to reviewNadeem Badshah (The Guardian)
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Hi, it's me, here to ruin the fun as usual.
Noel and Liam Gallagher are the Gallaghers in question, and their band has been successfully sued for plagiarism on three different occasions.
I'm with Squid on this one.
How can be legal? Bot detection should apply almost immediately, not after six months.
It smells like "we sold too many tickets, we need a plausible excuse to refund people"
And there's a simple trick to stop bots: make tickets non transferable. But that would hurt their secondary sales on that other reselling site operated by themselves, and shows wouldn't be sold out immediately due to FOMO (if tickets can be resold even at a higher price, people would buy them even if they're not 100% sure they can attend the show)
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qupada, aramis87, NoneOfUrBusiness, ignirtoq and TVA like this.
make tickets non transferable
This sounds sensible, but in practice ID checking however many tens of thousands of people on their way into a venue would take forever. (Not to mention now having to deal with the portion of genuine customers who've forgotten to bring Id etc)
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TVA likes this.
Ticketmaster can easily prevent out-of-band reselling by only allowing resales on their site. So anyone selling their tickets on ebay or wherever will still have to transfer the tickets and get paid through ticketmaster, which should only allow you to sell at original purchase price with no extra fees. This would also help prevent scams and fraud because all transactions would be via their system and they already implement that rotating code technology to prevent screenshots from working.
Of course ticketmaster doesn’t do that because they charge a fee on resales, which gets them more money.
Like I said, reselling is not the issue, scalping is. People can have many legit reasons for selling their tickets (sick, accident, emergency, etc.), and there should be a way for them to offload those tickets for someone else to enjoy and at the same time get their money back. If tickets aren’t allowed to be sold above their original price, scalpers won’t be able to profit from them, so they’ll stop doing it. Then people who want to sell just to get their money back are able to, while the people who weren’t able to buy during the initial sale period get another chance to buy tickets without getting scalped or scammed. It won’t matter if the ticket you present wasn’t originally yours, as long as you got it for the same price.
It’s a win-win for everyone except ticketmaster who doesn’t get to profit off of the resale market, that’s why they don’t do it. I can’t remember who it was, but there was an artist who demanded resales to be done that way and it worked out well.
I mean, Ticketmaster are greedy bastards, that's why they do what they do. But I think a part of a the veneer of respectability they present is based on the truth that you'll never really be able to stop scalpers, so Ticketmaster might as well be the legal scalper of choice. There will always be a blackmarket for popular tickets (so the reasoning goes). Since reselling isn't illegal then it's hard to force eBay and gumtree to disallow it. And there's nothing to stop touts in person. So Ticketmaster says "fine, we'll host the reselling at whatever the bidding goes up to". They get to make some more money on it and disallowing isn't going to much improve things for the average concert goer..
I think probably one actual solution is to sell tickets linked to your mobile device (somehow). That's probably still vulnerable to being hacked / faked so maybe that's why they haven't done it (aside from them losing out on that resale margin, obvs).
you'll never really be able to stop scalpers
Sure you can, or at least bring them down to a very tiny fraction. But like we both agree on, ticketmaster earns a lot of money from enabling scalpers, so they let it happen. It’s not that they can’t, they just won’t.
If they applied what I mentioned, scalpers will cease to exist:
- Tickets can only be bought on the ticketmaster site/app.
- Resales can only be done via ticketmaster, therefore no one can resell their tickets on ebay or any other site. You don’t have to force ebay to ban resellers, it just won’t work because they’ll have to sell and transfer the ticket via ticketmaster anyway. They can advertise on ebay all they want, at the end of the day they’ll have to transfer the ticket and get paid (the same price) on ticketmaster.
- Buyer logs on to ticketmaster and buys the resale ticket there, and the ticket with the rotating barcode is transferred to their account. Seller gets paid via their ticketmaster account.
- Tickets can only be sold for the same purchase price or lower (if you want to get rid of it faster), and ticketmaster can’t charge a fee for resales.
Scalpers literally won’t waste their time buying up all the tickets because they can only sell them for the same price. The only way they can do it is to sell to some desperate fan who’s willing to pay more (directly to the scalper outside the app), but they’ll have to figure out how to accompany the buyer through security because they can’t transfer the ticket barcode to the buyer’s phone if they don’t sell through the app. A scalper won’t go through that for every resale.
The only problem with that is ticket transfers on the app won’t be allowed unless it’s a re-sale, so sharing tickets that you bought for your family/friends will no longer be possible and you’ll all have to enter the venue together as a group because all the tickets are on your account/phone only. But that’s a small price to pay to get rid of scalpers.
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It's definitely just me, but I think every event like this is just for consumers that don't know any better.
It's sad watching fully-grown adults get googly-eyed over things like this, but here we are.
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jafffacakelemmy likes this.
It's definitely just me, but I think every event like this is just for consumers that don't know any better.
You're against performing arts/live shows and think people who enjoy them are suckers? That truly is a wild take.
She initially thought the email was fake, but after realising it was from Ticketmaster she said she does not intend to buy tickets from the company in the future, despite being a loyal customer.
Loyal customer pretty much means the same as regular concert goer.
I go to quite a few concerts and all of my tickets are bought from Ticketmaster in some form. I wouldn’t call myself loyal to them as I’m forced to choose between Ticketmaster or no concert.
100% right and I don't doubt the woman from the article feels the same but if you want to add weight to informing a company they fucking suck you use terms like loyal or committed or something similar that adds the red flag to corporate that their actions are affecting their customer retention bottom line.
Edit: I feel I need to add, "in most cases." Kinda hard for this to affect companies who are aloud to have monopolies over an industry because it throws customer retention concerns out the window. But I stand by my comment because I still think the verbiage used in the email is just the standard way of addressing corporate ran entities.
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TVA likes this.
It won't replace anything. It's just another alternative.
Friendica has its advantages. Hubzilla has its advantages. (streams) has its advantages. (streams) can't replace either because both have features that (streams) will never implement.
This is kinda like a kid saying he and his friends are gonna beat up the bad man and save the world and stop the wars.
Like it's cute or whatever, but wtf are you going to do? You want me to actually believe you?
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hornface likes this.
Always the same.
"The Fediverse in its entirety is objectively unuseable and repulsive unless it invests $100M into corporate-level UIs and corporate-level branding/brand design. What do you mean, the Fediverse doesn't have $100M?"
New bird flu variant found in Nevada dairy cows has experts sounding alarms: ‘We have never been closer to a pandemic from this virus’
New bird flu variant found in Nevada dairy cows has experts sounding alarms: ‘We have never been closer to a pandemic from this virus’
Dairy herds in Nevada have been infected by a version of the H5N1 bird flu not previously seen in cows, putting virologists on high alert.Carolyn Barber (Fortune)
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Mjpasta710, MSids, a_g_dizzle, FattestMattest, Not2Dopey, rothaine, Gtoasted, Escew, Voxel 🇺🇦, gheesh, FastQuelonios, ocassionallyaduck, peaceful_world_view, hydroxycotton, 5too, DjungelPungen, Forfaden, hydriplex, isles, greedytacothief and cymbal_king like this.
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snapdeus likes this.
Ah, the classic baseless dummy conspiracy theory of governments murdering own people for a reason or another.
Edit: typo it -> or
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snapdeus likes this.
I don't mean weaken like that. I mean thinning out potential armies. Like, literally reducing numbers.
I was speaking out my ass and it was essentially some NWO bullshit. Then again, every accusation a confession...
I think it's human nature to "look for a reason" but ... these engineered virus narratives have never set well with me. It implies that the only way a pandemic could happen is if some person created it; that's incredibly self indulgent, "the only way man could die to nature is if man invented nature."
Viruses just happen; we've had a reprieve from major plagues and things and have been unusually healthy because vaccines and other advances in medicine allowed us to save many that would have otherwise died.
The only parts humans are playing in our current health crises are:
A) Increasing the number of unvaccinated people giving viruses once nearly killed off room to play again
B) Increasing the temperature of the planet which has been demonstrated to increase mutation rates and may release lost viruses trapped in ice and permafrost
C) Cutting down large swaths of the Amazon rainforests which may also harbor lost viruses
In all cases, we're not creating the problem directly, we're just giving the advantage back to nature that research from recent centuries gave to us.
Who's plan? The ketamine addicts or the pants shitter?
They aren't smart enough to develop a disease, but they are stupid enough to think that if they don't do anything about it, no one will notice (don't test for covid and the numbers will go down)
I read somewhere that the previous Trump administration did make some policy decisions based on the belief that those on the left would be disproportionately impacted by covid. But do not underestimate how inept and incompetent Trump is also.
Make an effort to be healthy, and keep updated with flu vaccines. Moderna recently received funding for developing h5n1 vaccines, so keep an eye on that. And don't wait - you never know what stupid things Trump might do to suppress vaccine access.…
Almost twice as many Republicans than Democrats died of Covid, study says
The gap in death rates between the parties grew substantially after the vaccines were introducedGraig Graziosi (The Independent)
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cmbabul, MentorKitten, peaceful_world_view, 5too, SacralPlexus and greedytacothief like this.
The big event will be someone with regular human flu getting bird flu, giving the virus opportunities to swap DNA segments. If it gets the transmissibility of our standard influenza and the lethality of bird flu, it'll be a rough six months to a year before we have vaccines for it as it rips through our population.
Especially considering flu vaccines are made with eggs, and this disease is currently thoroughly decimating our egg producing livestock.
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don't like this
MentorKitten doesn't like this.
That’s their problem
Unfortunately, with how pandemics work, it would be everyone's problem.
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MentorKitten and 5too like this.
Nah, we just need to lean into their toxic male fragility. Remind them it's super gay to have some animal's meat in their mouth. So juicy it slides right down your throat. Yeah, you enjoy that beef on your tongue, you slut?
If we really pushed that message, Joe Rogan would be vegan within a week.
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5too, isles and artificialfish like this.
Should we have all stopped wearing masks because some people refused to? Should we all be anti-vacc because some people are?
If you're so constantly focused on your perceived enemies that you fill your time and mental energy with trying to tear them down, then yeah, you're going to lose sight of what you're reaching for in the first place. Change yourself first, and as you live by your own word, your example in and of itself has at least some automatic impact on changing others - even if those changes are gradual and take time.
Don't lose sight of the fact that even a single person changing their diet will have less risk of death because of that.
AnimalsDream likes this.
The worst thing the left could do is go after people’s meat.
Set environmental targets and cruelty laws, but get out of here with associating the left with veganism.
Really? Cause if nothing else, every dollar you spend on animal products may as well be a direct donation to the republican party. And environmental targets? Good luck with that if you support meat and dairy.
Sorry, but animal consumption and commodification is so thoroughly embedded in the conservative identity, that if you're going to be anti-vegan, you may as well start wearing this shirt.
U.S. Meat and Dairy Companies Spend Millions Lobbying Against Climate Legislation
U.S. meat and dairy companies act collectively to block climate legislation that might limit production, according to a New York University study published in the journal Climatic Change.Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
artificialfish doesn't like this.
Lol, I'll add that to my list of things I need to be on the "left."
How you going to lead the revolution without guns and protein? Fuck workers interests and owning the means of production, we should be concerned about their diets!
Capitalists will sell you meat if you want meat and vegetables if you want vegetables, one is certainly more green, but not more left.
I mean you’re the one who can’t imagine a person on the left not being vegan. Who can’t imagine more than two kinds of people in this conversation? Are you going to form a workers movement with those very same working conservatives you are upset with by telling them about how their cooperation in a union benefits themselves and everyone, or about a moral crusade about the animals?
Like sure we gotta cut down on animal products for environmental reasons, but that’s not veganism, that’s practical environmentalism. There’s no moral argument there. But to be frank, I and most other people do not care at all about the morality of eating animals, and will not be convinced to care, ever. An economy without animal products is not something most people ever aspire to obtain.
That the worst thing the left could do for itself, for its standing in the American population, especially in the present era, is to ridiculously focus on a moral crusade against meat. It’s another culture war topic that divides the working class.
People will stop eating meat when they can’t get it anymore, in which case nothing could lead to revolution faster, or when it grows in vats, no other reason.
It kind of just sounds like you, personally, don't care about anything but yourself. Strawmanning animal rights as a "culture war" topic, when my point in this particular thread had nothing to do with animal rights. Am I an animal rights supporter, and willing to argue that everyone needs to stop being abusive and cruel to animals? Yes, but that's not what this thread is about right now.
This was strictly about how the ceasing of consumption of animal products is one of the best things a person can do to protect them self from the next impending pandemic, and how doing so en mass would have the side benefit of being a blow to the republican party.
All you're doing is trolling someone who is just sharing info that might be lifesaving.
CDC Posts, Then Deletes, Data on Bird Flu Transmission Between Cats and People
The data, which appeared fleetingly online on Wednesday, confirmed transmission in two households. Scientists called on the agency to release the full report.Apoorva Mandavilli (The New York Times)
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MentorKitten, gheesh, peaceful_world_view, DrDeadCrash, hydroxycotton, SacralPlexus, snapdeus and greedytacothief like this.
Between this and Gaza (and everything else), I really honestly don't think we have seen a person in all of human history who checks more boxes of being the antichrist.
Like fuck, he literally brings pestilence and disease with him.
Lemmy vs Mbin vs PieFed
Basically, It would be nice to point out what those platforms are & what are their "Killer Features"
For anyone who wants a quick glance at which platform might be suitable
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Ziggurat, giantpaper, kreynen, Fitik and Auster like this.
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fistac0rpse, falseprophet, sunzu2, TheFederatedPipe and Fitik like this.
- Lemmy pros: Fast, mature, everyone knows it
- Lemmy cons: Shouty communists, atrocious mod tools
- Mbin pros: Follow Mastodon people
- Mbin cons: (1) Ugly (2) Awkward (3) What the fuck is “Magazines”
- Piefed pros: Python, some semblance of responsiveness to what features people actually want in it
- Piefed cons: What the fuck is a Piefed
(all is satire, I love you guys)
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fistac0rpse likes this.
I can't emphasize enough how bad Lemmy's moderation tools are. It's not just that they're abysmally anemic (including that you can't perform moderator actions on someone in your community without a comment of theirs to click the context menu on? what??). It's not just that reports don't synchronize correctly across instances (i.e. if you want to moderate a community on another instance, you're at a severe disadvantage). It's that they're wildly fragmented, presented just all over the place like some kind of scavenger hunt.
* As I said previously, the context menu of a comment is the only way you can ban and unban users (except that you actually can ban them if you use the API directly).
* Moderation has zero hierarchy, so 1) any moderator if they want to can perform a Night of the Long Knives and become the sole moderator (fine for now when admins can quickly intervene, but impossibly stupid if Lemmy ever became bigger), and 2) every moderator has access to all of the tools (including appointing other mods).
* You can't view a list of banned users and unban them from there; this gets back into point 1 where you need to dig up the last comment on your community (not easily if you removed it) to unban them.
* On Voyager (third-party mobile app), I have more tools than I do on desktop, which indicates to me that the tools are there in the API but just aren't exposed on desktop for some god-forsaken reason.
* ~~I literally can't even view a per-community modlog on desktop. I have to go out and find the Lemmy.World modlog (usually from a search engine) and then filter by action and pray that it was recent enough that I can find it in the rest of the heap.~~
* ~~Oh, but don't worry. There's a third-party tool for viewing the modlog, which is just ??? What the fuck?? How is this in some random tool you have to go searching for instead of in Lemmy proper? And even then, this tool has its flaws.~~
Edit: obviously no automod either, although I know that's a much larger undertaking than any of the things I've listed thus far.
GitHub - tgxn/lemmy-modder: A moderation tool for Lemmy
A moderation tool for Lemmy. Contribute to tgxn/lemmy-modder development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
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On Voyager (third-party mobile app), I have more tools than I do on desktop, which indicates to me that the tools are there in the API but just aren't exposed on desktop for some god-forsaken reason.
Apollo was also better at moderating Reddit than whatever Reddit could put out so you could say Voyager goes above and beyond at cloning Apollo.
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fistac0rpse and Fitik like this.
You're on LW, newer versions of Lemmy are better in that regard. is a better frontend for moderation. Allows you to see votes as a mod, and ban users who never commented or posted.
I literally can’t even view a per-community modlog on desktop.
There's an orange "modlog" button in the sidebar of every community that shows the community modlog?
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Fitik likes this.
Don't get too excited. It seems to be missing a bunch of stuff.
I don't really know the explanation for why the Lemmy API seems to just randomly drop stuff out of the modlog if it's more than 5-10 entries long, but you'll have to search for the exact stuff you're specifically looking for a lot of the time. Maybe I am misunderstanding what I'm seeing but I've gotten the strong impression that's what I'm seeing. It's similar to how looking at a user's profile randomly drops comments out after a certain time and just switches to posts only, so it's hard to search through for specific stuff you're looking for. Apparently that is going to be fixed in 0.20.
Disagree hard with ugly and awkward. It being less of that han Lemmy is the reason I use it in the first place.
If anything, I'd swap the pros and cons around, because every time I accidentally respond to a Masto post over here and half the functionality is missing I have a few seconds of confused panic before I realize what's going on and drop that conversation altogether.
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fistac0rpse, OfCourseNot and Fitik like this.
I mean Lemmy is pretty ugly and awkward too sometimes... actually I realized that I changed around my Lemmy theme so it wouldn't look quite so bad to me. So maybe I'm making an unfair comparison of that versus stock Mbin. But check this out:
What's the important stuff? Is it the high-contrast areas, like the "what is the fediverse" box or the always-vital "Add new link" button? Or the icons for the users, which are huge and in attention-grabbing high contrast for some reason? What does the pushpin do? Oh, that's letting me know it's a pinned comment. Can we just change the color for that, like every other platform? Is "People" really so vital that it needs it own big menu entry? Why is everything that's in a bright contrasting color something that isn't important, and the headlines are only a little shade different from the normal text? Why do we have giant boxes with speech bubbles in them, right in a super-prominent place, which sort of look like skeleton shapes because the page hasn't finished dynamically loading yet, except that they're actual final content elements? And why do they so skillfully separate the very unobtrusively colored vote counts from the things that they are counting votes for?
Compare that to this:
See how it does the same "what the heck is this place," but it isn't the most attention-grabbing thing on the screen every time you're there, and put in a place where you will look if you're first getting oriented (the first thing in left-to-right, top-to-bottom reading order), but not grabbing your attention every other time? See how "show me all the users" is way down at the bottom left in an unobtrusive list, because it's not commonly used, whereas the main three types of feeds it can show you are the only things grabbing your attention up top, and then there's a bar off to the side with a small handful of other actions separate from that you might want to do? And how, if you're totally lost, the one button that's most useful (create an account) is the most obviously high-contrasting thing?
Like I say, I am saying all this with love. Mbin has great features and Mastodon has a lot more eyes on it and people who want to chip in and make it attractive. I'm just saying that anything you use every day, you can get used to, and Mbin could look like the Mastodon interface and become to my eyes a lot less jarring. Put a little "feed settings" icon next to where "Explore" is now, that pops down a set of filters if you want one, get rid of a bunch of the stuff that gets thrown around on the screen that only very rarely is relevant, emphasize the stuff that needs attention and de-emphasize the stuff that doesn't. That is my feeling.
Yeah, Lemmy's UI has more gratuitous awkwardness in the actual design, maybe. Mbin does a lot more stuff, and generally has it pretty well-organized conceptually. Lemmy does a more minimal set of stuff and somehow still manages to make some of it confusing or hard to access. I think I was mostly just talking visually.
Hold on, that doesn't seem like an apples to apples comparison. You're doing light theme in one and dark in another. The light theme has a different balance (also, ow, my retinas).
The default Fedia dark theme I am using does not look like that at all. Sure, both the main column and the tool column on the right have the same emphasis, but you still get hierarchy from both the relative sizes and the positioning (if you're a left-to-right reader, at least).
Fitik likes this.
I just opened and screenshotted what it showed me. Same for I wasn’t trying any kind of rigged setup. If there’s a simple change to the default theme choice which would make it less horrendous by default, or the layout is more logical on some screen sizes, then I think they should make the defaults better yes. Maybe I happened to hit on one badly-configured server or bad screen size, but I didn’t change anything on purpose, it just kind of feels like making it not-horrible visually is simply not a priority.
I would actually describe that as a problem for both Mbin and Lemmy. It really annoyed me when I was setting up this server that the default theme is kind of bad, the default sort is “Active”, and so on. It feels like there’s a pretty common mindset of “as long as it works for my account I don’t care what experience new users get.” I don’t think it’s deliberate, I think it’s just a natural outgrowth of working on the project because you want it to exist for you, not like trying to “grow the user base” necessarily or worry about what happens to novice users, like would be front of mind for a standard software company.
Honestly, choosing whether to default to dark or light is pretty arbitrary, and pointless once the user sets a preference on login anyway. I'm not sure if there's a reason you can't default to OS/browser preference on a logged out user, but also don't think it's a big deal. Plus highlighting a "what is this app" tile makes more sense on the logged-out default, so there's that as well.
Which is not to say that you're wrong on the larger point. FOSS devs having the attitude that the UI is a secondary concern or wildly misrepresenting the ability of users to deal with friction or bad looks is an ongoing frustration. I guess engineers are more likely to attempt FOSS projects than UX designers.
Fitik likes this.
If it was a good light theme, I would agree with you, but the light theme it chose to show me was awful. It sounds like if someone logs in and chooses light theme, they get this.
(And again, Lemmy does the same: Of the pretty unappealing theme options, the default is one of the most unappealing ones. If I remember, it likes to color unimportant UI elements in GARISH bright green and orange colors which are borderline alarming compared with the muted colors of everything else. Why not just default to “darkly”, because that is one that looks okay? Who knows.)
I was even questioning myself, like “why am I complaining about the pushpin”, and then I looked again at my screenshot and the pushpin is the only solid dark contrasting thing anywhere in the whole article listing, which explains why I was looking at it first and wondering what the heck it “did” until I figured it out. It’s so bad.
You made me go check, and the signed-out site on an incognito tab does autoselect my browser-default dark theme. It looks much better than the light, incidentally, and the highlight to the Fedi tutorial link makes more sense in this context and is clearly restricted to signed-out users as a call to action/promo thing.
I don't necessarily think the light theme is as awful as you're claiming, and at a glance it definitely seems to be derived from Dark and not the othe way around. The more I look into it the less this seems like a universal problem with the UX in Mbin derivatives and more "the light theme has made some debatable color choices".
Fitik likes this.
Yeah, but that's bad, though.
Hypercustomization is way more of a hassle than a positive in most applications. I will take a couple of binary settings, I won't design the UI for you.
My contention here is that the default UI for the *Bin is actually good.
MudMan likes this.
What the fuck is “Magazines”
This but unironically. I could never get over it with Kbin and still can't with Mbin. It's a bad name for a community/sub and I'll die on that hill. You can never get me to call a meme shitpost an "article" in a "magazine".
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fistac0rpse and Fitik like this.
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Fitik likes this.
- Lemmy for apps (shit moderation tools)
- Piefed for fast development rate, responsive dev and great features (no apps at all)
- Mbin for keeping your forum and microblog account in one place (really awkward to use)
Piefed is almost perfect, if it actually had apps then it'd probably blow all of these out the water (in my opinion, of course)
Can't go wrong with any.
I wouldn't say mbin is awkward to use, but microblogging is included as a bit of a second thought. It's still nice to be able to communicate with the fediverse at large.
PieFed feels faster than the others to me. It has good support for various content (like peertube channels), allows for content filtering with keywords, has combined communities, and a lot of other clever stuff.
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fistac0rpse, TVA and Fitik like this.
Yeah it was a poor choice of words. I just see no reason to put my forum account with my microblog account and it just feels wrong how they implemented it. It's clear they focused on only the forum part and just kinda implemented the microblog part later.
Piefed is amazing, though the fact that there's no apps or clients at all. They're hard to make since there's no API, correct me if i'm wrong though.
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classic likes this.
I use Mbin (well, Fedia, but same thing), and honestly I do that because of the interface. Lemmy's UX seems so much worse.
The microblogging thing is... there, but it mostly just serves some random post here and there. It's fine to be able to have a microblog follow in there if you want, but I think the assumption that you'd centralize multiple AP services in a single app now feels entirely obsolete. That doesn't get in the way and it's still a much better client for Lemmy than Lemmy, though.
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fistac0rpse, OfCourseNot, TVA and Fitik like this.
You're right on that, the lemmy UI is horrible. Mbin's UI is the only which has card posts so that's awesome, but I just don't see much reason (imo) to use it over lemmy or piefed. Tbf mbin's always kinda been the weird one but i can respect its existence.
To each his own ;)
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fistac0rpse and Fitik like this.
but I think the assumption that you'd centralize multiple AP services in a single app now feels entirely obsolete
It's not that I want a single app, it's that I want a single account with all my posts/data even though I'm using different apps. I don't want to have to have so many duplicate follows across all the different fediverse apps.
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fistac0rpse, TVA, ignirtoq and Fitik like this.
- Lemmy has far more visual candies / visual noise than Mbin, whose UI rather barebones
- But as Mbin has a more basic UI, it tends to break less and be more compatible with user scripts and filters
- On RSS, from my experience, Mbin links to posts properly through RSS, while, maybe it's version-dependent, Lemmy sites seem to have a bit of trouble with linking posts with links attached to their titles, usually opening the title's attached link instead
- However, Mbin doesn't seem to be able to fetch the post's body through RSS
- On newer versions of the Lemmy engine, you can block instances and hide posts, but not block domains linked in posts
- On Mbin, afaik, you can't block instances nor hide posts (both requiring browser modifications from my tests), but you can block domains
- On Lemmy, also maybe version-dependent, but it seems that instances don't host RSS for federated communities, while Mbin does (good for redundancy, I think)
- For microblogging, RSS doesn't work on Mbin (might in the future?) despite other microblogging alternatives having them, and integration of microblogging to Lemmy only happens indirectly
- On Lemmy, some communities seem to have an extra step to subscribing where you need approval after applying, while Mbin doesn't
- Specific to Mbin, but the error 404 issue from Kbin when blocking or subscribing to an user or community seems to be extremely rare with its successor
- Lemmy allows visualizing how formatting will look like before posting, while Mbin doesn't
RSS feeds don't seem to work with microblog posts · Issue #1388 · MbinOrg/mbin
Describe the bug RSS feeds seem to only work with threads, not microblogging. And if an user has only ever posted on the microblogging section, the RSS link results in a 404 error. On which Mbin in...GitHub
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Fitik likes this.
I use an UBlock Origin filter to hide posts I either vote up or down
Would you maybe share your filter as a separate post? Seems handy :)…
(edit - weird, the link isn't appearing directly on The/Brain/Bin...)
Some "quasi features" for Mbin through Ublock Origin filters
On another post, an user had asked for the filters I use, so pasting them below to make usability in Mbin better.Some notes:
- From what I checked from page sources of a few instances using Mbin, and considering a few of those filters were for (RIP) and then repurposed without major adaptations, those filters shouldn't break on most Mbin instances, at least as the engine and its implementations are now.
- Using
as the site for the filters to check, but that can be replaced with the site you may be using,
, etc.- For disabling a given filter, or to add comments on Ublock Origin's filters page, add a ! to the beginning of the line.
- Worth noting those filters also make the title and body of posts disappear in the posts' respective pages when active.
The filters:
::: spoiler Hiding specific posts[href="href_here"]:upward(article[id^="entry-"])Explanation:
is what appears after the domain name, so for example:
What you want is/m/
, which turns the filter into[href="/m/"]:upward(article[id^="entry-"])
This filter needs to be repeated for each post you want to hide.
Probably could replace
(matches anything that starts with what comes after it) orhref*=
(matches anything that includes what comes after it), if this is faster for anyone, so for[href^="/m/"]:upward(article[id^="entry-"])[href="/545669/"]:upward(article[id^="entry-"])
:::::: spoiler Hiding communities already subscribed to or that you blocked on the Magazines pages
:::::: spoiler Hiding posts upvoted and downvoted[class="vote__up active"]:upward(article[id^="entry-"])[class="vote__up active"]:upward(blockquote[id^="post-"])[class="vote__down active"]:upward(article[id^="entry-"])[class="vote__down active"]:upward(blockquote[id^="post-"])
:::::: spoiler Some filters for the defunct instances
I forgot to delete in case they're useful
! Kbin Cafe - hiding liked posts:[class="vote__up active"]:upward(article[id^="entry-"])[class="vote__up active"]:upward(blockquote[id^="post-"])! Kbin Social - hiding specific posts:[href="/m/"]:upward(article[id^="entry-"])[href="/m/kbinMeta/p/6372596/at-ernest-I-m-up-to-cut-down-the-spam-from-all"]:upward(blockquote[id^="post-"])! Kbin Cafe - hiding specific posts:
![href="href_aqui"]:upward(article[id^="entry-"])[href="/m/"]:upward(article[id^="entry-"])! Kbin Social - hiding my own posts:[href="/u/Auster"]:upward(article[id^="entry-"])
:::Magazines - the/brain/bin
content aggregator and micro-blogging platform for the
One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is that Mbin supports custom magazine/community CSS like Old Reddit did. Don't think it's federated currently though, so it's local only. There's also the ability to follow users and boost (retweet) content, which Lemmy lacks.
Judging by recent posts by Piefed's creator, they seem to be planning to add end-to-end encryption and ephemeral content.
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Fitik likes this.
Good? Hah
(Written in jerboa, constantly fighting with the keyboard bugs the devs refuse to fix)
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ignirtoq, TVA, sunzu2, TheFederatedPipe and Fitik like this.…
Time Until Trump Leaves Office3 YEARS : 11 MONTHS : 11 DAYS : 10 HOURS : 51 MINUTES : 56 SECONDS
long sigh
Time Until Trump Leaves Office
Countdown timer showing how much time left until Saturday, January 20, 2029 12:00:00 PM in timezone New York, America (UTC-05:00)TickCounter
No, if we where lucky it'd be immediately courtesy of a meteor or something that couldn't be reasonably viewed as a conspiracy to make him a martyr.
On schedule will be the result of a perpetual fight to keep him and his monkeys in check.
What if the heavens split and a booming voice said "I am the father, the son and the holy spirit, and thou I said I wasn't going to do this kind of thing any more I smite you sinner Donald Trump "
And then trump spontaneously combusted.
"Trump got grabbed by demons and pulled straight through a portal down to hell as Satan laughed at the prospect of his eternal torture for his sins."
They’d go after Sam Raimi and the Roma.
Edit: Alex Jones #Predictive Programming
I was gonna try and find some way to secret a tesla coil in the Oval Office and aim it for the resolute desk.
Meteors sound reasonable. Good idea. There’s plenty of NASA peeps who are suddenly available too!
Let's be honest- they're a cult.
No matter when that fat orange traitor dies, they're going to claim it was murder. Because why shouldn't an obese 80-year-old cheeseburger-guzzling sleep-deprived amphetamine-addicted deadbeat live to be 200?
Trump will not leave office willingly. The game has changed. You can't vote out a dictator. The US just had its last free election for the foreseeable future.
The only way out of this is by taking to the streets in protest, strikes, and disobedience. Pretending everything will be okay in 4 years will just keep people complacent and doing nothing and allow him to solidify his control.
This is not normal. You are no longer in a democracy, and you're moving away from it by the day.
That countdown timer just doesn't want to work for me:
I only managed to load it in Opera browser on real Android phone.
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in reply to LukeSky • • •Bodhi linux is ubuntu/debian based (but no snaps out of the box) and is good for older hardware both because it is lightweight and because it has support for 32 bit architecture, but it comes bundled with chromium not firefox, but you can easily install ff (or even better librewolf) and remove chromium.
Also there are bsds - I don't know about Bottles and Inkscape but you might be interrested to try out NomadBSD which is for USB boot but can also be installed on hardware, it is freebsd based and comes bundled with FireFox+UBlockOrigin (altho it's an older version you'll need to update the packages)
in reply to LukeSky • • •Home - Linux Mint
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in reply to LukeSky • • •AlpineLinux meets your requirements, here. Works with just about any DE/WM combo, and meets all of your application requirements: firefox, flatpak (bottles), and inkscape.
It's also super lightweight and runs great on older hardware. Here's .
Install Bottles on Linux | Flathub
Flathublike this
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in reply to Xanza • • •Xanza
in reply to Jumuta • • •Alpine is my daily driver. Been that way for 2-3 years now.
It's not just for underpowered hardware. 🤷♂️
in reply to Xanza • • •Xanza
in reply to Jumuta • • •
in reply to LukeSky • • •AlligatorBlizzard
in reply to sga • • •OP seems to be running 8gig of ram, if that laptop is stock. I have actually run Bazzite Gnome on worse hardware (2 gigs of ram), but that was for the lulz, not because it was a good idea. Silverblue is Gnome DE, and OP seems to want a much lighter weight DE than either gnome or KDE.
IME, Debian is fairly minimal tinkering once you get the proprietary drivers worked out. Although I don't know how Ubuntu handles updates, is it as (usually) hands off like the immutable/atomic distros?
Has someone tried to do an atomic/immutable distro with one of the lightweight DEs? Seems like there's a niche there, although Mint might be similar enough from an end user experience standpoint that it's not really worth the effort.
in reply to AlligatorBlizzard • • •That's not your question, but I'm running Kinoite (which is basically Silverblue with KDE) on a 2015 MacBook with 8GB RAM and it runs perfectly smooth.
That being said, I can't personally recommend immutable Distros (at least Fedora's approach to it as I haven't tested others) to everyone. I think it fits to people who are fine with mainly using what flatpak has to offer and don't want to tinker with their system too much, or people on the other side of the spectrum who are fine with exploring toolbox / distrobox.
in reply to LukeSky • • •Zloubida
in reply to LukeSky • • •like this
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in reply to LukeSky • • •Something that surprises me is that no one mentioned just running debian 12 with lxde.
Though, I don't reccomend using the netinstall, as the user created there won't be part of the sudo group. You should use the live iso.
Lubuntu is based on Ubuntu, which is based on Debian. It meets all of your requirements, and has never crashed on me in my 2.5 years of using it, except when running kde, but that's probably kde's fault.…
If you don't trust my link (fair enough, don't click links from strangers), the iso can be downloaded by going to, clicking "other downloads" under the big "download" button, locating the live isos, in the "Try Debian live before installing" clicking "other live iso", and finding the lxde iso.
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in reply to LukeSky • • •Linux Lite Easy to Use Free Linux Operating System
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in reply to LukeSky • • •nutsack
Unknown parent • • •Übercomplicated
in reply to LukeSky • • •Eyedust
in reply to Übercomplicated • • •I second this. A bare-min install of a majority of distros is going to do you more favors than looking for a distro that is made to be minimal. Honestly, minimal is going to rely more on your DE/WM than distro.
I also agree that Arch is going to require more learning curve if you don't have any experience with it, but that's up to you if you want to put time into it. If you do, I'd recommend vanilla Arch or if you want a GUI installer with a lot of DE/WM options then I'd opt for EndeavourOS.
I concur with Void, but that also may have a learning curve. I like Void, but I haven't tried it myself. I hear nothing but good about Fedora and openSUSE these days, too. I played with NixOS and I really like it, but you will spend months messing with Nixlang before you can really do anything with it (but its really fun to play with).
in reply to nutsack • • •nutsack
Unknown parent • • •BCsven
in reply to LukeSky • • •gamer
in reply to LukeSky • • •Any Fedora Atomic desktop, or any UBlue one.
Immutable distros are the future of the Linux desktop. They work and they never break (I dare you to try).
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in reply to LukeSky • • •irotsoma
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