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🎮 NVidia GeForce Now hat jetzt Addons für World of Warcraft. Unter dem alten Regime war Blizzard extrem gegen WoW als Streaming-Dienst, aber seit Microsoft der Boss ist, geht’s plötzlich. Interessanterweise auch am besten mit Edge in Linux.

Leider nur die Top 25, also Weak Auras, etc. Meine AddOns sind nicht einmal in den Top 100, also muss ich da […]…

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in reply to RandAlThor

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Sulfur Crystals on Mars: Curiosity’s Happy Accident and Other Surprises (Public Talk)

Streamed live on 16 Aug 2024

Scientists were stunned when a wheel on the Curiosity Mars rover recently cracked open a rock to reveal something never seen before on the Red Planet: yellow sulfur crystals.

While the rover has previously detected sulfur-based minerals, this rock is made of pure, elemental sulfur.

Join us for a live conversation with Dr. Ashwin Vasavada, Curiosity’s project scientist, to discuss the significance of the finding as well as other notable discoveries from the mountain-climbing Mars explorer’s 12th year on the Red Planet.

Dr. Ashwin Vasavada, project scientist for the Curiosity rover, NASA JPL

Nikki Wyrick, office of communications and education, NASA JPL

Sarah Marcotte, Mars public engagement specialist, NASA JPL

(Original Air Date: Aug. 15, 2024)

in reply to paulhammond5155

is the link wrong in the post, pointing to Mars Guy's latest instead?

in reply to sag

A weather app with no control of city, plus currency rate and TLD. I don't see any value in this. But a nice design, sure.

Mastodon gav möjligheter för tillväxt I fediversum.
Mastodon som lanserades 2106 använde protolollet OStatus men det hade inga funktioner för att skydda personers integritet och inga säkerhetsfunktioner.…

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Private voting has been added to PieFed

Fediverse Report reshared this.

Projects To Watch Out For: Ladybird Browser

Finally, another web engine is being developed to compete with Chromium and Firefox (Gecko), and they're also working on a browser that will use it.

in reply to loics2

Like what?
Genuinely interested in knowing what he’s said.

Flera utredningar av ambulerande tivoli. Ett stort antal personer togs i förvar i och med en myndighetsgemensam arbetsplatsinspektion på Axels Tivoli under Malmöfestivalen den 14 augusti. Inspektionen gjordes av Arbetsmiljöverket och Skatteverket tillsammans med gränspolisenheten.…

Touchscreens, Debian, and Having Fun - Ideas?

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in reply to curbstickle

If it had battery, it would be more useful. I was originally thinking HA control, but you wouldn't even be able to put it somewhere convenient. Maybe make a tiny scale Arcade Machine? The screen is about the right angle.
in reply to just_another_person

Agreed - lets be honest, Lenovo put zero thought into this. Its just a tiny with a screen basically glued to the top, and tons of poorly managed cables coming out of the back. You could technically get away with just the power cord on it since it has wifi, but its kind of nonsensical that way. I could build a battery pack, but.... meh.

Small arcade is definitely a fun idea though, something I could stick in the living room. Since it has two video outs as well, I could set it up to take over the TV or just be a standalone as the mood strikes.

in reply to just_another_person

Ok, so had to mention while looking at some game stuff to install... I remembered that I have a gog account, grabbed lutris, and boy is Quest for Glory 1 entertaining on this! QFG2-5 installed as well, unfortunately the touchscreen doesn't work great in that mode. Solaar + a spare logitech mouse and off to play... Going to have to grab my steam controller when I get up. I think a stupid fun classic game/emulation station is what this is going to be! (At least until I decide to do something else)

2GB Raspberry Pi 5 on sale now at $50

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in reply to Eugenia

you should try damnsmalllinux, it had a revival recently. though the absolute smallest modern one is probably Slitaz? or alpine linux

though you can definitely set up debian to use less than 500 ram today, kde/gnome are kinda hogs

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Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say

Probably better to post in the github issue rather than replying here.…

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in reply to Rimu

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Bättre förutsättningar med ActivityPub. I juli 2014 startade en arbetsgrupp, W3C Federated Social Web Working Group (SocialWG), som skulle göra arbetet som W3C Community Group tidigare gjort och gjorde överflödigt.…

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in reply to Bakunin Boys

It's not another man's cum, though, it's the symbol of another man's cum. Which is, of course, even weirder. As if using another religion's holy text as a totem wasn't weird enough...
in reply to StarkRG

yes, I cannot express enough how little I care about the details, I would just want those freaks away from me, not wondering about their ideology.

eSIM management on Qualcomm phones [FrOSCon]

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I en krönika i i ETC med rubriken Vi måste sluta jobba åt Musk och Zuckerberg skriver Jesper Nilsson om att vi måste sluta jobba åt Musk och Zuckerberg. Det är faktiskt lätt att sluta arbeta för Musk och Zuckerberg.…