Kvotbolaget i Thyborøn. Ett kvotbolag är ett företag som har fiskebåtar med fiskerättigheter men aldrig fiskar. Ett sådant bolag är Fiskeriselskabet 2BIS ApS. De hyr ut sina fiskerättigheter till andra företag.
Scientists Found a 520-Million-Year-Old Miracle: a Fossil With Brains and Guts Intact
Scientists Found a 520-Million-Year-Old Miracle: a Fossil With Brains and Guts Intact
Scientists discovered a 520-million-year-old fossilized larva with brains and guts intact, offering unprecedented insights into early arthropod evolution.Jackie Appel (Popular Mechanics)
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We carry DNA from extinct cousins like Neanderthals. Science is now revealing their genetic legacy
We carry DNA from extinct cousins like Neanderthals. Science is now revealing their genetic legacy
More research is showing that we carry genes from other kinds of ancient humans, and their DNA affects our lives today. DNA research has found that our Homo sapiens ancestors mated with Neanderthals and Denisovans long ago.LAURA UNGAR (AP News)
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Fossils suggest even smaller ‘hobbits’ roamed an Indonesian island 700,000 years ago
Fossils suggest ‘hobbits’ roamed Indonesian island 700,000 years ago
New research suggests ancestors of the “hobbits” were even smaller. Two decades ago, researchers discovered fossils of an early human species in an Indonesian cave that stood 3 1/2 feet tall, earning them the nickname “hobbits.ADITHI RAMAKRISHNAN (AP News)
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A rarely seen deep sea fish is found in California, and scientists want to know why
Oarfish found off San Diego coast, and scientists want to know why
A rarely seen deep sea fish resembling a serpent was found floating dead on the ocean surface off the San Diego coast.AP News
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Only 12 feet? That's pretty small for an oarfish. They can get up to 3x that.
Regalecus glesne
Oarfish Regalecus glesne This unusual fish is possibly a source for sea monster legends as its ribbon-like body can grow to 36 feet long in some cases.Discover Fishes
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NASA Demonstrates ‘Ultra-Cool’ Quantum Sensor for First Time in Space
NASA Demonstrates ‘Ultra-Cool’ Quantum Sensor for First Time in Space
Future space missions could use quantum technology to track water on Earth, explore the composition of moons and other planets, or probe mysterious cosmic phenomena.NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
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Unique Neanderthal Lair Reveals How They Lived Before Modern Humans Appeared
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"Our surprising findings at Abric Pizarro show how adaptable Neanderthals were. The animal bones we have recovered indicate that they were successfully exploiting the surrounding fauna, hunting red deer, horses and bison, but also eating freshwater turtles and rabbits, which imply a degree of planning rarely considered for Neanderthals," she said.
NASA near-Earth defense telescope retired after more than a decade
NASA near-Earth defense telescope retired after more than a decade - UPI.com
After more than a decade of tracking asteroids and comets that could pose a threat to Earth, NASA's Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) is now officially shut down.Simon Druker (UPI)
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Scientists prepared to save monarch butterfly in event of 'rapid extinction'
Scientists prepared to save monarch butterfly in event of 'rapid extinction' - UPI.com
Scientists in North Dakota announced Tuesday they are prepared to repopulate the iconic orange monarch butterfly, which has been classified an endangered species in North America, in the event "of a rapid extinction."Sheri Walsh (UPI)
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CERN breakthrough detector captures high-energy neutrinos for 1st time
CERN breakthrough detector captures high-energy neutrinos for 1st time
Physicists at CERN's LHC have directly observed high-energy electron and muon neutrino interactions in the teraelectronvolt energy range.Amal Jos Chacko (Interesting Engineering)
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And just think, all of it is some kind of thing we found in the ground, punched slapped and burned the shit out of to varying degrees, and made it DO THINGS!
SCIENCE things!
With so many various teams involved with every step of the project, from planning to construction to operation, I wonder if any one person truly understands all of how each piece works to do the things they do.
Using lightning!
You cannot convince me science and technology aren't just magic by any other name.
You bring up the question of whether it's the rocks that think or the math that thinks using the rocks... What are we when we think? (meaty bags of mostly water propped up on calcium sticks that makes it's own lightning to think?)
American Science is in Dangerous Decline while Chinese Research Surges, Experts Warn | Scientific American
cross-posted from: lemm.ee/post/39625050
American Science is in Dangerous Decline while Chinese Research Surges, Experts Warn
The U.S. sorely needs a coordinated national research strategy, says Marcia McNutt, president of the U.S. National Academy of SciencesSaima S. Iqbal (Scientific American)
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FDA rejects ecstasy as a therapy: what’s next for psychedelics?
FDA rejects ecstasy as a therapy: what’s next for psychedelics?
Nature talks with researchers about the outlook for other hallucinogens in clinical trials as psychiatric treatments.Reardon, Sara
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So (to point #1) we can’t approve a psychedelic for medicinal use because we can’t fool people into thinking they took this psychedelic. Despite the evidence it’s helpful as a medicine.
Somehow that’s reminiscent of Nixon making pot a schedule I drug - highly dangerous - to prevent Democratic votes.
I was on MDMA when I had an aha moment that allowed me to set down my mother's bigotry and stop being homophobic. Smoking cigarettes outside in light rain at a rave, this flamboyantly gay guy was cracking jokes and was really funny. I had the thought, "He just wants to take drugs and have a good time on a Saturday night, he's just like me." Instant loss of homophobia forever.
I advocate MDMA use in therapy. I'm convinced it can be useful.
En 33-årig man från Malmö är dömd för att för att ha styrt flera olika narkotikaligor i Skåne. Till 11 års fängelse. Nu är denna narkotikabrottsling misstänkt för mordplaner och misshandel.
Narkotikabrottsling misstänkt för mordplaner - Svenssons Nyheter
En 33-årig man är dömd för att för att ha styrt flera olika narkotikaligor. Nu är denna narkotikabrottsling misstänkt för mordplanerAnders_S (Svenssons Nyheter)
Två åtalade för kokainsmuggling, Två män har tillsammans och i samförstånd med varandra och andra personer inom ramen för en organiserad narkotikaverksamhet, koordinerat och organiserat hanteringen av ett större parti narkotika.
recursive_recursion [they/them]
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