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Tried to install Nixos for the first time..


Tried to install nix but am stuck with an issue I'm not able to resolve. Whenever I boot the system, it uses approx 5min on the boot-up of Nixos Stage #1 as seen in the picture. After a while it will boot into the system but without a GUI. I've done the installation twice, with different isos to make sure I didn't do it wrong. It only works if I downgrade to nixos 23.11, but if I update(+plasma 6) from there It results in the same problem.

The error is:

kernel: Acpi Error: Aborting method (long string) due to previous error (AE_AML_UNINITIALIZED_ELEMENT)

Have no idea what this error is, and there don't seem to be alot of info on it. Reaching out here to see if anyone is able to help me troubleshoot this, as I would really like to try latest Nixos.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

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in reply to Sips'

ACPI bugs are common and can typically be ignored, but...

without a GUI

how do you know it's even trying to start one? what happens if you try it yourself manually?

in reply to Sips'

Post your configuration.nix file
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Åklagare vid Ekobrottsmyndigheten har väckt åtal mot två män för grova ekobrott. De är misstänkta för att ha undanhållit nikotinskatt på e-cigaretter om 4,4 miljoner kronor. Åtalet är ett resultat av myndighetssamverkan mellan Ekobrottsmyndigheten, Skatteverket och Tullverket.…

Med tiden har Facebook, Twitter och Google kommit i konflikt med EU om integritet, konkurrenslagstiftning med mera. Det har bland annat lett till att EU börjat finansiera utveckling av programvaror med stöd för ActivityPub.…

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

På kort tid har högerextremister försökt döda palestinademonstranter, bränna ner eller spränga en vänsterpartilokal och överfalla en vänsterpartist i en palestinademonstration i Göteborg. Det handlar om en serie högerextrema attentat mot vänstern.…

Anyone owns StarLite 5? Curious if it's good for drawing

I searching for a tablet for drawing and discovered this one. Anyone tried drawing on it? I wondering if the experience is good.

On the page they doesn't mention if the screen supports drawing pens, but it's possible to order an MPP pen with it, so I assume that it works with Wacom or Surface pens?

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in reply to Shatur

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Tabzlock

This is very helpful, thank you a lot!

How is the passive cooling? Does it get hot?

in reply to Shatur

nah it doesn't really get that hot, I use it a bit in bed to watch movies and I haven't found it uncomfortable. Its currently winter here though so the passive may not be as great in summer. Anything that's going to heat it up a lot though your prolly going to be using it at a desk.
in reply to Tabzlock

I have a small question about the keyboard :)
How does it connect to the tablet? Via pins, it's not BT?
in reply to Shatur

pins, its also a gravity stand with weak magnets so it doesnt exactly attach super well to the tablet.
in reply to Shatur

No I jumped ship in May/June and got a refund as they kept kicking the can down the road for release. Was supposed to be Oct '23. Used that money to get something else for drawing. Curious if I should have waited.

GitHub - PranshulGG/WeatherMaster: A Weather app for android 🌦🌞☔

Just want to share it. Found it on fdroid.

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in reply to GravitySpoiled

I use justweather, i like its material you widget
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Eyck_of_denesle

Pretend there is a comma and maybe an exclamation point like this:

I use justweather, i like its material, you widget!
in reply to jevans ⁂

Lmao i thought i was so confused. Thanks for the explanation.

in reply to JaggedRobotPubes

Good news, there is a subscription service to prevent that and also still pays the creators.
in reply to corbin

Used to DL a bunch of Peloton videos during a free trial then self-host on Plex.

Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous?

Currently, almost anyone in the Fediverse can see Lemmys votes. Lemmy admins can see votes, as well as mods. Only regular Lemmy users can't.
Should the Lemmy devs create a way to make the votes anonymous?

There is a discussion going on right now considering "making the Lemmy votes public" but I think that premisse is just wrong. The votes are public already, they're just hidden from Lemmy users. Anyone from a kbin/mbin/fedia instance can check out the votes if they are so inclined.

The users right now may fall into a false sense of privacy when voting because the votes are hidden from Lemmy users. If you want to vote something and not show up on the vote list, please create another account to support that type of content and don't tell anyone.

in reply to lalo

if I leave it there. It’s because it’s not foul enough to warrant a ban but I don’t want to press a little green check box explicitly endorsing its existence. I have been here the whole time :/ Yal couped me
in reply to lalo

No, it would encourage irresponsibility which already seems a major issue with lemmy.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

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in reply to MBM

Eh, Lemmy Connect does not format it properly.

Vänsterpartist överfallen av högerextremist. Vänsterpartisten Kristofer Lundberg som är ordförande för Vänsterpartiet i Angered har idag överfallits av en högerextremist. En känd person som anser sig själv vara journalist.…

De asiatiska plattformarna och programmen. Vid sidan av den US-amerikanska och europeiska utvecklingen av programvaror för Fediversum finns det också en omfattande asiatisk utveckling i Japan, delar av Kina, Taiwan och Korea.…

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Det är vanligt att svenskar anser att den som bor i Sverige är svensk. En vanlig åsikt är också att den som pratar svenska är svensk eller att den som är svensk medborgare är svensk. Men förmodligen är det mycket mer komplicerat än så. Så vad innebär det att vara svensk?…