Kriminella driver HVB-hem. Flera HVB-hem drivs av organiserad och släktbaserad brottslighet. De har gängkriminella bland sina anställda. Detta framgår av en kartläggning av SiS- och HVB-hem som polisen genomfört under 2023. Det är en konsekvens av högerpolitik och privatiseringspolitik.
Störande av allmän sammankomst är ett brott med fängelse i straffskalan. Det innebär att vem som helst kan gripa en person som stör en demonstration eller ett politiskt möte. Det kallas envarsgripande.
Recommend me a scripting language
I've been looking around for a scripting language that:
- has a cli interpreter
- is a "general purpose" language (yes, awk is touring complete but no way I'm using that except for manipulating text)
- allows to write in a functional style (ie. it has functions like map, fold, etc and allows to pass functions around as arguments)
- has a small disk footprint
- has decent documentation (doesn't need to be great: I can figure out most things, but I don't want to have to look at the interpter source code to do so)
- has a simple/straightforward setup (ideally, it should be a single executable that I can just copy to a remote system, use to run a script and then delete)
Do you know of something that would fit the bill?
Here's a use case (the one I run into today, but this is a recurring thing for me).
For my homelab I need (well, want) to generate a luhn mod n check digit (it's for my provisioning scripts to generate synchting device ids from their certificates).
I couldn't find ready-made utilities for this and I might actually need might a variation of the "official" algorithm (IIUC syncthing had a bug in their initial implementation and decided to run with it).
I don't have python (or even bash) available in all my systems, and so my goto language for script is usually sh (yes, posix sh), which in all honestly is quite frustrating for manipulating data.
Realistically whatever problems you see in python will be there for any other language. Python is the most ubiquitously available thing after bash for a reason.
Also you mentioned provisioning scripts, is that Ansible? If so python is already there, if you mean really just bash scripts I can tell you that does not scale well. Also if you already have some scriptsz what language are they on? Why not write the function there?
Also you're running syncthing on these machines, I don't think python is larger than that (but I might be wrong).
Also you mentioned provisioning scripts, is that Ansible? If so python is already there, if you mean really just bash scripts I can tell you that does not scale well. Also if you already have some scriptsz what language are they on? Why not write the function there??
Currently it's mostly nixos, plus a custom thing that generates preconfigured openwrt images that I then deploy manually. I have a mess of other vms and stuff, but I plan to phase out everything and migrate to nixos (except the openwrt stuff, since nixos doesn't run on mips).
I don't really need to run this specific synchthing-ID script except on my PC (I do the provisioning from there), but I have written scripts that run on my router (using busybox sh) and I was wondering if there is a "goto" scripting that I can use everywhere.
If you are interested in tiny lisp like languages, this gitlab could be of interest to you.
Full disclaimer, I came across it a few years back as I am the maintainer of arkscript (which will get faster and better in the v4, so that data about it there is accurate as a baseline of « it should be at least this good but can be even better now »).
I thought so. Although almost nothing for modern standards, 60MB is not exactly tiny. Sorry about that.
On a different note, a repository is always a good thing imho. If you'd rather not have to worry about the dependency-pull step you can always include the dependencies with your sources, or just limit your code to using features included in the standard library.
I fear I am not enough reverse (or Polish, for that matter) :)
Anyway, I have great esteem for you (if you actually use forth and are not just trolling)
timlyo likes this.
Sounds like you want MicroPython. It’s definitely available on OpenWrt and AlpineLinux and has a very small footprint.
If you don’t like Python, have a look at Lua/luajit.
Only 5 years ago, everybody would be singing and shouting "perl".
Nowadays it is python that has taken this position (even though Perl is still there and can do so much more).
Even after using CPAN ? I found Perl to be much more "manageable" than Python.
Python with Venv and Pip at least works as expected. Which makes it easier.
LOL It is one of the most well known things about perl that the language is as mighty as probably no other programming language.
The smallest footprint for an actual scripting probably will be posix sh - since you already have it ready.
A slightly bigger footprint would be Python or Lua.
If you can drop your requirement for actual scripting and are willing to add a compile step, Go and it's ecosystem is pretty dang powerful and it's really easy to learn for small automation tasks.
Personally, with the requirement of not adding too much space for runtimes, I'd write it in go. You don't need a runtime, you can compile it to a really small zero dependency lib and you have clean and readable code that you can extend, test and maintain easily.
I've actually tried using PHP on OpenWRT and embedded before. It's not exactly lightweight, it's a memory and CPU hog. Keep in mind that the kind of machine that runs OpenWRT might only have 32 or even 16 MB of RAM to work with.
Also, PHP is not the first language that comes to mind when doing data processing and/or functional programming. You can but it doesn't lend itself well to it.
Elixir is quite big (yeah, it's certainly smaller than something like java... sorry for not specifying what I mean by "small disk footprint").
Thats basically what ansible does. Thats basically what ansible does. If you plan on doing this to multiple machines you should just use ansible.
Ansible requires python on the target machine (or a lot of extra-hacky workarounds) so... I could just use python myself :)
BTW getting ansible to do anything besides the very straightforward usecases it was meant for is a huge pain (even a simple if/else is a pain) and it's also super-slow, so I hate it passionately.
Also how do you plan on ensuring the scripting interpreter is installed on the machines?
Ideally I'd just copy the interpreter over via ssh when needed (or install it via the local package manager, if it's available as a package)
Oh dude, you are so wrong!
Powershell is available for linux and will run the same modules that have made it such a success on Windows. Want to fire up vmware containers or get a list of vms? Want to talk to Exchange servers? Azure? AWX? $large-corporate-thing? Powershell is a very good tool for that, even if it smells very Microsofty.
The linux version works well - it has some quirks (excessive logging, a MS repo that needs manual approving that breaks automatic updates) but aside from those, it just works. I have several multi-year scripts that tick away nicely in the background.
GitHub - casey/just: 🤖 Just a command runner
🤖 Just a command runner. Contribute to casey/just development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
if there's something that I can adopt as a default goto solution without having to worry about how each system is packaged/configured.
Go is probably your best bet. Simple to use, and you can compile it so it runs everywhere
GitHub - traefik/yaegi: Yaegi is Another Elegant Go Interpreter
Yaegi is Another Elegant Go Interpreter. Contribute to traefik/yaegi development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
I don't have python (or even bash) available in all my systems, and so my goto language for script is usually sh (yes, posix sh), which in all honestly is quite frustrating for manipulating data.
Why are you making it hard on yourself? apt/dnf install a language to use and use it.
Kotlin script is fantastic! I wish it would become more popular. Dependency support, cached complier output, etc. I really like it for non-trivial scripting since you didn't need a venv for dependencies.
OP is being ridiculous about space requirements. 60MB is a rounding error these days.
Python is what you want. You can install it on just about any system.
Other than that maybe Lua but that will be hell.
Python is what you want. You can install it on just about any system.
Perl and bash are already there, no need to install anything.
Try it now - go on. Type "perl" and tell me what you get.
And if you're so certain it's not used, try removing it and see how well your computer works afterwards.
It isn't installed
I know that because I installed it as it was a dependency of Buildroot.
Edit: My bad I must of been thinking about a Perl library
Perl is already installed on most linux machines and unless you start delving into module usage, you won't need to install anything else.
Python is more fashionable, but needs installing on the host and environments can get complicated. I don't think it scales as well as Perl, if that's a concern of yours.
Perl is a step up in terms of developer comfort, but it’s at the same time too big and too awkward to use.
How do you mean?
It's already on nearly every distro, so there's no core size unless you lean into modules. The scripts aren't exactly big either.
and run the packed version on systems with no installed Perl, but at that point you might as well just use a compiled language.
If python is too big for you and you're dealing with heterogeneous systems then you're probably stuck with sh
as the lowest common denominator between those systems. I'm not aware of any scripting languages that are so portable you can simply install them with one file over scp.
Alternate route is to abandon a scripting interpreter completely and compile a static binary in something like Go and deploy the binary.
There was also some "compile to bash" programming languages that I've sneered at because I couldn't think of a use case but this might be one.
I would go with Guile, because it is built-in to the Guix Package Manager which is a really good general-purpose package manager.
It ticks several of your boxes:
- has a CLI interpreter
- is a general purpose language, Scheme, amd compliant with revisions 5, 6, and 7 of the language standard
- allows writing in a functional style (it is one of the original functional programming languages)
- small disk footprint, but still large enough to be "batteries included"
- decent documentation, especially if you use Emacs
- simple setup: not so much, unless you are using Guix to begin with. The standard distribution ships with lots of pre-built bytecode files, you need an installer script to install everything.
It also has pretty good libraries for system maintenance and reporting:
- File-Tree-Walk
- A simple web server
- XML parsing
GNU's programming and extension language — GNU Guile
Guile is the GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions, the official extension language for the GNU operating
Since you like guile, I would recommend you checkout rash (search "rash shell language" on Google. Sorry too lazy to link it).
It is based on racket, but made to be shell-like, and is very nice. I believe guile used to have a similar project that isn't maintained anymore.
Not quite a scripting language, but I highly recommend you check out cosmo for your usecase. Cosmopolitan, and/or Actually Portable Executable (APE for short) is a project to compile a single binary in such a way that is is extremely portable, and that single binary can be copied across multiple operating systems and it will still just run. It supports, windows, linux, mac, and a few BSD's. — this is where you can download precompiled binaries of certain things using cosmo.
From my testing, the APE version of python works great, and is only 34 megabytes, + 12 kilobytes for the ape elf interpreter.
In addition to python, cosmopolitan also has precompiled binaries of:
And a few more, like tclsh, zsh, dash or emacs (53 MB), which I'm pretty sure can be used as an emacs lisp intepreter.
And it should be noted these may require the ape elf interpeter, which is 12 kilobytes, or the ape assimilate program, which is 476 kilobytes.
EDIT: It also looks like there is an APE version of perl, and the full executable is 24 MB.
EDIT again: I found even more APE/cosmo binaries:
The Janet Programming Language
Janet is a functional and imperative programming language. It runs on Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD and *
OP is on OpenWRT (a router distro), and Alpine. Those distros don't come with very much by default, and perl is not a core dependency for any of their default tools. Neither is python.
Based on the way the cosmo project has statically linked builds of python, but not perl, I'm guessing it's more difficult to create a statically linked perl. This means that it's more difficult to put perl on a system where it isn't already there, and that system doesn't have a package manager*, than python or other options.
*or the the user doesn't want to use a package manager. OP said they just want to copy a binary around. Can you do that with perl?
You've defined yourself into an impossible bind: you want something extremely portable, universal but with a small disk imprint, and you want it to be general purpose and versatile.
The problem is that to be universal and general purpose, you need a lot of libraries to interact with whatever type of systems you might have it on (and the peculiarities of each), and you need libraries that do whatever type of interactions with those systems that you specify.
E.g. under-the-hood, python's open("<filename>", 'r')
is a systemcall to the kernel. But is that Linux? BSD? Windows NT? Android? Mach?
What if you want your script to run a CLI command in a subshell? Should it call "cmd"? or "sh"? or "powershell"? Okay, okay, now all you need it to do is show the contents of a file... But is the command "cat" or "type" or "Get-FileContents"?
Or maybe you want to do more than simple read/write to files and string operations. Want to have graphics? That's a library. Want serialization for data? That's a library. Want to read from spreadsheets? That's a library. Want to parse XML? That's a library.
So you're looking at a single binary that's several GBs in size, either as a standalone or a self-extracting installer.
Okay, maybe you'll only ever need a small subset of libraries (basic arithmetic, string manipulation, and file ops, all on standard glibc gnu systems ofc), so it's not really "general purpose" anymore. So you find one that's small, but it doesn't completely fit your use case (for example, it can't parse uci config files); you find another that does what you need it to, but also way too much and has a huge footprint; you find that perfect medium and it has a small, niche userbase... so the documentation is meager and it's not easy to learn.
At this point you realize that any language that's both easy to learn and powerful enough to manage all instances of some vague notion of "computer" will necessarily evolve to being general purpose. And being general purpose requires dependencies. And dependencies reduce portability.
At this point your options are: make your own language and interpreter that does exactly what you want and nothing more (so all the dependencies can be compiled in), or decide which criteria you are willing to compromise on.
Nah, gross. You need to set a bunch of global options to get sane behavior on errors.
Nushell is shaping up really really nicely, and it'll actually stop executing if something fails! Even if that happens in a pipe! And it's not super eager to convert between arrays and strings if you use the wrong cryptic rune.
I've looked into this a lot actually. There see many options. I'll highlight the pros and cons of each option.
Lua: extremely lightweight, but standard library is lacking, and doesn't include stuff like map or fold. But that would be easy to fix.
Python: thicc standard library, but is not lightweight by any means. There are modifications made to be more shell like, such as xonsh
Rash: based on scheme, very much functional but if you're not used to lisp style, might take a bit to get used to it. This is actually my favorite option. It has a cli interpreter, and really pleasant to use. Cons is... Well it's not very common
You can honestly use any language. Even most compiled languages have a way to run immediately.
OP is on OpenWRT
Fair point - I missed that, buried in the comments as it was.
In that scenario, you use what's available, I guess.
OP said they just want to copy a binary around. Can you do that with perl?
This is linux. Someone will have done it.
I use powershell for work as I need the m365 modules for work and its very flexible with decent module availability to plug in all sorts.
However it absolutely sucks for large data handling, anything over 10k rows is just horrendous, I typically work with a few million rows. You can make it work with using .Net to process it within your script but its something to be aware of. Being able to extend with .Net can be extremely useful.
I found installing Go-sdk a total PiTA. It is okay as a developer environment. But bash + gnu utils + core utils seem much more sane to me.
Of course I mostly work with Linux systems and hardly ever have to deal with Scripting for Windoze.
Just remember to use pyenv for interpreter installation, version and environment management. It's pretty straightforward that way and you have predictability.
Don't ever manually fiddle with the system python and/or libraries or you'll break your system. You should just rely on the package manager for that.
GitHub - pyenv/pyenv: Simple Python version management
Simple Python version management. Contribute to pyenv/pyenv development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Maariv newspaper revealed on Monday that the Zionist air defense systems failed to intercept the rocket launched by al-Qassam Brigades targeting Tel Aviv, confirming that it hit and exploded in the city.
The Resistance group announced that it had targeted Tel Aviv on Sunday with an M90 rocket in response to the massacres against the Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
In Gaza, al-Qassam Brigades announced on Monday conducting two consecutive operations targeting an occupattion force and its reinforcements unit in Khan Younis.
In the al-Qarara area, northeast of Khan Yunis, the Resistance group said it targeted a force taking cover in a house with a TBG anti-fortification shell and another anti-personnel shell.
In the second operation, al-Qassam fighters detonated a pre-rigged tunnel under a Zionist force of five soldiers that had advanced to the location, killing and wounding its members.
Meanwhile, the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, launched 60mm artillery shells and rocket barrages, targeting occupation forces gathered east of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip and the village of al-Masdar.
Immediately after the group’s operation, the occupation forces began shelling nearby areas and deployed smoke to cover the evacuation of their wounded soldiers.
The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, for their part, released two videos documenting their strikes on occupation forces and military vehicles in the Netzarim corridor using two 107 rockets and heavy mortar shells. They also showcased their shelling of the occupation in eastern Deir al-Balah and the eastern Al-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.
The attack on Netzarim was carried out jointly with the Mujahideen Brigades.
The Palestinian Resistance continues to confront the occupation forces in the Gaza Strip on the 324th day of the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation, causing substantial losses to the invading forces.
On Sunday, exclusive footage was released on Al Mayadeen of a joint operation conducted by the al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades and the al-Ansar Brigades against Zionist positions.
The coordinated attack, utilizing heavy mortar shells, targeted the command and control base in the Netzarim Axis, according to the groups.
Meanwhile, confrontations between Palestinian Resistance fighters and the occupation in the al-Zaytoun neighborhood east of Gaza City have intensified and extended to the eastern fronts of Deir al-Balah, central Gaza with reports stating that the Resistance has inflicted a large number of casualties among Zionist soldiers.
Intense battles were also heard in the al-Zana and Abasan al-Jadida areas east of Khan Younis in southern Gaza, the correspondent said.
Following reports of an explosion in Tel Aviv and the activation of sirens, the al-Qassam Brigades announced that they had targeted the city with an M90 rocket in response to Zionist massacres against civilians and the deliberate displacement of the Palestinian people.
Near the University College, south of the Tell al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City, al-Qassam reported that one of their snipers had shot a Zionist soldier. The group also released footage of the operation.
For their part, the al-Quds Brigades said they targeted the Abu Mutaybiq military site east of the Maghazi refugee camp with several mortar shells, and detonated a pre-planted explosive device on a military vehicle near the al-Furqan School in the al-Zaytoun neighborhood.
Additionally, the Al-Mujahideen Brigades announced that their fighters, in coordination with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, targeted a military gathering in the Netzarim Axis with a rocket barrage.
In another joint operation, the groups targeted gatherings of Zionist forces and vehicles east of Deir al-Balah with 107mm rocket barrages.
The al-Mujahideen Brigades also separately announced that they struck occupation forces stationed in the Netzarim Axis with two Haseb 111 rockets.
Furthermore, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, in coordination with the al-Qassam Brigades, carried out a strike on the Zikim military base using heavy mortar shells.
Meanwhile, the Omar al-Qasim Forces, the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, stated that their fighters successfully detonated a highly explosive device on a tank advancing near the al-Furqan School. The explosion caused significant damage to the tank and resulted in casualties among its crew, the group added.
Additionally, the martyr Omar al-Qassem Forces targeted soldiers and their equipment near the Bahloul building in the Brazil neighborhood of Rafah, southern Gaza, using mortar shells.
In other news, a Zionist airstrike on a residential area in the Nur Shams refugee camp, in Tulkarm, in the occupied West Bank, led to the martyrdom of at least five Palestinians on Monday night.
The aggression marks yet another aspect of the regime’s war on Palestinians, be it in the Gaza Strip or the occupied West Bank.
Local media identified the martyrs as Jibril Jibril, Muhannad al-Qarawi, Mohammad al-Sheikh Yousef, Adnan Aysar al-Jaber, and Mohammad Alyan.
Martyr Jibril was freed by the Resistance from prisons in late 2023 after it conducted a prisoner exchange deal with the Israeli regime.
Tulkarm has seen multiple incursions and confrontations that have lasted for days since October 7, 2023. The governorate’s youth and natives have insisted on supporting their copatriots in the Gaza Strip.
Despite Zionist policies of “maximum pressure” on Tulkarm and other governorates in the West Bank, Palestinians have continued to resist incursions and have conducted multiple successful operations in the occupied territory.
It is also worth noting that another Palestinian, Khalil Salem Ziada, was martyred after being shot at by illegal settlers who invaded the West Bank town of Wadi Rahhal, in Beit Lahm.
Palestinian Resistance factions promise, call for escalation
Early on Tuesday, Palestinian Resistance factions condemned the atrocious airstrike on the Nur Shams refugee camp, blaming Arab states’ complacency for what they described to be acts of genocide against Palestinian people in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Below we publish their full statements:
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:
The Tulkarem massacre shows that the occupation is committing genocide against our people in the West Bank just as in Gaza.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirmed that the brutal massacre committed by the occupation in Tulkarem, during a criminal airstrike carried out by the occupation’s air force on the evening of Monday, August 26, 2024, is part of the ongoing genocide against our people, which has now extended to the occupied West Bank amid official international and Arab silence and complicity.
The Front asserts that the occupation’s targeting of citizens’ homes through airstrikes in the occupied West Bank is a war crime, situated within the context of a systematic campaign of killings and executions carried out by the occupier against our people as part of a comprehensive genocide war.
Today’s crime in Tulkarem coincides with threats from the occupation to escalate its aggression through a comprehensive military operation in the occupied West Bank, aimed at the existence, lives, and properties of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.
The escalation of the occupation’s war against the Palestinian presence and the daily crimes it commits against our people occur with the full complicity of the international system, supported and partnered by the United States of America, which has led the declaration of the genocide war against our people and continues to provide support, weaponry, and political and military cover for it.
Today, our people have no choice but unity in the trench of resistance, and the escalation of all forms of struggle against the occupier. There is no escape from engaging in this fateful battle imposed by the occupation, which threatens the existence of our entire people.
We call for the declaration of a comprehensive national state of emergency, including the formation of a unified national emergency leadership to lead our people’s struggle in defense of their right to existence, freedom, statehood, and return.
We warn Arab states that what is happening today—the abandonment of the Palestinian people—is reminiscent of the Arab betrayal in 1948 and the catastrophic consequences that followed, which our nation’s peoples continue to pay for to this day.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Office
August 26, 2024
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The new zionist assassination operation, which targeted a house in the Nour Shams camp in Tulkarem this Monday evening, and coincides with the occupation’s announcement of intensifying its operations in the governorates of the West Bank, confirms the continuation of the occupation’s crimes and massacres extending from Gaza to every inch of the homeland. It is a desperate attempt to uproot the thorn of resistance that inflicts pain on the occupation through its qualitative operations.
We affirm that this fierce war waged by the occupation against our land and people will not bring the occupation security and stability. Instead, it will ignite the ground with fire under the feet of its soldiers and settlers.
The Hamas movement, while mourning the five martyrs of our people who rose in the Nour Shams camp, confirms that their pure blood will not be in vain. It will fuel the escalation of resistance and the continuation of its heroic operations. Moreover, the occupation’s escalation of its aggression in the governorates of the West Bank will only strengthen our resolve and will not stop the tide of resistance and the rising wave of anger across all parts of the valiant West Bank.
We call upon the masses of our people in the proud West Bank for more clashing, confrontation, and resistance against the occupation and its settlers as part of the Al-Aqsa Flood battle, to confuse them and shake the security of their so-called entity.
And indeed, it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.
Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas
Monday: 22nd of Safar, 1446 AH
Corresponding to: 26th of August, 2024 CE
Palestinian Islamic Jihad:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The escalation of crimes by the zionist entity and its settlers in the occupied West Bank over the past few hours is a decision for an undeclared open war on our Palestinian people.
The enemy’s use of drones to bomb a house inside the Nour Shams camp in Tulkarem, resulting in the martyrdom of five people, including at least one child, and the armed settler attack on Wadi Rahhal west of Bethlehem, which led to the martyrdom of another person, and the imposition of closures on large areas in the northern West Bank, all indicate that the enemy has decided to shift the focus of its operations from Gaza to the West Bank.
The decision by the enemy’s government to fund incursions to desecrate the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque under the pretext of tourist visits is the legal framework through which it seeks to deceive the world about a plan announced by Ben-Gvir yesterday morning to build a synagogue inside the courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and to impose its temporal and spatial division.
The increasing brutality and ferocity of zionist crimes in the West Bank, which come as part of the entity’s attempt to cover up its failures in Gaza and southern Lebanon, could not have occurred without the disgraceful Arab complicity, leaving the Palestinian people alone in a battle that the zionist criminals want to be a decisive turning point in the course of the struggle.
As we mourn the five martyrs who fell in the Nour Shams camp tonight, and the sixth martyr in Bethlehem, we call on all our people, everywhere, to mobilize to confront the plans of displacement and genocide against our people in the occupied West Bank, which the zionist criminals want to be similar to the genocidal war in Gaza.
And indeed, it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom
Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine
Tuesday, 22nd Safar 1446 AH, 27th August 2024 CE.…
#alAqsaFlood #dflp #gaza #guerrilla #hamas #palestine #pflp #pij #resistance #tulkarem #westAsia #westBank
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Virus that causes COVID-19 uses a secret 'back door' to infect the brain
A mutation on the spike protein of the virus that causes COVID-19 could help it infect the brain by forcing it to use a cellular "back door."Michael Schubert (Live Science)
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Rakenclaw likes this.
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A new study finds that mitochondria in our brain cells frequently fling their DNA into the cells' nucleus, where the mitochondrial DNA integrates into chromosomes, possibly causing harm.Columbia University Irving Medical Center
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originalucifer and Lasslinthar like this.
Naw, that's just the fact mitochondria are the reason life is as we know it. It's pretty much the cousin of chloroplast too!
But mitochondria actually forfeited a majority of its genome to the host organism when it became the powerhouse of the cell. This is how we influence it's processes and output. It did retain enough of it's genome to be able to synthesize the required proteins for the job, but all in all, the host is in control of the mitochondria.
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Tutorial: Edit text fields in your browser with real Vim/Neovim in a terminal window (Firefox+Tridactyl on Linux)
Just a few moments ago I was a SurfingKeys user, an extension for browser to get Vim inspired key bindings and functionality (and more) in the browser. It also has a feature to edit text areas (like this body text here) in a dedicated popup window to emulate a few Vim like features. It's nice to have, but I always wanted to edit in my real Vim configuration. I learned another extension Tridactyl does exactly that!
But to get that external editor functionality working, its a little bit more involved. Besides installing the main extension for Firefox, there is a helper tool that is needed in order to connect the text area with the external editor. I am using an Archlinux based system and here is what I did to get that dired functionality:
- first I disabled Surfingkeys extension, so it does not get in the way
- then I installed Tridactyl from the official Arch repository with
yay firefox-tridactyl
, instead from Firefox extensions page - the external editor is still not functioning, to get that the native tool must be installed, with Tridactyl in a browser window execute the normal command
to copy a terminal command to download and install the tool, however I did not do that and instead... - ... installed the native tool from AUR, the Arch User Repository with
yay firefox-tridactyl-native
- now it works when going to a page with a text area, execute shortcut
to edit the current focused text field (or usegi
to find and focus on a text area, thenC-i
to edit it), the problem is, this is not my NeoVim editor and configuration - download and put the default configuration file from… to ~/.config/tridactyl/tridactylrc
- Uncomment (meaning remove the leading double quote
) the following line:
" js tri.browserBg.runtime.getPlatformInfo().then(os=>{const ekjditorcmd = os.os=="linux" ? "st vim" : "auto"; tri.config.set("editorcmd", editorcmd)})
- then change the part
"st vim"
to something you want to use, in my case to"konsole -e nvim"
, this line should look like this now:
js tri.browserBg.runtime.getPlatformInfo().then(os=>{const ekjditorcmd = os.os=="linux" ? "konsole -e nvim" : "auto"; tri.config.set("editorcmd", editorcmd)})
- then restart Firefox or do a
in the browser to make use of the new configuration
All of these steps look complicated, but in fact its done in a few minutes if you are familiar with Vim and Linux. Now whenever I edit any text field in the browser with C-i
, it will open a new window managed by my systems window manager (which is auto tiled in my case BTW). Edit the text, do a :wq
and the text field in the browser should update. Finally, this is exactly what I wanted. Hope this little tutorial is helpful for anyone interested too.
- Tridactyl will change the "New Tab Page", this is normal and you can (and should) change it back to whatever you was using, I prefer they didn't do that but its not a deal breaker and happens on install only, apparently because of some limiations of Firefox extension system
- show your current maps and configuration with
in normal mode, and show help with:help
- I'm not sure yet, but while editing a text area in external editor it might be a good idea not to change the tab or focus? need to investigate this further
GitHub - tridactyl/tridactyl: A Vim-like interface for Firefox, inspired by Vimperator/Pentadactyl.
A Vim-like interface for Firefox, inspired by Vimperator/Pentadactyl. - tridactyl/tridactylGitHub
This $149 RISC-V Tablet Runs Ubuntu 24.04
This $149 RISC-V Tablet Runs Ubuntu 24.04
DeepComputing has unveiled a new version of its DC-ROMA RISC-V tablet — and this one runs Ubuntu! The DC-ROMA RISC-V Pad II boasts a 10.1 inch (1920×1200) IPS 10-point touch displ...Joey Sneddon (OMG! Ubuntu!)
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timlyo likes this.
If your kids software is available in Ubuntu maybe? At a glance I’d wonder how power efficient it would be (my $100 Walmart tablet lasts all week with light usage, I doubt this could compare), and would have to wonder as well on gpu performance. It’s likely not optimized yet so idk I’d trust 800 mhz as enough.
I think the article sums it up best:
RISC-V computing is a promising field but best ploughed by developers, early adopters, and tech enthusiasts at present. RISC-V chip performance is improving, but it’s not “there” for mainstream adoption — yet.
It’d be a ton of fun to tinker with and if you have the money to risk I’d say go for it! But I wouldn’t buy this for a kid unless I had the extra $150 to potentially get them a normal android tablet if this didn’t work as well as hoped.
This is really meant to serve as a development platform though, so the price and capabilities probably matter less, and the default settings and such are probably not as tuned as they could be to offer the best performance or battery life.
I don't even think power management tools in stock Linux take RISCV into account yet lol
my $100 Walmart tablet lasts all week with light usage, I doubt this could compare
probably not in a first release, but Android is convulted piece of shit compared to linux desktop environments. Not to mention Google's and/or OEMs built-in system apps running 24/7 guzzling all your data in the background.
In time, I guess it would beat out in performance and efficiency but lose in the availability of applications, same as desktop linux.
The ram options available for this tablet are better than what the iPad had when it first came out, and are pretty on par with more modern versions. Source
The idea of using a tablet as a computer is not exactly a selling point for me. What id love to see is an app market space for tablets like this. Something that competes with Apple and Google; especially if it had a focus on home automation and security. Gaming would be a close second.
iPad RAM list: How much memory for every model - 9to5Mac
This guide covers the amount of memory in every iPad model Apple has released. Follow along for all the details in our iPad RAM list.Michael Potuck (9to5Mac)
Sure, but I thought apt was just that. Anyone can make a repository or app store and give you access to apps thru apt-get install app. You could also run ducker to run virtual apps.
I would want to run gimp, krita, scribus inkscape, blender (maybe), Joplin, python/notebook, Spyder, libre office, etc. I think that would be a great list of apps that already one can easily install via app. I don't want a store like apple or google and for sure I don't want black box stuff that will run in the background consuming battery and stealing my data. I'll go check the review to see if the "it's not there yet" refers to functionality where these apps will keep crashing vs functionality meaning my mom can pick it up and use it like toddlers do. Big difference for me.
I'm considering it, but I'm leery of a pre-order from China.
I would use it primarily as an e-reader and a chat client. I use a desktop for my heavy duty computing.
It doesn't bother me that it's made in China, it bothers me that it's shipping from China.
I'm careful to check now, but in the past I've accidentally ordered products through Amazon that were actually third-party China-based corporations. More often than not I didn't get the product and had to jump through hoops to get a refund.
AMD Platform Security Processor
Photos of an NSA “upgrade” factory show Cisco router getting implant
Servers, routers get “beacons” implanted at secret locations by NSA’s TAO team.Ars Technica
Linux is not replacing Android tablets any time soon for casual use by non-techies. Especially on RISC-V, where not much software has been packaged to that architecture. Even ARM or X86 tablets don't have much tablet-oriented software available. Most DEs are pretty shit at tablet style navigation.
It will gather dust, I guarantee it. Maybe someday Linux will be there, but it won't be soon. And I've tried several times with several devices to make that happen.
I had Ubuntu on two of my ASUS transformer pads and I finally caved and went back to Android-x86 on the one that I use as a tablet more frequently. I really wish someone would make a proper full fledged touch distro for tablets, and at the same time I totally get why nobody has gone to the effort yet. Android kinda has it covered enough. I tried Bliss but some elements of the OS just would not play nice.
I think if any DE is close enough to what a tablet should have it’s Unity, and I don’t see anyone trying to bring that up to speed with Wayland etc. but it seems to be the best candidate short of making a DE from scratch - which might just be the best idea when all is said and done.
Linux is not replacing Android tablets any time soon for casual use by non-techies.
Meanwhile PineTab 2 is used nearly daily here, at home and while traveling, by non-techies.
I'm not saying anybody is fine with a Linux tablet... but if the applications (not "apps") one actually uses function properly on it, no reason that it would gather dust.
PS: tinkered with a Banana Pi BPI-F3 with SpacemiT K1 8 core RISC-V and for that architecture specifically I would wait just a bit more, also why I didn't get a PineTab V RISC.
I also have a Pinetab 2 and now after a year I'd say it's in a pretty good state.
However, if you just want a tablet, a similarly priced Android tablet will run circles around it in responsiveness and feel. (I have a Xiaoxin Pad pro 2022/Lenovo Pad M10 3rd gen)
Re RISC-V: AFAIK the new SpacemiT chips are the first actually usulable ones. The older and more common JH7110 has half the cores and way lower feature level. Like, no floating points and other extensions that are essential for modern computing.
I'm still waiting for somebody to release a Linux tablet with an immutable distro and Waydroid pre-installed.
Could be a killer product for productivity. Solid linux distro for desktop usage with the possibility to seamlessly open Android apps on demand.
The problem for me is the shipping. It was more than 100$ for the dc roma laptop 2. maybe the tablet is less.
In any case, I‘m definitely going for risc-v as a hobby dev and admin.
Lenovo M series/Xiaoxin Pad is about that price with 4gb.
I have the 8GB/128GB snapdragon version (Xiaoxin Pad pro 2022) and it's much more performant and fluid than my Pinetab 2, also 8GB/128GB version.
The hardware is not old but it is low powered. From the article: “The DC-ROMA RISC-V Pad II would struggle to outperform a cheap, second-hand ARM-based Android tablet from 5 years ago.”
The reason to buy it is not to have a tablet. It is to have an affordable RISC-V development and test machine.
Buy it if you want to help advance RISC-V.
Samsung A9+ goes on sale for about $150 every once in a while.
Kids FireHD tablets are generally lower than that. There's not really any difference between the adult and kids version tbh.
How to quit VIM?
First of all. This is not another "how do I exit vim?" shitpost.
I've been using (neo)vim for about two years and I started to notice, that I,m basically unable to use non-vim editors. I do not code a lot, but I write a lot of markown. I'd like to use dedicated tools for this, but their vim emulators are so bad. So I'm now stuck with my customized neovim, devoid of any hope of abandoning this strange addiction.
Any help or advice?
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AGuyAcrossTheInternet and ShaunaTheDead like this.
Why would you wanna quit if vim works for you?
Plus vim can be an amazing markdown editor with a few dedicated plugins.
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Noxious likes this.
What plugins can you recommend?
I think the only markdown plugin I've used was for table alignment.
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Noxious likes this.
Mkdnflow is the one that I used to use and it does so many things amazingly for writting markdown easier…
GitHub - jakewvincent/mkdnflow.nvim: Fluent navigation and management of markdown notebooks
Fluent navigation and management of markdown notebooks - jakewvincent/mkdnflow.nvimGitHub
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That's why for tables and katex equations I used plugins to help me with then to not be rough.
As for other stuff than vim, minimize the nees for them if it really gets hard.
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Noxious likes this.
Also, some tools have plugins to provide vim controls for them.
I know at least and use these:
- SublimeText (…)
- Firefox (…)
There are probably more...
GitHub - NeoVintageous/NeoVintageous: Vim for Sublime Text.
Vim for Sublime Text. Contribute to NeoVintageous/NeoVintageous development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
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You could consider markdown extensions that helps you write and visualize!
Like this one:…
GitHub - MeanderingProgrammer/render-markdown.nvim: Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim
Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim - MeanderingProgrammer/render-markdown.nvimGitHub
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Noxious likes this.
No joke, Emacs has the ability to render in line markdown, essentially the current line is just text, while the rest of the doc is rendered as markdown titles, links, lists, etc. It's my favourite way of editing markdown but I've never found another editor that does markdown like that. Everything else has text and rendered markdown side by side as separate panes, which I personally hate.
Edit: I stand corrected. Neovim has it too:…
GitHub - MeanderingProgrammer/render-markdown.nvim: Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim
Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim - MeanderingProgrammer/render-markdown.nvimGitHub
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Squiddlioni and Noxious like this.
No joke, Emacs has the ability to render in line markdown, essentially the current line is just text, while the rest of the doc is rendered as markdown titles, links, lists, etc.
This sounds amazing. I've been using markdown-mode for ages now though, and I've never come across this feature.
How do you enable this?
Some people over at reddit seem to suggest that the functionally you speak of doesn't exist, except in the form of a proof of concept snippet over at SO.
EDIT: Said snippet would probably be sufficient, if it handled codeblocks correctly (stuff in between ```
). At the moment, it handles them miserably (maybe because they are multineline elements?)
I have it in my config, will link to a specific commit in case anything changes. Look for the heading called MARKDOWN and I'd recommend grabbing all 3 subsections (MARKDOWN, Markdown Headings, Markdown Concealing). The main part is the last one iirc. Link:…
Edit: Links from the Table of Contents don't work in Gitlab, unfortunately, so you'll have to scroll to it yourself.
Make a plugin to a non-vim editor that properly emulates the vim experience, with the non-vim GUI.
Or, if that doesn't work well enough, fork them.
Failing that, you could just accept your fate. I love my neovim install.
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Noxious likes this.
I don't know if this will work for you, and I'm not sure if you're only looking for TUI editors, but Obsidian has vi key bindings and a lot of plugins.
Disclaimer: I have not tried the vi key bindings in Obsidian.
Another one I use is vscode. It has a ton of markdown plugins and vi key bindings. It also has a nice preview window.
Obsidian - Sharpen your thinking
Obsidian is the private and flexible note‑taking app that adapts to the way you
GitHub - glacambre/firenvim: Embed Neovim in Chrome, Firefox & others.
Embed Neovim in Chrome, Firefox & others. Contribute to glacambre/firenvim development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Just switch to VSCode or something similar, it has enough features and shortcuts that will quickly make you like at least 80% as productive as you were in Vim. It even has a Vim mode so you can wean yourself off of it more easily.
Honestly never got the appeal of Vim, you need to spend so much time learning and configuring it only to squeeze out a little bit of extra productivity out of it when compared to a "normal" editor/IDE. I don't see why it's so important to be able to edit and write code as quickly as possible since most of the time you're going to be debugging or looking at the code or reading docs.
EDIT: Just noticed you said you don't code a lot. I think most of what I said still applies, I imagine you don't spend 99% of the time in the editor typing away.
To your "never got the appeal".
Ngl for me using vim is the only option. If something needs to be done using a mouse, it's just not going to be done. I can't aim properly due to problems with my arms, and it itches something in my brain everytime I try, it makes me literally furious and enraged.
I tried using zed, but quickly found out that I can only control the text field with motions, nothing else.
If I try using mouse, speed of anything I do gets multiplied by 0.1.
Thanks to vim, I'm able to work with loads of text at all.
Simple as that.
I alternate between helix and vim depending on the task, and their key bindings are kind of opposite from each other in a lot of ways. I've found that switching back and forth has kept me on my toes a bit and I don't feel as locked in to one editor as I did with vim before trying helix.
So I’m now stuck with my customized neovim, devoid of any hope of abandoning this strange addiction.
I would also try getting used to the defaults or a minimal config, which is also a good way to feel at home in the editor regardless of the system
Take vim with you to something with a lot more features!
I use vscode with vim plugin/key bindings lol
I've been trying with helix bindings for code recently, used to use the neovim plugin
I find both too laggy/slow to start up/buggy personally, feels like I'm fighting with the editor sometimes
The helix plugin is pretty good but not customisable and I'm not using the default scheme
Build a small EMP device. Figure out how to trigger it from terminal. Delete the key bindings for vim. Map them to the trigger you have for the EMP.
… good luck..?
First of all. This is not another “how do I exit vim?” shitpost.
Oh, I see, so just a clickbait! 👎
Do you just need to write markdown? Plenty of text editors have a vim mode. Not sure if there's any lightweight ones that do the markdown preview alongside a vim mode; I know IntelliJ-based IDEs have a vim mode and can preview markdown, but that's not exactly a lightweight solution, and only the community edition is open source.
But also what exactly is it you're looking for that Vim can't do? I use Vim for writing pretty much everything. I use Vim for markdown and it works fine. Markdown is already pretty readable as a text file so I don't feel the need for a previewer or anything like a rich text editor (but also there are plenty of markdown editors out there if you just want to edit markdown in a RTE).
i just use vim plugins in the other editors i use.
kate has a vim mode,
vs code has a vim plugin.
intellij has a vim plugin.
obsidian has a vim mode.
a lot of editors have vim modes.
if you have a current non vim markdown editor,
try looking for a vim mode.
if you dont, obsidian is all about markdown,
and vs code has a markdown preview plugin.
You have to practice switching between neovim and other editors.
You have forgotten how to use a normal editor. I am not making it up, it is a real phenomenon. Similar to when SmarterEveryDay learned to ride a backwards bicycle he forgot how to ride a normal bicycle and essentially had to re-learn it. You have to re-learn how to use a normal editor.
A symbol for the ⁂ fediverse
We propose the symbol ⁂ to represent the fediverse.
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echomap and subignition like this.
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echomap, astrsk and giantpaper like this.
I appreciate the argument, but I feel like there's too much of a chance that we can do better with something in unicode. Or, that this isn't really good enough. Three asterisks is just too meh, IMO, to catch on.
⁂ ... to me right now just looks like a splodge on the screen.
Somewhat unfortunately, the pentagram in the older icon probably can't really be used without some cartoon-ification, because reasons.
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themadcodger likes this.
This is in unicode though? U+2042
I like it! Distinct but still simple enough that it could be easily stylized. The constellation symbolism works for me.
Ideally if it were used as an icon it would be slightly larger than the default text on a given page, though I’m not sure how well it fares on those cheap low-res laptops
we can do better with something in unicode.
Uh... It is Unicode.
The icon created by meta gives me shivers...
I know why you did it so fast and why you choose ⁂, it's already present and works as expected and probably to overcome meta's implication into the fediverse...
However, every symbol didn't exist at first and became popular on it's own because it defended something people found important and fought for (Like the peace symbol)!
Maybe create our own symbol and let it make enough noise so it becomes it's own symbol?
Sorry if it isn't clear what I mean by that :/
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hornface likes this.
It's in Unicode, duh... Otherwise, you'd need an image to represent it.
Note that if supported by the font you use, the three symbols will usually be drawn the same way as an asterisk (*) in that font. This means a lot of variation.
Your browser's rendering: */⁂
Several typefaces' rendering of Unicode U+2042 ASTERISM
I think the diversity is alright! It's like the Fediverse: instances follow a standard to work with each other but can be heavily customized without breaking integration.
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astrsk likes this.
A surprisingly serious typeface from Adobe Fonts.
IMO, the most egregious one is Essay Text.
Lust Text from Positype
A serif typeface with 10 styles, available from Adobe Fonts for sync and web use. Adobe Fonts is the easiest way to bring great type into your workflow, wherever you
4chan ASCII Triforce Fails
4chan ASCII Triforce refers to a frequently posed challenge on 4chan for call and response threads. The threads typically feature the original poster challenging 4chan newcomers to create a correctly formatted ASCII Triforce, originating from The Leg…james (Know Your Meme)
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
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hornface likes this.
There already is a symbol for the fediverse:
This has existed for years already, is used widely, and IMHO looks way better than this dull attempt. I see no good argument in the campaign website for using this new one instead.
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hornface likes this.
I commented on the last post about this, the three stars are difficult to make out on a small screen, they look like a blurry capital A. On top of that, it's apparently used in astronomy to represent clusters of stars, like a constellation.
The whole point of this campaign appears to be to replace a unique symbol with one that's already in use and is hard to read at small sizes 🤷🏻♂️
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hornface likes this.
On top of that, it's apparently used in astronomy to represent clusters of stars, like a constellation.
Isn't that kind of perfect though
It is not pentacle, it is 10-colored 5-node complete graph.
For people who didn't study in school entire life is filled with magic.
...and this latest proposal certainly isn't either of those things.
This logo is really unpopular
Source? I've only ever seen a handful of strawman arguments that "I'm not offended by the vague resemblance to a pentagram/use of rainbow colours implying LGBTQ+ support, but somebody might be", but its fairly wide adoption suggests that most people — myself included — actually like it.
About the current "pentagram" symbol:
However, its design is a little too complex to be used at small sizes, as you would in text or in a button. It’s also only available in image form, not as a typographical character.
We've used it as a tiny icon below posts from other instances and I've never found it problematic. I think it's already too well established to replace just because we can't type it. Besides, the three stars feel to me not distinct enough. Pushing Unicode Consortium to add it to the standard when the time comes is a batter way.
I do think however that it would be worth coming up with a proper name for the current symbol.
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hornface and 0x1C3B00DA like this.
I do think however that it would be worth coming up with a proper name for the current symbol.
The Fedigram maybe?
I quite like how *some* of the arms of the stars touch but not all. The older pentagram gives the impression that everything can connect to everything which has been hard to live up to.
But the ship has sailed and the pentagram has become well established.
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DarkenLM likes this.
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hornface likes this.
It looks like a bunch of snowflakes or a trip of buttholes.
No thanks.
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hornface likes this.
I think the current logo would work fine as a unicode character. I dislike the three anuses for a logo.
Wow. Hilarious.
Asterisks aren't connected.
Quiblr (Lemmy client) gets an open source update
GitHub - Technicolor-Dreamcoat/Quiblr: Quiblr is an intuitive, accessible, and modern interface to connect users to the fediverse
Quiblr is an intuitive, accessible, and modern interface to connect users to the fediverse - Technicolor-Dreamcoat/QuiblrGitHub
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ed and like this.
Quiblr is a place to explore online communities that match your hobbies and interests. Jump in and find your community!
The Quiblr Lemmy client goes open source
Hi all,
Building the Quiblr client has been my passion project on the side. I'm excited to share it with the community!
Check out the repo here
GitHub - Technicolor-Dreamcoat/Quiblr: Quiblr is an intuitive, accessible, and modern interface to connect users to the fediverse
Quiblr is an intuitive, accessible, and modern interface to connect users to the fediverse - Technicolor-Dreamcoat/QuiblrGitHub
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originalucifer, Oofnik and Bad_Engineering like this.
I can see that you've taken on a lot of the feedback from previous comments threads. This is great! Thank you.
And thank you for open sourcing it.
Question: I was using Quiblr before without logging in. If I sign up an account now and log in, will it transfer my locally stored data into the account to keep the recommendation (see more/see less) settings?
Recommendations are entirely, 100% on your device. There is no association between your account and the recs. So there is no transfer of data to or from your account. You can log in with your current Lemmy profile and the recs will work all the same!
The benefit of logging in is that you have more ways to interact on lemmy (so your recommendations will be more tailored)
That is the long term vision. This has been just a passion project that I work on the side. But keeping it all react native has made it easier for me to manage 1 app for web, iOS, and Android.
I didn't want to rush out a native version though. I want it to really utilize native functionality
Thanks for this awesome project!
Like the above user, I'd be very interested in translating this to German and Portuguese :)
Please let me know if you need any help
The Quiblr Lemmy client goes open source
Hi all,
Building the Quiblr client has been my passion project on the side. I'm excited to share it with the community!
Check out the repo here
GitHub - Technicolor-Dreamcoat/Quiblr: Quiblr is an intuitive, accessible, and modern interface to connect users to the fediverse
Quiblr is an intuitive, accessible, and modern interface to connect users to the fediverse - Technicolor-Dreamcoat/QuiblrGitHub
The planet is fine, it will be fine long after we are gone.
It is our civilization is seems to be fucked.
Yeah. There'll probably be a long period before plastic can be biodegraded, like it happened for wool/cellulose in pre-historic periods.
At some point, a mushroom will learn how to use it efficiently and then it will all be degraded.
We will be long gone by then.
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PokyDokie likes this.
At more or less they explain why this claim is not true:
The original study claims 0.1-5g/week of plastic dependent on the diet. The BBC expert says they overestimate this range a lot due to their methodology.
More or Less - Do we eat a credit card's worth of microplastic each week? - BBC Sounds
We look at whether humans really ingest five grams of microplastic on a weekly basisBBC
"Mini Text" scratchpad utility
Mini Text is a Floating Scratch Pad for Linux - OMG! Linux
Ever find yourself needing a "scratch pad" to store some transient text snippets while using your Linux desktop? If so, Mini Text should appeal. ThisJoey Sneddon (OMG! Linux)
Nonlinear dynamics of multi-omics profiles during human aging - Nature Aging
Nonlinear dynamics of multi-omics profiles during human aging - Nature Aging
Understanding the molecular changes underlying aging is important for developing biomarkers and healthy aging interventions.Nature
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Toz likes this.
Malicious Plugin in Pidgin (Chat Application)
Greetings everyone. It is with much regret that I am writing this post. A plugin, ss-otr, was added to the third party plugins list on July 6th. On August 16th we received a report from 0xFFFC0000 that the plugin contained a key logger and shared screen shots with unwanted parties.We quietly pulled the plugin from the list immediately and started investigating. On August 22nd Johnny Xmas was able to confirm that a keylogger was present.
reshared this
Open Source reshared this.
It went unnoticed at the time that the plugin was not providing any source code and was only providing binaries for download. Going forward, we will be requiring that all plugins that we link to have an OSI Approved Open Source License and that some level of due diligence has been done to verify that the plugin is safe for users.
Unfortunate that this happened, but at least they are forcing more transparency to try to minimize the ability to hide behind opaque code.
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subignition and TVA like this.
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DaGeek247 likes this.
I agree that reproducible builds would be ideal and modifying binary releases is trivial, but any step forward is better than no review process at all.
There's no such thing as a perfect system. It's all about increasing the number of hoops for an attacker to jump through. This is at least a step in the right direction.
This danger is why I quit using the Purple Teams plugin for Pidgin: it works well enough (considering Teams isn't exactly open to third-party clients, it works amazingly well in fact) it's GPL-3.0, the source is provided and I compiled it.
So I believe it's clean, but that's not good enough for me to hit our corporate Teams channels with it and I don't have the time to audit the code. Not to mention, while my company trusts my good judgment, I'm pretty sure running an unauthorized client is against IT policies.
So I dropped it, sadly. It's a bummer because Pidgin uses a fraction of the resources needed by that pig of an Electron app - the official client - made by Microsoft.
GitHub - EionRobb/purple-teams: A MS Teams plugin for libpurple/Pidgin (3rd party client)
A MS Teams plugin for libpurple/Pidgin (3rd party client) - EionRobb/purple-teamsGitHub
Was the plugin open source?
Edit: looks like it wasn't and the incident has prompted more more transparency. Good stuff.
Unless the pidgin team are compiling the binaries themselves, this doesn't really fix much.
Ideally we need reproducible builds.
To be fair, if your app has its own plugin list and installler, its probably going to be vulnerable to download malicious plugins.
I don't know of an in-app plugin installers that actually cryptographically verify signatures on downloads like apt does.
I used to use pidgin for our corporate HipChat. Pidgin was the best client for HipChat. I especially liked the psychic plugin, so I could get notified as soon as someone began composing a message to me (well before they sent the message).
I wrote a small python script to send my phone a high-priority message alert whenever my boss began composing a message to me. This was especially useful when I was in the kitchen or doing laundry or something.
We lost so much when these shitty corporate messaging services went so far off the XMPP spec that we couldn't use third party clients anymore
in reply to learnbyexample • • •ctenidium
in reply to learnbyexample • • •dotslashme
in reply to learnbyexample • • •fool
in reply to learnbyexample • • •Fun investigations (
), things I never bothered to check the existence of until now (install -s
), and fundamentals I glossed over ([
). Pretty fun read.And of course,
in reply to learnbyexample • • •This blog is my favorite Linux blog!
I love Robert and his YT antics - his whole "The X command is my favourite Linux command!" shtick was both funny AND informative!