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Kriminella driver HVB-hem. Flera HVB-hem drivs av organiserad och släktbaserad brottslighet. De har gängkriminella bland sina anställda. Detta framgår av en kartläggning av SiS- och HVB-hem som polisen genomfört under 2023. Det är en konsekvens av högerpolitik och privatiseringspolitik.…

in reply to learnbyexample

Fun investigations (tac and factor), things I never bothered to check the existence of until now (install -s), and fundamentals I glossed over ([). Pretty fun read.

And of course,

And that's why the '$cmd' command is my favourite Linux command.
in reply to learnbyexample

This blog is my favorite Linux blog!

I love Robert and his YT antics - his whole "The X command is my favourite Linux command!" shtick was both funny AND informative!

Störande av allmän sammankomst är ett brott med fängelse i straffskalan. Det innebär att vem som helst kan gripa en person som stör en demonstration eller ett politiskt möte. Det kallas envarsgripande.…

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Recommend me a scripting language

in reply to gomp

Looking through the packages available for OpenWRT I would suggest Tcl, Lua, Erlang or Scheme (the latter is available through the Chicken interpreter). Try them out, see what you like.

Mitochondria are Flinging Their DNA into Our Brain Cells

in reply to єχтяαναgαηтєηzумє

So this could be something that accounts for those sudden ailments. Aging in general, living to 300 isn't ideal if NUMT's wreak havoc on us.

in reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

No matter how many times I see it, ⁂ just looks odd. I don't want to get used to them. I want my colorful old fediverse symbol.

Tutorial: Edit text fields in your browser with real Vim/Neovim in a terminal window (Firefox+Tridactyl on Linux)

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

This $149 RISC-V Tablet Runs Ubuntu 24.04

The link makes it seem like crap hardware, and sure 4gb of ram is really crappy. But how does this compare with one of my kid's Fire tablets? Does anyone have opinions on that?
in reply to Altomes

I installed a GSI fork of LineageOS. Not sure if there are any device-specific ROMs for it, haven't checked in a while.

How to quit VIM?

First of all. This is not another "how do I exit vim?" shitpost.

I've been using (neo)vim for about two years and I started to notice, that I,m basically unable to use non-vim editors. I do not code a lot, but I write a lot of markown. I'd like to use dedicated tools for this, but their vim emulators are so bad. So I'm now stuck with my customized neovim, devoid of any hope of abandoning this strange addiction.

Any help or advice?

in reply to lemmur

i just use vim plugins in the other editors i use.

kate has a vim mode,
vs code has a vim plugin.
intellij has a vim plugin.
obsidian has a vim mode.
a lot of editors have vim modes.

if you have a current non vim markdown editor,
try looking for a vim mode.

if you dont, obsidian is all about markdown,
and vs code has a markdown preview plugin.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to lemmur

You have to practice switching between neovim and other editors.

You have forgotten how to use a normal editor. I am not making it up, it is a real phenomenon. Similar to when SmarterEveryDay learned to ride a backwards bicycle he forgot how to ride a normal bicycle and essentially had to re-learn it. You have to re-learn how to use a normal editor.

in reply to Jeena

Or we could use a combination of letters, sometimes referred to as a word, to represent it.

Quiblr (Lemmy client) gets an open source update

Quiblr is Lemmy client with a bunch of cool features (e.g. For You feed, masonry posts, accessibility settings). Let me know what you think!
in reply to Aurelius

Theres a big empty space on the top of the screen when using it on ios as a PWA
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to XNX

Thanks for the feedback. I just pushed an update to Quiblr. This should be fixed now for PWA

The Quiblr Lemmy client goes open source

Hi all,

Building the Quiblr client has been my passion project on the side. I'm excited to share it with the community!

Check out the repo here

in reply to Aurelius

Hi I'm very interested in using the app because of the recommmendation feature, but the compact view (the only view I use) isn't compact enough. Let me show you:



Sync for Lemmy

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to sag

Sync for Lemmy, I edited the OP to show this now.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

The Quiblr Lemmy client goes open source

Hi all,

Building the Quiblr client has been my passion project on the side. I'm excited to share it with the community!

Check out the repo here

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

I was thrown off by the word 'consume' in combination with credit card. 'Ingest' would have been a better choice of words in this context imo.

"Mini Text" scratchpad utility

"Mini Text" is a tiny scratchpad utility for Linux that I've found to be quite useful. I thought it might appeal to some others in this community.
in reply to Uncle_Abbie

Shout out to the person writing in Latin
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Nonlinear dynamics of multi-omics profiles during human aging - Nature Aging

The study indicates that human aging happens in two accelerated bursts, at ages 44 and 60. Most molecules studied showed non-linear changes at these ages. These changes are associated with reduced ability to metabolize caffeine and alcohol, muscle injuries, fat accumulation, and increased susceptibility to cardiovascular disorders, kidney issues, and type 2 diabetes. The study suggests making lifestyle changes like drinking less alcohol and exercising more when nearing these ages.

Malicious Plugin in Pidgin (Chat Application)

Greetings everyone. It is with much regret that I am writing this post. A plugin, ss-otr, was added to the third party plugins list on July 6th. On August 16th we received a report from 0xFFFC0000 that the plugin contained a key logger and shared screen shots with unwanted parties.

We quietly pulled the plugin from the list immediately and started investigating. On August 22nd Johnny Xmas was able to confirm that a keylogger was present.

reshared this

in reply to pnutzh4x0r

To be fair, if your app has its own plugin list and installler, its probably going to be vulnerable to download malicious plugins.

I don't know of an in-app plugin installers that actually cryptographically verify signatures on downloads like apt does.

in reply to pnutzh4x0r

I used to use pidgin for our corporate HipChat. Pidgin was the best client for HipChat. I especially liked the psychic plugin, so I could get notified as soon as someone began composing a message to me (well before they sent the message).

I wrote a small python script to send my phone a high-priority message alert whenever my boss began composing a message to me. This was especially useful when I was in the kitchen or doing laundry or something.

We lost so much when these shitty corporate messaging services went so far off the XMPP spec that we couldn't use third party clients anymore