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USB boot Ubuntu issue

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I have an old hp pavilion dv6 and I installed windows 7. Then i tried installing Ubuntu 24.04 and the USB wouldn't boot, it just showed "GRUB" in the top left of the screen. I tried with another USB and the same issue emerged.
in reply to Fortatech

A solution: Install Ubuntu 22.04 instead and upgrade to 24.04. I had the exact same problem with my gfs dv6. No matter what I tried, I could not get the laptop to boot successfully from the Ubuntu 24.04 USB stick.
This entry was edited (6 months ago) no screens found

Recenty I changed my old NVidia GPU with nouveau to AMD. I installed firmware-amd-graphics and set up radron kernel driver. But when I try to start X11 with default config (X -configure) it fails with no screen error. Kernel radeon driver works well and tty resolution is proper.
When I try run Debian live usb works well.
OS: Debian 12
in reply to user_naa

Device initalization failed according to the Xorg logs;

  1. Dump your firmware version
  2. Dump your kernel version
  3. Dump your kernel logs (dmesg or journalctl -k)
in reply to SavvyBeardedFish

Additionally you can try and force use amdgpu rather than radeon, by setting the kernel flags:

radeon.cik_support=0 radeon.si_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=1 amdgpu.si_support=1 amdgpu.dc=1


in reply to user_naa no screens found
I have a computer where xserver not work if you try to use it together with the internal graphiccard. With Wayland even a Screen on this internal card works.
So I propose to try Wayland.

I fredags gjorde jag ett kort besök på Öckerö för att gå med mamma till vårdcentralen. Genom märkliga omständigheter kring resan lyckades jag vara på plats en halvtimme tidigare än planerat så jag fick tid att gå runt lite i hamnen och vid varvet. Och ta bilder på en del fiskebåtar.…

In kommer EU med pengar - Fediversums historia - Svenssons Nyheter

Med tiden har Facebook, Twitter och Google kommit i konflikt med EU om integritet, konkurrenslagstiftning med mera. Det har bland annat lett till att EU börjat finansiera utveckling av programvaror med stöd för ActivityPub. In kommer EU med pengar alltså.

WordPress kan förvandla Fediversum - Fediversums historia - Svenssons Nyheter

2023 lanserades ett tillägg som gjorde det möjligt för publiceringsverktyget WordPress att kommunicera med hjälp av ActivityPub-protokollet. Det innebär att en WordPress-sajt kan bli en instans i Fediversum på samma sätt som en exempelvis Mastodoninstans eller en Pixelfedinstans.

Quantum Breakthrough: Scientists Discover First One-Dimensional Topological Insulator

Scientists have identified a one-dimensional topological insulator that could revolutionize quantum computing and solar cell efficiency. This groundbreaking discovery paves the way for advancements in quantum computing and solar cell efficiency.
in reply to yamaonan

I gave up halfway because I'm just not gonna understand, but this is very exciting news - at least it appears to be.
in reply to some_guy

That's the best kind of science article. No catchy headline & too complicated even in a summary
in reply to some_guy

They built a chain of tellurium instead of a cube or a sheet of it and cut it using a new very accurate technique to be 1 atom wide chain. They verified the endpoints are cut cleanly with radio image microscopy I think.
in reply to Dkarma

...ringworld, johnny mnemonic, and cube all taught me that monofilament is material to be feared...
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Dkarma

Once again, that's over my head. I appreciate you adding context. Thanks! I have slightly more understanding of what this means.

Is AMDvbflash safe? what is going with it?

Hi everyone i have some issue with my gpu vbios(i bought an used gpu with custom bios than dont support uefi) and need to flash a good one on it. I really don't want to dual boot window just to do it so i research for a way to do it on linux. I found this post but the github repo isnt here anymore. I found a backup of it on the wayback machine. But i am not sure if it is safe or not. If it is safe why was the repo closed what happened to it?

reshared this

in reply to Kiuyn

Just boot a Windows recovery image from USB if there is concern.
in reply to just_another_person

I can do THAT? I didnt know that window have a live boot environment like Linux. Thank you I will give it a try
in reply to Kiuyn

The Windows Recovery doesn't give you a full desktop, but you should be able to launch executables from a shell. If that doesn't work, there are also ways to run Windows from USB.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Kiuyn

You can boot it in a VM and do it from a VM. In fact even if the VBIOS is completely broken, you can still usually override the VBIOS in libvirt/qemu and boot it anyway and then you can flash it.

GE-Proton9-12 Released


  • added latest upstream proton changes
  • added latest upstream steamclient changes
  • updated wine to latest bleeding edge
  • updated dxvk to latest git
  • updated vkd3d to latest git


  • libmspack, xrandr, cabextract are now built as part of the proton-ge build process instead of being included as prebuilt binaries (thanks R1kaB3rN)
  • winetricks updated to latest git
  • star citizen protonfix updated (thanks marcan)
  • fix added for Full Metal Daemon Muramasa (thanks R1kaB3rN)
  • fix install location of xlive.dll for xliveless (thanks ProjectSynchro)
  • add fix for Bully: Scholarship edition (thanks Root-Core)
  • add fix for Dirt 2 (thanks ProjectSynchro)
  • add fix for CYGNI: All Guns Blazing (thanks Root-Core)
in reply to CannonGoBoom

i wish he would still update wine-ge as well. the whole umu-launcher situation is quite a mess and it's very unreliable.
in reply to Metz

not really released yet, still in release candidates
in reply to CannonGoBoom

The regressions are what bum me out about playing Windows games on Linux.

Games like Yakuza 5, where Proton worked for awhile, but then broke. So you need to manually use year-old versions for the game to run correctly.

EDIT: Funny I should mention Yakuza 5, because I just tried it on this new version, and it works again. (No wrong audio on cutscenes. No getting stuck on the initial load screen when starting the game.)

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

We underestimated animals capabilities. Most animals are smarter then we think.

in reply to delirious_owl

There's no way to otherwise make this work for many users. They can use Tor if they're worried.

in reply to unknowing8343

Probably not. Obfuscation works, and might even depend on remote code being downloaded at either build time or run time.

There are a lot of heuristics you can use (e.g. disallowing some functions/modules) to check a codebase, but those already exist no AI required. Unless you call static analysis "AI", who knows.

in reply to remram

But an AI can "realise" the code might be downloading something it doesn't need to. That's the point.

AI is "smart" and understands that you told it that the library was supposed to do something specific, and it can understand that and look for things that seem not correlated to the purpose of the repo.

in reply to unknowing8343

If you're one of those people that think every product is better if there's "AI" on the box then sure. What you're describing is static analysis though, it is not new.
in reply to unknowing8343

Its got a dataset of billions for tokens, youre better off running the stock market as an antivirus.

Instead if you care use specifically curated programs for the task, like antivirus'

AoM on Linux in 2024

cross-posted from:

Haven't bought the game yet, but these instructions seem legit. I found this link in a ProtonDB comment who claims to be its author/hoster:…

Varför antalet skjutningar ökar eller minskar. De senaste åren har många utförare av skjutvapenvåld varit väldigt unga. Det har föregåtts av förändringar i den kriminella miljön sedan mitten på 00-talet då det dödliga skjutvapenvåldet började öka.…

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

wayland-protocols 1.37 released

Adds xdg-toplevel-icon for changing icon in places like the titlebar without needing to create desktop entries.

Also adds ext-image-capture-source and ext-image-copy-capture which is used for capturing outputs/windows, used in wlroots and Cosmic.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Leaflet

Wow the icon saga is finished!?

If anyone wants to throw away a couple hours, there was SO much discussion (and initially drama) over it:…

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Lojcs

what is up with wayland standards taking so long to finalise? They have been chewing on HDR for over 4 years now...
in reply to toothbrush

color management is actually super hard to do, so making sure it's done right is very important, so this is one of the few times it actually makes sense. I mean, just take a look at windows, it still looks like shit over there.
in reply to toothbrush

Guessing from how this change required 3+ implementations before it became official according to the gitlab page, maybe it's a chicken and egg situation. Hdr is a lot of work so maybe people don't want to implement an unfinalized version that might change
in reply to Lojcs

The compositors are the ones doing a lot of the protocol development. They want to have WIP versions so they can see what issues crop up, they've been making versions all doing. Now, I agree that it is slowing things down, but it's more of just an additional thing that needs to get done, not so much a chicken and egg problem.
in reply to toothbrush

I guess because they want it to be done correctly but there's plenty of opinions on the correct way to do it

in reply to vxx

Chewing coca leaves seems to have a long history that continues to this day. I hear it's common practice among long distance drivers of the present and it wouldn't be surprising to find out that this has been the case ever since people made long transits on foot or horseback. Not sure we can call it cocaine though, isn't that term reserved for the hydrochloride salt form of the drug?
in reply to BilboBargains

Not sure we can call it cocaine though, isn't that term reserved for the hydrochloride salt form of the drug?

If these plants were brought back as marvels of the new world, they probably were presented to some sort of royalty or another, and there were a lot of alchemists in 17th century Europe.

Which brings me to my point that I don't think "cocaine" is exclusively for the hydrochloride salt. Sure, freebase cocaine has its own name (crack), but it still is cocaine. So I'd wager a guess saying cocaine is defined as any extract from the plant.

Let's see.

Well some so, yeah. Mostly it's just referring to the alkaloid, but I'd agree with you that chewing leafs doesn't constitute "using cocaine".

Because I'm pretty sure that, say, Bohemian alchemists would've had no trouble making a potent concoction from the leaves. And I mean "Bohemian" and "concoction" in their literal meanings.

Like a tincture of cocaine. Hits like a hammer, easy to make.

Den 14 juli i år hittades två döda män i en utbrunnen bli i ett industriområde i Fosie, Malmö. Efter en tid kunde de två männen identifieras som britter på besök i Malmö. Nu har en 19-åring häktats som misstänkt för medhjälp till mord för inblandning i dubbelmordet.…

Remember Cutefish? Pretty sure it's dead

The last update was over a year ago it seems. I remember everyone talking about the desktop environment like it was the next big thing. May she rest in peace.
in reply to daggermoon

I watched the GitHub and it looks like it's deepin os with a custom settings app and a MacOS style dock.

At that point just install deepin os and hope they don't lie about user privacy (being owned by a Chinese for-profit doesn't help)

in reply to Wispy2891

Deepin looks gross lol. What I mean is it only looks good with its own apps. KDE apps look horrible on it and GNOME apps don't look great either. I don't know how anyone uses Deepin. I get taste is subjective but it feels half finished.