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in reply to Leaflet

In my book, while snaps are definitely annoying and crappy, Ubuntu entirely lost the plot when they started scaremongering with their Ubuntu Pro “security alert” upsell messages. That’s some Norton Antivirus level shit.
in reply to Leaflet

This is a good thing, it is much needed for Snap and Flatpak and will make sandboxed applications less confusing for those who don't grog flatseal/kde-settings/etc. and adds convenience for everyone.

P/f Jupiter är ett fiskeriföretag med huvudkontor i Kollafjørður på Färöarna är ett företag som kan kopplas till ett nederländskt storföretag i fiskeribranschen. Det är dock majoritetsägt av färöiska ägare, närmare bestämt Jógvan Martin Ferjá Joensen…

in reply to learnbyexample

Had a little spark of glee looking at a fellow nix user in the wild

Defined in /nix/store/vicfr

in reply to linearchaos

I had a spark of glee seeing another fish shell user.

I used "job control" a lot but never called it that. And I mostly would background or foreground tasks. I didn't know about a few of those additional commands talked about. Disown will be pretty handy.

in reply to Albbi

Hello fellow fish user.

Disown is. I even have a fish function written so I can do 'launch foo' and it'll run foo, redirect everything to /dev/null (not sure that's necessary, but doesn't hurt), and then disowns the process. Mostly because I have a habit of running stuff using whatever terminal I happen to have in front of me.

in reply to Trent

Good idea to write a function, I'll do that right now. Over the last few weeks I've been regularly doing the Ctrl+Z, bg, disown, which does get old pretty quickly. At least I now remember the terms and don't have to search for them each time I need it :D
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Albbi

ut never called it that. And I mostly would background or foreground tasks. I didn’t

yeah I had no idea about disown, Jesus the number of times I could have used that, I might have never learned tmux or screen :)

in reply to learnbyexample

Gonna have to disagree with #3 - stopping Vim is not necessary for this. There's the builtin :! command.

Åtalad polis dömdes för flera brott. Två polisanställda och två civilpersoner åtalades för flera olika brott. En kvinna åtalades för grovt narkotikabrott för att ha hanterat över 50 kilo hasch. En man åtalades för grovt narkotikabrott för att ha hanterat 150 kilo cannabis.…

Rymlingar från HVB-hem misstänkta för mordplaner. En 16-åring har åtalats för förberedelse till mord, grovt vapenbrott och ringa narkotikabrott. Detta sedan han greps beväpnad med en halvautomatisk pistol inne på en pizzeria i Farsta den 25 maj 2024.…

in reply to mke

Would it have helped Cohost survive?

Well in theory if cohost was decentralized, the instance that is now shutting down would just be one of many. As it is, it's one of one, the only one.

Plenty of Lemmy instances have shut down, some less abruptly than others. One cohost instance shutting down is not that remarkable, all things considered. It's only remarkable cause there's just one instance.

in reply to SorteKanin

In theory, I doubt development would continue. For a federated cohost to survive long term, it would also need to be open source, with a developer community that could fork the project and carry the torch. That's a very different cohost we're envisioning, even excluding required UX changes to make it possible.

At that point, one might as well imagine a cohost that explored better ways to make money, or attracted more users, or ran a tighter ship. Both scenarios lead to this discussion never happening.

in reply to mFat

Just checked and apparently it was already requested and marked as not planned. Oh well.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

How Lemmy could interop with Mastodon, as imagined in Frontpage + Bluesky

Hey 👋 if you don't know us already, we're building Frontpage; an AT Procol based federated link aggregator. We shipped an initial MVP in closed beta recently and have since been thinking about the road to general availability.

This post is an RFC (Request for Comments) targeted at technically minded folks who are interested in seeing the progression of atproto for non-Bluesky/microblogging use cases. All that's to say the language that follows assumes some knowledge about how Bluesky and atproto work! I've tried to include links to explain what all of the jargon means though, so hopefully it's not entirely nonsense for folks a little less familiar!

When you post on Frontpage, we propose that a mirror post will also be created in your Bluesky account. When you comment on Frontpage, we propose that a mirror reply will be created in your Bluesky account.

Conversely, when you reply to one of these mirrored posts in Bluesky - we will show it as a reply in Frontpage.

Additionally, Bluesky likes will be translated to Frontpage votes and vice versa.

in reply to erlend_sh

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to aaaaace

The Great Sellout to Meta.

Is this Great Sellout in the room with us right now? Because Meta did implement an open protocol into Threads, but it has been widely blocked by other ActivityPub instances. That is not a "sellout".

Sounds like your principles will only lead you off social media, perhaps the internet entirely?

in reply to Handles

The 2 largest mastodon instances both misrepresented involvement or intent with Meta to their users, then turned around and federated.

Those were/are the best chance for the fedi to leap forward.

They are the most popular and also now the keast likely to be used by tech people, both because if the association and because they misled their users.

The admins of those, one of which is the masto dev, have arguably done more harm to the fedi than anyone else. People left for bluesky right after the bragconfession and openly posted about why.

So it's not in the room with me, because I dropped their scene and closed all my accounts.

It takes a moral village idiot to compromise the whole environment just to grab some cash for their subsequent honeymoon. Not unlike current Twitter management thinking, and not unlike social media thought-levels in general.

Unknown parent

mbin - Link to source

Though luck, they are interpretations already and have been doing it since the beginning.

The first comment I ever made to a Lemmy community was via Mastodon - that's how I found out about Lemmy in the first place.

in reply to Οχάκ

What ever you happens, do not use this for commercial purposes. Virtual box is free and libre but the guest addons are not. They will find and bill you for every single person in your company. Not per active user but per employee. This has cost companies millions

Under Linux you can just use KVM. Gnome boxes or virtual manager should work fine.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Possibly linux

And they DO NOT CARE if you don't actually use or install the extensions (unless something has changed, the guest add-ons are part of the free open source part, it's the extensions for things like USB 2 support that aren't free for commercial)

You can use it freely, by license, but they'll come after you anyway

I'm still pissed that they bought Sun, so many great products now controlled by those assholes... Virtual box, MySQL, Solaris, Java...

in reply to Laurel Raven

I've just seen quite a few posts about companies getting audited by Oracle over Virtual box and Java
in reply to Laurel Raven

The only license that VirtualBox and the Guest Additions are even released under is GPL3. I do not even see a dual license.

What remedy are they proposing when they come after you? I am not sure I would even take their call or respond to their letter. If I did, I would just send them the GPL text, announce that we are complying, and tell them to pound sand.

I suppose it might be fun to tell them that I got it via IBM or Red Hat or something and to take it up with them. But I probably would not actually be dishonest about. As above, if I got a letter asking me to pay for their GPL software, I would just mutter “idiots” and throw it away. If they want to persist, it would only cost them money and I would continue to respond the same way.

in reply to LeFantome

The extension pack does cost and is licensed differently from the core product

I did try that tact, more or less, but the fact is they kept harassing our licensing people and it just wasn't worth it so we removed every copy of it and used something else

And the truth is, Oracle can throw an ungodly amount of legal hassle at people if they want, right or wrong... Just because you're in the right and should win doesn't mean there'll be anything left of you on the other side, and they won't have felt a thing while destroying you out of capriciousness

They're pure evil and even their fully open source products should be avoided like the plague that they are. Hopefully someone will fork them at some point so we don't have to be tied to that shitty company, but until then, better to just leave them alone, because it's just not worth the hassle.

in reply to Possibly linux

I use the version of VirtualBox that has been modified to use KVM as the back-end. Do you know if it has the same problems?
in reply to Possibly linux

I do not believe I have had to accept anything. I am installing it from the AUR and it builds from source. Pretty sure it just went straight into the UI the first time I launched it ( without a EULA ).

I will have to look into it. Thank you for the answer through.

in reply to Possibly linux

I just looked all this over and, just to clarify, both VirtualBox itself and the Guest Additions are free and released under GPL3.…

What is not free is the separately downloadable “VirtualBox Extension Pack”.

As long as you stay away from the “Extension Pack”, you are ok.

in reply to Οχάκ

Neat. As I am in the process of fully migrating to wayland, it is good. I only work as a teacher, so I don't really concern about licensing, lol.

Kali Linux 2024.3 Release (Multiple transitions) | Kali Linux Blog

Random raspberry pi freeze

My Raspberry Pi, on which I host a Minecraft server, suddenly froze. I cannot not SSH in, nor can I join the Minecraft server. I ran the Minecraft server in Docker, via itzg/docker-minecraft-server. I turned off the Raspberry Pi, took out its microsd and plugged it into my PC, to at least attempt to run the Minecraft server from my PC to see if I still have the data. I tried to copy it with cp, but I got an input-output error. Could this be the filesystem's fault? And how can I fix this? If you need any additional info about this crash, please do not hesitate to ask.
in reply to Gregor

I believe your SD it's fried, you should try using a variant of SBC with eMMC support. Like for example a Banana Pi M4 Berry or a Orange Pi 3B with eMMC module.
in reply to Gregor

"He's dead Jim"

MicroSD cards aren't designed for a lot of writes. Your card it probably dead. If you must use a RPI with a SD card you should get an enterprise grade MicroSD

in reply to Possibly linux

SSDs are crazy cheap, what are you talking about? I think the added reliability and speed is absolutely worth it
in reply to Gregor

Raspberry pis are expensive in general. That's what I meant my not cost effective
in reply to Possibly linux

100€ for such a performant device (for the price) seems like a good deal to me
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Gregor

You can get more from a old PC for around the same cost. If it works for you that's good. I want to point out there are other options
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Gregor

While I haven't personally tried it, I've heard people have issues with cooling when using the M.2 hat, especially when using their Pi for intensive applications (like hosting a Minecraft server). I'd honestly recommend just getting a 2.5" USB drive enclosure and an SSD. Costs about the same amount of money without the drawback of poor cooling. You can use it with any case, since it just connects via USB. I have been running my Pi this way for years (in fact I have never used an SD card in it).
in reply to Possibly linux

I think "endurance" cards are where you get something reasonably non-self-destructive, for a modest premium.

Ubuntu 24.10 to Introduce User-Controlled Permissions Prompts

Unknown parent

mbin - Link to source
That is very correct. SELinux is an alternative to AppArmor. But SELinux is much more secure but that comes with a cost. And that is the cost you just described. SELinux is much more advanced and gives you much more control.
in reply to pnutzh4x0r

Every time, I'm ready to jump the Ubuntu ship and go back to Debian or Mint, they announce something interesting; something I'd at least want to try.

Researchers Gave LSD and Humans To Dogs — And Something Magical Happened

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Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
Probably just a wild dream to the dog 😂
in reply to realcaseyrollins

40 up votes 20 down. interesting. sort of a community inflection point. magical

I had the pleasure of reminiscing about OggCamps from “Days of Yore” with the excellent Les Pounder yesterday, in an episode of the Tom’s Harware Pi Cast. If you’ve never been to an OggCamp, hopefully this will provide a flavour of the event (Les did a deep dive back into the photo archive from previous events).…

OggCamp 2024 (“The Return of OggCamp!”) is happening at the Manchester Conference Centre at the Pendulum Hotel on October 12 & 13. Tickets are available now. We would love to have you join us, and bring along an open source / free software topic or two to discuss and share.

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#events #freeSoftware #lesPounder #manchester #oggcamp #oggcamp2024 #openSource #thePiCast #tomsHardware #UK

Kovarex Is Thinking About Open-Sourcing Factorio | Factorio Interview: Michal Kovařík [Czech; Eng Subs]

cross-posted from:

For me, the most interesting point was the short mention of open sourcing Factorio (around 2:40). Kovarex seems to be very much open to the idea, he mentions that (as an approximation) maybe two years after the DLC after things calm down ...

(Hope this is not much of a titlegore)

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Vänsterns misstag har gynnat högersajterna. År 1994 startade tidningen Yelah som papperstidning och på nätet. Kring 1998 blir det i första hand en nättidning ( 1997 startade som e-mejltjänst men snart också som en hemsida (1998) och en portal för delar av vänstern. 1999 startade Independent Media Center (IMC, Indymedia). 2001 startade diskussionforat…

P/f Næraberg och JFK P/f är två sammankopplade bolag. P/f Næraberg är ett samarbete mellan det stora nederländska fiskeriföretaget Parlevliet & van der Plas och en lokal fiskeriföretagare på Färöarna. Enligt lagstiftningen på Färöarna måste fiskeriföretagen kontrolleras av lokala ägare.…