Linux creator Linus Torvalds has released version 6.11 of the open-source operating system kernel. The new release, while not considered major by Torvalds, introduces several notable improvements for AMD hardware users and Arch Linux developers. ZDNet: This latest version introduces several enhancements, particularly for AMD hardware users, while offering broader system improvements and new capabilities. These include:
RDNA4 Graphics Support: The kernel now includes baseline support for AMD’s upcoming RDNA4 graphics architecture. This early integration bodes well for future AMD GPU releases, ensuring Linux users have day-one support.
Core Performance Boost: The AMD P-State driver now includes handling for AMD Core Performance Boost. This driver gives AMD Core users more granular control over turbo and boost frequency ranges.
Fast Collaborative Processor Performance Control (CPPC) Support: Overclockers who want the most power possible from their computers will be happy with this improvement to the AMD P-State driver. This feature enhances power efficiency on recent
Link to original post… from Teknoids News
I gave a talk** at Berlin Fediday this weekend entitled A Bigger, Better Fediverse. I talked about what has been happening on the Fediverse in terms of growth, but also what’s been improving in terms of trust and safety. I also talk about why these two dimensions go hand-in-hand, and how we can’t have one without the other.…
** Almost. There were technical issues, so I had to record the talk and then upload it. All the better for you!…
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World Wide Web Consortium and Tim Chambers reshared this.
[SOLVED] Silent Hunter 3 & Living Silent Hunter 3 Supermod - Steam proton + JSGME question
Hello guys! Recently re watched Das Boot (amazing film btw for those who haven't seen it, highly recommend) and that inspired me to install my SH3 from steam. The thing is its the first time I'm going to be playing on Linux, and I'm a bit stumped on how I can install the LSH3 supermod. The instructions for the 2022 version of LSH3 state that you simply run the provided .exe (due to this being steam proton I placed it in the game directory but this doesn't seem to be required) and run it. However I can't seem to figure out how I can use an existing proton environment to run an executable which is not the actual steam game for that environment. Can anybody help with this?
As a bonus question, because this game is quite old there are quite a few mods available for it, and the best way to activate them after downloading (on windows at least) is through JSGME. However I also cant figure out how to install that in the game directory. I have downloaded its installer but dont know how to actually run it.
I have included the link to the LSH3 2022 install manual as well as a screenshot of my game directory with files related to this post circled.
Any insight would be amazing!
not to be that guy . but have you tried to search for an answer?…
first hit on "flatpak question marks".. it's due to the font you use in the terminal does not support or not fully support Unicode characters or your locale settings are not correct.
hope this helps and answers your question :)
(edit, lost part of a sentence)
you're welcome :)
or since you probably are from Denmark since you mentioned Danish in your other comments:
🇩🇰 bare hyggelig, og håper du fikk løst problemet ditt 🇳🇴
Er jo en hel Lemmy instans for Danmark her, så det finnes nok flere av osw, og ja, jeg er fra Norge 🙂
Håper det ordner seg når du får installert ny font når du har tid og anledning til det 🙂
Relaxing treatment of non-notes by Mastodon
re: better handling of non-notes by Mastodon
Toward the end of a day 2 FediForum session,,, and I sidetracked a bit and discussed once again the tendency for implementors to shift away from more suitable ActivityStreams Activities to as:Note
Specifically, it was the demo/session by re: TrueFans. Instead of federating out an as:Listen
, they send as:Note
, and it's a fairly safe bet that this is because the content cannot be richly represented in Mastodon. The same story played out with Mattias and the WordPress plugin, and myself with NodeBB.
Secondly, back in March/April and again in May, mentioned that resolving this was of some interest to the Mastodon team:
We will work on improving the display of non-Note content in the next Mastodon version
To be clear, getting Mastodon to suitably process as:Article
or any number of other activities is not what the ForumWG wants to accomplish. It's not up to Mastodon to adapt to the variety of content on the fediverse, but rather that its fallback handling needs to improve just enough so that its baseline rendering is acceptable to more implementors and their users.
As concise and actionable as I can make it:
- Mastodon allows a subset of HTML for
. This subset is good enough, butcontent
in non-notes has all html stripped. Keep consistency here and allow the same subset of HTML. - Non-note
is truncated. This is no longer necessary due to the addition of the expand button. The wonderful thing is this standardization of behaviour actually simplifies Mastodon code. - Instead of appending the object URL to the status content, promote the "Open Original Page" button out of the overflow menu. It's more than okay to defer to the original site vis-a-vis presentation and allow the user a smooth exit if desired (
would be okay too if you're worried!)
That's it.
You could even skip the third point, but even with 1 and 2 achieved this would sufficiently raise the baseline behaviour just enough that I would immediately update NodeBB to send as:Article
for new topics, and I am certain would adjust his defaults as well.
Lastly,, I'm sure I can speak for everyone at FediForum when I say that it was wonderful to see representatives from Mastodon (that of course includes as well) in attendance. It means a lot to me personally that you were there, and sends a signal that Mastodon continues to desire broader inter-compatibility.
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Re: Relaxing treatment of non-notes by Mastodon it's an oft-repeated refrain that the Mastodon team has a lot of their plate. With bug fixes, existing feature pipeline, and now your funded work with fediscovery, issues important to other implementors might fall by the wayside or seem less important.
The easiest thing for us to do is to impress upon you and your colleagues the importance of this for the wider fediverse. You have from WordPress, from FlipBoard, and from NewsMast, and likely others who would be on board ( with Fedify/Ghost?) with switching away from as:Note
(I can't speak for them, but probably?)
The second easiest thing here would be to have a developer make a PR against the Mastodon repo. I'd love to also make this happen (funding and such permitting).
Ghost already represents posts as `as:Article` objects. Interestingly, they put `as:Note` into the `as:preview` property of `as:Article` objects, which I don't think Mastodon utilizes.
@trwnh @thisismissem @hongminhee @mike @michael but one thing I'd note: I think objects should always degrade gracefully into something note like, but that's not the case for activities
Imagine I used a federated like application. If Mastodon converted as:Listen to a note, my followers would probably get pissed off about the "Now listening to: X" statuses every 2 minutes
@trwnh @mike @hongminhee @thisismissem @michael we don't really have a way of knowing what activities our followers are interested. In fact in the general case that's impossible; if I started using a music suggestion system based upon my friends listening habits today, I'd like to be able to use their historic listening data that they have been broadcasting to seed it.
Alternatively, consider that I decide to make my listening history public and it hits a relay. My as:Listen activities are going to absolutely carpet bomb the federated timeline.
Aside from the Annointed Two (Create, Announce) we really need to treat most activities as ephemeral and largely unimportant
This is why we need to allow people to specifically follow certain Collections which are exposed as streams. It’s also why we need to allow people to send activities to arbitrary audiences which might not include all followers.
If a relay is set up for the purpose of aggregating Listen activities and you follow it, that’s on you. You asked for it.
Create is the exception, not the rule
@trwnh @darius I actually think this demonstrates a fundamental flaw in the email model
There are times you want to be able to do endpoint to endpoint but potentially automatic message exchanges, and email doesn't really have a mechanism for doing this
The straightforward example is my client noticing your S/MIME or GPG key is expiring and asking if there's a new one
if the actor represents me, then it is "my" inbox.
the correct solution imo is to spin up more bespoke actors. i'd really like to build upon the concept of "programmable actors", i.e., actors that are automated to act a certain way with activities they receive in their inbox. for example, a Relay could be defined as a programmable actor that Announces the object of any Create it receives, or Announces any activity it receives, or whatever. and it should be a JSON-LD type
@trwnh @mike @hongminhee @thisismissem @michael therein lies the point - activities mostly *aren't* interesting. Create and Announce are interesting not in and of themselves but because of what they carry.
Things just work much better in many ways if activities can be thought of as largely ephemeral.
If the podcast listen is important enough that it's worthwhile keeping around in my feed - say, it has commentary or something like that - then perhaps it's better framed as commentary, not as a pure listen
@trwnh @hongminhee @michael @mike @thisismissem I think our fundamental disagreement here is that I think activities shouldn't have content; it really opens many cans of worms
AS1 had a much more robust activity/object distinction and TBH I'm still kinda upset at how much AS2 muddled every type of object together into sludge
@hongminhee @michael @mike @thisismissem @trwnh if you treat activities as first class objects indeed of second class, it really opens up various cans of worms. What does it mean to like a like? Can you reply to an EmojiReact? Can you Like a Listen?
The end result of dividing things might be some semantic overlap between "small" Activities and "large" Objects, but that's probably not the worst possible argument
I do think there's an argument for a world with an activity-object merge but it's probably the world in which the Create activity never existed
You can do all of those things and they mean whatever the negotiated meaning is between the human author and the human audience.
From an AP machine view, Liking a Like just means that your Like SHOULD be added into the `likes` collection of that Like. From a human view, it simply means “I like that you liked this.”
@trwnh @mike @hongminhee @thisismissem @michael and I agree, but I think this approach if actually implemented really combinatorially explodes the protocol. An implication of this direction of thought is that your like has a likes collection, and that likes collection has it's own likes collection, ad infinitum.
You really can express absolutely everything in ActivityPub/AS2 and it's it's biggest flaw IMO. The combinatorial explosion really paralyses implementers
Re: Relaxing treatment of non-notes by Mastodon Yeah that's something I haven't seen before. Would love to get's take on it.
Blog software has the concept of "excerpts", which I think fits well with that idea. is right though... this is likely only because an excerpt can't be sent in via summary
, otherwise it gets treated like a CW.
but that's no longer completely true. You can send a `summary` if `as:sensitive` is false :)
only if `as:sensitive` is set to true, the `summary` will be used as content warning.
Separately, Mastodon are doing great work and have a non-stop barrage of feature requests (often: demands) from all sides, and everyone is convinced theirs is the most critical (ofc).
We've chatted to them about long-form, and they're well aware :)
They don't need importance impressed upon them, but they certainly do need funding and PRs — so I think you're very much on the right track there!
@evan @Gargron I 100% agree with Julian. We are new to AP development but very excited. I was surprised by the lack of AP vocab support in Mastodon given the AP vocab has not been updated since May 2017.
Being a podcast & music app we had hoped to use the LISTEN verb. Sadly we can't as there is no support? Equally we offer blogging and event ticketing in our platform, so using ANNOUNCE, ARTICLE and BUY verbs will hopefully work???
An issue we have with redirecting the user to the original post is that it makes it very hard for the user to interact with the post. We still want to improve this (in 4.4?) but are still very short on resources.
We discussed changing the "read more" button to open a modal, and (is this a good idea?) supporting an AP attribute with an iframe suitable for embedding the content, and changing the show more button to open a modal with this iframe
Re: Relaxing treatment of non-notes by Mastodon That is a valid concern. A basic tenet of growth hacking and increasing engagement is simply to not drive the user to another site.
There's an opposing viewpoint that states that you should trust your users enough for them to return on their own, hehe.
I know there's a strong desire to keep users on-platform, which is why I suggested using target="_top"
to open a new tab. I hope that's a good enough compromise, but ultimately it is up to the Mastodon team as to what works best.
Users see some content, click on it, then end up with a new UI, see a reply button, click on it, and are asked to create a new account, or to sign up (but not with their initial account). Our user testing (and many feedback) points that this is a very common issue with AP federation at the moment, even between Mastodon instances.
Not many people understand what is the federation and how to work around it
I totally agree with @renchap that it is important to keep the user on the platform of his/her choice! I like the idea of having a better "read more" UX or maybe the lightbox idea.
But to have the best possible experience and to improve the engagement, you should not force the user to leave the platform.
Otherwise it feels very much like subscribing to an RSS-Feed with only excerpts, where you always have to leave the reader for reading the whole text!
This Week in KDE Apps
This Week in KDE Apps
Welcome to the first post in our "This Week in KDE Apps" series! You may have noticed that Nate's "This Week in KDE" blog posts no longer cover updates about KDE applications.This Week in KDE Apps
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LightTube, un altro front-end alternativo per YouTube
Viste le recenti, e speriamo temporanee, débâcle di Invidious e Piped ho aggiunto il front-end alternativo chiamato LightTube nell'articolo dedicato alle alternative a YouTube.
LightTube, un altro front-end con alcune caratteristiche interessanti. Permette di vedere i video senza pubblicità, attiva la visualizzazione dei "non mi piace" (da Return YouTube Dislike), ha il supporto a SponsorBlock, la possibilità di accedere ai feed delle sottoscrizioni senza necessità di un account Google, la gestione delle playlist e la possibilità di proxare i video. Attenzione: Google potrebbe bannare il vostro account se utilizzate LightTube per loggarvi, evitate di farlo.
Questa una lista dei server disponibili:
Come sempre è bene ricordare che la vera alternativa a YouTube è PeerTube 💛
GitHub - lighttube-org/LightTube: An alternative YouTube front end written in ASP.NET
An alternative YouTube front end written in ASP.NET - lighttube-org/LightTubeGitHub
The best times to view the event will depend on your location, but the lunar eclipse will peak at 10:44 p.m. ET, according to NASA. All of North and South America will have a chance to see the partial lunar eclipse and harvest supermoon depending on the weather. Europe and Africa will also have an opportunity to see the eclipse.This lunar eclipse will be a partial one, with only the upper portion of the moon being plunged into the darkest part of the Earth's shadow known as the umbra, Monsue said.
Join us for Sunnyvision, the summer edition of Lemmyvision!
I hope my post doesn't break the rules ; I'd like to invite as many people as possible to participate to Sunnyvision, the summer edition of the Lemmyvision song contest.
It's a fun way to celebrate summer, and discover new music, more info on the original post, quoted below !
- In ~~this thread~~ the thread on !, in the comments, post a song that was released in summer of any year.
- Next week, you'll be able to vote for your favourite song from the songs posted here.Remember that time I wanted to set up a smaller scale Lemmyvision for summer? Yeah me neither.
But here it is, it's still summer for a week, so..
Welcome to Lemmyvision's summer edition, Sunnyvision!🌞If you don't know what Lemmyvision is, check out the sidebar!
The aim is to promote different languages and cultures from around the world, to share more between our online communities across Lemmy, and discover songs from lesser known artists.
The first edition concluded on April ( with 9 instances/countries/communities participating! The Northern Boys - Sexy Train (), the submission, won!
For this 'lighter' edition, the goal is to celebrate the last week of summer, with some summer related tunes. You do not need to bring your instance/community, everyone can share a song, no matter what instance they're on, as long as they can federate here!
- Just post a song that was released in summer, from any year you want
- At the end of the week I'll gather all the songs posted in this thread
- You'll then be able to listen to a playlist with all those songs, and vote for your favourite!Spread the word if you can, and I hope you have fun, and that everyone can discover new music! 🎶
Join us for Sunnyvision, the summer edition of Lemmyvision!
I hope my post doesn't break the rules ; I'd like to invite as many people as possible to participate to Sunnyvision, the summer edition of the Lemmyvision song contest.
It's a fun way to celebrate summer, and discover new music, more info on the original post, quoted below !
- In ~~this thread~~ the thread on !, in the comments, post a song that was released in summer of any year.
- Next week, you'll be able to vote for your favourite song from the songs posted here.Remember that time I wanted to set up a smaller scale Lemmyvision for summer? Yeah me neither.
But here it is, it's still summer for a week, so..
Welcome to Lemmyvision's summer edition, Sunnyvision!🌞If you don't know what Lemmyvision is, check out the sidebar!
The aim is to promote different languages and cultures from around the world, to share more between our online communities across Lemmy, and discover songs from lesser known artists.
The first edition concluded on April ( with 9 instances/countries/communities participating! The Northern Boys - Sexy Train (), the submission, won!
For this 'lighter' edition, the goal is to celebrate the last week of summer, with some summer related tunes. You do not need to bring your instance/community, everyone can share a song, no matter what instance they're on, as long as they can federate here!
- Just post a song that was released in summer, from any year you want
- At the end of the week I'll gather all the songs posted in this thread
- You'll then be able to listen to a playlist with all those songs, and vote for your favourite!Spread the word if you can, and I hope you have fun, and that everyone can discover new music! 🎶
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Fitik likes this.
P/f Kinnfelli är ett färöiskt fiskeriföretag som hör hemma i Miðvágur. Bolaget ägs av två andra bolag, P/f Snarfrost och Á Mølini Sp/f med 50% var. Á Mølini Sp/f ägs i sin tur av Hjarnar Krogh Dalsgaard och Árni Krogh Dalsgaard medan P/f Snarfrost ägs av Mykines Sp/f och Vestmek Sp/f.
Rappare gripen med flera kilo kokain. Enligt uppgifter i Aftonbladet har en känd svensk artist gripits för grovt narkotikabrott under förra veckan. Polisen slog till mot en en adress där flera kilo kokain hittades och den aktuelle rapparen greps.
Banning Mastodon users in Lemmy communities
Filtered word: nsfw
cross-posted from:
If you ban a Mastodon user on a Lemmy community, does the ban transfer if they migrate instances?
Using a chromecast without a google account?
cross-posted from:
I have a 2nd-gen chromecast, it's factory reset. If i plug it in all it tells me is to install the app to start configuring.I don't have a google account not do i want to install/use google-related stuff on my phone.
My home router doesn't register any new device, which makes sense since the cast doesn't know the SSID/pass of the WiFi.
Does it try to ping some service/port? Multicast perhaps? Where would it get an IP from without authenticating?
My (wired) PC runs gentoo.
How can i get it to work in these conditions?
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TVA likes this.
The newer version is:…
I used to be on that team at Google and when I left they were working on an open source implementation of it.
That's awesome if they're implementing it.
My Google home and Chromecast at the moment are necessary evils because when I sit down to watch something I don't want to have to worry about whether it'll work with x or y, whether I'm getting good bitrate etc
Would however be really cool if I was able to cast my screen, cast YouTube etc from my Linux laptop
Have been able to do it in the past using chrome but I already need to keep two browsers installed don't want a third
How can i get it to work in these conditions?
Borrow an android phone from some friend/neighbor for an hour...
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DaGeek247 likes this.
Probably not that helpful, but i do know of a few articles installing linux on a Chromecast
Threads makes it easier to evangelize the open social web with a new direct link feature | TechCrunch
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rasterweb likes this.
Remember how web 2.0 started... Look at it now!
Don't be a corpo collaborator!
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Fitik likes this.
The official story is that Meta is worried about being sued by people suddenly seeing their content pushed to some random website without their consent if it's enabled by default, so they won't risk enabling it by default. At least not before the fediverse is huge enough that everything you post going everywhere on the internet is the expected behaviour.
Fair enough really. I wouldn't want to be sued for that either, and they obviously cannot expect Congress to understand.. anything.
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themadcodger likes this.
Have Facebook not heard of the Internet? Anyone can right click save as.
I am very skeptical that Facebook is doing federated to be nice, only to keep digital markets act off Facebooks back.
Have Facebook not heard of the Internet? Anyone can right click save as.
They have, old politicians haven't
Bottom line: is threads a potential entry-point into the fediverse for a lot of people who otherwise would not be aware/ interested? ABSOLUTELY YES.
Does that benefit offset the catastrophic harm it will do by overwhelming the fediverse with corporate interests, stacking nonprofits with Meta-friendly officers, and exerting leverage on Activity Pub development? NO WAY.
(Federated) email didn't survive. It got completely subsumed by the major providers who now have control over everything email related. It's now impossible to run your own email server since none of the major providers will deliver your email without your mail server having first built a reputation.
The fediverse analogy would be if 99.9999% of users were on Threads and you couldn't interact with any of those users from any of the small independent fediverse servers. Frankly, that's exactly what it looks like is happening.
none of the major providers will deliver your email without your mail server having first built a reputation
There are definitely major, and easily-abusable "features" being implemented by the major email providers, but I don't think your statement is correct. I have a Hetzner server, and I can receive email from it (to Gmail) just fine, as long as I have SPF, DMARC, and DKIM set up. I can also create a new server with a new IP and not have any issues. The issues may arise with shared IPs/ranges that are also being used by spammers. Otherwise, if you're planning to send bulk email you just need to warm up the IP.
there exists the ability for individuals to have functioning email servers although it is difficult but fair considering how much of the world is reliant upon it and opposing it with various kinds of attacks.
i dont thimk it requires many individuals to have their own servers for it to be considered federated, the fact that we have dozens of relatively big email providers to choose from who prioritize various different things is enough to cover the majority of peoples needs and i think that is the threshold requirement for a sufficient self sustaining federated network.
regardless of that, if you compare this outcome of email as of present to lets just say a platform like discord whose goal is to facilitate messaging between people, you can evidently say thst emails outcome is better than the proprietary service that discord is locking people into and not making alternatives ways of accessing the service a simpler process.
You realize the second part would also happen if the Fediverse "takes off", yes? Then naturally companies would come in and trivially take things over as there's money to be made.
It's a natural end state until governments can be made to curb corporate freedom.
Ah yes of course. Both Meta and Bluesky have far outrun any federated-short-blogging effort of the Fediverse, and as a result companies will rather want to monetize those. But this is also the paradoxical situation of people in here who both want "the Fediverse to succeed" and "keep corporate interests out of the Fediverse": Either won't happen.
Right now it looks more like this'll remain a hyper-specialized place for specific discussions, Mastodon more so. You can go there for false dichotomies in regards to browser development feedback for example, or for dejected Youtube actual-content-creators getting yelled at for engaging with their community.
But it seems it'll stay at that. However, this also keeps any monetary interest away from it, so that's good. Of course, should this ever change and the Fediverse grows more welcoming and that works and it grows bigger, of course the moment users move in (in numbers), advertisers, astroturfers and all will move in with them. That's just a given.
And partially why I hate this "Just block'em!"-approach to Threads: It assumes the stick-your-fingers-into-your-ears-and-ignore-the-issue approach would ever be an actual solution to any problem. And then when you run into an issue you cannot avoid that way, you have fuck all experience doing something actionable about it, as you've never tried before.
It is a fair position in the sense that it's technically within their legal rights to do whatever the fuck they want, but it is a feeble sham compared to the full and well-behaved fedi interoperability they should've had from the start since that was how it was sold from to their users from the beginning.
If they some day get there, I would still be open to considering federating with it. For now "it’s an ongoing process" as they carefully tweak things to find out how far they can go with the strictly limited access to the outside world they allow, while still keeping all their users captive.
If you were a threads user, you'd be unable to reply to this even if you did somehow see it. I welcome any of them to do so and prove me wrong.
Step 1. Built Internet to get away from TV
Step 2. Corporate Greed TV moves over and ruins Internet.
Step 3. Build New Internet to escape Old Internet Ruined by TV bloodsuckers.
Step 4. Go back to step 2 and replace tech names with next itteration.
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Maeve likes this.
Microsoft Windows kernel changes don't suddenly mean big things for Linux gaming
cross-posted from:
There's a lot of blog posts and news articles being written right now centred around Microsoft's plans for updates to Windows 11, and potential kernel changes, with some thinking this means big things for Linux gaming.Sorry to say, but I'm here to bring a more realistic take and to help keep all your feet on the ground.
quite relevant to yesterday's discussion.
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bizarroland likes this.
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bizarroland likes this.
Exactly. Microsoft never does anything that isn't in their own financial interest.
Even if other people benefit from it, it really is all about ensuring that they have profit growth year after year.
So I can't trust anything that they ever do and nobody else who cares about freedom in technology should either.
The majority of "Linux issues" is created intentionally. It's often not enough to not support Linux officially (even if there would be no additional work involved anyway) and let players figure out problems on their own. A lot of studios, publishers and developers actually go out of their way and actively invest time to block Linux.
So nothing will obviously change. Windows could run on a fully compatible Linux kernel tomorrow and games would still check for Linux to artificially create issues.
Finally a good take. Or maybe I'm just a pessimist lol
Microsoft are masters at dancing around anti competitive regulation. Xbox is struggling, they've said so themselves. I think they're going to focus more on Gamepass and the Windows Store so making it as difficult as possible for the likes of the Steamdeck to succeeded is in their best interest. If they can push companies to adopt their new framework and at the same time make that framework almost impossible to implement into wine then its a win win. They can hurt wine while painting it as better security so they're isn't another CrowdStrike incident.
Anticompetitive practices disguised as user security.
I know linux isn't very popular for the general public but Apple has their own implementation of wine in development and Google has flooded schools with Chromebooks. If I was Michaelsoft, I'd want to crush the competition quickly and discreetly now before I implement my Windows subscription so people don't have any good alternatives left
Linux 6.11 released
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Tech Cyborg reshared this.
merged? Was looking forward to messing around with that.
The answer seems to be yes but I have not seen much detail on what works now and what does not. It also seems that device trees are required for each device and I have only seen that for one ASUS and one Lenevo so far.
If anybody knows more, I would love an update.
DaVinci Resolve not recognizing iGPU
configuration under preferences." This is what I see when I go to that menu. Any idea what I need to do to make DaVinci recognize the integrated GPU?
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ShaunaTheDead and KaRunChiy like this.
Di you have an Optimus computer with 2 GPUs? Is your computer using a nvidia card? If so you might look into prime
-> arch wiki.
You may or may not have to start D-resolve in a terminal prime-run %command%
to force prime render offload.
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melroy likes this.
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I’ve tested them all and they all launch fairly immediately.
I discuss some of the other feature differences here:…
I think for most people, Fuzzel will be the best choice, but compeitors offer unique features like Rofi-compatibility, HTML formatting support or the most important one: being written in Rust.
Hey, sorry for taking a long time, but I am farting around with the pinentry option now.
I don't have screens, but I wanted to point out a few scenarios that are challenging with fuzzel:
- as I was trying to describe before, the ability to write accompanying text is pretty important, as you need to be able to describe what gpg key is to be unlocked, and typically a string like "Enter PIN for Richard Nixon" is used - which is too long for fuzzel (…) Also keep in mind the error scenario, which adds even more copy (…). Lastly there is a "set window title" feature, which is perhaps not important for us (…)
- There are message scenarios which are difficult to place with fuzzel. Even if I wanted to just fail out some scenarios like reties, I would want some "notification", and would probably like to have fuzzel also used for that in order to keep the UI consistend across use cases. (…)
- There are cases where pinentry is expected to set copy for buttons for OK and Cancel and "Do not do this", IIRC to get internationalization. I think that these are less important. (…)
(ping )… is a first try, shamelessly stealing everything from…
Utpressning mot rappare. Den 9 september sköts det mot en lägenhetsdörr i Mariehäll i Bromma, Stockholm. Två dagar senare sköts det mot en dörr på Södermalm i Stockholm. De två skjutningarna hör ihop och riktades mot två rappare.
in reply to promitheas • • •promitheas
in reply to jrgd • • •SteamTinkerLaunch worked like a charm! Here's what I had to do to get it to work, for anyone who stumbles across this post:
... show more- Install the package
pacman -S steamtinkerlaunch
- Run the command
steamtinkerlaunch compat add
to initialise it- Add it as the required compatibility layer in the game I wanted (SH3) then restart steam
- Launch the game - the steamtinkerlaunch window opens. Click on the MAIN MENU button before it launches the game
- From the new steamtinkerlaunch window that opens, click on "One time run". This opens yet another window
- In the field "One time command" navigate to where I had LSH3_2022 downloaded, and select it
- Click on RUN COMMAND
- Follow the install steps in the LSH3 manual
- Repeat the steps related to "One time run" again but this time select the JSGME installer, and go through that installation
- Launch JSGME again using "One time run" and enable any mods I need (although LSH3 has a 1920x1080 widescreen mod included, this doesnt seem to work at least on my setup. I had to enable the
SteamTinkerLaunch worked like a charm! Here's what I had to do to get it to work, for anyone who stumbles across this post:
- Install the package
pacman -S steamtinkerlaunch
- Run the command
steamtinkerlaunch compat add
to initialise it- Add it as the required compatibility layer in the game I wanted (SH3) then restart steam
- Launch the game - the steamtinkerlaunch window opens. Click on the MAIN MENU button before it launches the game
- From the new steamtinkerlaunch window that opens, click on "One time run". This opens yet another window
- In the field "One time command" navigate to where I had LSH3_2022 downloaded, and select it
- Click on RUN COMMAND
- Follow the install steps in the LSH3 manual
- Repeat the steps related to "One time run" again but this time select the JSGME installer, and go through that installation
- Launch JSGME again using "One time run" and enable any mods I need (although LSH3 has a 1920x1080 widescreen mod included, this doesnt seem to work at least on my setup. I had to enable the Ahnenerbe WideGui 1920 x 1080 Final mod)
- Launch the game. It should work.
So far I completed the first training mission to make sure most things work. Hopefully there aren't any issues further on down the road. Thanks for the suggestion, I had no idea this tool existed, but now I will probably be using it quite a bit!