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Paranoid? Qubes OS everything disposable virtual machine safest OS in the world in 2024. use ethernet/wired Requires usb stick destroys host os. Spread to as many as possible and donate

Tick whonix template and upgrade over Tor when setting up.

Spread and install dino im with setup OMEMO all your friends use qubes with whonix and dino im setup xmpp account (lookup chat on tails although many differences how to create xmpp account) OMEMO allows file transfer as well as end to end encrypted chat

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Slowly booting full Linux on the intel 4004 for fun, art, and absolutely no profit - Linux/4004 Dmitry.GR


I booted Debian Linux on a 4-bit intel microprocessor from 1971 - the first microprocessor in the world - the 4004. It is not fast, but it is a real Linux kernel with a Debian rootfs on a real board whose only CPU is a real intel 4004 from the 1970s. The video is sped up at variable rates to demonstrate this without boring you. The clock and calendar in the video are accurate. A constant-rate video is linked below.

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in reply to lemmyreader

At first I was not very impressed. Then I read that that 4004 does not have any AND, OR, or XOR instructions. Yikes.

Element X, Call and Server Suite are production ready

Element is launching the world’s first communications platform based on the upcoming Matrix 2.0 release. The result is blazing performance which outperforms the mainstream alternatives - across a decentralised system that enables self-hosting and end-to-end encryption - as well as open standard interoperability to revolutionise real time communication between large organisations.

Built on Matrix 2.0, Element X now rivals the performance of centralised consumer messaging apps, empowering organisations to address the shadow IT issues caused by consumer-grade messaging apps in the workplace.

The new Element communications solution consists:

  • Element X, our next-gen app with an array of new features
  • Element Call fully integrated into Element X, for native Matrix-encrypted voice and video
  • Element Server Suite, our backend hosting solution for powerful admin control and Matrix 2.0 performance
in reply to keepthepace

I must mention though that their solution is not really efficient. Everyone's app gets the phone number, its just not displayed anymore. This can be circumvented with a little modification of the app, which is easy because it's open source.


CZ: floodings, water retention

Researchers achieve aluminum molecular ring-based rotaxane and polyrotaxane

barely passed general chemistry. poor memory for arbitrary compound names. invested a lot of cpu cycles in folding@home brute force compound modeling screensaver app. until I realised how much electricity it used.

Lemmy Development Update 2024-09-20

Filtered word: nsfw

in reply to Leaflet

I don't think the author will see this but the proper way is 2024-W38.

Always follow the ISO8601.

Naturskyddsföreningens hat mot fisket. Naturskyddsföreningen i Göteborg skrev i början av september en debattartikel i GP som vÀnder sig mot en fördjupning av FiskebÀcks hamn. Men den handlar faktiskt bara till en viss del om just det utan Àr framförallt en uppvisning i okunnighet och hat mot fiske generellt.

[SOLVED] Patching old games with the 4GB patch on Linux - doesn't seem to work

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to promitheas

Have you tried running the game without the patch?

What version of wine/proton are you using? I believe newer versions of proton do what that 4GB do by default. I think it can also be forced in proton using
but it should be on by default.

in reply to spooky_mango

I have steamtinkerlaunch setup to use proton-9.0-2e. How can I force it so that I can test it out?

Edit: Just saw in the steamtinkerlaunch options for proton there is a check box for "Force large address aware" and it is enabled. Weird why it still crashes though

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to spooky_mango

Yes for dragon age origins on Windows I had to run the patch. On Linux under wine I didn't have to
in reply to Scrubbles

I tried swapping the files so that the sh3.exe.Backup (original file) was the one being run and the patched version was renamed to something else and it still does the same thing. Could it be something else causing the crash? How can I track it down?
in reply to Scrubbles

Yeap, I ended up looking there and there were hints to use certain proton versions buried in the reports. Will update my OP now with the solution. Thanks!

Software Freedom in Europe 2024 - FSFE

Detailed post about FSFE's goals and main topics in 2024.

Table of contents:

  • Device Neutrality: the Free Software community “shows its teeth”
  • Next Generation Internet and the lack of long-term sustainable funding for Free Software
  • Reaching Generation Alpha: Youth Hacking 4 Freedom and Ada & Zangemann
  • Policy work: Advocating for Free Sotware
  • Legal Support: giving advise to projects and individuals
    Our work on public awareness
  • Join the movement

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Linux Kernel CVEs, What Has Caused So Many to Suddenly Show Up? - talk by Greg Kroah-Hartman (August 2024)

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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in reply to Arthur Besse

Because Rust is in the Kernel now. :-p just joking, I'm a Rust fan myself!
in reply to thingsiplay

The joke doesn't really make sense, Rust should only lower security problems. Except if C devs now try to use their old style of coding in Rust, with unsafe Rust.
in reply to Lucy :3

That's the entire joke. It makes sense BTW. Just because Rust is in the Kernel, we blame it for the problems. Especially spicy, because it is meant to make it more secure. The opposite effect is here the joke. You may not find it funny, but it makes perfectly sense as a joke.
in reply to thingsiplay

As I genuinely hate Rust, jokes about hating Rust aren't jokes for me lol
in reply to Lucy :3

I have yet to find a joke everyone agrees on.^^ The perfect joke.

in reply to CrimeDad

I thought it was really interesting actually, not sure why it won
in reply to TIN

It made me laugh, it's not silly per se but the idea that such an esteemed title as blue zone was earned through pension fraud is hilarious.

The more schadenfreude version is that the idea of these blue zones has been trotted out ad nauseum by longevity nuts for at least a decade and now they look like fools.

in reply to Joshi

I know, that whole thing about Mediterranean diet and Japanese diet could just be based on pension fraud and bad record keeping

in reply to Protestation

Alt text: Historic black and white photo of middle-aged white man dressed in a dark suit, speaking at a podium with his finger raised.

Overlaid text:

“Once more, let me remind you what fascism is. It need not wear a brown shirt or a green shirt. (1/2)

in reply to Aral Balkan

Fascism begins the moment a ruling class, fearing the people may use their political democracy to gain economic democracy, begins to destroy political democracy in order to retain its power of exploitation and special privilege.”

– Tommy Douglas (2/2)

Low Cost Mini PCs

Which Linux distro for beginners (with requirements)

in reply to chraebsli

I would recommend fedora with kde. Kde is my go to desktop recommendation, and it is (iirc) developed a lot in germany, so support for that should be good.

Bolagsförmedlare möjliggör storskaliga brottsupplÀgg. Kriminella nÀtverk finansierar sin brottsliga verksamhet, tvÀttar pengar, sprider riskerna och sÀkrar inflödet av brottsvinster genom att anvÀnda bolag som brottsverktyg. Det handlar om systemhotande brottslighet som hotar vÄr gemensamma vÀlfÀrd. Bolagen skaffar de kriminella nÀtverken genom bolagsförmedlare.
