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Embracing the arts for systemic change, NaturArchy proposes to re-consider our imaginaries on nature and the non-human.

Fyra åtalas för synnerligen grova narkotikabrott. Sedan i vintras har polisens granskat försändelser som Postnords personal upptäckt som misstänkta för att innehålla narkotika och dopningspreparat. Nu åtalas fyra män för synnerligen grova narkotikabrott, grova dopningsbrott och grov narkotikasmuggling.…

Source based Venom linux Distro

So i recently learned about a distro that has popped up called venom linux. It's a sourced based distro using the package manager called "scratch"

I am very familiar with gentoo linux and this seems like it has heavy inspiration from the gentoo project. Its very cool to see another source based distro come into the picture. The unique part is it has 2 init systems currently, which are neither systemd or openrc?!?!

They are S6 and sysv
Which i have never heard of until now.
The install looks via similar to gentoo/classic distro install. Which consists of creating partition schemes and filesystems then extracting a archive of the base file.

Some of the main taking points are

"Minimal as possible


No systemd (elogind or any part from it)

Centered Around smaller software

That means the lack of huge software like Gnome"

I thought this was a pretty neat project and wonder what other gentoo users think aswell as binary distro users

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lemmy - Link to source
I've been a decades long Gentoo user, but now I'm experimenting with NixOS as I've gotten older and value my time more. The 12+ hours of compiling when there's a chromium / QT update is no longer a badge of honor.
I haven't fully converted though, Gentoo binary packages are working as an acceptable stopgap

Working on a FOSS tool to convert raw work time data into a clean report for your boss or client. Any interest?

It's almost done (it would take one or two weeks to clean it up for FOSS release). It's a CLI tool. It works great for my use case, but I'm wondering if there's any interest in a tool like this.

Say you have a simple time-tracking tool that tracks what you do daily. The only problem is that there are gaps and whatnot, which might not look nice if you need to send it to someone else. This tool fixes pretty much all of that.

Main format is a JSON with a "description", and either "duration" or a "start"/"end" pair. It supports the Timewarrior format out of the box (CLI Time tracking tool).

in reply to sebastiancarlos

“FOSS” here doesn’t mean hosted exclusively on proprietary Microsoft GitHub, right?
in reply to toastal

Yes, I’ll host the source code on GitHub. I could consider mirroring it on Sourcehut if there’s enough interest, but I prefer the PR and Issues workflow on GitHub for collaboration. Plus, more people tend to have GitHub accounts than GitLab or Sourcehut, which makes it easier for contributors.

I get the concern about Microsoft, and while I’m not a fan of the company, GitHub has advantages that are hard to beat, especially for community reach. As for OpenAI potentially using the code, personally I don’t mind if my own code gets used for AI training.

I’ll be using an MIT license, in case you're curious. Everyone is free to mirror it anywhere.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)


On the 44th anniversary of the birth of COPPES, the Committee of Former Political Prisoners of El Salvador, imprisoned, tortured, raped, disappeared and murdered during our still unfinished Popular Revolution of the eighties of the last century, the comrades present express our solidarity with the heroic people of Palestine, as well as with the Lebanese people who suffered a terrorist attack three days ago by the Zionist regime of “Israel”, a crime that caused 37 martyrs and 3000 wounded.








Source: Resumen Latinoamericano…

#centralAmerica #elSalvador #palestineSolidarity #PoliticalPrisoners

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Looking for a portable ortholinear


I'm looking for a portable ortholinear for taking to co-working in my backpack.

For context, I'm a coder. I use neovim all day. At home I use a maltron 3d. It's a fantastic comfortable keyboard (I think kinesis nicked the design?), although it did take getting used to.

It's the only keyboard I've ever been able to touch type on.

So yeah. I'd like to find something similar that is portable. It has to have quiet switches, as it's a shared office. Any suggestions?

So far I've looked at:

Those all look nice, but are too expensive.

How does the ergodox ez hold up these days?

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in reply to vext01

way smaller, but a good compact package as an ortho, is the reviung41. here is the kit. I couldn't get used to it though, I prefer more keys.
in reply to vext01

On Matt Mullenweg And The Q&A At Wordcamp US 2024

This is going to be a post that will grow and be added to as my thoughts come together around what happened at the Q&A with Matt Mullenweg, the co-founder of the WordPress project and CEO of Automattic. I can say one thing for certain it was uncomfortable
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to ooli

previously known AnWj blood group >

about 400 patients across the world each year. >

NHS scientists find new blood group solving 50-year mystery

The research team, led by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) scientists in South Gloucestershire and supported by the University of Bristol, found a blood group called MAL.

They identified the genetic background of the previously known AnWj blood group antigen, which was discovered in 1972 but unknown until now after this world-first test was developed.

in reply to captainkangaroo

in reply to captainkangaroo

Can't wait for the Boomers to come out and say:


Yazi - Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O

Can't imagine using my system without this.

reshared this

in reply to Eyck_of_denesle

I binned my copies of ranger and nnn when I found this last year. Its stellar.

Diskonaut is the only other one that stuck, of the new CLI file managers. hunting lost files from a recovered hard drive was a lot easier with directory visualization for whatever reason.

in reply to cakeistheanswer

What are your primary use cases for Yazi? I'm trying to see if it'll fit into my workflow.

I've been experimenting with it on my MacBook Pro. When I navigate to a few Go projects I'm working on, syntax highlighting only seems to be available in the file preview. After that, it appears to just open in plain Vi.

At work, I use Windows and primarily code in C#.

Is Yazi more geared towards file management?

in reply to mac

It hooks into nearly every base utility I can't live without (fzf, jq, helix, ripgrep). If you're on windows im not sure you're going to get a ton unless you live in WSL.

You can pick the editor it'll open by default, which should be configurable with comparable syntax highlighting. Vi can pretty much look like whatever. I think it'll default to vscode on windows.

Im not sure what you'd use it for but manage files, but I would have poked it and probably moved along while I was still on windows.

Edit: the other benefit you might not see has a lot to do with support of mime types.…

The xdg open protocol will open whatever app is assigned to handle type locally. Which is probably why it defaults to editor.

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in reply to mac

I mainly use it inside neovim actually, in place of the built in file manager or a file tree. Also use it if I want to quickly see the image files in a directory (it shows the images in the terminal), or rename a bunch of files. And then rarely for other file related activities as it makes exploring a directory very smooth
in reply to mac

Most frequently I use it as an interactive cd. Docs on how

Saves me a whole lot of ls and cd or tabbing through completions.

Jag har läst två nya rapporter från Brå, Dödligt våld i Sverige sedan 1990 och Ökningen av skjutvapenvåld i Sverige. Rapporterna är delvis bra men samtidigt är det två undermåliga rapporter från Brå. När de analyserar utvecklingen inom den organiserade brottsligheten görs det på ett sätt som om samhället runtomkring de kriminella gängen inte existerade…

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in reply to just_another_person

One slightly high powered laser... problem solved.

(is joke.. ha ha. Gee you science folks are touchy)

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Lemmy Development Update 2024-09-20

Filtered word: nsfw

in reply to just_another_person

I like how we've gone from looking at the huge garbage patches in our oceans to the amount of microplastic in a drop of water.
I don't see it as a material issue, you pick a material and with enough quantity it will pollute. It is a consumer society issue. But maybe it will be easier to change consumer society by dangling the microplastic threat effect so the actual cause can be treated - wait, the psychopaths in CEO positions would lose money then, never mind.
in reply to Angry_Autist (he/him)

help on setting up home lab (networking)

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in reply to bloodfart

thanks for both answers. the second option, one i cant afford.

i did some research, the first the answer is partilly correct ig. for example syncthing offers password protection (…) and for the bin, it provides client side encryption (…) which will protect me even over plain http connection ig. please correct me if im wrong

these are product specific feature, so generally, as you said, no is the answer ig. i wish nextcloud offers something like. thanks again

in reply to t0mri

I just saw your second diagram. If all you’re worried about is serveo being able to see, you could do all your http server stuff with https and require ECH on the client side and you’d be okay?

I’m not 100% that would work perfectly, especially if DNS is involved, but I don’t think serveo messes with DNS.

På torsdagskvällen den 19 september vid cirka tjugo över sju på kvällen inkom flera samtal till polisen om en skjutning i centrala Hallstahammar. När polisen anlände till platsens konstaterades att en man i 25-årsåldern var död.…

Skjutningar ökar vid förändringar i den kriminella miljön. De senaste åren har många utförare av skjutvapenvåld varit väldigt unga. Det har föregåtts av förändringar i den kriminella miljön sedan mitten på 00-talet då det dödliga skjutvapenvåldet började öka.…