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QMK (and Kanata)

QMK (and Kanata)

in reply to hedgehog

I... had not. The permissive hold option looks like it might address my second issue, that of the fact that the fixed timing is incongruent with my far less consistent human timing.

Someone else mentioned the timeless homerow mods, wherein positional hold-tap is used to address rolling issues, which is what I think I'm seeing with the shift-down/char-down/shift-up/char-up sequence not outputting the expected shifted character.

Thanks for pointing me back at the documentation. TBH, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the number of configurable options in QMK, and suffer information overload: pointers like that help me figure out where to start fiddling. Working with QMK, even through the incredibly convenient Vial application, makes me feel like sitting in front of a Moog synthesizer.

Open Source AI Definition – Weekly update September 23

Zuckerberg claims that “Open Source AI Is the Path Forward.” While it’s easy to agree with Zuckerberg’s sentiment, Llama 3.1 isn’t truly open source and wouldn’t meet the criteria for compliance under the OSAID. This raises important questions about how to engage with Meta: should the open-source community push them away, or guide them toward creating OSAID-compliant models?

The more maintainers are paid, the more improvements they make to their projects

reshared this

in reply to pnutzh4x0r

My first instinct is to say "No shit Sherlock", of course people who get paid more for their projects can afford to contribute more time to them...

but I do understand that having empirical documented evidence of something, even of it should be common sense, is really important, cause common sense isn't as common as people think it is (especially when a lot of people in power seem to quite intentionally lack it)

in reply to Th4tGuyII

The thing is that these studies may help sway large companies to donate, not just individuals like us, since they have more policies to get through regarding money expenditure. They're worth the time!
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Official Plasma 6 Breeze UI Refresh Mockups

cross-posted from:

GujjuGang7 on Reddit found this, saying:
Found this link while looking through the upcoming theming engine (Union) repository. It has mockups for several core apps (dolphin, Kate, konsole and more) and general components such as modals and titlebars.

KDE contributor Manueljlin would like to remind you:

hey folks, it's really early still. we didn't even properly show it at Akademy. there's no design system to properly back it up yet - only some tokens and components that are definitely subject to change. please keep that in mind

in reply to Leaflet

It’s so sad to hear that KDE died of figma.

(For real though I’m looking forward to seeing how this turns out, love Plasma a lot so hoping for the best from it)

in reply to Cas

Figma is great for designers, there are sadly very few applications that support collaborative UI-UX design. We badly need a FOSS alternative!


CZ: forest care, natural history

Ohrožuje je sucho a kůrovec, mizí nám před očima, jsou v krizi – říká se o lesích. Jenže v krizi je možná spíše náš pohled na lesy v podobě, jakou jsme sami vytvořili. Tématu se věnujeme v aktuálním čísle časopisu A / Věda a výzkum. Většinou holá, vypleněná půda. Zůstalo jen pár stromů na těžko...

Switch to Linux: any suggestion on a virtual screen manager like DisplayFusion?

I want to switch from Windows to Linux for my office PC.
I will be using multiple Windows VM because in the office we use multiple software that runs only on Windows (maybe we'll switch to something else, but right now I need the VMs) and because i like to snapshots and go back in time when I test new software.
I thought about Ubuntu because it seems to be the most user friendly.
I always work with a tons of opened windows (mainly Firefox) and I like to have a place for each of them, Right now on Windows I use DisplayFusion that creates multiple virtual screens (7, 4 or the 32" horizontal monitor and 3 on the 28" vertical one, both 4K), I've attached the configuration.
So, the question: is there a software that works kinda like DisplayFusion? (virtual screen each with it's own taskbar, maximize in each of them, remember the position of each window, ...).

P.s. Can I pass only some USB port to a Windows VM using KVM?
Pp.s. Is it possible to use Premiere on a Windows VM? Would it run smooth?

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to peregus

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Avid Amoeba

VFIO GPU Passthrough for Premiere is a must. While not trivial to set up, it’s not too bad if you know what to do. It took me some trial and error but didn’t spend too much time on it. Main issue is making sure your PC has enough PCIe lanes.

ETA: look into LookingGlass for capturing the framebuffer from a GPU accelerated VM into your Linux host. I haven’t tried getting this to work personally but I have used Moonlight which adapts Nvidia game streaming tech for your desktop apps.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to peregus

Rappare och youtuber i konflikt. En så kallad youtuber eller influerare som i detta fall är en slags veckotidningsskribent men i filmform och en svensk gängkriminell som också är rappare har råkat i luven på varandra.…


For centuries meandering rivers have been straightened – but experts say restoring their natural bends and curves can prevent flooding and create healthy habitats for wildlife.

Man ihjälskjuten i Uddevalla. Omkring klockan 20 i elva på lördagskvällen inkom larm om en skjutning vid Dalabergsskolan på Dalaberg (Dalabergs centrum), Uddevalla. När ambulans kom till platsen hittade de en skadad man i 30-årsåldern.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to Super_gamer46861

Can anyone enlighten me:
What is the advantage of IRC over say Matrix, Email, etc...
in reply to gandalf_der_12te

Email is message exchange with a person or group of people. They can reply at any time.

IRC is a chatroom. You go to it when you want to chat. A lot of software have support channels. You probably don't know most of these people. Unless you are saving them somehow, you don't have a history of the chat room.

I've never used Matrix but it's a instant messaging protocol that allows voice and video.

in reply to IllNess

~~Small correction, matrix does not support voice and video, but clients like element use jitsi meet to support both.~~
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Interstellar_1

Wrong, it actually supports voice and video now, althouh it has only been implemented in element
in reply to Interstellar_1

From what I understand, the newest version of Element X paired with Matrix 2.0 will now support voice/video without using jitsi.
in reply to gandalf_der_12te

Very low bandwidth or resource usage would be some advantages, less so since they made in this java heh.

Study shows reduced inflammation in residents after adding trees to their neighborhoods

in reply to LibertyLizard

I love trees, and they now also help us to stay healthier??! We need dense trees in all streets!

3. Oktober 2024, 19:00:00 CEST - GMT+2 - Technische Universität Graz, 8010, Graz, Österreich
Oct 3
Campus Inffeldgasse - TU Fest 2024
Thu 7:00 PM - 1:30 AM
ThinDragonFly's Gruppe

TU Fest - Go Underground

Donnerstag 03.10.2024

Beginn 19:00

Musik aus 00:00

Ende: 01:30

Offizielle Aftershowparty im Monkeys Graz Beginn 23:00

Vorverkauf ab Mo 23.09.2024 in der Printkultur Stremayrgasse, Printkultur Inffeldgasse und im HTU Büro währrend der Öffnungszeiten.



8€ Vorverkauf

10€ Abendkasse

GRATIS - Erstsemestrige im VVK (genaue Bedingungen an Vorverkaufsstellen ausgehängt)

Gratis Tickets für Erstsemestrige sind NICHT an der Abendkasse erhältlich

mehr Infos unter:

Änderungen, Tippfehler und Missverständnisse vorbehalten!


Veranstalter: HochschülerInnenschaft an der TU Graz Rechbauerstraße 12 8010 Graz ---

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

De flesta vänstersajter tappade läsare under juli. Även i augusti har de flesta vänstersajter tappat läsare. Även ETC har tappat läsare. Några undantag är Dagens Arena, Klägget, Opulens, E-Folket och Internationalen som ökat antalet läsare enligt siffror från Similarweb. Största vänstersajterna i augusti 2024 är ändå i stort sett desamma som tidigare.…