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in reply to ouch

You can use OnFailure in your .service file if you want some thing to happen when that specific service fails, but I don't know if there's a blanket way to tell systemd to notify via email when any failure happens (I wouldn't mind a desktop notification... will investigate)
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in reply to gomp

When I checked a long time ago, there wasn't.

And not only failures, often it's useful to get mail for all executions.

I guess cron continues to have its place.

Evan Prodromou Launches The Social Web Foundation

Evan Prodromou, the creator of StatusNet, the OStatus protocol, and co-author of ActivityPub, is launching a dedicated nonprofit for the purpose of advocating for and supporting the Fediverse.
in reply to Sean Tilley

Would be very interested to know if Meta (listed as a "partner" organization) is providing financial support, like how fellow partner the Ford Foundation lists a $50k grant[1] in February 2024 to the Exchange Point Institute, which is the "fiscal sponsor" of the Social Web Foundation



Smartphone liberi e guida per tutti su GrapheneOS

Element Starter: open source meets on-premise collaboration

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to fmstrat

Premises: a house or building, together with its land and outbuildings (properties).

Premise: an idea, theory, or theme that forms the basis for a statement or action.

in reply to shiftymccool

Can't get into that bind if you only refer to it as OnPrem ^^

GE-Proton9-14 Released

- Update wine to latest bleeding edge
- Update dxvk to latest git
- Update vkd3d-proton to latest git
- Update dxvk-nvapi to latest git
- Import upstream proton changes
- Update mono to 9.3.0
- Rebase wine-staging

- Added god of war ragnarok SteamDeck=1 workaround (thanks UserNamesAreNotMyThing)
- Added Star Citizen libcuda nvidia fix (thanks ProjectSynchro)
- Added fix for Plain Site (thanks iodream)
- Added fix for Worms: Blast (thanks iodream)
- Remove deprecated Sleeping Dogs: DE fix
- winetricks now built from source
- Elden Ring fix updated (thanks UserNamesAreNotMyThing)

in reply to CannonGoBoom

that libcuda one is real silly, cuda reserves a specific vram range for itself and eventually games will be wanting to allocate more and will overlap it like this

NodeBB v4.0.0 Beta

Fediverse Report reshared this.

Grovt dataintrång utfört av Iran påstår Säpo. Irans säkerhetstjänst har genomfört en specialoperation mot mål i Sverige. Det påstår i alla fall Säpo. Genom ett grovt dataintrång tog hackare över en svensk sms-tjänst och skickade 15 000 meddelanden med uppmaningar om hämnd mot koranbrännare. Enligt åklagare var målet att skapa splittring i det svenska samhället. Det visar en svensk förundersökning som nu är nedlagd.…

Beslut utan konsekvenser om fisket i EU. Idag finns en begränsningsregel om fiskekvoter i EU som i princip säger att allt riktat fiske efter bestånd som riskerar kollaps kan stoppas helt. Den har i princip aldrig haft nån praktisk betydelse och det fanns ett förslag om att ta bort regeln. Förslaget röstades dock ner i fiskeriutskottet i EU.…

Announcing: frog-protocols for wayland

From the repo

Wayland Protocols has long had a problem with new protocols sitting for months, to years at a time for even basic functionality.

This is hugely problematic when some protocols implement very primitive and basic functionality such as frog-fifo-v1, which is needed for VSync to not cause GPU starvation under Wayland and also fix the dreaded application freezing when windows are occluded with FIFO/VSync enabled.

We need to get protocols into end-users hands quicker! The main reason many users are still using X11 is because of missing functionality that we can be shipping today, but is blocked for one reason or another.

Mesa MR to add support for the 'frog-fifo-v1' protocol :(…)

in reply to captainkangaroo

Basically the Matrix Spec Change Proposal system, I like it. Opens the floor to more players, gives tool authors a list of protocols they could choose to build on, and hopefully compositors will choose to adopt or adapt one of these protocols before writing their own.
in reply to captainkangaroo

I like the approach here, but the requirements are a little vague and prone to bikeshedding. Stuff like "could this be used by multiple clients" might mean a protocol is held in limbo whilst it's given extra scope for example.

It'll need some strong moderation which might rub people the wrong way, but if this keeps Wayland's cutting edge moving whilst the official solutions are found, I'm all for it.

Octopuses and fish caught on camera hunting as a team (ft. octopus punching fish)

"Octopuses normally hunt alone, but footage captured by divers has revealed that they can collaborate with fish to find their next meal. The videos, described today in Nature Ecology & Evolution (citation 1), show that the different species even adopt specific roles to maximize the success of joint hunting expeditions."

Associated research article (open access):
Sampaio E et al. Multidimensional social influence drives leadership and composition-dependent success in octopus–fish hunting groups. Nature Ecology & Evolution (2024).…

Same news that was independently reported by Science News (might need membership):…

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in reply to zlatiah

Wow, the best part being that the octopus "punched" opportunistic fish who don't help in the hunt.
in reply to Winged_Hussar

Epinephelus fasciatus has been removed from the group.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to zlatiah

Sounds like the octopus wrangler knows how to leverage the behaviors of the various animals around it towards it's own ends. Pretty interesting! I'm also curious about their potential follow ups to see if they have memory for and can recognize previous group members.

in reply to ToastedPlanet

As long as most of us play zero sum game and capitalism is the only system that works, world is goin to shit. Number of years or decades don't really matter.

Announcing: Frog Protocols for Wayland

Some extra context: frog is invoked in a lot of Valve stuff, such as gamescope. So these existing protocols are already in gamescope and are gaming orientated.
in reply to Leaflet

y'know I'd say maybe the Wayland governance needs to dogfood Wayland for a few years and see how they really like it but I bet it's more or less perfect for them and so they care not for change or additions

in reply to superglue

Yeah, what a disappointment. This guy brought shame to the security community because he was salty that his vulnerability didn't get the attention it "deserved".
in reply to Treasure

Disappointment? Only if you mean the person that came up with FoomaticRIP.

For those who did not read the entire thing, it's a so called "filter" that converts the document before it's sent to certain nasty types of printers. Except it's not executed on the print server. The unauthenticated print server can just ask a client to run it on their side. And it's designed to be able to execute ANY command.

in reply to Leaflet

I can’t wait till adds raw image support. Adjustment layers were something needed a decade ago. Gimp can do what it wants but I moved on to DarkTable a long time ago for actual image editing. I’m not convinced the project will be able to keep up with other apps with its current organization and dismissive attitude toward design.

I'm thinking of building a PC - any advice?

My laptop is running out of storage space and I don't have anything I can remove anymore to increase it by much, so I'm thinking about building a pc. I'd also like to find a better gpu for doing video editing.

It will be the first one I've built, so I don't really know what I need. Also, does it matter for compatibility for Linux whether I go with AMD or Intel?

The high end of what I want to use it for is video editing with Kdenlive or Davinci Resolve, some modeling and animation in Blender, and some light gaming, like Minecraft or TUNIC.

I figure one of these guides might be useful, but I don't really know which.

Is there anything else I should know for setting up a PC to run Linux?

Edit: Maybe these guides from Logical Increments can help actually.

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reshared this

in reply to Interstellar_1

Not sure if this would help, but I found this channel helpful for understanding the basics and mostly avoiding wrong parts. Also he has some videos were he explains why you should choose one part over another.

Scatter volt channel

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Hovrättsdom om mord i Huddinge. Svea hovrätt har idag meddelat dom i ett mål om mord i Huddinge. Mordet har utgjort en del i en våldsam konflikt mellan två olika kriminella grupperingar med rötter i Södertälje.…

in reply to Flying Squid

  1. Cool story. I liked it, and the visual of the skullbone with an arrowhead in it was welcome, as well as sufficiently out of context not to feel gruesome.
  2. I think the headline of "Europe's Oldest Battlefield" is more likely to be accurate than the article's "world’s oldest battlefield," but there may be some nuance of meaning (oldest with war dead actually found in situ?) I'm missing. Neat thing to learn about either way.
  3. The iamverysmart contingent that refuses to read the entire articles is out in full force in the Gizmodo comments, with several people suggesting that the foreign arrow heads were from trade ("The foreign arrowheads have not been found in tombs in the Tollense area, indicating that the arrowheads from elsewhere didn’t simply make their way to the region through trade."), and several others musing on what the metal arrowheads might have been made of ("The arrowheads were flint and bronze.").
in reply to Flying Squid

As the team noted in their paper, no helmets and breastplates typical of the time have shown up from archaeological excavations of the site, so more digs may be necessary to reveal more about the ancient combatants at Tollense, the remains of many of whom remain on the site.

Probably picked clean after the battle. I would think scavengers knew that this was a location that yielded scrap metal following the battle.