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It's 2024, I think we can move on from cringe systemd hating.
This is like being still angry that Windows 7 is heavier than windows XP.
Sickday likes this.
From my own experience it was more about being a solution in search of a problem. I see some comments about how the old init system was so horribly broken, and yet the reality was it worked perfectly fine for all but some very niche situations. The only advantage I have ever seen with systemd is that it's very good at multitasking the startup/shutdown processes, but that certainly wasn't the case when it first arrived. For example I had a raspberry pi that booted in 15 seconds, and when I loaded a new image with systemd it took close to two minutes to boot. And there were quite a lot of problems like that, which is why people were so aggravated when distro admins asked the community for their thoughts on switching to systemd and then changed the distros anyway. This also touches on the perception that the "community" accepted it and moved on -- no, systemd was pushed on the community despite numerous problems and critical feedback.
But we're here now, systemd has improved, and we can only hope that some day all the broken bits get fixed. Personally I'm still annoyed that it took me almost a week to get static IPs set up on all the NICs for a new firewall because despite the whole "predictable names" thing they still kept moving around depending on if I did a soft or hard reset. Configuring the cards under udev took less than a minute and worked consistently but someone decided it was time to break that I guess.
at least this guy recognizes systemd isn't (just) an init system
"it attempts to do more"
yeah. that's the point. that's a good thing. a single source of truth for system background services. background systems used to be a fucking mess and then systemd fixed it. this is why it is the de facto pid 1
i wish people just quit whining
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I think if systemd were documented in a more consumable format (the man pages need better organization IMO) more people would see how powerful it is. Mounting directories with BindPath, and BindPathRO, Limiting systemcalls, socket activation and cgroup integration, and nspawn containers are features I can't live without.
I feel like a lot of people that get attached to the "It tries to do everything and it's against the unix philosophy" argument might change their minds when they see the tradeoffs. It has its problems for sure, but you get a lot out of it.
These days I don't even use docker containers for running services. I just put it in a systemd service and lock it down as tightly as I can.
You'll find blog spam and ai slop if you look it up online.
Systemd's website/man pages should be the resource that brings me up to speed.
I had to read about run0 and other upcoming systemd features from Lennart's Mastodon which I'm not a fan of either. These kinds of things should be on the systemd website itself.
It's powerfulness IS the problem. Some parts of systemd are great. Some are meh! Some really suck. But because it's monolithic, you can't take the good bits and replace the bad. You have to take it all or nothing.
That's the problem. Its architecture is offensively bad.
Honestly, it's 2024, and as a result, this post gives me a bit of a chuckle. For most purposes, systemd has won, and honestly, I hardly even notice. (Granted, I have only used Linux during the systemd era.) If systemd actually interferes with one's needs on a technological (not just a vague philosophical) level, little stops them from seeking out a way to use another init system.
Has it gotten more difficult to use other init systems these days? Yes. However, by the time a person has a problem where systemd can't do the job and have to use a different init system, they're probably more than competent enough to create custom services. I also feel like in terms of software support, only the most idiotic, worthless projects have no possible way to port hem to another init system.
Don't see a real conflict with the Unix Philosphy
Yeah, was more poking fun of people who cling to the while Unix Philosophy stuff like it's some unwritten rule that must be followed.
I honestly think there's tons of Linux software that could be broadly defined as "multiple things".
Even looking at the links other responders have posted, I even think a lot of linux software is made up of components which are tightly coupled together.
one example of a program that did multiple things is sfdisk, it used to make the kernel reload the new partition table but that was not its main job, only changing them.
the extra functionality moved to blockdev which is nearer to doing such as it also triggers flushing buffers and i think setting read/write status.
i am fully ok with that change as it removes code from a program that doesn't need it to another that already does similar things so that other partitioning programs like gdisk fdisk or parted could go the same way so that maintainers of the reread-partition-table things can concentrate on one solution at one place (in userspace) instead of opening issues at an unknown number of projects that also alter partitioning. the "do one thing" paradigma is good for developers who maintain the code and i pretty much appreciate their work. if you are up to only want one-day-flies that either die or take huge amounts of resources only for keeping them alive (image of a mayfly in an emergency room and a heart-lung machine attached while chirurgs rushing around trying to enlenghten its life a few seconds more) then you are good with monolithic tools that could hardly be maintained and suck allday as no one wants to fix any bugs or cannot without creating new ones due to the tightened dependency hell it has internally.
the point is not a lack of examples doing wrong but where one wants to be heading towards.
The reason why systemd has become so prevalent is not that it has been accepted by the community. It's that it has manpower. It is backed up by open source software companies that can provide much more manpower than developers like myself working on free software on their own time.
People have to eat.
I mean, what is his point? We should have worse software because then the devs are volunteers?
Is Linux now supposed to work like early Olympics?
SystemD is not an init system. It provides that functionality, but processes have more life cycle steps than just initialize.
When you accept that, you realise that you cannot compare them.
SystemD provides functionality that they don't. Of course those that refuse to consider this will just claim it's bloat. To some DE's are bloat.
Systemd is no longer just an init system, but the project began with Poettering's dislike of other init systems. I use systemd and I do not like its performance (too slow in some cases).
The tragedy is that being an end-user, it is ridiculously hard to replace systemd on "regular" distros. Admittedly, Debian can be moved back to sysVinit without backbreaking work, but the fact is that distros don't seem to have any intention of providing choice, making applications assume that systemd exists wherever they will be installed. That is the complaint I have against the Linux community
There is Alpine and Void Linux which are commonly known of and used. Plus more:…
Most distros independently decided that SystemD was superior. They had a choice and they chose. Distros are often maintained by volunteers in their free time. Same with software that depends on it. Expecting them to provide poor irrelevant choices is not how open source works. You're passing on your backbreaking work onto other people. If you want another option, you give your time to make it happen.
Two questions:
- do you admit that, comparing only its functionalities as an init system, systemd provides no benefits over alternatives?
- what non-init functionalities does systemd provide, which are necessary and beats competition from other software that provides those features?
Sure, the alternative init systems don't provide non init functionalities, but other software probably does.
1) no. Processes have a life cycle other than init. Fire and forget with bash scripts is backwards.
2) I am no expert on this and could not do this answer justice. A quick search will provide a better and more detailed answer. That is if you are willing to consider that SystemD provides benefits. The way you wrote your question gives me vibes that you do not want to, so this debate would be fruitless.
If you're genuinely curious Benno Rice has a great talk on SystemD:…
Not how I understood it. Rather, there are alternatives that have potential to be better than systemd, but systemd has the unfair advantage of receiving the funding and manpower.
If alternatives had equal manpower, they may have had better success than systemd.
I've never ever had an issue with systemd and I've been running Linux for years.
However, systemd makes the system much more secure and reliable as it is vastly superior to just a couple of shell scripts from 1999
I'm pretty sure everyone has settled by now, Personally I hate systemd. It's slow, relatively resource intensive, poorly designed in many aspects.
but as an init and service manager it's the best. Though I do have to say dinit does get pretty close for me now.
I personally use Arch on my desktop and artix on my laptop. I want Systemd to die just as much as the next Systemd hater, but unfortunately I don't believe we have anything better yet.
However, systemd makes the system much more secure and reliable as it is
less secure and less reliable day-by-day you meant?
systemd introduces needless dependencies ever since as if that was it sole intention ever from its very beginning, which already were used for wide attacks, and exactly those attacks that the people working hard to remove unneeded dependencies for security reasons meant to prevent by things like "do one thing only" (but security was not the number 1 reason for this one i think), systemd instead: 'lets add another level of that exponential dependency tree from the insecurity hell' felt like they did this stupid thing intentionally every month for a decade or more.
and stability... if you don't monitor what systemd does, you'll never know how bad it actually is. i've made custom scripts to monitor systemd's failures (failing in doing a very primitive of its job) and there are hundreds (actually varying around 200 to 300 sometimes more) of such per day on all our systems for one particular(!) measurement only that was breaking service stability and i wrote a measure-and-fix+monitor workaround. other fixes were not monitored however, only silently fixed by workarounds, thus just unnumbered systemd bugs/instabilities in the dark that stole a lot of work capacity...
if you run distros with systemd, unreliability is your daily experience unless you don't really care or have never experienced stability before - like running a service (a single process) for 8 years without any interruption then it suddenly stops and you go like "was it maybe an attack? the process died, how could that be? were there any connects from outside at that moment?" not talking about not updating something that long, but "stability" itself CAN be like if you dont stop it, it'll still run in 10000+ years maybe millions, more likely that humans extincted themselves way earlier than of a process "just dying" by a bug.. while systemd even randomly stops things that were running well for no reason (varying) once a month more or less (also varying in what it actually randomly stops, sometimes (2 times) it even stopped ssh on my servers, me asking myself if i should create yet another workaround for systemds buggyness to not locking me out again from network or ratjer go for the real solution for most* of all systemd problems - *see below) on the few standard installs i personally have as i didn't have the way to automatically replace provider installed distro on VMs in the DC. i want this replacing automatically for the same reason why i don't like systemd, it causes manual work for a thing that should go automated. however due to systemd's perpetuated instability i now managed to have this way, and every second working on getting rid of systemd is worth it 100k times.
this however does not solve all systemd-introduced problems as the xz attack showed (a systemd-dependency on xz made the infected xz library beeing useful-for-the-atracker during compiletime of sshd binary with which then the attacker could infect the newly built sshd binary),one could still be attacked through systemd's dependency hell even if one does not use systemd by oneself, but the build machines used for your distro could be affected/infected by systemd's needless dependencies when "also" compiling for systemd-affected distributions thus there is the risk of becoming a victim of needless-systemd-dependencies while not using systemd at all.
however the attack through systemd dependency (and that the public solution was not the removal of needless dependencies only included as source for superflous third party "needs") made clear that systemd is an overall problem for security that will not be solved quickly but stay just like all windows insecurities will stay as long as they whish to push them to their "users".
systemd reducing overall security and its unreliability combined with some builtin impediments (i.e. when debugging its defects) is what drove me away from systemd. there are solutions way more stable and way more secure (and way better documented btw) that do not call in for needless dependencies, reducing risks, attack vectors and increases overall debuggability i.e. by deterministic behaviour as an easy example.
and none of its important (to me) promises have been fulfilled yet by systemd, drop-in-replacement? have heared that lie thousands of times, but in the last decade i have not experienced it a single time in a distro and it does not seem to be included/finished any more.
for windows users or windows admins a linux with systemd on it IS an improvement in stability, security and of course for updating, yes. but all of that does not come from systemd, rather the opposite is the case, systemd reduces it month by month, thats my experience and thats the most important experience for me, idc what lies whitdepapers tell or what broken promises are believed by anyone or the masses, i want secure and stable servers and services and systemd does not fit in for any of these goals and the time it was still "young" and early problems could be accepted in the hope they get fixed soon are gone, but without those fixes having ever appeared.
I've heard of s6 and runit alongside OpenRC as alternatives. I believe distros should make the init system agnostic of the rest of the software and not force users to stick with what they force them to do. Systemd is really slow.
What infuriates me more than distros playing the heavy hand in adopting it, are applications depending on it (I'M LOOKING AT YOU GNOME). This is completely unacceptable. If I find an application that doesn't work without systemd, I either compile it to see if it will work otherwise or give up on it.
Maybe my view of systemd will change if I delete all of the other binaries and just use the init module. Who the fuck decided to put a fucking log in manager with the init system???? This is the feature bloat that I'm talking about and I hate it
systemd is a system daemon, not an init system
also, why should applications avoid depending on useful features?
more likely that humans extincted themselves way earlier than of a process "just dying" by a bug..
Lol what???
Lol what???
wouldn't that be the definition of stable?
the computer on voyager 2 is running for 47 years now, they might have rebooted some parts meanwhile but overall its a long time now, and if the program is free of bugs the time that program can run only depends on the durability of the hardware, protection from cosmic rays (which were afaik the problems the voyager probes faced mostly, not bugs) which could be quite long if protected from hazardous environments and maybe using optoelectronics but the point is that a bug free software can run forever only depending on hardware durability and energy supply, in any other way no humans are needed for a veery long time
This article sounds a decade old.
systemd attempts to cover more ground instead of less
Have I got news for the author about the kernel he seems to have no issue with. (Note: I love the Linux kernel, but being a monolith, it certainly covers more ground instead of less, so the author's point is already flawed unless he wants to go all Tanenbaum on the kernel, too)
Le applicazioni di Proton Drive sono ora tutte open source
Proton ha rilasciato il codice sorgente di tutte le applicazioni Proton Drive, ecco il comunicato tradotto:
All Proton Drive apps are now open source
In Proton, il nostro impegno per la trasparenza e la privacy ha sempre guidato lo sviluppo dei nostri servizi. Siamo convinti che, per poter decidere con cognizione di causa cosa fare dei vostri dati, dobbiate essere in grado di indagare e verificare le applicazioni. Oggi siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che tutte le applicazioni di Proton Drive sono ora completamente open source, comprese le applicazioni desktop di Proton Drive.
Questa pietra miliare sottolinea la nostra missione di costruire soluzioni che tengano conto della privacy e di cui ci si possa fidare. Rendendo tutte le nostre applicazioni open source, diamo la possibilità alla nostra comunità e alla più ampia sfera della sicurezza di ispezionare, verificare e fidarsi delle protezioni che abbiamo integrato in Proton Drive per salvaguardare i vostri dati.
All Proton Drive apps are now open source
Proton Drive’s desktop apps are open source, meaning you can review the code of any Proton Drive app for yourself.Richie Koch (Proton)
Last Week in Fediverse – ep 85
It’s been an eventful week in the fediverse, with the Swiss government ending their Mastodon pilot, the launch of the Social Web Foundation, Interaction Policies with GoToSocial and more!
Swiss Government’s Mastodon instance will shut down
The Swiss Government will shut down their Mastodon server at the end of the month. The Mastodon server was launched in September 2023, as a pilot that lasted one year. During the original announcement last year, the Swiss government focused on Mastodon’s benefits regarding data protection and autonomy. Now that the pilot has run for the year, the government has decided not to continue. The main reason they give is the low engagement, stating that the 6 government accounts had around 3500 followers combined, and that the contributions also had low engagement rates. The government also notes that the falling number of active Mastodon users worldwide as a contributing factor. When the Mastodon pilot launched in September 2023, Mastodon had around 1.7M monthly active users, a number that has dropped a year later to around 1.1M.
The Social Web Foundation has launched
The Social Web Foundation (SWF) is a new foundation managed by Evan Prodromou, with the goal of growing the fediverse into a healthy, financially viable and multi-polar place. The foundation launches with the support of quite a few organisations. Some are fediverse-native organisations such as Mastodon, but Meta, Automattic and Medium are also part of the organisations that support the SWF. The Ford Foundation also supports the SWF with a large grant, and in total the organisation has close to 1 million USD in funding.
The SWF lists four projects that they’ll be working on for now:
- adding end-to-end encryption to ActivityPub, a project that Evan Prodromou and Tom Coates (another member of the SWF) recently got a grant for.
- Creating and maintaining a fediverse starter page. There are quite a variety of fediverse starter pages around already, but not all well maintained.
- A Technical analysis and report on compatibility between ActivityPub and GDPR.
- Working on long-form text in the fediverse.
The SWF is explicit in how they define two terms that have had a long and varied history: they state that the ‘fediverse’ is equivalent with the ‘Social Web’, and that the fediverse only consists of platforms that use ActivityPub. Both of these statements are controversial, to put it mildly, and I recommend this article for an extensive overview of the variety of ways that the term ‘fediverse’ is used by different groups of people, all with different ideas of what this network actually is, and what is a part of it. The explicit exclusion and rejection of Bluesky and the AT Protocol as not the correct protocol is especially noteworthy.
Another part of the SWF’s announcement that stands out is the inclusion of Meta as one of the supporting organisations. Meta’s arrival in the fediverse with Threads has been highly controversial since it was announced over a year ago, and one of the continuing worries that many people express is that of an ‘Extend-Embrace-Extinguish’ strategy by Meta. As the SWF will become a W3C member, and will likely continue to be active in the W3C groups, Meta being a supporter of the SWF will likely not diminish these worries.
As the SWF is an organisation with a goal of evangelising and growing the fediverse, it is worth pointing out that the reaction from a significant group within the fediverse developer community is decidedly mixed, with the presence of Meta, and arguments about the exclusive claim on the terms Social Web and fediverse being the main reasons. And as the goal of the SWF is to evangelise and grow the fediverse, can it afford to lose potential growth that comes from the support and outreach of the current fediverse developers?
Software updates
There are quite some interesting fediverse software updates this week that are worth pointing out:
GoToSocial’s v0.17 release brings the software to a beta state, with a large number of new features added. The main standout feature is Interaction Policies, with GoToSocial explaining: “Interaction policies let you determine who can reply to, like, or boost your statuses. You can accept or reject interactions as you wish; accepted replies will be added to your replies collection, and unwanted replies will be dropped.”
Interaction Policies are a highly important safety feature, especially the ability to turn off replies, as game engine Godot found out this week. It is a part where Mastodon lags behind other projects, on the basis that it is very difficult in ActivityPub to fully prevent the ability for other people to reply to a post. GoToSocial takes a more practical route by telling other software what their interaction policy is for that specific post, and if a reply does not meet the policy, it is simply dropped.
- Peertube 6.3 release brings the ability to separate video streams from audio streams. This allows people now to use PeerTube as an audio streaming platform as well as a video streaming platform.
- The latest update for NodeBB signals that the ActivityPub integration for the forum software is now ready for beta testing.
- Ghost’s latest update now has fully working bi-directional federation, and they state that a private beta is now weeks away.
In Other News
IFTAS has started with a staged rollout of their Content Classification Service. With the opt-in service, a server can let IFTAS check all incoming image hashes for CSAM, with IFTAS handling the required (for US-based servers) reporting to NCMEC. IFTAS reports that over 50 servers already have signed up to participate with the service. CSAM remains a significant problem on decentralised social networks, something that is difficult to deal with for (volunteer) admins. IFTAS’ service makes this significantly easier while helping admins to execute their legal responsibilities. Emelia Smith also demoed the CCS during last week’s FediForum.
The Links
- All the speed demo videos of last week’s FediForum are now available on PeerTube.
- Evan Prodromou’s book about ActivityPub, ‘ActivityPub: Programming for the Social Web‘ has officially launched.Lemmy Development Update.
- PieFed’s Development update for September 2024.
- A tool to make sure you see all replies on a fediverse posts (and an explanation on how it differs from FediFetcher).
- A work-in-progress Rust library for ActivityPub.
- The German Data Protection Office updated their Data Protection Guidelines for running a Mastodon server.
- The Revolution Will Be Federated – WeDistribute.
- This week’s updates for fediverse software.
That’s all for this week, thanks for reading!…
Hello everyone! We've just made the first release candidate for version 0.17.0 of GoToSocial Adventurous admins who want to try the new features and help us spotting bugs can get the release from…
⚠️ This release contains several database migrations which will run the first time you start up this new version. Be sure not to interrupt this migration process. This will take anywhere between a few seconds and an hour or even more (on slower hardware / big databases). Please be patient! Back up your database file before updating! We had to rejig the entire statuses table to introduce interaction policies (see below). ⚠️
Release highlights:
- Interaction policies: This release gives you the ability to set interaction policies on your statuses using the settings panel. Interaction policies let you determine who can reply to, like, or boost your statuses. You can accept or reject interactions as you wish; accepted replies will be added to your replies collection, and unwanted replies will be dropped. This feature is still a work-in-progress as we will almost certainly have some kinks to work out in terms of implementation etc, but we wanted to get it into people's hands as quickly as possible.
User docs here:…
Federation docs here:…- Much wider range of support for different media types: In this release we've embedded a webassembly build of ffmpeg into the GoToSocial binary, so that users can post many different types of media than previously, including mp3, flac, and other audio types, and many more video types. Admins: you don't need to have ffmpeg installed on your server for this to work.
- Audio player: to complement the new media types, we adapted our current video player to also play audio, so people visiting your profile can play MP3s and FLACs. Album art is supported when embedded in the audio file!
- Header/avatar alt text: You can now set alt-text for your avatar + header images, so that screenreader users visiting your profile can read a description of your beautiful face.
- Better threading model for statuses: On the web view of a thread, conversations are now indented at different levels, to make it easier to see who's replying to whom.
- Prefers-reduced-motion is now supported, so that folks with animations turned off in their operating system or browser aren't confronted with lots of animation when they open your profile.
- Conversations view: You can now view a list of your direct message conversations, making it much easier to keep track of who you're talking to.
- Import/export csv files: It's now possible to import Mastodon-compatible CSV files for accounts you follow and accounts you block, making it much easier to migrate across instances. Export of these files is supported too.
- Exclusive lists: You can now mark lists as "exclusive", which means that posts from accounts in an exclusive list will show up only in that list and not in your home timeline.
- Show/hide posts on your profile: Previously only Public posts were shown on your web profile. This is still the default, but you can now choose to show unlisted posts on your web profile too (the Mastodon default), or to show no posts at all.
- Lots of new themes: solarized, brutalist, ecks pee, and more.
- Store worker queue on restart: when you stop the instance, pending tasks are stored into the database, and loaded again when you start up the instance, so that no tasks get lost between restarts.
Thanks for reading!
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> When the Mastodon pilot launched in September 2023, Mastodon had around 1.7M monthly active users, a number that has dropped a year later to around 1.1M
Are we talking about just Mastodon or the fediverse as a whole (a big chunk of which is Mastodon for now, but ...).
But this is a great example of why there's an urgent need to update or replace the NodeInfo protocol (originally part of Diaspora) that's used for collecting fediverse stats.
It's also a great example of why fragmenting the total pool of people using decentralised social networks across multiple protocols is such a regressive idea. The social web as a whole is growing apace. But because the growth is divided between the fediverse, Matrix, ATmosphere, Nostr-verse and a long tail of vanity protocols, it's harder to see, and it's not creating the network effects that all those accounts being on one protocol would.
> I recommend this article for an extensive overview of the variety of ways that the term ‘fediverse’ is used by different groups of people
I don't. The author of this piece has an agenda, to fragment the network effects of the fediverse across as many incompatible protocols as possible. They demonstrate a profound intellectual dishonesty in their rewriting of fediverse history, disregarding independently verifiable facts, and aggressively attacking anyone who calls them on this.
I don't make such serious accusations lightly. I'm willing to discuss all 3 claims in detail, and for anyone wants evidence here's some receipts.
An agenda to fragment the network effects of the fediverse across many incompatible protocols, see the second comment by @jdp23 here;
Rewriting of fediverse history and aggressively attacking anyone who disagrees, see the responses here;
... and their first comment here;
> The explicit exclusion and rejection of Bluesky and the AT Protocol as not the correct protocol
Not sure what "not the correct protocol" means in this context, but ATProto is not a fediverse protocol. Because;
a) it's not actually decentralised. BlueSky controls the ID layer
b) no legacy fediverse software app implements it, except a single IndieWeb bridge (BridgyFed)
c) none of the software implementing it supports a single legacy fediverse protocol
> As the SWF will become a W3C member, and will likely continue to be active in the W3C groups, Meta being a supporter of the SWF will likely not diminish these worries
FarceBook has been a member of W3C since long before ActivityPub was even standardised. Nothing to see here. If there's evidence that SWF is compromising traditional fediverse principles in FarceBook's favour, instead of offering them a refund, then and only then will there be a reason to be suspicious of the SWF.
Vanilla OS 2 released (end of July)
Vanilla OS
Vanilla OS is an operating system built with simplicity in mind. It's fast, lightweight, beautiful and ready for all your daily
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Tech Cyborg reshared this.
Last Week in the ATmosphere – Sept 24 week 3
Welcome to this week’s update, with lots of news regarding T&S on Bluesky, managed PDS hosting, and a deeper dive into the Jetstream!
The News
Bluesky released an update on their current efforts on Trust and Safety, listing all the features the team is currently working on. There are quite a few features being worked on that are great (better ban evasion detection, moderation feedback via app), and I want to highlight two of them:
- Geography-specific labels. Bluesky is working to add the ability to remove posts only in certain countries, if they violate local laws but are allowed by Bluesky’s own guidelines. This is a feature that I’ll certainly be writing more about once more about it becomes known, as it poses tons of interesting questions about decentralised protocols and national internet sovereignty. As Bluesky’s own labels can be avoided in an open protocol by running your own infrastructure, it poses the questions of whether people actually do this to circumvent local laws, as well as the extend local governments will accept this (or understand it, to be honest).
- With toxicity detection experiments, Bluesky aims to detect rude replies and potentially reduce their visibility, possibly by hiding them behind a ‘show more comments’ button. It puts Bluesky closer to what other networks are doing, which is hiding bad or spammy comments behind a button you have to click to see. My guess is that Bluesky also eventually will end up in this position, skipping the labeling part altogether.
A report by Brazilian investigative researchers finds that Bluesky is having difficulty moderation CSAM in Portugese, mapping 125 accounts that sell or share CSAM. Bluesky’s head of Trust & Safety already reported in early September that the sudden inflow of new users lead to a 10x increase in reported CSAM, as well as a more general strain on the moderation. Bluesky’s Emily Liu also stated in response to the report: “we’re taking this extremely seriously, and since the recent influx of users started, we’ve hired more human moderators (who are also provided mental health services) + implementing additional tooling that can quash these networks faster and more effectively”.
Bluesky has appointed a legal representative in Brazil, and will make an official announcement in the next few days. X not having a legal representative in Brazil is what ultimately led to a ban on X in Brazil. This week, X finally caved and appointed a representative, and X might become unbanned in the next few days again. It is worth watching how X becoming available again in Brazil will impact the current userbase of Brazilians on Bluesky. While some will undoubtedly go back to using X, the open question is how large this group will be.
In other news
With a maturity of the ecosystem, companies are starting to offer managed hosting of a PDS, both in the US as well as in Japan. It also raises interesting question regarding branding and marketing: both of these services explicitly advertise themselves as offering a Bluesky PDS: while that makes sense from the company’s perspective (very few people will understand what an atproto PDS is), I am entirely unclear if this desirable from the perspective of the Bluesky company.
Last week I wrote about a directory of Brazilian Bluesky accounts, and it turns out there is also a Japanese equivalent: the Bluesky Feeds Navigator lists a large variety of custom feeds (mainly in Japanese) for Bluesky.
Brazilian tech YouTuber Gabs Ferreira interviewed Bluesky engineer hailey about developing on Bluesky, focusing specifically on mobile and React Native (in English). Ferreira interviewed Bluesky CTO Paul Frazee last week, and will talk with Dan Abramov on 26-09.
Altmetric, which tracks engagement with academic research, is working on adding support for Bluesky.
EmbedSky is a new tool to ’embed the last thirty posts and reposts from your BlueSky timeline in your blog or website’. It works with OAuth, which facilitates that the tool can only be used to embed posts from your own account.
On Relays, Jetstreams and costs
Some semi-technical protocol discussion about relays is worth mentioning, since I see people on the other networks talk about it. First, a super simplified description of how atproto works: everyone’s data is stored in a simple database, which does not much else besides storing your data, called a PDS. A Relay scrapes all the PDS’s on the entire network, and turns it into an unending stream of updates, often colloquially called a firehose. An AppView takes all the data from the firehose and makes it presentable for a user (counting all the ‘likes’ on a post, for example).
People on other networks often assume that running a Relay is prohibitively expensive, and it turns out it is not: Bluesky engineer Bryan Newbold ran an extra full-network Relay for 150 USD/month, and recently someone confirmed this is still possible after the massive influx of new users.
Relays can be ‘expensive’ in another way though: a lot of the data that goes through a Relay is dedicated to making sure that the data is authenticated. This is the ‘Authenticated’ part in the name ‘Authenticated Transfer Protocol’. However, there are quite some use cases for which it is not necessary to validate every single event that comes through the firehose, such as a simple bot that listens for certain keywords. In that case, they can get by with a simpler version of the firehose.
Two versions of such a simpler version, called a Jetstream, launched this week. Bluesky engineer Jaz released their own version of a Jetstream, accompanying with an extensive blog post in which they describe how it works. They note that this reduces traffic activity by 99%, all while running on a 5$/month VPS. Jaz also says that an official Bluesky version of a Jetstream is coming soon.
Skyware (who recently released a lightweight labeler as well) also has their own version of a Jetstream available as well.
The Links
- Jetstream: Shrinking the AT Proto Firehose by >99%
- A complete and follow-along guide to ‘Self-hosting a Bluesky PDS and using your domain as your handle’.
- Buttondown’s CEO writes about Bluesky.
- Growth of Bluesky also comes with additional needs for protection for the Blacksky community.
- The Government of Brazil now also has their own verified Bluesky account.
- Bluesky could become Brazil’s next big social media platform. It has Elon Musk’s X to thank – Fast Company.
- Frontpage, a HackerNews-like build on top of atproto, now has OAuth login.
That’s all for this week, thanks for reading! You can subscribe to my newsletter to receive the weekly updates directly in your inbox below, and follow me on Bluesky
>Bluesky is working to add the ability to remove posts only in certain countries, if they violate local laws but are allowed by Bluesky’s own guidelines
This seems like a bug, not a feature.
Will they be stopping posts about the Tiananmen Square massacre being seen in China? Or the truth about the invasion of Ukraine being seen in Russia? Or about the ICC agreeing that the IDF is committing genocide in Gaza being seen in Israel or the US?
> Bluesky aims to detect rude replies and potentially reduce their visibility, possibly by hiding them behind a ‘show more comments’ button
Let me guess. They're planning to use a Trained #MOLE for this, right?
Instead of doing what Slashdot pioneered, what Minds does, and what dReddit essentially does, which is harvest the wisdom of crowds by exposing rating/ flagging controls to readers. Then having human mods review the outcomes for balance.
> Bluesky is having difficulty moderation CSAM in Portugese
Which is an example of why fediverse moderation structure has always been more responsive than any centralised system.
The more accounts are spread across many small servers, the more the number of mods tends to scales with the number of new accounts. If Brazilian people who post in Portugese are (mainly) on Brazilian-run servers, with Portugese speaking mods, this language headache takes care of itself.
> Bluesky engineer Bryan Newbold ran an extra full-network Relay for 150 USD/month, and recently someone confirmed this is still possible after the massive influx of new users
I'd love to see an apples-with-apples comparison with the cost of running an AP relay, and how this scales as the number of accounts being proxies increases.
fwupd 1.9.25: Synaptics, Dell, and Intel Enhancements
fwupd 1.9.25: Synaptics, Dell, and Intel Enhancements
The latest fwupd 1.9.25 firmware update daemon for Linux brings bug fixes and adds newly supported devices.Bobby Borisov (Linuxiac)
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Probably because your hardware's firmware is up to date or there's nothing available.
It's rare that it's updated.
Check your journal or
systemctl status fwupd.service
fwupdmgr get-history
No problem.
The only reason i know this is because systemd throws degraded warnings because fwupd keeps failing. On several machines. (Because DNS, proxies, VPN, etc.)
In xfce there's a panel tool called genmon I use.
I have 2 specifically for monitoring systemd status
First is just the status
systemctl is-system-running
The other lists the failed units using a script
failedd (){ systemctl --failed | grep -o -E "●.{0,35}\<failed" 2>/dev/null }
echo $(failedd)
Mint cinnamon has a similar "spice" (panel plugin) that I also use.
Fedify finally reached 1.0.0, its first stable release
Fedify 1.0.0 · dahlia fedify · Discussion #141
Fedify, an ActivityPub framework, has finally released its first stable version, 1.0.0! What is Fedify? Fedify is a TypeScript library that makes it easy to create federated server applications bas...GitHub
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originalucifer, ShaunaTheDead and Joaoalberto9009 like this.
Probably worth putting this in the post description so we don't all need to ask "what's that?"
Fedify is a TypeScript library that makes it easy to create federated server applications based on the ActivityPub protocol.
Keyboard / Mouse Sharing with Arch / Wayland, MacOS, Windows 11 Laptop
TL;DR: Want to use my desktop keyboard/mouse with my Laptop. What software are you using/enjoying? Arch+KDE w/ Wayland will be the main host, main client is Windows 11. Secondary hosts may be Debian and MacOS, same client, but low priority on the Mac.
Hey folks, I'm rearranging some things a bit at home, would love to get some current thoughts on keyboard/mouse sharing over IP (no video).
I have to put up with some tools that don't play nicely with wine/proton, and so my work laptop is a windows device. I'll be controlling that device primary from Arch and Debian, though MacOS is a possibility. I'd like to keep the laptop closed and not add another mouse/keyboard into the mix, so Keyb/Mouse over IP it is.
Here's what I'm looking at, haven't tried them all yet, but looking for opinions:
* Barrier - Dead fork. Hasn't been updated in some time, being superseded by input-leap. Most portions of the project managed by someone who had not been active for a couple years before the Input Leap fork.
* Input Leap - Forked from Barrier at the end of 2021, and nearly 3 years later, no stable binary releases yet. Development seems fairly active, but no binary releases yet doesn't provide a massive amount of confidence that it will be stable. Doesn't mean I won't build and test though.
* Lan Mouse - Seems pretty neat, the lack of input capture on MacOS could create an issue for me in certain situations, but I can work around that if I need to for the rare times I'd need it. Traffic is unencrypted/plaintext. Its entirely local, and I've got more security than most users (and some companies), but still. Probably leading the pack right now.
* Deskflow - Upstream project for Synergy, a rename to differentiate the user project from Synergy. TONS of recent activity, but the switch is very recent. I don't know if there are any binaries built, but its a longstanding project (and like many, many others, I used Synergy before it went commercial, it was nice).
Any other options out there? Good/bad experiences with any of these?
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Fair point, and I'm not entirely against commercial software. Probably easier to deploy to my work laptop too.
Synergy will be on the list
EDIT: May have spoken too soon. No wayland support still it looks like. From what I can see its been on the list since around 9 months ago, was 6 weeks away 5 months ago, but as of today still not available. I'll give it a go just to check, but I don't think libei support will be in until 3.2. Current version up is 3.0.
Edit 2: Usable code is out, so screw it, going to rework the home setup. Worst case scenario I'll keep a spare mouse and keyboard handy for the laptop. Going to start testing out the others in earnest in the meantime once I've reworked my desk (and figured out where the hell I'm putting a 50" monitor that's apparently arriving next week for testing).
Barrier is synergy but no cost
E: It works fine for me across macos, windows and Linux but I don’t use Wayland so that might affect you.
E2 looks like Wayland breaks barrier.
Yeah, Wayland definitely complicates things. I dropped synergy before v2 and no longer being open, v3 is apparently 1 with some GUI on top. I can build v1 (deskflow), as long as they are keeping the main bit underneath open I don't mind supporting them with a $50 one time payment. We will see how it goes though, their Wayland support is still in Dev.
I had expected to see input leap further along since it had been 3 years since the fork (and 2 more years since the maintainer of the repo was active), but it doesn't seem ready for release, as they even recommend sticking with the last barrier release for now according to their readme.
Right now, deskflow/synergy seems the most promising.
I don’t use Wayland for other reasons, but if I did and it broke barrier I’d switch to x11.
Might be worth investigating what you use that is incompatible with x…
Not really an option for me or it would interrupt some other stuff I work on personally. I could make it not my main PC and go back to Debian, but it would also mean less time for me testing my stuff. So I'm more likely to just forget IP keyboard/mouse sharing and stick one of my little keyboards and a mouse there.
The rest of the main use machines are all on what amounts to an overly expensive physical KVM (work stuff freebie), so the only reason to use the software based option is the laptop.
Audio which can be brought out to an amp or into a processor, relay controls, even occupancy sensor support (standard 24v line, works with pretty much anything), ability to set custom edids, and a very capable API on the base, as well as custom packages that can be installed (based around node).
Yeah its a wildly powerful little box. List price is like $2500 or so though!
For the record, you may see some of these show up on ebay or something, they have been discontinued (really they just changed the line, same hardware with more variation and flexibility, which also means more variation in pricing, but also stuff like a transmitter/receiver option).
Since they are discontinued though, some companies may replace soon, so they may show up somewhere for much cheaper.
This is what I've been missing the most since switching to Wayland.
I was testing again yesterday, on Fedora mainly.
lan-mouse is a bit clunky. It requires too many clicks to start on Gnome. bi-directional.
Couldn't get it to work on NixOS but I'm new to it.
Input leap can be finicky to install and set up too, depending on your system. For some reason on my setup it lags a lot, and from time to time I have to reconnect.
They don't give an easy access to builds, but you can find them. It requires to be connected with a GitHub account though.
Definitely clunky on lan-mouse.
I'll give input-leap a check with my gh account logged in, see how it goes - I'm curious if I'll have the same fun with latency. Since its mostly for meeting stuff, a bit of lag is ok, but if its choppy or otherwise severe that could be an issue, definitely....
Since I switched to Wayland, I could not find an alternative for barrier that I used under X. After a lot of search I bumped into a project called rkvm. You can check it out. It is a bit more difficult to setup than barrier but it works pretty well for me.
The only bad thing is that both computers must run linux.
Neat project! I especially like that it goes for raw keycodes, real nice approach.
Unfortunately the Windows support is a hard requirement for me, but hopefully someone else sees and takes advantage
I've been doing something insane that keeps Barrier working. I have Firefox and KeePassXC flatpaks installed and forced to use X11 fallback so they can autotype together. And coincidentally, that means Barrier can mouse off the server screen to the client machine if I have Firefox maximized on that edge. And never any other time. But maybe that's helpful to someone.
This post reminded me how stupid that was. So I installed input-leap on a distrobox arch container. Now it all instantly works. My existing Barrier clients just connected as usual with no tweaks. Apparently it was already installed in Aurora-dx directly, but that version didn't work for some reason. I suppose I'm glad I went the long way and you reminded me to try.
We Finally Know What Creates Static Electricity, After Thousands of Years
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Atelopus-zeteki, Badabinski, KaRunChiy, Lasslinthar and ShaunaTheDead like this.
"For the first time, we are able to explain a mystery that nobody could before: why rubbing matters,"
sigh The jokes write themselves. He had to know, when he said that.
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We knew enough to make it extremely useful, but didn't have a full understanding of the underlying mechanics.
Hate to break it to you, but that is how knowledge works. Even things we have an extremely detailed understanding of are likely to have underlying mechanisms we are not aware of.
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DaGeek247 likes this.
Maybe you just went to bad schools?
My experience with science and other teachers of every grade was that they stressed how we make new discoveries all the time.
Maybe I went to bad schools, maybe my country has a dysfunctional education system, but I suspect the matter is widespread because it's way easier to teach factual information rather than dive into the nuances of how confident we are about our explanations.
Some reductive examples: Pluto is / is not a planet, wings work because the path air takes is longer than on the other side, the cause for this war was xyz, you can't subtract below 0 (that's at a very early age of course), this philosopher thought X.
Oh I guess a CRUCIAL one is how most teachers are horribly unfit to answer "Why should I care about this?", but that's beside the point, in a way.
I had wildly different experiences with teachers within my own schools growing up. There was legitimately no standard that valued this kind of nuanced exploration of the world. Just a focus on standardized tests. It was almost entirely on the individual teachers to spend more of their time and effort to go any further than that.
I had some great teachers that made everything interesting and taught us more like the classes I eventually had in college, but I definitely have had more that were like this one math teacher I remember who, when I asked about why we had to do a math problem in a specific way we were learning about, answer something along the lines of “because I say so.”
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There are a ton of things that we know how to replicate and sometimes think we know how they work, but being able to see in more detail or with better pattern recognition can lead to further understanding. The best part is the new understanding can lead to all kinds of possible applications, like being able to regulate static electricity by manipulating surfaces to either increase or decrease the amount created.
Heck, this could possibly lead to lighter materials for electrical insulation if the effects are relevant for electrical conduction in general.
Oh for sure, I fully understand that there are tons of things/mechanics we take for granted every day that we don't actually know how it/they work(s) at the most fundamental level. Static electricity just seemed like a pretty important one that I'd just assumed it was well and thoroughly researched/understood.
Anyway, completely agree with you that this breakthrough is great news and that there are some exciting practical applications that may emerge as a result, particularly the more that model is understood/completed.
Like things we thought we nailed down in the 19th century and haven’t thought to revisit with modern methods and equipment. Then someone decides to look at it again and uncovered a boatload of previously unknown data.
“We thought we understood hiccups, but this changes EVERYTHING!”
(I dunno if hiccups are secretly a scientific black box or not, but you get the idea.)
See also the giraffe nerve that takes a 15 foot detour because it didn't evolve to go on the other side of their hearts. It's theorized to have travelled even further in dinosaurs:
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Top 5 Features Coming to GIMP 3.0
In this video, I provide an overview of the 5 best or most exciting features coming to the highly-anticipated GIMP 3.0 release! These are my 5 favorite new features coming to GIMP 3.0, including non-destructive editing, smart guides, and CMYK support.
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Davies Media Design is a fantastic channel. Additionally here are links from the developers:
- official page for roadmap of GIMP:…
- Milestones of the source code:…
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this is a gnome project, that's not how it tends to work
closed "Not A Bug" "WontFix"
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For all the shortcomings of AI, and specially of Google's Gemini model, its YouTube integration is really good for this, even more so on Android where you can set it as your default assistant and ask a question about the video you're currently watching without having to switch apps.
Asking for a bullet point list, it gave me this:
- Nondestructive editing
- Dynamic guides or smart guides
- CMYK support
- Outline text
- Multi-layer features and layer sets
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TVA likes this.
To be honest, complaining that "half of the information" is in a video form is so stupid. Stick to the written sources and be happy that the other half of the information is supplied the way you want it.
Obviously there is a market for video content, and there is probably as many people liking it as disliking it. I am a dyslexictic person that can understand and remember way better when I am spoon fed the information instead of struggle through a long blog post or news site.
Please be open minded that we are different.
Video gets higher engagement. If you want your information to be consumed, video is a better bet.
That will not stop every video from having a top comment complaining about it though.
I prefer written content myself. But, as you say, I am happy for content in whatever form I can get it. I did not pay for it. How it is generated and shared is not up to me.
Soon I hope, we will have a bot that transcribes every video. Then that can be the top comment instead of the endless complaining.
these basic features all seem like they should ve been added 10 years ago
For anyone wanting to play G.A.M.M.A. on linux
GitHub - DravenusRex/stalker-gamma-linux-guide: A guide to getting S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - G.A.M.M.A. running on GNU/LINUX.
A guide to getting S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - G.A.M.M.A. running on GNU/LINUX. - DravenusRex/stalker-gamma-linux-guideGitHub
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Noxious and ShaunaTheDead like this.
It was dumb luck for myself too, years since I had last played figured I could install through wine.. Anyway stumbled on to this guide.
Be careful out there stalker.
Misstänkt näringspenningtvätt för nära en halv miljard kronor. Ekobrottsmyndigheten (EBM) genomförde under tisdagen den 24 september ett tillslag på flera platser i Stockholm och Lettland.…
Nordiska länder har klartlagt onlinebedrägerier. De nordiska ländernas polismyndigheter har kartlagt aktörer som begår bedrägerier på nätet, och tagit fram en plan för att hantera och stoppa dem. Polisen i Sverige kallr det hela för ett krafttag mot onlinebedrägerier. Men hur det skulle vara ett krafttag att kartlägga saker begriper jag inte. Det är möjligen en förutsättning för att det ska kunna blir krafttag mot bedrägeribrottsligheten.
Holy Hell, The Social Web Did Not Begin In 2008
Some folks have gotten themselves together as something they’re calling the Social Web Foundation, and I’ll cut to the chase: this is an attempt by ActivityPub partisans to rebrand the confusing “fediverse” terminology, and in the process, regardless of intent, shit on everything else that’s been the social web going back twenty-five years.
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Applause for the term "pluriverse" (did you coin it?).
And a standing ovation for the alliterative phrase "pluriverse of protocols".
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Aatube likes this.
I don't get that from the article. And I mean it's not a "web" if it's not interconnected, is it?
Things have shifted a bit in the last many years. Now almost no one reads blogs anymore. They want doom-scrolling and interaction. And even the old school nerds moved away from RSS, Mail and IRC. I also liked some Linux forums, but I feel it got more quiet there during the last years. Mostly to the benefit of proprietary platforms like Discord and such. But I don't thing they're very social, as in open and giving freedom to the people...
This Bix guy seems a bit butthurt.
Like, I am sure there are dozens of definitions for what "social web" is and when it began. And that sentence about Evan surely is sus, but is one sentence on one foundations website. I'm still thinking that this foundation will be pretty irrelevant.
it's better than "threadiverse" which at once includes the name of a Facebook product and seems to also give Facebook all the credit for mastodon, Lemmy, pixelfed, peer tube be etc, while also making them appear to be second class citizens.
but I am not endorsing this "social web" thing yet, either.
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NataliaTheDrowned2 likes this.
Oh no! Somebody organized to further the interests of the free and open internet, and they didn't invite me even though I was active on some IRC channel in 1995!
Cry me a fucking river.
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Fitik and NataliaTheDrowned2 like this.
> However, the Fediverse was never just about ActivityPub
Correct. As those of us who used GNU social 10 years ago will never tire of telling you, it was coined to describe the OStatus network. Once all the software using OS adopted ActivityPub, it came to describe the AP network, and anything hanging directly off it (eg Diaspora).
> ATProto is part of the Fediverse too
No it isn't, because...
> Fediverse software doesn’t speak it.
Same with XMPP, Matrix, etc
I've never seen anyone try to claim that XMPP is part of email. Or that Matrix is part of UseNet. Even they though these are all federated networks people have used for social purposes.
Yet for reasons I can't fathom, some people insist that new federated social networks that *choose not to use* the common protocol of "the fediverse" are somehow part of it.
Honestly, why?
You might as well call the whole thing Womp Triangle, for all it clarifies matters;
I'm not an AP partisan. I was using the fediverse - by that name - before AP existed. I will still be here if the majority of software projects migrate to another common protocol.
I'm an evangelist for re-decentralisation. I look forward to a future where BlueSky and Nostr join all the AP projects in one unified social web space, which we might still call "the fediverse". But pretending it's already here, by changing the boundaries of the term, does not automagically make that happen.
FWIW I've written about the history I lived through in some detail. As have other fediverse veterans, like @deadsuperhero;…
... and Gargron;…
I first wrote about it in 2017;…
... and then a couple of times this year;……
You are free to disagree, of course. People have done so in heated debates on SocialHub. I just wanted to add my 2c, and some context.
Technically the blog author is right. Sure, the social aspects of the web go back to the very first chat rooms, but okay. Let's set a backstop at web 2.0's blogs. So what is his point, let's burn down this new foundation on a technicality before it gets off the ground?
Also technically, "social web" is super imprecise when clearly the organisation is supposed to promote and highlight federated platforms. Sounds like somebody did a super lazy brainstorm without looking up from their belly button to consider this exact fallout.
I have the feeling the same somebody will be on the market for a new domain name pretty soon.
There's quite a few people who think the social web is a good term for what this is; websites talking to each other, allowing for two-way communication across platforms.
Not everybody loves the word "Fediverse". And then for those who like it, the connotations might be somewhat different.
You can't really do anything right in this field, as there are thousands of people ready to cry their hearts out at any given decision. But calling communication between web platforms the social web is not extremely controversial, and it's a bit easier to sell to a wider audience (government agencies, media outlets, people who don't know what HTML is) than going on an on about some obscure Fediverse. Different uses.
As I’ve only just recently written here, blog comments are not social media, and I think such things should remain separate.
So it's definitely not social media but it is the social web? I don't see any comments section at all over there. Some of these "indieweb" guys are pretty weird.
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Blogs were the social web. Friendster was the social web. MySpace was the social web. Twitter was the social web.
With the possible exception of blogs, these are all walled gardens. I'm not disputing the statement, but we now know these are bad places to grow the Social Web.
(I say possible exception because, while with blogs you can self-host and if you don't want to do that, there are multiple options to choose from, you can still get caught in the trap of trusting one provider and losing everything/getting locked out. Thinking about Posterous here.)
So if not the start date, 2008 is still an important milestone - it's when we started cutting the cord from these walled gardens to grow an independent web.
Experts Say Young People Should Learn to Code so They Can Get a Job 10 Years Ago
Experts Say Young People Should Learn to Code so They Can Get a Job 10 Years Ago
NEW YORK — A recent poll of experts showed broad consensus that learning to code is the easiest way for Americans to remain competitive while…Travis Tack (Hard Drive)
For the first time ever Hezbollah fired a ballistic missile at Tel Aviv, reaching the furthest distance into the occupation to date. David’s slingshot, the Zionists medium tier air defense system, intercepted the missile. Each missile costs the regime one million dollars.
A single one of these missiles from Hezbollah force 1.2 million settlers into shelters. Zionist sources estimate Hezbollah has approximately 5,000 of these missiles.
The previous day, Hezbollah carried out 18 attacks on the entity.
The Resistance group said it targeted the Kiryat Shmona settlement with a barrage of rockets, resulting in fires according to Zionist media. Firefighting teams were dispatched to the area in an attempt to extinguish the fires.
Hezbollah also struck the Meggido military airbase west of Afula – north of Jenin – three times throughout the early hours of the day with salvos of Fadi 1 and Fadi 2 rockets.
Additionally, in a strategic operation, the Resistance announced targeting with Fadi rockets the Zionist base, which is the occupation army’s main transport and logistical support base for the northern region.
Around 60 km deep into northern occupied Palestine, in the Zichron area, Hezbollah targeted a factory specializing in producing explosives, with two seperate barrages of Fadi 2 rockets.
The Resistance also announced that it has struck the Ramat David airbase, which has been under repeated Hezbollah strikes over the past two days due its key role in launching the airstrikes on Lebanon.
Furthermore, the group targeted the logistical warehouses of the 146th Brigade at the Naftali base.
The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah announced a significant attack targeting the Zionist naval elite unit Shayetet 13 in the Atlit base, located south of Haifa. This marks Hezbollah’s 18th statement on the day’s operations.
The Islamic Resistance underlined that the assault involved a swarm of drones that had struck Zionist assembly points within the base. The Resistance underlined that the UAVs had struck their intended targets.
Hezbollah underlined that the operation was a direct response to the occupation’s aggression on Gaza and Lebanon, stressing that it was in support of the people of Gaza and their Resistance, as well as in defense of Lebanon and its citizens.
The targeted unit is known as the occupation’s elite naval force, ranking as a top-tier special unit within the occupation forces. It is regarded as one of the three most pivotal special forces among the ranks of the occupation, serving a pivotal role in reconnaissance operations.
Zionist media outlets reported that air raid sirens were sounded in both Atlt and Neve Yam, the first time in five years such alarms had been sounded in these areas.
Hezbollah’s drones reached an unprecedented depth within the occupied Palestinian territories, according to reports. The Atlit base, located on the Mediterranean coast, lies 12 kilometers south of Haifa.
This attack follows a series of similar high-profile operations conducted by Hezbollah in northern occupied Palestine, most notably the missile strike on the Samson base using the newly inaugurated Fadi-3 rockets, which saw the light of day following the recent outbreak of hostilities.
Hezbollah launched 50 rockets targeting the Dado base, the headquarters of the Northern Command, and the Gesher HaZiv settlement with multiple rocket salvos.
Prior to this, Hezbollah also shelled the Rosh Pina settlement and fired dozens of missiles at the main storage facilities of the occupation’s Northern Command in the Nimra base, as well as the HaGoshrim and Katzrin settlements with rocket barrages.
The military spokesman confirmed that 300 rockets had been launched from Lebanon toward northern occupied Palestine on Tuesday alone. Zionist media described the barrage of rockets over Safed as “chaotic.”
Despite heavy Zionist bombardments of villages in southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley, Hezbollah has continued to expand its missile strikes deeper into Israeli-occupied territories.
Inauguration of Fadi-3
Hezbollah announced on Tuesday that it had launched Fadi-3 rockets at the Samson base. In a statement, Hezbollah explained that the Samson base serves as a command and regional equipment center.
This marks the first deployment of the Fadi-3 rocket in the ongoing war, striking the Samson Remote Controlled Weapon Station (RCWS) near the Golani Junction, west of occupied Lake Tabarayya.
The Samson base is located approximately 35 kilometers from the Lebanese border.
Zionist sources further noted the sounding of sirens across northern occupied Palestine, with Hezbollah firing 105 rockets toward the region in an hour and a half.
These strikes follow a series of earlier operations by Hezbollah, including the bombardment of the Eliakim military camp, located south of Haifa, with Fadi-2 rockets.
Iraqi Resistance escalates
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced it launched a drone strike on a target near the Jordan Valley in their occupied territories on Wednesday.
In a statement, the resistance movement emphasized that this target was in response to the ongoing massacres perpetrated by the occupation entity against Palestinian civilians—including children, women, and the elderly—the group vowed to intensify operations against enemy strongholds, pledging to escalate their efforts in defense of Palestinian rights and sovereignty.
Zionist media reported that the drone targeted Ramon Airbase and air defenses failed to intercept it.
In another operation, the resistance announced that it targeted a site in the northern occupied territory with an al-Arqab missile (a developed cruise missile).
This comes after the resistance announced early Monday that its fighters targeted “a Golani Brigade observation base in our occupied lands using drones.”
In a statement, the group affirmed that the operation comes “in continuation of our resistance against the occupation, in support of our people in Palestine, and in response to the massacres committed by the usurping entity against civilians, including children, women, and the elderly.”
The Iraqi Resistance underlined that it will continue to “strike enemy strongholds with increasing intensity.”
The operation came a few hours after the Islamic Resistance in Iraq confirmed it had targeted an Israeli site in the Jordan Valley, east of occupied Palestine, using the al-Arfad drone, marking the fifth attack on Sunday.
Palestinians continue attacks in West Bank
The al-Quds Brigades – Jenin announced on Tuesday that its fighters had targeted occupation forces storming the town of Al-Yamun, located northwest of Jenin in the northern occupied West Bank, with pre-planted explosive devices.
The Palestinian Resistance group also stated that “it showered” the storming Zionist forces with gunfire.
The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades announced they confronted the occupation forces in several areas in the West Bank.
Also in al-Yammoun, the Resistance’s group Jenin Battalion said they confronted the “invading ‘Israeli’ forces using machine guns and explosive devices.”
In Nablus, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades confirmed they engaged in fierce battles with the occupation at the Askar New Camp, east of the city, using machine guns and explosive devices.
In the south of Tubas, the Brigades said they confronted the occupation forces in the town of Tammun using machine guns.
Zionist forces withdrew from Nablus on Sunday
On Sunday, reports state that in the West Bank the occupation withdrew from the city of Nablus after a covert special unit was exposed during its operation.
Field sources in the West Bank reported that Resistance fighters from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades successfully destroyed a vehicle used by the special forces during their infiltration into the center of Nablus.
The Resistance group announced that its fighters engaged in intense confrontations with machine guns and explosive devices against a special Israeli force that had infiltrated the Old City of Nablus.
The group affirmed that they successfully inflicted direct casualties on the special forces during the confrontation, emphasizing the effectiveness of their strikes against the infiltrating unit.
Since October 7, 2023, alongside its war on the Gaza Strip, the occupation army and settlers have intensified their attacks on the occupied West Bank. These aggressions have resulted in the martyrdom of at least 716 Palestinians, over 5,500 injuries, and the arrest of more than 10,800 people, according to official Palestinian institutions.
The occupation is waging a devastating war in Gaza with full US support, leading to over 136,000 Palestinian casualties, including a significant number of children and women. Additionally, more than 10,000 people are missing, while the region suffers from massive destruction and an ongoing siege.…
#alAqsaFlood #alAqsaMartyrsBrigade #guerrilla #hezbollah #iraq #iraqiResistance #lebanon #palestine #pij #resistance #westAsia
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