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in reply to RobotToaster

Road to success (2024 AI Hype Edition):

  1. Clone VSCode.
  2. Rename it as LSCode, squash all history, and create some random commits with --author="Linus Torvalds <>".
  3. Add a character AI that calls your code garbage.
  4. Profit.

how output `ps aux | grep aUser` and keeping Newline ?


by doing a

ps aux | grep UserName

The output do not keep the LF1 😡

I've found some solution online by they involve 3 or more pipe | !

On my side, I've made this

ps -fp $(pgrep -d, -u UserName)

But still I found it not super human readable.

Is their a native way with ps to filter users ? or to grep it but the keep the LF ?

  1. linefeed… ↩︎
in reply to Gordon_F

tbh you should prolly use pgrep instead of piping ps into grep
in reply to Gordon_F

I'm not really sure what it is you're asking for here. As another commenter said, ps outputs a list of newline separated entries (using \n, the standard LF character). I even ran some sanity checks to make sure it wasn't using \r\n (CR LF) with the following:

$ ps aux | grep $USER | tr -cd "\n" | wc -m
$ ps aux | grep $USER | tr -cd "\r" | wc -m

The output of ps aux | grep $USER is consistent with the formatting of ps aux. I also found that ps aux | grep $USER was consistent with ps -fp $(pgrep -d, -u $USER) except that ps -fp $(pgrep -d, -u $USER) shows the header (UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD), does not show the processes related to the command (entries of ps aux and grep --color=auto $USER), and does not show grep's keyword matching by highlighting all matches within a line. It is otherwise completely identical.

Can you provide the output that you are getting that is unsatisfactory to you? I don't think I can otherwise understand where the issue is.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Osmakligt av Dadgostar med Kamala Harris-keps. Nooshi Dadgostar poserade på Instagram med en Kamala Harris-keps. Det är djup osmakligt med tanke på USA:s stöd för folkmordet i Gaza såväl som deras stöd till angreppet på och invasionen av Libanon.…

Kvotråden för Nordatlanten innebär en minskning för makrill och kolmule (blåvitling). Internationella havsforskningsrådet (ICES) har presenterat sitt kvotråd för norsk vårlekande sill (NVG-sill), kolmule, makrill och västlig hästmakrill (taggmakrill) för 2025. Brist på internationella överenskommelser och fiske över ICES råd, dvs mer än vad som anses hållbart, är ett problem både för makrill, NVG-sill och kolmule.…

Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
Yi K
I think it’s just Mozilla has a messy moderation. Don’t overreact.
in reply to GreyEyedGhost

Ahh, old hanging balls, gotchya xD

Yeah the medium of text can be tricky to convey meaning sometimes, I'm a pretty sarcastic person (gotta love using humour to cope with every situation, so healthy...) with a very deadpan kinda delivery on a lot of it, so I often find myself wondering if my intent came across well over text. Tricky indeed.

Anyway you're cool, and thanks for taking the time to reply so thoughtfully :-)

Now, I'm going to go back to being drenched in a cold sweat! It seems that's today's COVID symptom roulette wheel choice! 💦☉_☉💦

Switch emulator Ryujinx shuts down development after “contact by Nintendo”

At this point I'm very concerned about the open source industry relying so much on github. You have to remember that any project there can be swept away overnight because it doesn't fit into the agenca of a large company, for example.
in reply to PropaGandalf

Repackaging old games for new consoles is basically the entire business model for Nintendo at this point. In light of that, I can see why they go after emulators so hard.

HVB-hem utbildar kriminella. Det finns ett antal HVB-hem i Sverige som drivs och ägs av personer från kriminella nätverk och gangstergäng. Det är en konsekvens av privatiseringen av vården och hur den har genomförts.…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Airborne Plastic Chemical Levels Shock Researchers

in reply to §ɦṛɛɗɗịɛ ßịⱺ𝔩ⱺɠịᵴŧ

"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember [literally anything that's free of plastic]."

in reply to Pencilnoob

What the fuck is this? I hate it. I hate this thing that Google made.

Lol... I'm sorry. It's just... I hate everything Google makes these days. They make everything worse in 2024, and that's not a change over the last 5-10 years.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Got a "Perform MOK management" screen while trying to boot Linux Mint without Secure Boot with UEFI, what does it mean?

Update to this post. Please read it before commenting!

So I ended up following instructions I found online and disabled secure boot in my BIOS and then tried to boot Linux Mint (version 21.2, Cinnamon Edition) with UEFI OS. However, as soon as I did that, i got a "Perform MOK management" screen that said the following:

Continue boot Enroll MOK Enroll key from disk Enroll hash from disk

Can anyone tell me what this means and what I should do? Do keep in mind I'm a total newbie when it comes to Linux. Thanks in advance!

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in reply to Leaflet

Thank you for your response! So I can select Continue boot, install Mint and then reenable Secure Boot after I'm done installing?
in reply to vampira

If you continue without adding the keys, you may have issues if you rely on out of tree drivers like Nvidia. Personally, I would hit continue then leave secure boot off.

Sveriges minst antisemitiska parti - Svenssons Nyheter

Forum för Levande Historia (FFLH) gjorde 2020 en undersökning av antisemitism i svenska partier. Det visade sig tydligt att vänsterpartiet var och är det minst antisemitiska partiet av alla partier. Vänsterpartiet är Sveriges minst antisemitiska parti.

Forum för Levande Historia (FFLH) gjorde 2020 en undersökning av antisemitism i svenska partier. Det visade sig tydligt att vänsterpartiet var och är det minst antisemitiska partiet av alla partier. Vänsterpartiet är Sveriges minst antisemitiska parti.…

in reply to Apytele

This isn't just symptomatic treatment, according to the article:

The growth of the most aggressive and deadly brain cancer, glioblastoma, was effectively suppressed in both ex vivo human tissue samples and in living mice by an FDA approved serotonin modulator currently used to treat major depression.

This medication doesn't shrink the cancer, but it does slow down its growth.

Trying to set up a VLAN to play with friends

I'm not smart enough to set it up through command line and I haven't found a program I can get working yet. Probably a really dumb question but if we all connect to the same vpn sever would that work? Playhide should work but I can't seem to download it off github. Any advice or should I just put in the work to figure out cmdline?

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in reply to Ithorian [comrade/them]

A VLAN is very different from a VPN.
With VLANs, you can separate traffic that goes over the same physical wire.
With a VPN, on the other hand, you can connect devices from anywhere on the planet, as if they were in the same LAN, which bypasses firewalls, NAT and all that crap. Presumably, you want a VPN.
in reply to Ithorian [comrade/them]

A VPN is what you want, not VLANS that is used to segment parts of the local network. not to get your friends in too your local network.

A simple and easy to use solution is wireguard easy.

On the importance of F-Droid, an Android app store

On the importance of F-Droid, an Android app store

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in reply to chebra

If your app doesn't meet the target minimum API level on the Google Play Store, then it doesn't get published. It's just as much of a guideline, so I don't think this is really relevant to the point of the article.
in reply to trevor

People in lemmy open-source community not seeing the relevancy of the open-source guarantee of F-Droid... SMH

Agenda Prep for October WG Meeting

Agenda preparation for the October ForumWG meeting can be found at this public link (anyone can make comments for review.)

Monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month, at 1700 to 1800 UTC. You can find them listed in the SocialCG Calendar. The next meeting will be held on 3 October 2024.

We will be continuing onwards with discussions regarding context resolution. Multiple FEPs touch on the subject and there is an opportunity for potential convergence towards a single (or pair) of FEPs that share enough commonalities to allow for interoperability.

As always — time permitting — if you'd like to speak or inquire about a certain topic, comment in the agenda or reply here, the floor is open!

Fediverse Report reshared this.

in reply to julian

Re: Agenda Prep for October WG Meeting just added an open floor item for tomorrow's WG meeting to discuss Harvard's Applied Social Media Lab (

Looking forward to it!

in reply to julian

Re: Agenda Prep for October WG Meeting

*ForumWG meeting in ~40 minutes**

Just a heads up that the monthly ForumWG meeting is happening soon!

Join at this link:

GnuPG / GPG how create an EdDSA key !? [ SOLVED ]


I've seen some tutorial to create EdDSA key with Gnupg

gpg --full-gen-key

and it's supposed to allow me to create ECC key, but I see only

Please select what kind of key you want:\
(1) RSA and RSA (default)\
(2) DSA and Elgamal\
(3) DSA (sign only)\
(4) RSA (sign only)\
(14) Existing key from card\
Your selection?\

gpg --version show:

gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.27\
Supported algorithms:\

Any idea what's wrong ?

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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in reply to Gordon_F

What distro and version of that distro are you using? Did you install gpg from the repository or elsewhere? What version of gpg are you running?
in reply to Gordon_F

I had the same issue so wrote this down when I figured it out

Generate ultimate key

gpg2 --quick-generate-key ed25519 default 0 

Add sub key

gpg2 --quick-add-key <FINGERPRINT> ed25519

List keys in long format

gpg2 --list-keys --with-subkey-fingerprint --keyid-format long 

Shetlands stora fiskeriföretag, LHD Ltd, är framförallt ett företag som har managemnetansvar för ett stor antal fiskebåtar. Det betyder att de sköter ekonomin, bemanningen, försäljningen av fisken, inköp av utrustnign och bränsle, ansvarar för underhåll och reparationer med mera.…

Terroristic threats allowed on!?!

A hexbear user calls for the death of me and all Americans! I reported It to dessalines, but as of posting all hes done was delete my post where I called them out! It seems like death-threats by communists are ok, but calling them silly back is impolite...
in reply to thann

I once called Hezbollah dumb and got my comment removed by Dessalines, for breaking rule 2: be respectful 🤭
in reply to thann

This is kinda on you, you chose to visit hexbear. Just block that instance.
And while you are at it, also block lemygrad.

Remains the question: why the self-flagellation?