This AI Startup "Copied" an Open-Source Project and Got Half a Million Dollar Funding by Y Combinator
This AI Startup "Copied" an Open-Source Project and Got Half a Million Dollar Funding by Y Combinator
AI startups, and open-source forks with VC funding. A bad match.Ankush Das (It's FOSS News)
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ShaunaTheDead, elgordino, jherazob, PandaInSpace and Someplaceunknown like this.
No Fedora?
I thought it was popular.
I tried Manjaro a few times and it made my PC unusable every time. All sorts of little issues and even though I disabled any sleep features my screens would not wake up after I had been away for about an hour. Nothing else responded either like my PC had frozen.
Nobara is my distro of choice these days.
how output `ps aux | grep aUser` and keeping Newline ?
by doing a
ps aux | grep UserName
The output do not keep the LF1 😡
I've found some solution online by they involve 3 or more pipe |
On my side, I've made this
ps -fp $(pgrep -d, -u UserName)
But still I found it not super human readable.
Is their a native way with ps
to filter users ? or to grep
it but the keep the LF ?
- linefeed… ↩︎
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ShaunaTheDead likes this.
If I do ps aux | grep root
, then the newline is preserved. So I'm not sure what exactly the problem is. There is a user option for ps, but it does not work with aux, ps --user root
. You can ps ax --user root
, but I'm not sure if this output is what you want.
Btw if you grep, then I recommend using ^user
, so it only matches the beginning of each line (the actual username), as ps aux | \grep ^root
(notice the backslash). Do you have an alias for grep? Try \grep
instead. The backslash in front of the command will use the actual command and ignore your alias.
ps aux | tr '\n' '\0' | \grep --null-data ^root | tr '\0' '\n'
what do you mean the output doesnt keep the LF? what LF?
ps also has -u and -U switches to filter by users
outputs a newline after every entry. What are you trying to accomplish?
Do you have a username that contains a newline character? If so… why?!
Kinda hard to encode it in /etc/passwd
, which separates entries with newlines and fields of an entry with colons.
Of course, you can activate some alternative user database in /etc/nsswitch.conf
and then you can have your usernames with newlines in them, but at least half of the tools on your system that process usernames will take that personally…
I'm not really sure what it is you're asking for here. As another commenter said, ps
outputs a list of newline separated entries (using \n
, the standard LF character). I even ran some sanity checks to make sure it wasn't using \r\n
(CR LF) with the following:
$ ps aux | grep $USER | tr -cd "\n" | wc -m
$ ps aux | grep $USER | tr -cd "\r" | wc -m
The output of
ps aux | grep $USER
is consistent with the formatting of ps aux
. I also found that ps aux | grep $USER
was consistent with ps -fp $(pgrep -d, -u $USER)
except that ps -fp $(pgrep -d, -u $USER)
), does not show the processes related to the command (entries of ps aux
and grep --color=auto $USER
), and does not show grep's keyword matching by highlighting all matches within a line. It is otherwise completely identical.Can you provide the output that you are getting that is unsatisfactory to you? I don't think I can otherwise understand where the issue is.
Osmakligt av Dadgostar med Kamala Harris-keps. Nooshi Dadgostar poserade på Instagram med en Kamala Harris-keps. Det är djup osmakligt med tanke på USA:s stöd för folkmordet i Gaza såväl som deras stöd till angreppet på och invasionen av Libanon.
Kvotråden för Nordatlanten innebär en minskning för makrill och kolmule (blåvitling). Internationella havsforskningsrådet (ICES) har presenterat sitt kvotråd för norsk vårlekande sill (NVG-sill), kolmule, makrill och västlig hästmakrill (taggmakrill) för 2025. Brist på internationella överenskommelser och fiske över ICES råd, dvs mer än vad som anses hållbart, är ett problem både för makrill, NVG-sill och kolmule.
Mozilla's massive lapse in judgement causes clash with uBlock Origin developer
Mozilla's massive lapse in judgement causes clash with uBlock Origin developer - gHacks Tech News
Mozilla has removed uBlock Origin Lite from Firefox's addon store after a review found issues with the extension.Martin Brinkmann (Ghacks Technology News)
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willismcpherson and ShaunaTheDead like this.
They made an error and quickly corrected. It's the addon author who threw a fit and removed the addon.
This just makes me worried to rely on uBO but more because what if the author just fucks off because someone else pissed them off.
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TVA likes this.
It would seem that the ubo lite version was made specifically to cater to chrome and manifest v3 if I'm not mistaken...
In the end the author may have just felt it was too much energy keeping a pared down chrome version on Firefox when the full version is present and working. Especially after this particular drama.
A mid range phone, that doesnt feel like a mid range phone. My previous phone was Oneplus 6. Nothing 2a feels like how Oneplus 6 felt right at the beginning, at 30% lower a price. I'm loving the face down light only notifications, and the gesture navigation. Gestures means i can use my one thumb to scroll back and forth easily.
Performance wise they should be identical, what matters is how many lists you have enabled, etc. If anything, performance-focused list management will result in more performance with ordinary uBO. Either way, gothill is a legend
Edit: I'm wrong, apparently Lite can be faster on android after all
As the article says, only when it blew up. But you're right, the author doesn't look good either.
More honestly, I enjoy a good conspiracy theory with my coffee.
As the article says, only when it blew up.
The article also seems to say that he didn't bother to disprove the mistaken findings and so Mozilla might've not even heard anything back until it blew up. The whole thing seems to have happened pretty quickly.
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Aatube likes this.
Mozilla can't be trusted to host the addon, so the author is taking on the responsibility of hosting it himself. How is that his fault and not Mozilla's?
Whether Mozilla acted out of malice or incompetence is irrelevant. The report was false and the findings were incorrect, they have to be held responsible either way.
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TVA likes this.
Promises from a for-profit company don't mean shit. How many times have you seen the "we've heard you and we'll do better next time" routine, only for next time to be the same or worse? They'd promise you the pissing Sun if it meant more dollar signs.
They're empty words. No company will put out a statement saying "we fucked up, we're sorry, it's going to happen again". Until Mozilla can prove through actions that the issue is fixed, Hill is correct in distrusting them.
This is such a storm in a teacup. Someone making the manual checks at Mozilla fucked up and the situation was quickly admitted. I don't know what else to wish, other than that the failure wouldn't have happened in the first place. Sucks that it did. Now what sucks is that gorhill doesn't want to do put it back but it is what it is, luckily it was just the Lite version.
While I like a juicy conspiracy and fuck the sytsems and all, I don't think they were lying when they said that they'd put the addon back if gorhill just resubmitted it.
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Aatube likes this.
How is that his fault and not Mozilla’s?
Mozilla ruptured the relationship with bad judgment. Which is important when you're deciding to invest a lot of effort into something.
This just makes me worried to rely on uBO but more because what if the author just fucks off because someone else pissed them off.
That is very concerning to me, also.
Large parts of the internet relying on one or two tiny one-man FOSS projects? (UBO and ADguard are often cited as the only two reliable-ish and safe adblockers)
If he can't be bothered with that nonsense, how secure is UBO's future? How secure is the future of adblocking?
I would bet that advertising companies are rubbing their hands now and planning to ramp up pressure against these poor devs.
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TVA likes this.
I know looking at it from the outside can look like throwing a fit, but as a software dev I can assure you our professional life is a constellation of papercuts and stumbling blocks on the best days. It is a fun job in many ways but it’s by its nature extremely frustrating at times. For professionals, the inherent frustrations are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, the rest of the iceberg being induced frustrations due to work environment causes of various nature, and a lot of devs who also develop stuff in their own free time do it to regain a sense of purpose and control.
If these kinda hiccups keep happening even outside the day job of a developer, it is absolutely understandable that the reaction is simply to cut the bullshit rather than grabbing yet another shovel to shovel away the shit you’ve been covered with this time.
Ultimately, the cost benefit analysis for keeping uBOL hosted on mozilla’s platform became skewed on the cost side and the additional expense is not one that gorhill can or wants to afford.
So, yeah, it’s not a hissy fit.
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DarkenLM likes this.
I don’t think throwing a fit and it being a hissy fit are the same thing.
~~the things people will debate online~~
edit: I beefed it on this one. They were being normal and I misunderstood. Note to self to think before typing in the future.
Throwing a fit can mean getting angry. It being a hissy fit would mean the cause was something childish and not serious.
I'm not trying to debate it, if you look I'm the one who originally wrote the comment so I'm trying to explain what I meant.
then someone with much more talent can step up, rename the plugin, and carry on.
The challenge is choosing the next maintainer user handle.
It’s probably a coincidence that shortly after Mozilla acquires an ad company, they “accidentally” remove an ad blocker.
I mean I'm of two minds here. One, there's an epidemic of intellectually lazy, kneejerk Mozilla hate and it's time to turn the tide on that.
But on the other hand, even as a Mozilla fanboy I can see how this is a really bad look, and really indefensible. I think it's more of a huge error of judgment, and if there are other huge errors, I can begin to see a problem, but I think they have too much of a positive track record in their history to just go reaching for the tinfoil hats so quickly.
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TVA likes this.
I honestly see no purpose in
It's to circumvent ManifestV3.
I thought that was the shit Chrome was doing to block adblockers and antimalware plugins, if Firefox is doing the same thing what browser do we use now?
I don't care about all the browser wars stuff, I lost interest when it was Netscape Vs IE, I just want a browser that I can configure fully myself and have it be as safe and secure as one can make it, within reason.
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TVA likes this.
That poor dev is just getting so much shit thrown their way constantly having a short temper about it makes sense. They are fighting against an entire industry to make the internet usable for people. I hope everyone who has the means to donates to support the ~~developer~~
Edit: donate to block list maintainers thanks to lemmyvore below for the correction
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DarkenLM likes this.
The original ublock origin is unaffected
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TVA likes this.
Whatever comes after uBO will never be like the same old thing, but we just keep on going forward and fondly remember the nice things we used to have, thanking those that worked tirelessly so we could enjoy those nice things.
The discourse about Mozilla is ridiculous, here and most everywhere. You've got people taking every perceived opportunity to attack them for things they do, things they didn't do, and things it's imagined they might've done. And then another crowd of equally determined people doggedly defending them for every idiotic blunder they make, such as this one.
Meanwhile Mozilla itself has nothing substantial to say. This is not the first time a prominent extension has mysteriously gone missing from amo with Mozilla telling us nothing about its role in the incident. needs to be in the discussion giving us a real explanation of what happened, why they got it wrong, and what they're doing to improve things.
The best I can think of is that the explainer language used to justify the extension's removal was just boilerplate language that got copy+pasted here because someone clicked the wrong button. But even that makes a mockery of the review process.
I think "oops clicked wrong button" would be slightly more defensible, but not by much. If they truly rejected the extension for content in it that it does not have, it's hard to see how a human could make that mistake even accidentally. But maybe there's something I'm missing.
Yep, which further highlights the problem: 🔗…
We’ve made the hard decision to end our experiment with and will shut down the Mastodon instance on December 17, 2024. Thank you for being part of the community and providing feedback during our closed beta. You can continue to use until December 17. Before that date, you can download your data here (, and migrate your account to another instance following these instructions (…).
Mozilla Social FAQ | Firefox Help will shut down on Dec 17, 2024. Download your data and migrate before
There's a dozen Firefox extensions that really matter, at any given time. Mozilla has never appeared to give a particular shit about any of them. Paying special attention based on popularity wouldn't be ideal, but for fuck's sake, their passive-aggressive treatment keeps burning out the developers who fuel their ecosystem, and it would take vanishingly little effort to shield their keystone plugins.
If their active neglect had ruined both uBlock and DownThemAll - I'm not sure I'd be using Firefox anymore, and I've been using Firefox since before it was called Firefox. Why the fuck would anyone normal even consider it?
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
It was a manual review conducted by an actual person that in the end admitted they were wrong
Good to know! I wasn't sure if it was automated or not. That's rough.
I thought that was the shit Chrome was doing to block adblockers and antimalware plugins, if Firefox is doing the same thing what browser do we use now?
They're doing a modified version of V3 that they changed to restore ad-blocking functionality.
then someone with much more talent can step up, rename the plugin, and carry on.
The challenge is choosing the next maintainer user handle.…
Good choice?
Agreed. Especially considering uBlock origin is pretty much the main reason to use FF at all. They shouldn't be delegating reviews of it to someone who would fuck up this badly.
Assuming this wasn't a "test the waters" kind of thing to determine just how much they were reliant on ublock.
I've been using the main FF build for a while now but I'm wondering if I should start looking at the various fork options.
I dont get why you would run that on Firefox. Users will find the corrent one, all good.
Btw is the uBlock without Origin addon still there?
This one is completely on Mozilla. TBH I'm not very happy with their governance either. Stop spending money on bullshit and start working on the damn browser. Stop hassling devs like him who have had an immense contribution to not only open source, but your fucking browser's usage metrics.
I wish another browser standard comes up and we can say goodbye to this google-infested shit-bucket that is mozilla.
Ok, but "google-infested shit-buckets" are also Chrome and all the chromium poop cups, even more so one might say.
Not disagreeing, especially with the sad sentiment of what's happening at Mozilla, just trying to keep in mind the other 95% of the browser picture.
I'd love a legit third choice (again)!
And he just leaves them hanging.
I'm referring to the users asking the questions.
To be fair it's been less than a day, one of the great things about internet messaging is how asynchronous it can be, it's great for calming anxieties about needing to come up with a reply immediately like if you're on the phone or something x.x
You're right though, I don't reply to things often enough, partly because I'm very sick with COVID at the moment but also a lot of it is my social anxiety and fear of rejection.
I get so scared of what people might say that I avoid looking at the replies, even when I initially reach out because I want to interact with people and form connections ><
It's one of my big problems that I need to overcome, I'm still working out how to tackle it, but I do know it's a problem, and it's mine to solve.
Alas I can't afford things like therapy, so I just have to stumble around trying to figure my ADHD, possibly autistic (wish I could get seen for a diagnosis...), anxious, dumb ass brain out 😅
I'm sorry in the mean time for being a bit annoying, I don't mean to be on purpose
Your username vintage balls reminded me of those little rubber balls we used to get at kids, I don't see them any more (maybe they're seen as too much of a choking hazard now?), so they feel kinda "vintage" to me now haha.
Those things could really bounce! I liked the semi translucent ones with the rainbow swirl patterns.
There is fairly substantial rumor that there may be a smear campaign against firefox lately because they are still supporting manifest v2, which our owning class does not care for.
Mozilla has made their fair share of stupid decisions lately, but they are still leagues ahead of Google, Amazon, and the other FAANG-type companies in ethics and trustworthiness. Definitely something to keep a pulse on, but nothing to throw the baby out with the bathwater over. And if it really bothers you, use LibreWolf/Fennec.
I'm not the best guy to ask for sensitive responses, but try to take my blunt and possibly obnoxious response in a positive light.
There are a lot of people saying terrible things on the internet, to the point where only the more aggregious ones stand out. Most things will be ignored or forgotten by most people, whether they were good or bad, but I appreciated this post, and you for putting it out there.
I was trying to make a lewdly suggestive comment about vintage balls leaving them hanging. Apparently it wasn't done very well, but it did have unintended and appreciated consequences.
Ahh, old hanging balls, gotchya xD
Yeah the medium of text can be tricky to convey meaning sometimes, I'm a pretty sarcastic person (gotta love using humour to cope with every situation, so healthy...) with a very deadpan kinda delivery on a lot of it, so I often find myself wondering if my intent came across well over text. Tricky indeed.
Anyway you're cool, and thanks for taking the time to reply so thoughtfully
Now, I'm going to go back to being drenched in a cold sweat! It seems that's today's COVID symptom roulette wheel choice! 💦☉_☉💦
Switch emulator Ryujinx shuts down development after “contact by Nintendo”
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fistac0rpse and willismcpherson like this.
The author was bullied by Nintendo into voluntarily removing the repos, it wasn't DMCA'd.
GitHub had nothing to do with this one. And just like with Yuzu, plenty of people have uploaded copies of the repo already, thanks to git's decentralized nature where everyone have a full copy of the entire history.
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jherazob and fistac0rpse like this.
Git itself isn't decentralized is about people copying it and sometimes mirroring it.
Anyway it is a good habit to avoid github entirely (when hosting a repo).
Git itself isn't decentralized is about people copying it and sometimes mirroring it.
Not sure what you mean. My understanding is that git itself is decentralized insofar as each clone can develop its own history without ever needing to push to the origin, but that what OP is referring to is actually the “distributed” nature of git, where i.e. it’s easy to copy the entire history of an instance.
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dhhyfddehhfyy4673, jherazob, Sickday and fistac0rpse like this.
What version control software in particular do you find better than git?
Your point about users often managing git projects via centralization is taken and valid. I was just pointing out that you don’t have to use git that way - different clones can separately develop their own features - so the earlier claim someone made that “git isn’t decentralized” is still wrong, imo.
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dhhyfddehhfyy4673 and Sickday like this.
Git is distributed but still centralized. D in DVCS is distributed. Downvoters likely have never used a non-Git VCS, let alone a non-snapshot-based VCS. But fanboys will fanboy.
Pijul & Darcs are based on Patch Theory which make the conflicts of different patch order a non-issue so long as the apply cleanly (such as working on different ports of the code base). Patch A then patch B ≡ patch B then patch A; this will be a needless merge conflict in Git since the order matters. (& no, Jujutsu isn’t the solution still shackled to the limitations of Git as a back-end while claiming to do what Pijul does—but doesn’t).
I think downvoters are just expressing disagreement with your opinion. Personally I don’t hate git but I wouldn’t call myself a “fanboy” either - I just don’t think “distributed” has to be mutually exclusive from “decentralized”, which is a term not rigorously defined in this context anyway.
But thanks for informing me about patch theory, that’s something I’ll probably make a small hobby out of studying.
what OP is referring to is actually the “distributed” nature of git, where i.e. it’s easy to copy the entire history of an instance.
Exactly. Isn't decentralized itself since it's not a platform but by being "indipendent" and not entangled with anything you can just copy it entirely and host it somewhere else.
Isn't decentralized itself since it's not a platform
I think I see your definition of “decentralized” a little better now, if you only want to apply it to platforms.
I think your definition may be too strict, and that “decentralized” and “distributed don’t have to be mutually exclusive, but eh, that’s just my take.
I think if syncing of (at least) upstream histories between clones was done automatically, they might consider that more in-line with their definition of decentralized.
Also kudos to both of you for communicating your differences properly without resorting to arguments.
I feel like so much of the arguing and trolling nowadays is simply due to a difference in subjective definitions and people not being able to calmly communicate that with each other.
100% agree, when I see something I disagree with on its face I try to default to “I probably don’t get something they’re saying, given that it’s only a couple sentences of written word, and a different person’s brain who wrote them”.
It always makes for more useful conversation than defaulting to “ha what a dumbass”
Anyway it is a good habit to avoid github entirely ~~(when hosting a repo)~~.
Yes but no, because I don't want to not interact with a repo at all just because it's on github for whatever reason (if there's one).
But yes, I understand your feelings. Fuck M$
I mean, that's been obvious since Microsoft bought it.
But this is really more about how emulator devs ought to accept that Nintendo is going to try to persecute them and start keeping themselves anonymous to avoid being ruined by lawsuits, even though what they're doing is neither illegal nor unethical.
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Sickday and fistac0rpse like this.
Yeeeah, Nintendo sucks.
And it sucks that, despite this not killing the distribution of Yuzu or Ryujinx forks it does make them less safe and reliable for users, as well as hindering ongoing development.
Ultimately, though, Nintendo is acting within their rights. Which is not an endorsement, it's proof that modern copyright frameworks are broken and unfit for purpose in an online world. We need a refoundation of IP. Not to make everything freely accessible, necessarily, but to make it make sense online instead of having to rely on voluntary non-enforcement. I don't care if it's Youtube or emulation development, you should know if your project is legal and safe before you have lawyers showing up at your door with offers you can't refuse.
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fistac0rpse likes this.
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jherazob and fistac0rpse like this.
They are absolutely within their rights to approach the developers of Ryujinx and threaten to sue them. Based on how things have worked so far they'd lose, and I agreee with you that the inequality in that interaction is terrible and should be addressed.
On the Yuzu scenario it's more relevant, because of the specific proprietary elements found in the emulator.
And then there's Nintendo targeting emulation-based handhelds and streamers for featuring emulated footage of their first party games on Youtube videos, which falls directly under the mess that is copyright enforcement under Youtube and other social platforms.
In all of those cases, a clearer, more rules-based organization of IP that explicitly covers these scenarios would have helped people defend against Nintendo's overreach, or at least have a clearer picture of what they can do about it. We can't go on forever relying on custom, subjective judicial interpretation and non-enforcement. We're way overdue on a rules-based agreement of what can and can't be done with media online.
The worst part is... we kinda know. There is a custom-based baseline for it we've slowly acquired over time. It's just not properly codified, it exists in EULAs and unspoken, unenforceable practices. It's an amazing gap in what is a ridiculously massive cultural and economic segment. It's crazy that we're running on "do you feel lucky?" when it comes to deciding if a corporation claiming you can't do a thing on the Internet that involves media. We need to know what we're allowed to do so we can say "no" when predatory corporations like Nintendo show up to enforce rights they don't have or shouldn't have.
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fistac0rpse likes this.
You're incorrect. Creating an emulator is not illegal. Nintendo has the legal right to threaten to sue someone, but if you are threatening to sue for something that is not a crime, and you know that, and you do it anyway in the hopes of bankrupting them before the case settles, that's not a legal proceeding, it's extortion. I can threaten to sue you for cooking pancakes in your house, and while it's technically ALLOWED for me to do that, it's clearly and obviously not a case I would win, but if the threat of making your life hell is prominent enough, you might get forced into backing down, which is exactly what's happening here.
They would absolutely NOT lose in court for creating an emulator. I cannot stress enough exactly how legal emulation is. It's as legal as making your pancakes. The only way they would lose in court is if there is some EXTRA thing they've done that we don't know about. If all they've done is create and distribute Ryujinx, there is absolutely NO way Nintendo would win a case in the US. This is settled law, and saying it isn't doesn't make it so, although it DOES embolden companies to bullshit developers with more bogus threats in the future.
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jherazob likes this.
I did not claim that creating an emulator is illegal. You don't sue people for a crime, either. "Illegal" and "criminal" are different concepts, and making an emulator without tapping into proprietary assets is neither.
We don't know what Nintendo used to threaten Ryujinx, so we don't know how likely it is that they would have won. We do know the Yuzu guys messed up and gave them a better shot than in the other times they have failed at this exact play.
You are very mad at an argument nobody is making.
Perhaps. But I see a lot of hand rubbing and "oh welling" from people when this is a legitimate moment for anger at the precedence this sets. I understand the urge to make it make sense, but the fact is people either tacitly accepting this activity as reasonable or arguing about the red herring of whether the source code is still available to sit and rot with nobody touching it but shady scam artists, not only moves the bar on what what Nintendo and other companies see they can get away with, it has a chilling effect on future preservation efforts among the constantly shrinking pool of people skilled enough in low level development to do this kind of work.
I guess my point is, I'm seeing very few voices that are sufficiently concerned or angry enough about this event considering the far reaching consequences it's going to have.
We shouldn't in ANY way be normalizing this activity, and our reaction shouldn't be "Of COURSE they did this." Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised after we just watched Boeing murder a half dozen of its whistleblowers and the most people did was make a few memes. We're living in a literal dystopia, apparently.
Well, there are a couple of caveats to that. One is that it's far from the first time an emulator has been taken down for similar reasons and it's historically been pretty ineffective in the grand scheme, especially when alternative forks are available. "Far reaching consequences" is a bit of an overstatement, at least for those of us that went down into the Bleem! mines back in the day. There is a chance that you may be connecting things that aren't that directly connected here.
The second is that you're still misrepresenting people not acting out their annoyance the way you'd like with people not being annoyed. I'm not here defending Nintendo, this sucks. I'm here saying that I don't want to shame Nintendo into the same awkward gray area Google as an intermediary and every other IP holder currently inhabits, I want actually effective regulation that protects legitimate content creators from IP abuse, including from predatory corporations. You are looking to perform outrage in a room of like-minded people, and I get that you want to vent, but it's not particularly useful to get mad at people that agree with you for not being in your same emotional level while they do.
He never said that creating an emulator was illegal. He said that Nintendo is legally in the clear to do what they did. In Yuzu's case, Nintendo sued and both parties settled, and they reached an "agreement" with Ryujinx to take down its emulator.
As far as I'm aware, the Yuzu case isn't settled law as it calls into question whether the use of dumped keys to "bypass" copy protections is legal under the DMCA. This question isn't about emulation, even if it's a step required for emulation to be possible.
Since there are many issues with copyright law right now, corporations have a free pass to bully people in a multitude of ways, and the Yuzu lawsuit and Ryujinx "agreement" are just new ways of doing the same thing. All OP is saying is that lawmakers need to re-create copyright and IP laws to make them more fair and make sense so that content creators and/or homebrew devs and/or fangame creators and/or emulator devs can do their work with a far less shaky legal foundation.
And Elon Musk was "legally in the clear" to sue a trade group into non-existence over the idea that companies deciding to boycott his site independently was collusion.
I am objecting loudly and powerfully to "legally in the clear" being equated with "acceptable" or "within the spirit of the law."
Make no mistake. As far as we know, this is only legally in the clear because the developers are unable to fight it. That does NOT make Nintendo's action correct. By LAW the developers are in the right, they simply cannot afford to defend themselves. If your claim is that it is technically legal to threaten to sue anybody you want, you are correct and also terrifyingly shortsighted. Inability of someone to defend their rights for financial reasons is a miscarriage of justice. Given the options of smugly pointing out the technical situation or ranting about the injustice, I'll take the latter.
Let's put it another way... You're absolutely right. Nintendo is LEGALLY in the right to bully someone into submission using the threat of a lawsuit they cannot afford with overwhelming money. The legal system can't touch them.
But that means the ONLY place where Nintendo will EVER face ANY kind of consequences is in the court of public opinion, so why on EARTH would your take on the situation be, "Oh well... nothing we can do." It's not much, but it's the ONLY lever you have, and to relinquish it is fatalistic, shortsighted, and overall inconceivable as a strategy.
Where did I say "oh well, nothing we can do?" You're literally tying random arguments to my name.
Nobody here made the argument that what is legal is exactly what is fair. Nobody here made the argument that Nintendo being overly litigious is a good thing. The only argument made is that copyright law is flawed because companies abuse it and that lawmakers need to fix it.
You've said that, but this doesn't seem to be a copyright issue. As far as I know, Ryujinx used NONE of Nintendo's proprietary material whatsoever. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
What I'm seeing isn't an IP issue at all - it's simple strong-arming.
The initial argument that started all of this chain was a statement that Nintendo was understandable in their legal action, and I took and STILL take issue with that.
"They are absolutely within their rights to approach the developers of Ryujinx and threaten to sue them."
While this is TECHNICALLY true in the most literal sense of the word, it carries the implication that there is something justifiable at some level about the actions they've taken.
My response is it's correct in only the most pedantic sense, THIS is the element I find egregious for how much it understates just how disgusting Nintendo's actions are. This is nothing more than a mafia shakedown with lawyers instead of grunts, and to play it down like that is improper.
IP, copyright, shutting down streamers... all of this is a totally separate issue, and all of THAT activity is actually SUPPORTED by law.
Shutting down Ryujinx is on a massively different level. It's neither a copyright issue OR a legality issue. It's a direct strong-arming contrary to established law, and THAT is what this thread is about. There are other articles to discuss IP and content creators, which are a completely different issue with different repercussions.
This kind of thing often has the opposite of the intended effect. People then host mirrors of the original repo, and the press brings more developers to the project.
This sort of action by Nintendo and other companies is so short sighted. Bad press, a legal battle they couldn't actually win if it went to court, increased attention on the thing they're trying to hinder, etc. Its a stupid decision made by business people who don't know anything about tech, and who are disincentivized to care about the long term health of their brand.
I litterally had not heard of the emulator until now. Maybe I'll have to compile it and give it a spin now.
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Bad press, a legal battle they couldn't actually win if it went to court
Those two seem like a stretch.
Emulation and emulators aren't illegal. Yuzu for example got in trouble mostly for distributing tools for circumventing copy protection and dumping roms and not for the emulator itself.
But it doesn't really matter as nobody has money to defend themselves against something like Nintendo. Here just even the threat of it was enough to get the Ryujinx devs to fold just in case.
This is clearly bad press, everyone reading this gets negative thoughts about Nintendo. We are all talking about how bad they are RIGHT NOW.
Nintendo would absolutely lose that legal battle. It's well established that emulation is not a crime and nor is the development of emulators.
You already had negative thoughts about does that count? Most people won't even see I don't think it's much bad press.
As for legal battles...being sued is not really about committing can lose legal battles while not doing anything illegal. I think Nintendo would likely win from simply pushing the devs into bankruptcy...
Maybe...I think this is not even noise for most people.
As much as I disagree with what their doing, Nintendo content is vastly superior to other consoles/ I'm forced to stick with them.
Here is HurricanePootis pinned comment in the AUR.
So, I am going to pin this post.For now, I am pointing this package to as it has tags, which is useful for this package.
I am against deleting this package, as with yuzu and citra, forks will arise and then these packages will be resurrected (sometimes by less skilled maintainers cough cough citra). Therefore, I am going to keep an eye out to see where Ryujinx development goes, and go on from there.
This does not apply to difficult projects like emulators.
E.g. suyu, a yuzu fork, does not seem to get much development. Most of the changes are build or documentation related.
[1]Those emulators will work fine for the currently supported games, but without new competent people (trying to stay anonymous), I don't see how these emulators will improve.
Wait! So the author bows his head, says hey great guys u win. Watch i complied.
Leans over to the stranger sitting next to him and says, hold my beer.
In the same heartbeat, creates another git acnt, exact same commit history. And carries on. Some other author, totally not the same guy but oddly the same pgp public key announces they've taken over and here are the new urls.
i call that mission accomplished
this comment thread is like fight Money Mcbags and go bankrupt for our entertainment and for the LOLs and feelz good?
Or we can just post the new urls and pretend it's a new maintainer, with the handle lawyerdisappointed
IANAL, but from what I read regarding Yuzu / the title and prod keys / etc., is Nintendo's argument is three-fold -- the only way to obtain those keys is to use a tool that itself is a violation of the DMCA, use of those keys by an emulator to decrypt Nintendo's protected content in a method outside of Nintendo's authorized use is a violation of DMCA even if the keys aren't provided in the emulator, and there is no legitimate use of those keys except to circumvent controls intended to protect copyright.
Therefore, by their argument, any emulator that can use those keys would effectively be subject to DMCA even if you had to bring your own keys, because unless the emulator only ran homebrew or completely decrypted content and had absolutely no decryption capabilities, you'd still be using the prod keys and title keys to decrypt content in violation of the DMCA in order to execute it. So, the tool that dumps the keys is a DMCA violation and any emulator that uses those keys to decrypt protected content in order to execute it is a DMCA violation, and Nintendo has a strong case that the actual keys themselves are only useful for making unauthorized copies of content that bypass the encryption that exists to prevent it.
It stands to reason that a clean-room developed Switch emulator that required all content it ran to be decrypted prior to being able to run it may be able to exist without Nintendo shitting it into non-existance, since Nintendo couldn't make any argument that the primary use was a DMCA violation as no encryption would be being bypassed by the emulator. They'd probably then go after whoever made the tool to dump the games, but they'd probably be less successful.
On the other hand, the pragmatist in me says that unless I was 500% sure of my online anonymity, I wouldn't want to pick a fight with Nintendo -- even if I thought I was right. They have enough money to lock someone up in legal battles for a very long time and most independent developers wouldn't have anywhere near the finances required to bankroll appropriate defense counsel. Can't say I'd blame people for not wanting to invite that hellscape into their lives.
Thing is, DMCA doesn't apply all over the world. There are countries where whatever electronic device you buy is actually yours and you're allowed to do whatever you want - including messing with the firmware. Also, I'd argue, the DMCA doesn't apply if you dump the firmware/keys for yourself only without distributing it.
That being said, it's unfortunate that these people are mostly in the US where the party with more money decides when a lawsuit is over and not some sane judge that just throws this case back at Nintendo. But after the stuff with Disney+ and the recent one with Uber, I'm not surprised at all anymore.
Original dev almost certainly not, not if they have their real name which is likely.
Nintendo harasses people with private investigators and likely have a dossier on whoever they targeted that goes beyond just the project. Cheat on your wife? Have a questionable arrangement with your HOA about your garage? It's all ammo against you.
If you start the project intending to be untracable, yes.
Most software devs aren't thinking of that. These things with emulators often start as a hobby.
HVB-hem utbildar kriminella. Det finns ett antal HVB-hem i Sverige som drivs och ägs av personer från kriminella nätverk och gangstergäng. Det är en konsekvens av privatiseringen av vården och hur den har genomförts.
Airborne Plastic Chemical Levels Shock Researchers
Airborne plastic chemical levels shock researchers
Southern Californians are chronically being exposed to toxic airborne chemicals called plasticizers, including one that’s been banned from children’s items and beauty products.News
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Plasticizers are chemical compounds that make materials more flexible.
“No matter who you are, or where you are, your daily level of exposure to these plasticizer chemicals is high and persistent,” Volz said. “They are ubiquitous.”
Well, at least all the microplastics invading my brain are staying nice and flexible...
- Plastic is a good insulater
- plastic is a safer material
- plastic is more cost effective for necessary single-use objects like syringes and other medical equipment.
- plastic is more malleable, easier to mould and twist into useful shapes
Wider use of plastic pre-dates "wars for oil" and metal and timber are commodities that imperialists want to control just as much. They just have better control over those than they do oil right now.
Capitalism results in just as much human misery with regards wood, metal and glass production as it does plastic. There's no ethical consumption under capitalism because there's no ethical production under capitalism.
Google Japan makes a neat-but-useless keyboard every October 1st.…
There's a super long one, one that's a cup, one that's a hat, and one that's a spoon.
Probably more that I'm not remembering.
Yeah, it dates back to 1949. Shortly after the sino-japanese war on the 1st of October 1949 the CCP announced the creation of the People's republic of china.
The Japanese were all like, LOL, that's our empire why do you say it's a country and it became tradition to make outlandish jokes on the 1st of October. So to this day when the PRC celebrate their national day Japan celebrate jokes day (冗談の日).
Also I made that shit up.
What the fuck is this? I hate it. I hate this thing that Google made.
Lol... I'm sorry. It's just... I hate everything Google makes these days. They make everything worse in 2024, and that's not a change over the last 5-10 years.
Got a "Perform MOK management" screen while trying to boot Linux Mint without Secure Boot with UEFI, what does it mean?
Update to this post. Please read it before commenting!
So I ended up following instructions I found online and disabled secure boot in my BIOS and then tried to boot Linux Mint (version 21.2, Cinnamon Edition) with UEFI OS. However, as soon as I did that, i got a "Perform MOK management" screen that said the following:
Continue boot Enroll MOK Enroll key from disk Enroll hash from disk
Can anyone tell me what this means and what I should do? Do keep in mind I'm a total newbie when it comes to Linux. Thanks in advance!
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Tech Cyborg reshared this.
For Secure Boot, the kernel is "signed" with a key. During boot up, Secure Boot checks to make sure that key is valid. Most kernels are signed with Microsoft's key that is preloaded on basically every system. However, not all kernels can be signed with Microsoft's key; if you install a proprietary driver (which you likely selected to during the setup), to continue using secure boot you need to sign the kernel using your own key.
That's what MOK management is for. You are adding your own key to your system to use for Secure Boot.
Personally, I just disable Secure Boot. While it does have some security benefits, it's not worth the headache IMO.
Continue boot
, install Mint and then reenable Secure Boot after I'm done installing?
Sveriges minst antisemitiska parti - Svenssons Nyheter
Forum för Levande Historia (FFLH) gjorde 2020 en undersökning av antisemitism i svenska partier. Det visade sig tydligt att vänsterpartiet var och är det minst antisemitiska partiet av alla partier. Vänsterpartiet är Sveriges minst antisemitiska parti.
Forum för Levande Historia (FFLH) gjorde 2020 en undersökning av antisemitism i svenska partier. Det visade sig tydligt att vänsterpartiet var och är det minst antisemitiska partiet av alla partier. Vänsterpartiet är Sveriges minst antisemitiska…
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This isn't just symptomatic treatment, according to the article:
The growth of the most aggressive and deadly brain cancer, glioblastoma, was effectively suppressed in both ex vivo human tissue samples and in living mice by an FDA approved serotonin modulator currently used to treat major depression.
This medication doesn't shrink the cancer, but it does slow down its growth.
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Trying to set up a VLAN to play with friends
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Tech Cyborg reshared this.
If you’d like a GUI, use Trayscale with it.
The Linux version does not provide a GUI on its own, but still makes it super easy to login and manage
With VLANs, you can separate traffic that goes over the same physical wire.
With a VPN, on the other hand, you can connect devices from anywhere on the planet, as if they were in the same LAN, which bypasses firewalls, NAT and all that crap. Presumably, you want a VPN.
A VPN is what you want, not VLANS that is used to segment parts of the local network. not to get your friends in too your local network.
A simple and easy to use solution is wireguard easy.
On the importance of F-Droid, an Android app store
On the Importance of F-Droid
F-Droid is an app store for Android where only open source applications are available for free. It provides an alternative to the proprietary Google Play Store, which is where most Android app distribution currently takes
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On the importance of F-Droid, an Android app store
On the Importance of F-Droid
F-Droid is an app store for Android where only open source applications are available for free. It provides an alternative to the proprietary Google Play Store, which is where most Android app distribution currently takes
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Tech Cyborg reshared this.
I'll be "that guy":
F-Droid is a software repository, not an app store. The distinction is subtle but important. A software repository offers a community-curated collection of software packages whereas an app store is just a marketplace for software developers to offer products to end-users. A software repository serves the interests of its community first, whereas an app store is merely a means for developers to sell products to end-users.
Agenda Prep for October WG Meeting
Agenda preparation for the October ForumWG meeting can be found at this public link (anyone can make comments for review.)
Monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month, at 1700 to 1800 UTC. You can find them listed in the SocialCG Calendar. The next meeting will be held on 3 October 2024.
We will be continuing onwards with discussions regarding context resolution. Multiple FEPs touch on the subject and there is an opportunity for potential convergence towards a single (or pair) of FEPs that share enough commonalities to allow for interoperability.
As always — time permitting — if you'd like to speak or inquire about a certain topic, comment in the agenda or reply here, the floor is open!
Fediverse Report reshared this.
Re: Agenda Prep for October WG Meeting just added an open floor item for tomorrow's WG meeting to discuss Harvard's Applied Social Media Lab (
Looking forward to it!
Re: Agenda Prep for October WG Meeting
*ForumWG meeting in ~40 minutes**
Just a heads up that the monthly ForumWG meeting is happening soon!
Join at this link:
GnuPG / GPG how create an EdDSA key !? [ SOLVED ]
I've seen some tutorial to create EdDSA key with Gnupg
gpg --full-gen-key
and it's supposed to allow me to create ECC key, but I see only
Please select what kind of key you want:\
(1) RSA and RSA (default)\
(2) DSA and Elgamal\
(3) DSA (sign only)\
(4) RSA (sign only)\
(14) Existing key from card\
Your selection?\
gpg --version
gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.27\
Supported algorithms:\
Any idea what's wrong ?
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Tech Cyborg reshared this.
I remember on some distros I had to add --expert
, never checked why. Maybe was an old version.
gpg --expert --full-gen-key
Thank you !
it works !
Please select what kind of key you want:\
(1) RSA and RSA (default)\
(2) DSA and Elgamal\
(3) DSA (sign only)\
(4) RSA (sign only)\
(7) DSA (set your own capabilities)\
(8) RSA (set your own capabilities)\
(9) ECC and ECC\
(10) ECC (sign only)\
(11) ECC (set your own capabilities)\
(13) Existing key\
(14) Existing key from card\
I'm wondering whats is the option: (9) ECC and ECC ??
I found nothing in their documentation :/
~~8096 bit is safer long term as it should remain uncrackable for a longer time.~~
I was thinking you were talking about 2048
Isn't it the default?
Edit: I was mixing up 2048 with 4096
I had the same issue so wrote this down when I figured it out
Generate ultimate key
gpg2 --quick-generate-key ed25519 default 0
Add sub key
gpg2 --quick-add-key <FINGERPRINT> ed25519
List keys in long format
gpg2 --list-keys --with-subkey-fingerprint --keyid-format long
Shetlands stora fiskeriföretag, LHD Ltd, är framförallt ett företag som har managemnetansvar för ett stor antal fiskebåtar. Det betyder att de sköter ekonomin, bemanningen, försäljningen av fisken, inköp av utrustnign och bränsle, ansvarar för underhåll och reparationer med mera.
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Azathoth, NoneOfUrBusiness, ShaunaTheDead and NataliaTheDrowned2 like this.
You can see the hexbear calls me a nazi and a settler, and when I ask him why, he confirms that its just because im american with the most insane quote:
If you’re Amerikan, then you live in the bowels of the single most brutal settler-colonial entity to exist in the modern era. “Settling” is not a once-and-done action; it is a constant state as long as you are on settled land.
Seemingly suggesting that all americans are settlers who should settle a different country to atone for the crimes of their forefathers...
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Aatube likes this.
So this was on ! right?
Then why is Dessalines involved as you are a LW user?
Anyway, you might probably want to report this on ! or ! rather than here
Ah, that makes sense. has been known to have a type of administration practices:
Shouting non-credible threats (that, based on the screenshot, I can only assume are ironic in the first place) into the internet void isn't making "terroristic threats". Feeding the trolls and name calling isn't conductive either.
Most of the internet is kids and people with nothing better to do with their lives.
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Aatube likes this.
I disagree, heres how the EU defines terroristic threats:
advocating for and glorifying of violence, is considered incitement and is illegal!
EDIT: sorry I put the hexbears quote in a comment:
Do you have a copy of the actual threat? Because "you are a settler" is stupid but not an actual threat.
I don't know where you got that picture from, I can't find the legal definition for a terroristic threat within the EU. The best I could find is:
For the purposes of this Convention, "public provocation to commit a terorist offence" means the distribution, or otherwise making available, of a message to the public, with the intent to incite the commission of a terrorist offence, where such conduct, whether or not directly committed.
That's just a convention, though, not direct law. The definition by the convention does require proof of intent, which I haven't found about the cringe hexbear user.
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I hope those who resist the nazis you cape for get to put you on pikes, you settler fuck.
I asked him why I'm a settler and he said plainly that its only because I'm American.
If you’re Amerikan, then you live in the bowels of the single most brutal settler-colonial entity to exist in the modern era. “Settling” is not a once-and-done action; it is a constant state as long as you are on settled land.
So this incitement is directed at me but also applies to all Americans.
furthermore I tried to confirm in DMs if he really meant death to all americans and you can see his response on the top here:
EDIT: I got that definition from their PDF…
That screenshot again proves that this person is extremely cringe, presumably a troll, but there's still no threat. At worst that's racism against Americans. Should obviously be removed by moderators from any normal online service that wants to encourage pleasant conversation, but that's not necessarily illegal.
As for the PDF, that's not a legal definition by any kind, it's a quick explainer for a law that only applies to hosting providers receiving complaints from European authorities. So yes, if the Belgian police sent a takedown notice regarding terroristic content then it does apply.
However, that regulation is mere instruction to EU states to draft compliant laws. It's not actionable legislation in itself (similar to the GDPR).
The full text of the Regulation does include this instruction for EU countries, which I haven't seen before:
In order to provide clarity about the actions that both hosting service providers and competent authorities are to take to address the dissemination of terrorist content online, this Regulation should establish a definition of ‘terrorist content’ for preventative purposes, consistent with the definitions of relevant offences under Directive (EU) 2017/541 of the European Parliament and of the Council (6). Given the need to address the most harmful terrorist propaganda online, that definition should cover material that incites or solicits someone to commit, or to contribute to the commission of, terrorist offences, solicits someone to participate in activities of a terrorist group, or glorifies terrorist activities including by disseminating material depicting a terrorist attack. The definition should also include material that provides instruction on the making or use of explosives, firearms or other weapons or noxious or hazardous substances, as well as chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) substances, or on other specific methods or techniques, including the selection of targets, for the purpose of committing or contributing to the commission of terrorist offences. Such material includes text, images, sound recordings and videos, as well as live transmissions of terrorist offences, that cause a danger of further such offences being committed. When assessing whether material constitutes terrorist content within the meaning of this Regulation, competent authorities and hosting service providers should take into account factors such as the nature and wording of statements, the context in which the statements were made and their potential to lead to harmful consequences in respect of the security and safety of persons. The fact that the material was produced by, is attributable to or is disseminated on behalf of a person, group or entity included in the Union list of persons, groups and entities involved in terrorist acts and subject to restrictive measures should constitute an important factor in the assessment.
However, the Regulation also refers to human rights such as freedom of expression. One can be of the opinion that it's better for the USA to stop existing without any plans or support for actual genocide. Someone expressing hate for your country isn't immediately a terrorist.
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Seriously they say the fucking funniest things sometimes tho!
If you’re Amerikan, then you live in the bowels of the single most brutal settler-colonial entity to exist in the modern era. “Settling” is not a once-and-done action; it is a constant state as long as you are on settled land.
whens the last time you heard something that ridiculous!?!
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DarkenLM likes this.
I'm not defending an IDF soldier and they were not proud to do their job, thats pure chinese propaganda.
I'm explaining how its fucked up to hold something someone did under duress when they were 18 over their heads forever.
But you cant see that because the fascists delete anything they cant debate against.
All the Hexbears were saying she should have gone to jail for an nondeterministic amount of time, and be outcast from her family, to prevent being a secretary for an awful regime. shes a victim of propaganda just like the hexbears that arnt collecting a check from china.
anyway I figured theyd say something entertaining as a response, I was not expecting the 'death to all Americans', and I was super not expecting dessalines to sponsor these threats!
That's not just it. She literally hoped she would get an exiting job for the IDF, and said herself, in the following video, that she went on raids "for fun":
Also even if it was propaganda, tf do you mean by "chinese" 😭
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Aatube and Pebble_Clef like this.
Could all of you go outside for a little bit, touch grass, smile at a stranger?
Sometimes I get angry at myself for wasting my time in pointless discussions, but this is next-level wankery. If you know that hexbear is a pig hut, don't come here to complain that you are full of mud and pig shit in your face.
Reported as off-topic.
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Aatube, aasatru, TimeSquirrel and giantpaper like this.
This is kinda on you, you chose to visit hexbear. Just block that instance.
And while you are at it, also block lemygrad.
Remains the question: why the self-flagellation?
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in reply to RobotToaster • • •like this
jherazob and TVA like this.
in reply to RobotToaster • • •I simply can't wrap my head around the thought process behind launching a clusterfuck like this. Y Combinator probably didn't do their due diligence and simply rode the fading AI Bubble, so I can at least understand how the funding might have been approved.
But actively leaving your $250,000+/year job to team up with some questionable choices to basically fork two OS projects, change the discord links and generate an illegal licence for that shit show, all while proudly stating, publicly, "dawg i chatgpt'd the license, anyone is free to use our app for free for whatever they want. if there's a problem with the license just lmk i'll change it. we busy building rn can't be bothered with legal" when they are made aware of the fact.
This is absolutely insane, sounds like someone was about to get fired and decided to use some personal relations and fresh graduates to somehow successfully cash in one last time with absolutely no regard of even the basics. Pretty wild that those guys even managed to figure out how to found a Startup. Probably asked ChatGPT for instructions there, as well.
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jherazob, TVA and celeste like this.
in reply to Emotet • • •It's not the first time. They also backed an obvious scam MMO that promised the world and more, while it was nothing more than an asset flip.
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in reply to rtxn • • •like this
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in reply to menixator • • •Opisek
in reply to TexasDrunk • • •leisesprecher
Unknown parent • • •But they made half a million.
And there are literally hundreds of similar companies raking in billions in investments that magically vanish while the founders live a luxury live and move on.
The real question is: why do VCs shit so much money into obvious frauds? Are they this stupid or do they just hope to pass it on to the greater fool?
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TVA and DarkenLM like this.
in reply to leisesprecher • • •$500,000 is nothing to billionaires, or even people who make hundreds of millions a year. It's a lot to average folks like us, but to them it's the equivalent of going to the casino with money they can afford to blow.
But I do think you're right about passing it on to the greater fool. They bet it'll be the next hot product, regardless if they know it sucks or not. Then some bigger bag of money will come in and buy it up, thinking they'll be able to somehow milk a sustainable profit out of it. You'd think by now that VCs would be smarter about the boom and bust of tech startups, but alas...
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in reply to RobotToaster • • •like this
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in reply to bassomitron • • •NigelFrobisher
in reply to RobotToaster • • •bassomitron
in reply to whatsgoingdom • • •moitoi
in reply to RobotToaster • • •like this
LostXOR likes this.
in reply to moitoi • • •like this
LostXOR likes this.
in reply to TexasDrunk • • •Juice
in reply to TexasDrunk • • •Quantum computing. It might be a real thing but it'll go through a grift phase first.
Another one will be environmental carbon capture, like pulling carbon out of the atmosphere. This one would be easier to fake but might not get traction for longer since the ideological superstructure in our society is already built up so that it is hard for a political crisis to emerge due to global climate concerns. Even though climate change is worsening, and whole cities are being destroyed by hurricanes, the debate is still pretty stabilized. However since this grift will end up being sold as a commercial solution to a political problem, the grift will probably come from a larger player like Lockheed or Boeing, which would necessitate investing in the most evil companies in existence. Still you never know, Tesla stayed afloat for years without making a working product by selling carbon credits issued by the government to other car companies, so you might be able to bootstrap this one
in reply to Juice • • •Juice
in reply to TexasDrunk • • •krolden
in reply to moitoi • • •delirious_owl
in reply to krolden • • •nednobbins
in reply to moitoi • • •There are a lot of scams around AI and there's a lot of very serious science.
While generative AI gets all the attention there are many other fields of AI that you probably use on a regular basis.
The reason we don't see the rest of the AI iceberg is because it's mostly interesting when you have enormous amounts of data you want to analyze and that doesn't apply to regular people. Most of the valuable AIs (as in they've been proven to make or save a bunch of money) do stuff like inventory optimization, protein expression simulation, anomaly detection, or classification.
in reply to nednobbins • • •xavier666
in reply to moitoi • • •Slight correction. AI is not a scam.
While AI is a powerful tool, it enables people to do scams very easily.
in reply to xavier666 • • •Maybe.
There have been a number of technologies that provided similar capabilities, at least initially.
When photography, audio recording, and video recording were first invented, people didn't understand them well. That made it really easy to create believable fakes.
No modern viewer would be fooled by the Cottingley Fairies.
The wouldn't fool modern audiences either.
Video effects that stunned audiences at the time just look old fashioned now.
I expect that, over time, people will learn to recognize the low-effort scams. Eventually we'll reach an equilibrium where most people won't fall for them and there will still be skilled scammers who will target gullible people and get away with it.
Unknown parent • • •Are you kidding me?
Alexander Bell stole the telephone.
Edison regularly stole inventions from Tesla among others.
Steve Jobs fucking mind raped Woz.
The American Dream is taking someone else's hard work and profiting off of it.
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sunzu2 likes this.
in reply to CosmicTurtle0 • • •𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘
in reply to TexasDrunk • • •LiveLM
in reply to RobotToaster • • •So all it takes to get that sweet, sweet VC mula is a Vscode + extension fork with some hipster branding on top? Really???
Aren't these guys supposed to be tech geniuses or some shit?
Billions of dollars and they don't have a single actually knowledgeable intern who could glance at this project and say "yeah, no, I could do this too?"
Or are they're just ignoring them because AI is a glowing hot buzzword right now?
This is baffling. The entire tech sector praises VCs like they're god's gift to earth, meanwhile they're out here backing stupid shit like this, how can anyone take these people seriously?
in reply to LiveLM • • •The absolute gall of these guys. Would be inspiring if it wasn't maddening!
in reply to LiveLM • • •Rich/famous tech people have never been "tech geniuses." They're always sociopathic business/marketing types.
in reply to LiveLM • • •nednobbins
in reply to RobotToaster • • •It's otherwise a fairly well written article but the title is a bit misleading.
In that context, scare quotes usually mean that generative AI was trained on someone's work and produced something strikingly similar. That's not what happened here.
This is just regular copyright violations and unethical behavior. The fact that it was an AI company is mostly unrelated to their breaches. The author covers 3 major complaints and only one of them even mentions AI and the complaint isn't about what the AI did it's about what was done with the result. As far as I know the APL2.0 itself isn't copyrighted and nobody cares if you copy or alter the license itself. The problem is that you can't just remove the APL2.0 from some work it's attached to.
in reply to nednobbins • • •This is great. So all their VC-funded work will get released publicly, and we all benefit.
I don't see why people are upset that FOSS projects are getting VC funding for development..
in reply to delirious_owl • • •Haha. Maybe.
I doubt the VCs will provide much followup funding if they can't control the code base but weirder things have happened.
in reply to nednobbins • • •some_guy
in reply to RobotToaster • • •Metz
in reply to RobotToaster • • •Of course it is a cryptobro...
Yep, already hate that guy. Talks and behaves like an absolute dipshit.
in reply to Metz • • •Corkyskog
in reply to loutr • • •تحريرها كلها ممكن
in reply to Corkyskog • • •boonhet
in reply to تحريرها كلها ممكن • • •The Bankman fried the clients.
Sam's the Bankman.
in reply to RobotToaster • • •0x4d6165
in reply to delirious_owl • • •like this
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in reply to 0x4d6165 • • •How is it boot licking to get money from rich people to develop open source software?
Lemmy is FOSS that was funded by a grant from NLNet. Its the same outcome as this.
If anyone is licking boots, its the rich people licking the FOSS boots
in reply to delirious_owl • • •like this
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in reply to nek0d3r • • •nek0d3r
in reply to delirious_owl • • •Right, exactly, which is why they launched with a FOSS license. Oh, wait--
Imagine the money going to VSCode which actually is the one getting contributions
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in reply to nek0d3r • • •If you're upset, just ask them for the source. If they don't respond, sue.
In any case, we're all going to get the source and we'll all benefit from this.
in reply to delirious_owl • • •like this
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in reply to delirious_owl • • •like this
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loathsome dongeater
in reply to delirious_owl • • •7eter
in reply to RobotToaster • • •How does one "fork" a repo like this and then is proud about 100+ contributors he got?
I believe they know exactly what they are doing and just don't care.…
in reply to RobotToaster • • •like this
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in reply to dinckel • • •Duamerthrax
in reply to GreenKnight23 • • •Croquette
in reply to dinckel • • •PM_Your_Nudes_Please
in reply to Croquette • • •Which is the exact same behavior that caused the dot com bubble. VC funding was throwing money at any and every dot com business, in the hopes that it would explode and lead to profits.
All it did was massively overvalue the dot com companies, which caused a bubble when people finally realized they were overvalued and VC investors turned off the spigot of free money.
in reply to PM_Your_Nudes_Please • • •xenoclast
in reply to Croquette • • •Gambling with OTHER PEOPLE'S money.
You win, you take a cut. You lose. Someone else suffers.
These people destroy everything for greed.
in reply to xenoclast • • •PriorityMotif
in reply to desktop_user • • •Yi K
in reply to dinckel • • •(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
in reply to RobotToaster • • •Mwa
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