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Qalculate: Powerful and versatile multi-purpose calculator for the Android platform

Features of Qalculate

  • Platform-Native Graphical user interface
  • Simple default view
  • Optional calculate-as-you-type mode
  • Screenshots

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in reply to sag

not sure i can trust anything made by someone with that username
in reply to Sam_Bass

~~Why? Can you elaborate?~~

Edit: oh, I automatically read it as J. Herkenhoff, and started to wonder what is the problem with the name.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to sag

The biggest problem over found with this is how unexpectedly easy it opens up the Android keyboard and obscures the keypad, but this is otherwise a fantastic tool. I've been searching for a no-Enter FOSS algebra calculator for literally years!

Lemmy Development Update 2024-10-04

Filtered word: nsfw

in reply to 𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓲𝓮

Well the things themselves are real. What they e just observed about them changing states is the new part. They will present their findings, wait for peer review, and we'll see if what they observed checks out.

Cómo solucionar ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pip’ en un entorno virtual de Python

Hay veces que tras una actualización del sistema, tras actualizar Debian, todos los entornos virtuales de Python dejan de funcionar y devuelven el error [code]ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip'[/code]. Para solucionar el error, desde el entorno vi

experience/ opinion on wakib? (vim/emacs)

What do you think of wakib?…

It's like emacs keybindings but keep today's default/ standard keybindings and adds other layers to it.

In the past months, I tried over and over to use emacs or vim. I dislike having to switch between the "modern" way and vim or emacs inside the editor. With wakib all common shortcut are the same and it adds shortcuts for movements.

I did not yet spend too much time with it but I really like that it simply extends on what I use anyway.

in reply to Leaflet

Even though we may bump heads on certain issues. I wish them the best of luck.

umu-launcher 1.1.1 released | First official release of UMU launcher!

cross-posted from:

For those unaware, about umu-launcher
This is a unified launcher for Windows games on Linux. It is essentially a copy of the Steam Runtime Tools and Steam Linux Runtime that Valve uses for Proton, with some modifications made so that it can be used outside of Steam.

in reply to Leaflet

Afaik umu sets dlls based on game's ID. But what if i launch noname game from, let's say, In this case wine GE adds some universal stuff for any game. Is it works the same for UMU?
in reply to CapitalType

There's a section set aside for Itch but I don't think anybody has added any yet…

umu-launcher 1.1.1 released | First official release of UMU launcher!

For those unaware, about umu-launcher

This is a unified launcher for Windows games on Linux. It is essentially a copy of the Steam Runtime Tools and Steam Linux Runtime that Valve uses for Proton, with some modifications made so that it can be used outside of Steam.

Busybox 1.37 is tiny but capable, the way we like Linux tools to be

The Busybox developers have released version 1.37.0, with some 50 changes.

Its developers call Busybox the "Swiss Army knife" of embedded Linux, because in one relatively small tool, it implements not just a Unix-style shell, but also about 300 different commands that are normally external programs in their own right. As a result, it's often found inside devices that use Linux in very resource-constrained environments, such as consumer firewall/routers.

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in reply to Andrew

"Noooooooo! One tool should do one thing and one thing only! Blasphemy! Heresy! Anthema! Systemd!"
crying in unix design philosophy
in reply to Masterkraft0r

yeahs systemd I know yada yada :)

But working with embedded stuff, sometimes MCU with like 8MB embedded flash, have a 512k uboot, 1.5MB kernel, you are left with 6MB of flash for the whole application and lib, and busybox is a savior here!

in reply to Magister

it was a joke xD
i like busybox (and systemd)
i don't particularly subscribe to the unix way, but to each their own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Masterkraft0r

IMO, "One app/library/etc does one thing only" is a rather ignorant form of wisdom about encapsulation, anyways.

Encapsulation is important regardless of how many disparate tasks a library handles. Doing one thing with one thing is a pretty good rule of thumb to get close to good results, but it is FAR from a golden standard, and serves to drag people away from the finer nuances of encapsulation.

The ONLY time it is a hard and fast rule is at the individual function level. A single function ideally should have one task to accomplish, even if that task has side effects.

I'm sure there are cross-dependency issues on an OS level that makes it a bit wiser to do for widely used system tasks, but to make it an absolute rule smacks of wisdom gone awry. Like not eating shellfish in the bible.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Thousands of Linux systems infected by "perfctl" malware since 2021

TLDR: perfctl is a crypto mining and proxy jacking malware that exploits about 20’000 common missconfigurations to install itself on Linux servers. Mostly using a 10/10 CVE on Apache RocketMQ.

It is very persistent and can reinstall itself even when you have deleted all the perfctl and perfcc files. It hides itself by removing logs, network packets, and stopping all activity once you login to the machine.

Monitoring cpu usage using tools (I use net data on my server) can help identify infections (100% cpu usage when « idle »).

in reply to SuperFola

Surely y'all have monitoring and alerts for excessive cpu load already?
in reply to DigitalDilemma

On my own server at home, yes. Because that’s important for me to know what’s going on and not discover something by chance weeks later.
in reply to SuperFola

I will never understand people using 3rdparty MQ and RPC implementations. What a a PR for rocketMQ right here.

You can and you should implement your communication protocols, most of the time 3rdparties are very wasteful and a security liability. I like ZeroMQ (, they have amazing tech guides ( I still mostly do my own code.

I may have trust issues but sockets are not THAT hard, they're just amzaingly frustrating to debug, not as much as debuging 3rdparty code.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

I'm confused trying to get SCALE to work

Hi, I'm trying to get SCALE to work but I'm so confused by what they mean by PATH and I'm stuck.…

I'm at the CMAKE step.

This is the official guide I'm following. I do understand what they mean by SCALE_PATH though as that is clearly explained but PATH is just very vague to me or I'm just misunderstanding it completely.

in reply to WereCat

in reply to TheDarkQuark

Thanks. That's a good ELI5. Fortunately I managed to make sense of it before your reply but the link to environment variables is highly appreciated. As I already replied to someone else, I had no idea PATH was a global/environment variable and just assumed it's telling me to specify path so I had no idea I need to RTFM as it confused me greatly and on top of that I did another mistake which confused me even more when I finally managed to get it to do correctly which made me think I am doing it wrong.

I gave up at CMAKE finally as I really need to RTFM more on that as it started to throw many errors at me.

Vänsterpartiet vill se återhämtningsstöd. Bakom dagens kris i sjukvården och annan välfärd ligger många år av urholkade resurser. I sin skuggbudget föreslår Vänsterpartiet därför ett återhämtningsstöd till välfärden på 20 miljarder. Detta för att kompensera för nedskärningarna som gjorts i svensk välfärd under lång tid.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

North Atlantic Fishing Co Ltd är den enskilt största innehavaren av pelagiska fiskerättigheter i England och en av de största i Storbritannien. Det är ett företag som helt ägs av den stora nederländska fiskerikoncernen Cornelis Vrolijk.…

Mycket allvarligt att Dadgostar hotar med uteslutning. Nooshi Dadgostar har uttalat sig i Göteborgs-Posten. Det är utifrån uttalandet uppenbart att hon har tappat kontakt med verkligheten i sin privilegierade tillvaro som partiledare och riksdagsledamot.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Tre personer misstänkta för mordet på C. Gambino. Den 4 juni mördades rapparen C. Cambino i ett parkeringshus på Selma Lagerlöfs torg i Backa. Efter några dagra greps två män som senare blev häktade för medhjälp till mord.…