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Generative AI Can Enhance Your Email Marketing

Chat GPT analyzes customer behavior and past interactions to provide valuable insights for prioritizing leads. As a result, you can follow up at the most effective time, increasing the probability that the lead will proceed to purchase.

Enhancing Visual Content with Dalle E-3

Visual content is an important part of email marketing, and a generative AI like Dalle E-3 enriches email design with the ability to automatically generate creative images and graphics.

With Dalle E-3, you can quickly create the perfect visual elements for your promotions and campaigns, making it easy to create emails that capture your customers' attention.
Integration with CRM Systems

The power of generative AI is further extended through integration with CRM systems, where ChatGPT analyzes customer data in real time to help send the right message at the right time. Such automation capabilities are especially effective when managing large volumes of leads.

reshared this

in reply to ValentinaVee

posts on open source community

first words: chat GPT

I dont know how outdated your openAI knowledge is, but they stopped meeting the definition of open a looooooong time ago

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to ValentinaVee

Which part of this post has anything to do with Open Source?

Lebanese army fires back at Israeli forces for first time (Radio Habana Cuba)

Beirut, October 4 (RHC)-- International and local media reported on Thursday that the Lebanese army responded to Israeli fire for the first time since the Israeli occupation army launched its latest campaign of aggression.
in reply to Southern Boy

The response by the Lebanese armed forces came after two of their soldiers were killed in Israeli attacks. In the first attack, the Israeli army attacked a Red Cross convoy, leaving four medics injured during a recovery operation in Taybeh-Marjayoun. The second Israeli attack occurred in the Bint Jbeil area.

Weren't they totally only targeting terrorists?

in reply to shapesandstuff

They saw the red cross symbol and thought it was the x mark on the target. (/s)

in reply to Southern Boy

Well, duh! Fighting terrorism with state terrorism only creates more terrorism to fight.

That's by design btw, so that the politicians ordering the strikes can keep their owner donors in the military industrial complex in lucrative government contracts while committing social murder against people who actually need government assistance at every opportunity.

in reply to Viking_Hippie

The Houthis do some seriously bad shit, but I've never seen a case for calling them terrorists. They're tyrants, if anything.
in reply to Southern Boy

Huh? What are you talking about? The Houthis are doing a good job in the fight against Israel but they are not good guys.
in reply to NoneOfUrBusiness

Whoa whoa whoa slow your roll Bad Guy aren't you idly sitting through Holocaust 2 while they actively dismantle the power structure of the same people who oppress you at home? Where is the gratitude?
in reply to Southern Boy

Small correction: the people oppressing me at home are Egyptians supported by America. That aside, they're fighting Holocaust 2 so they're the good guys in this particular conflict, but we should be under no illusion that the Houthis are good people in general or have any respect for human rights. They're one of the many regimes I'd like to see fall so we can actually see progress in the region.
in reply to NoneOfUrBusiness

If you only care about the imperialists and their compradors when they're fucking you over personally at home and not when they're funding 6 different factions in Syria against Assad, you're just shooting yourself in the foot, that's very shortsighted. Syria's Evil Regime has actually fought for Palestine and Lebanon, and Hezbollah has fought for Syria. We can talk about getting rid of the Baathists and the Houthis after the imperialists are gone.

Until then, this is idealism to me. Imperialism is not a tool to depose "dictators", that leaves shattered states like Libya and Sudan.

If you simply enjoy talking to Syrian refugees to use them as ammunition online, well, of course you want to destroy the Syrian state. That will give you loads of new refugees to talk to!

This modern definition of authoritarianism is purely used as a tool by imperialists. All this talk of repression creating ISIS is a fig leaf over the necklace of ears collecting specops projects that trained and directed them.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Viking_Hippie

Fighting decolonial movements with terrorism has never worked.

Using the media to label the Houthis terrorists is simply a justification to murder Yemeni people en masse.

in reply to Melatonin

I wake up at noon because I'm depressed and went back to sleep.

Polisanställd fick fängelse för falska pass. En polisanställd kvinna utfärdade sju förfalskade pass åt en bekant. Nu har hon har dömts till fängelse i 2 år och tre månaders. En man som beställt passen dömdes till ett år och tre månaders fängelse.…

Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah agreed to 21-day ceasefire before he was killed by Israel, says Lebanon minister

in reply to geneva_convenience

Thats WHY they killed him. Cant have those "evil blood thirty terrorists" calling for peace now can they? That would ruin the optics of their special military operation or whatever they're calling their invasion of Lebanon.

It's mad that they have operatives so high up in Hezbollah that they can compromise the entirety of their means of communication in one stroke but couldn't use those same operatives and compromised lines of communication to see the October attacks coming.

Hopefully, mossad waited long enough before doing this that no one will think to try and reconcile the two.

in reply to undergroundoverground

Should have made peace with Hezbollah just the way America made peace with the middle east after 9/11 and how the u.s didn't kill Osama bin Laden right?
in reply to Nuke_the_whales

I mean the war on terror is widely regarded to be one of the biggest disasters in American history so... uh... you're not making the point you think you're making.
in reply to NoneOfUrBusiness

At least during the War on Terror, some effort was put into minimizing civilian casualties. Not enough, but we did try. The rest of the world abandoned total war post WWII. With the advancements in technology both surveillance and accurate munitions, there's no real excuse for the way Israel has been conducting itself in Gaza.
in reply to JamesTBagg

A million Iraqi civilians died in the US wars on Iraq. They carpet bombed and let so many cities just burn.
in reply to Dessalines

I didn't say we were any good at it. Just that there was some effort, like, there was no carpet bombing. If Isreal maintaines their same pace they're going to cause that number of casualties in a fraction of the time, and they're doing it intentionally.
in reply to JamesTBagg

Fym they didn’t carpet bomb, they did that and then some
in reply to JamesTBagg

If that was is trying to minimize deaths, we're totally incompetent. But I don't think we're that incompetent...
in reply to geneva_convenience

it is well known israel doesnt want a cease fire. they will only be satisfied with total annihilation. pretty sure the other sides feel the same way.

Alternativa nobelpriset. I torsdags tillkännagasv årets fyra Right Livelihood-pristagare. Right Livelihood brukar också kallas alternativa nobelpriset. Samtliga personer och organisationer som usetts till vinnare har påverkat sina lokala samhällen liksom den globala arenan på djupet.…

Fyra personer gripna, nedtagen infrastruktur och nya ekonomiska sanktioner. Det är resultatet av operation Cronos tredje fas mot ransomwaregrupperingen Lockbit.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Israeli strikes force closure of Lebanon's Marjayoun hospital after attack kills four paramedics

The entire staff of Marjayoun public hospital in south Lebanon were evacuated on Friday morning after an Israeli drone strike killed four paramedics, putting the hospital out of service, Lebanon’s national news agency reported.

The hospital was one of the major medical providers in south Lebanon, particularly as Israel’s intensified aerial campaign which started on 23 September displaced many medical staff from the region.

Israel also carried out a strike on the Islamic health organisation’s center in Khirbet Selem, causing injuries on Friday afternoon, according to Lebanon’s national news agency.

An additional member of the ambulance service was killed and one injured while carrying out rescue services in the southern suburbs of Beirut, which was intensely bombed the night prior, according to Hezbollah-affiliated media.

At least 102 Lebanese paramedics have been killed since the beginning of fighting between Israel and Hezbollah a year prior.

in reply to Alsephina

I’m so damn tired of this terrorist state.

IDF tells Ireland and Unifil to remove peacekeepers from Lebanese border outpost

in reply to Alsephina

Sounds like there needs to be an active, maybe kinetic, effort to maintain the peace

in reply to ChickenLadyLovesLife

But ... It's an increase, right?

Are we okay with incremental improvements, or will only big bang headline news story type improvements be okay?

in reply to corsicanguppy

Is it an increase? The article @macattack cited does not give any data on how much the IRS collected from high-income earners before this additional push supposedly funded by the Inflation Reduction Act. The article does mention that Republicans in congress recently rescinded more than $20 billion in additional IRS funding, which does suggest that the net benefit was far less than $1.3 billion and might even have been negative. It seems like the kind of breathless article the impact of which relies on people not well understanding the difference between a billion and a trillion.

in reply to Leaflet

Super awesome. The android bit is particularly interesting
in reply to Leaflet

More devices? Less performance requirements for updating? More tested code? Awesome!

in reply to basmatii

They target a lot of radar and air defense installations and the like, but they will absolutely choose to go in for an IDF soldier with a drone (where a lot of the undeniable casualties come from). In one of the recent reports on IDF operations, they claimed one dead when it seemed pretty implausible, I always take the denials with an offset and a multiplier. The targets are the military assets. When Israel claims that F-35s being destroyed didn't matter because nobody died in them they are deliberately ignoring this.

Transphobia in the fediverse

in reply to Ulu-Mulu-no-die sucks these days, their moderation is poor, and they seem to allow all kinds of bigots and trolls. Someone told me they believe strongly in freedom of speech, this is what it gets them.
in reply to Blazingtransfem98

What I saw and the reason I fled was their "freedom of speech" only applied to things mods agreed with, that's no real freedom of speech in my book.

While I didn't have any personal problem with them, I saw people and communities being banned for reasons that were not logical to me and I had the very strong impression their convoluted "explanations" were just a cover for their personal preferences, mind this is just my opinion.

I'm fine with freedom of speech as long as it's coherent and not just based on what mods personally like or don't.

I believe they do have the right to do what they want with "their" instance, I just don't want to be in a place like that.

Transphobia in the fediverse

in reply to Blazingtransfem98

The downvotes on this thread might be a very good way for admins to identify transphobic people, most of them are likely either transphobes or bots run by transphobes. If you're not interested maybe still collect the names and send it to so she can use it to better clean up their instance from silent transphobia.
in reply to Blazingtransfem98

What do you mean by "the downvotes on this thread ... [is a] ... very good way to identify transphobic people"?

Which specific post is transphobic? Considering that you are asking for a major instance-wide ban campaign, you should expect people to question the criteria for the application of such bans.

You didn't even provide a basic definition of your understanding what needs to be banned or what qualifies as "just asking questions". Do you not see how this is completely unworkable?

in reply to Alphane Moon

what qualifies as “just asking questions”

You just highlighted a transphobic dogwhistle, where people claim to be "just asking questions" and their questions are by nature invalidating or attempting to be invalidating towards trans people.

if you want to know what I meant by downvotes in the thread, many people who are transphobic aren't bold enough to express it directly, they do it indirectly claiming they are just asking questions or that they just don't support that one basic things that trans people expect to receive. Some are even more less direct, lurking and hiding but they still express their distain and transphobia through downvotes. On Reddit they were practically anonymous. The fediverse though allows votes to be seen by instance admins, so it's really easy for admins to find the ones doing this and give them the boot. Votes aren't anonymous.

I already did provide you with criteria for what counts as transphobia, though from what you've said here you sound like a typical apologist and discussion will likely not go anywhere.

in reply to Blazingtransfem98

I honestly still don't get what is meant by downvotes in this thread. To me this comes off as any opposition/critique is transphobic by default; not a viable perspective in my humble opinion.

Apologist of what? Transphobia? You are not justified in making such a statement.

By the same logic, would I be justified in labelling you an orientalist; a bearer of the "white [person's] burden" (in the metaphorical sense)?

in reply to Blazingtransfem98

I'm surprised by the numbers too, why would someone downvote such thread?
in reply to Blaze (he/him)

It's almost certainly transphobic people or bots run by transphobic people. Either way people who don't bring anything positive to the discussion and who bear hostility to the trans community, hence why I say the downvotes on the post can be used to find some of the more quiet transphobes and ban them.
in reply to Blazingtransfem98

"anyone who doesn't want my change needs to be banned!"
They'll always exist and you need to accept that as a fact. Just silencing people you disagree with isnt a way to solve the problem.
in reply to Blazingtransfem98

This thread transformed from being about a serious issue on the fediverse into a pile of accusations on a personal level. I don't see this thread becoming any more civilized the way the comments are spiraling downwards. I'm keeping the post up because, as I said, this is a serious issue, but I don't think keeping the thread unlocked is doing any good.

US assets in Syria (completely illegal by the way) continue taking a beating

in reply to Southern Boy

Edit 20241008: You know, it's really telling that my or8ginal comment was simply erased with no notification or warning, a comment which contained only factual information with references and no offensive language.

The fact that this was done without discussion and with no path for recourse demonstrates exactly what this server is and who the moderators are.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to NaibofTabr

I don't understand how you can be talking about any of this Assad nonsense when that madman Saddamn Hussein is throwing people into a human shredder!
in reply to NaibofTabr

these US assets are present at the express request of the Kurdish militia, which is formed by the people who actually live there who got sick and tired of the oppression of the religious fundamentalist regime

So like the Russian military units that are present at the express request of the Donetsk and Lugansk militias, which is formed by the people who actually live there [and] who got sick and tired of the oppression of the Ukrainian state?

in reply to NaibofTabr

It's 2024 and you're cheering on US backed "moderate rebels" which are as much of a plague on the Syrian population as Turkey and ISIS. Grow up. The OPCW melted down over the inability to prove that Assad gassed his own civilians just because he hates them so much (a likely story). The symptoms in the footage don't even match sarin, the mouth foaming is more characteristic of chlorine. The smear mirrors numerous other US attempts to fabricate cassus belli against a peripheral country in West Asia or Africa.

Your sweet little based Kurdish militias' permission won't factor into the removal of US bases from that territory. That is currently being conducted by the Axis of Resistance.

To return to the remarkably simply question which preceded your gibbering recitation of the Washington-approved narrative, I define illegal as in flagrant violation of international law, not what is legal in the minds of Redditors who like to fantasize about going and LARPing as a war criminal before getting interviewed by Rolling Stone.

in reply to Southern Boy

Okay let me just say a Middle Eastern guy: This comment is an insult to the hundreds of thousands of Syrians who had to flee their homes to escape Assad's tyranny and you should feel bad for making it.
in reply to NoneOfUrBusiness

Standpoint epistemology is not an argument, babe.

Out of curiosity, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt? Saudi Arabia, even? Do go on.

in reply to Southern Boy

Egypt, why do you ask?

Standpoint epistemology is not an argument, babe.

The existence of 5 million Syrian refugees worldwide (as opposed to 23 million living in the country) says everything that needs to be said about your point that Assad isn't actually that bad. If he wasn't people would go to his territory instead of going to fuckin Lebanon.

in reply to NoneOfUrBusiness

Egypt would have been my choice if I only got one guess. You really don't know why?
in reply to NoneOfUrBusiness

One of my best online friends is Egyptian, by the way. He talks about Israel's geopolitical role keeping Arab countries deindustrialized.

He talks about what worms many Egyptians are about Israel. He talks about those who aren't often change their tune after being tortured. I talk to him almost every day. So don't feel written off because you're Egyptian. Just because they've really done a number on Egypt. Samir Amin talks a lot about how its emergence was stymied by imperialists. You live in a comprador state half beaten to death, and you gloat over how many refugees there are from Syria, a country illegally occupied by US coalition. Pig. Pig!

in reply to Southern Boy

you gloat over how many refugees there are from Syria,

Don't put words in my mouth. I never gloated about anything.

a country illegally occupied by US coalition

Huh? How does that even make sense? Syria is in a civil war that's being abused by foreign powers on all side. Nobody is occupying anything. I have literally never heard a Syrian say anything about an occupation; all of them are running from the war. I know US presence in Syria is also fucked up stares at ISIS, but that doesn't make Assad any less horrible.

Again, as an Egyptian I know as common sense that Assad is one of the worst tyrants of the 21st century (so far; we still have 75 years to go). I'd link sources, but if you believed them we'd never be having this conversation. Goodbye.

in reply to NoneOfUrBusiness

Have a nice day and feel free to continue our conversation if you return. As you can tell I enjoy arguing. It's a good brain teaser for us.

in reply to NaibofTabr

You know, it's really telling that my comment was erased with no notification or warning or justification - a comment which contained only factual information with references and no offensive language of any kind.

The fact that this was done summarily and without discussion demonstrates exactly what this community is, and who its moderators are.

Explicitly: this is a manufactured echo chamber that suppresses voices which disagree with the intended narrative, enforced by people with a political agenda. Trust nothing that you read here.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

(Some) challenges facing Claudia Sheinbaum (People's Dispatch)

This entry was edited (3 months ago)