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Nasrallah, Netanyahu agreed to a truce before Israel assassinated Hezbollah leader: Report

in reply to Peter Link

Netanyahu evidently had his fingers crossed behind his back.
in reply to floofloof

Or, uh, maybe this story is simply false and mistaken reporting.

In fact, it appears Israel was not a party to this proposal, which was floated by the United States. In order for a ceasefire to work, you gotta get all of the belligerents on board.

in reply to schizoidman

And then we have mass worker revolts to seize the means of production in these countries right? Right?
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to njm1314

Woulda been funny. Not just for the obvious benefit of having an uprising and potential revolution in Europe, but also to see how genuine those "red millionaires" are about socialism with Chinese characteristics
in reply to CyberMonkey404

for the obvious benefit of having an uprising and potential revolution in Europe

You are a scary dude. Either you know and understand what you just said and don't give a shot about the horrors of that, or (more likely) you don't understand it, which somehow makes you scarier and more dangerous. You're one of those guys who loves to talk about revolutions without ever realizing the cost of that

You're exactly the same as those trump supporters who would never die for their convictions, but they'd happily see other die for it.

Fuck you

in reply to Phoenixz

yeah, won't someone think of the oligarchs for once????
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Phoenixz

You're asking for people to be empathetic to an enemy on the internet. Good fucking luck with that. In real life I hope the people who call for violent revolution are just blowing off some steam and aren't actually advocating for the wonton destruction of uncountable lives. Like you I'm concerned they're not, but I've learned that there's no room for nuance online.

Which is why to everyone else I'm saying this, just because I said I don't want an enormous number of people to die, doesn't mean that I don't want to see capitalism fall. I just don't want to commit a Holocaust doing it. Now go ahead and downvote me now.

in reply to InputZero

"The very concept of "revolutionary violence" is somewhat falsely cast, since most of the violence comes from those who attempt to prevent reform, not from those struggling for reform. By focusing on the violent rebellions of the downtrodden, we overlook the much greater repressive force and violence utilized by the ruling oligarchs to maintain the status quo, including armed attacks against peaceful demonstrations, mass arrests, torture, destruction of opposition organizations, suppression of dissident publications, death squad assassinations, the extermination of whole villages, and the like."

-Michael Parenti, Blackshirts and Reds

Revolution has saved countless lives the world over, to denounce revolution without denouncing the incredible violence of the status quo is anti-Leftism.

in reply to Cowbee [he/they]

in reply to InputZero

Cause it seems to me that many people here want to kill everyone who is higher up on the social ladder than they are

Can you explain? This doesn't seem to be the case at all. Maybe it's just that I'm a Marxist-Leninist and understand what other Marxists are getting at better.

I've read discussions people seemed to take seriously suggesting that millions to tens of millions of people in their country deserve to die

Do you have an example?

in reply to CyberMonkey404

A bit nitpicky, but the idea behind SWCC isn't that the Capialists in the PRC are "the people's Capitalists" or anything, but that the State as a DotP allows market competition in a controlled manner similar to a birdcage. As these markets form monopolist syndicates, they centralize, and socialize, by which point the CPC increases public owership. Communism is achieved by degree, not by decree. Trying to achieve Communism through fiat has historically resulted in struggles and difficulties.

I recommend reading Socialism Developed China, Not Capitalism for an overview of what that entails.

in reply to Cowbee [he/they]

I also recommend The East is Still Red - Chinese Socialism in the 21st Century by Carlos Martinez, it does a great job of dispelling common myths about China and it's economy, foreign policy, etc with solid sources through a solidly materialist lens.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Hundreds of thousands march in London, demanding end to Gaza genocide

cross-posted from:

By MEE staff
Published date: 5 October 2024 19:45 BST

[We need a lot more of these]

in reply to Peter Link

I always wonder if this has any effect and if so, why/how?

in reply to Southern Boy

Apart from their complete support for genocide and especially zionism, I think the media was likely under orders to bury the terrorist attack in order to avoid a panic. People in the imperial core don't want to think about how they could be terrorized by their phones, cars, planes, etc. in a similar way. They just to hear about how zios slammed some "terrorists".
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to technocrit

Yes considering how open most people are to device-based security paranoia you would think the fact they could have done this to westerners and blamed a terrorist organization wouldn't sit well with people. Is it only nuclear war and hacking people are trained to fear?

in reply to Southern Boy

I'm not sure how anyone can consider the act of rape to be in any way acceptable.

"65% of Israeli Jews defend violent sex offenses."

in reply to Southern Boy

Criminal state gonna propagate criminal populace. 100% of genocidal monsters support genocide.

Interesting Engineering: Hybrid energy raft could power 1,000 homes a day with wave, wind, solar

NoviOcean’s wave power technology, developed over several years, has been tested in wave pools and a real environment near Stockholm. A small version powers homes on Svanholmen island, proving the concept works at sea.

On one square kilometer, 15 wave power plants can generate 15 MW, compared to offshore wind’s 10 MW. Combined, they can produce 25 MW, sharing the costs of the sea area and transmission cable.

According to the firm, the hybrid approach delivers more consistent energy, as waves generate power for days after the wind subsides. Additionally, wave plants can be placed closer to shore without visually disturbing the coastline.

in reply to Huckledebuck

For fuck's sake, a microreactor could do all of this for the footprint of a bedroom (plus some additional space for the staff). It would work for years and constantly provide power with no issues from storms, dust, salt, or needing distributed maintenance (and environmental disruption) over a square km.

This isn's just some generic hand waving. Go look up the company Radiant. It's going to happen within a few years. Demonstration is slated for 2026.

in reply to CherenkovBlue

Relevant link for those interested in what OP is talking about.…

I’m not yet convinced this technology is the future or anything, but it does look pretty promising. We’ll know better when DOME testing begins in 2026.

in reply to CherenkovBlue

So what are you saying, that we should give up on other technologies? Two years before your microreactor is demonstrated?
in reply to spittingimage

This is a fanciful and complex power system that is proposed that cannot produce consistent power reliably. I don't think it will be viable in the long run.
in reply to CherenkovBlue

Well, I'm sold. We should definitely turn everything off and wait for the hypothetical reactor to materialise.
in reply to spittingimage

That's not what I said, and your comment is disingenuous in that regard.
in reply to CherenkovBlue

How is it fanciful? It's taking a bunch of solid, proven technologies and putting them in the same place. It's nothing more than a standard engineering project.
in reply to Huckledebuck

I would hope it would be at least slightly more well-designed than the render where the miniature windmills are positioned perfectly to block the solar

Forensic Architecture är en banbrytande forskargrupp som ägnar sig åt att avslöja och dokumentera sanningen om brott mot miljömässiga och mänskliga rättigheter med hjälp av banbrytande tekniker med öppen källkod och digital modellering.…

Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
That's the joke. An American is trying to start an IRA for themselves, and wound up at wildly the wrong institution.

Huawei laptop teardown shows China’s steps toward tech self-sufficiency

China’s demand that the public sector step up use of domestic semiconductors can best be seen within Huawei’s Qingyun L540 laptop.

The “safe and reliable” device features a self-designed processor and a Chinese-made operating system, having stripped out foreign-made components and software as much as possible.

The computer, which is being snapped up by governments and state groups across the country, has become the signature model of China’s localization campaign known as Xinchuang, or “IT application innovation.”


This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to W4nd3r3r

None of the high end chips were made in Chinese fabs, and the device barely qualifies as a "laptop" besides the form factor. For some bizarre reason they used a USB5744 USB 3.2 5Gb/s hub chip, which tells me the following:

  • Their CPU doesn't even have multiple USB3 interfaces
  • Their CPU doesn't even have a single 10GB/s USB interface, which has been standard for may years
  • They don't really care about using local parts only, because they have alternative products like the GL3590

Unless We get better close up tear down photos, this devices primary purpose is propaganda

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in reply to itsmect

Yeah that was my reaction...chip design is the "easy" part of the creation of a new chip, and the fact that it the CPU was of course fabbed in Taiwan is a sign of just how much ground Chinese fabs still have to cover. And relying entirely on SK Hynix NAND and memory says a lot.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to W4nd3r3r

redstaros is better
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

in reply to Mr_Blott

The Hasbara hivemind seems to be speaking with a unified voice this evening.

Sunbeam Fishing Ltd är ett fiskeriföretag i Fraserburgh i Skottland som ägs av familjen Duthie. Huvudägare är Lesley Jane Duthie och James Burnett Duthie. I styrelsen för företaget sitter båda två.…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

in reply to ComradeSharkfucker

Help her, asshole

(Yes I know it's not op)

Edit: commas are important people

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to ComradeSharkfucker

What happens when you bring a cat her toy?

She sighs, exasperated, and says, "I wanted you to open all the cabinet doors you fucking moron"

in reply to Southern Boy

Isn't Argentina the most obedient client now?
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

En man vid namn Robert Hedarv var bjuden till Jimmie Åkessons bröllop. Hedarv är gift med den ledande Sverigedemokraten Mattias Karlssons exfru. Detta faktum har varit känt sen i somras. Så det är klart att Åkesson visste att Hedarv är gängmedlem. Allt annat är är inte trovärdigt.…

Netanyahu lashes out at Macron over call for ‘arms embargo’ on Israel (PressTV)

in reply to thefluffiest

Incredibly rare opportunistic Macron W, it was just pointed out to me he is more salty about the French military industrial complex being excluded
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Southern Boy

Arriving to the right conclusion for the wrong reason is the best we get from him though, so I'll take it 😁
in reply to Viking_Hippie

US vassals turning against their masters (even if it's just an angry bark that leads to shushing, treats and/or abuse), is not just funny, it is very good. For complicated economic reasons I will make an effortful post about during my next coffee binge. Or God willing if I get some government stimulants.
in reply to Linkerbaan

Yeah pretty much, they completely destroyed the facade of a left coalition with that move.

Zionist regime once again targets Syria-Lebanon borders (IRNA)