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in reply to Leaflet

Here's to hoping gtk actually implements the cursor protocol
in reply to OhYeah

If I recall correctly, GTK was initially against cursor-shape (because GTK prefers doing things client side), but is now opening to merging it. But not a high priority. The last discussion I found about it was from 5-6 months ago.

in reply to li10

If you really are looking for a hoodie: 1620.
Prices are high, they're very proud of their products. Their work pants aren't worth it, garbage*. Both pairs I bought don't come close to my Wrangler for durability.
However, their hoodie is pretty dope. It's long, and the hood is huge. A proper functioning hood, I can pull it down to my nose. Buttons instead of string. It's thick & warm. Only downside is it's long, and I'm 6'1", it falls below my ass. The waist is also wide, or my waist is just more narrow than the average tradesman they're targeting.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to JamesTBagg

Sounds like you bought a size too large? If its too long and wide
in reply to FlembleFabber

Nah, fits my shoulders and arms great. I've just got a narrow waist. Everything for me weird.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to li10

You buy it anyway, and it’s a great purchase. Very happy. Dog eats it a few days later and the product is discontinued. Or
Is it just me?

Skottlossning på Kungsmässan. Kungsmässan är ett köpcentrum som ligger ganska centralt i Kungsbacka. På eftermiddagen sköts en man inne i köpcentrat. Larmet kom in till polisen några minuter efter klockan 3 på eftermiddagen. Den skjutne mannens skadeläge är oklart men han har i alla fall inte dött än. Polisen grep ganska omedelbart en misstänkt skytt i Kungsmässan. En 14-årig pojke från Göteborg.…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Mozilla continua nell'operazione simpatia

Dopo aver introdotto, non senza polemiche, il PPA attivo di default a tutti indistintamente ora si è messa contro lo sviluppatore di uBlock Origin bloccandogli l'estensione uBlock Origin Lite.

Da AlternativeTo

Raymond Hill, creatore di uBlock Origin, ha ricevuto due email da Mozilla riguardo al suo add-on per Firefox, uBlock Origin Lite, progettato per il Manifest V3. Mozilla ha segnalato violazioni come la mancanza di consenso per la raccolta di dati, codice minificato e assenza di una politica sulla privacy. Hill ha smentito queste affermazioni, affermando che l'add-on non raccoglie dati e include un link alla politica sulla privacy. Nonostante ciò, Mozilla ha disabilitato l'estensione, spingendo Hill a interrompere la versione di Firefox di uBlock Origin Lite a causa del "processo di revisione insensato e ostile". Questi problemi riguardano solo uBlock Origin Lite e non l'estensione principale.

in reply to skariko

@lealternative però non hanno tutti i torti, in qualche modo devono vedere gli introiti e mozilla è una grande azienda con molte persone che ci lavorano. Recentemente hanno acquisito anonym per fare publicita rispettando la privacy degli utenti, vediamo come si evolve la situazione.…
in reply to KAMØF

Più che altro la cosa che ha dato fastidio a molti è stato appunto il fatto di aver attivato il PPA a tutti con un aggiornamento senza praticamente accennarlo prima. Quindi più le modalità che il concetto in sé.

Questo tralasciando il fatto che il PPA non è anonimo né privacy-oriented come vorrebbero far credere e che la pubblicità non è scritto da nessuna parte che deve essere personalizzata (se non per fregare gli investitori). Brave fa pubblicità senza personalizzazioni, anche DuckDuckGo lo fa e molte altre realtà. La pubblicità personalizzata e privata è una chimera probabilmente irraggiungibile e, personalissima opinione, continuare a puntare su questa è un enorme errore.

in reply to skariko

magari loro hanno capito tutto e noi no. Magari i veri geni sono loro. Però a me questo inanellare figure barbine non mi sembra una cosa furbissima...

in reply to Cargon

Oh damn, I forgot about the latest season. Brb, going to binge watch.
in reply to Albbi

You’re in for a treat, nearly every episode in the newest season is delightful.
Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
Yes. Once Fox canceled it Comedy Central picked it up after the direct to home video movies. Comedy Central canceled it after a season and Hulu has now picked it up, currently in its second season there.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Inside Israel’s penetration of Hezbollah and the pager plot

cross-posted from:

from #WashingtonPost [gift article]
[Bias alert - WaPo usually favors Israel]

By Souad Mekhennet and Joby Warrick
October 5, 2024 at 5:50 p.m. EDT

in reply to Peter Link

Whitewashing war crimes as penetration of Hezbollah is something else. But on brand for western media.

Cage: a Wayland kiosk 0.2 released

This is Cage, a Wayland kiosk. A kiosk runs a single, maximized application.

This README is only relevant for development resources and instructions. For a description of Cage and installation instructions for end-users, please see its project page and the Wiki.

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in reply to wewbull

SMB works on all operating systems, my server runs on Linux and Kodi also runs on Linux. (NFS is also supported)
in reply to Domi

I know it does, but it's not generally a service I have running. It's yet another thing to setup. NFS isn't great over WiFi I've found. It likes rock solid connections.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Looking for a distribution that I could replicate from one computer to another

Hi everyone,

I’ve been a happy user of Fedora Workstation since Fedora 36 on my Surface Go 1.

I really enjoy Gnome and everything is set up the way I want to.

Since I was really happy with my setup I just wanted to be able to replicate it easily through Clonezilla so that I could port it on any future computer I’d get.

Sadly, even with the help of really helpful and knowledgeable users on Lemmy, it hasn’t worked (

So now I’m left wondering if there could be a distribution that I’d enjoy and which would be easy to deploy on another computer as I’d hate to have to configure everything on every computer I’d get.

I love Gnome but I wouldn’t be against trying something else if necessary.

What distribution could meet my needs?

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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in reply to Nanook

That's not necessarily the problem here.

Normally, Fedora would boot on both types of systems, too. However, OP wants to copy an already-existing UEFI install or at least the config to a legacy system, not (necessarily) to find a distro that could be installed from a normal live installer on both boot types.

Thus the Nix recommendations, as theoretically, one centralized config could be copied between systems to create a similar environment on different systems.

in reply to data1701d (He/Him)

@data1701d (He/Him) Ok in that case, boot the os off of a USB and mount all the partitions, start with root on /mnt, then any other partitions relative to /mnt as they would be to root, then mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev, mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts, mount --rbind /sys /mnt/sys, mount --rbind /proc /mnt/proc, and then cp /etc/resolv.conf to /mnt/etc/resolv.conf, now chroot /mnt. Once there remove all existing versions of grub and install grub-pc, which is the bios version, next do grub_install /dev/sda or whatever your primary drive is, then exit chroot and halt the system. Now you should have a bios bootable system you can boot on your bios device.

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

I hope the Chinese told them they could just stop enabling a genocide. That is the correct answer to this situation.
in reply to culpritus [any]

The Houthis are just fulfilling their international obligation:

The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG), or the Genocide Convention, is an international treaty that criminalizes genocide and obligates state parties to pursue the enforcement of its prohibition.

in reply to Sidyctism2

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck .. at some point you have to come to the conclusion that it's a duck.
in reply to Onno (VK6FLAB)

still didnt answer the question at heart:

can the duck run (or at least display) doom?

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

A surefire indication that the CIA isn't orchestrating the current protests in Pakistan can be inferred from the conspicuous lack of coverage in Western media outlets. Typically, such pro-democracy movements against military dictatorships are met with enthusiastic applause and extensive reporting. However, given that the military establishment in question is an ally of the West, this particular instance has been met with a deafening silence from the press.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

This Week in KDE Apps: Marble gets an update, KDE Connect gets a speed boost, and Kate gets all fluttery

Welcome to a new issue of “This Week in KDE Apps”! In case you missed it, we announced this series a few weeks ago, and our goal is to cover as much as possible of what's happening in the world of KDE apps and supplement Nate's This Week in Plasma published yesterday.

This week we had new releases of Tellico and Krita. We are also covering news regarding KDE Connect, the link between all your devices; Kate, the KDE advanced text editor; Itinerary, the travel assistant that helps you plan all your trips; Marble, KDE's map application; and more.

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in reply to Jure Repinc

Window decorations in the article have the chipped off korners. That just makes me want to jump right over to KDE. /s
in reply to Jure Repinc

How nice of them, I asked them to add links to the apps, as I don't know what they are by the name.

Thanks :)

in reply to ComradeSharkfucker

Izzard nailed it.

And Hitler ended up in a ditch, covered in petrol, on fire, so, that's fun! I think that's funny, ‘cause he was a mass-murdering fuckhead. And that was his honeymoon as well!

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

One of these parties actively campaigns and passes legislation to block my access to health care and wants to make my existence in public illegal. Their supporters regularly say people like me need to be beat or murdered. I have had this happen in person, to my face, by a family member.

The other party actively tries to block the harmful legislation and passes protections for me. Their supporters are at worse indifferent to my existence but are often supportive of my navigation through my struggles.

To be able to ignore these differences and put words in other other minority's mouths shows an extreme level of privilege.

in reply to styxem

Whole lotta people shouting over actual marginalised peoples in this thread.......

Dog poop drone cleans up the yard so you don't have to

Finally, a good use for drone and AI/ML technology!

From the maker of the poop-shooting laser turret and the AI/ML poop image detector.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

[SOLVED] Cronjob with `hdparm -y` to spin down hard disks?

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to gomp

When you spin up the drive, the motor has to overcome the mass of the disks to bring them up to speed, requiring more torque, current, and wear, than just keeping them at that speed. On the other hand, bearings don't wear out at zero RPM. Bearings go, motor goes, either way drive is dead. Regarding bearings ALWAYS mount drives so that they are horizontal, this results in minimal bearing wear and load.
in reply to Nanook

The motors are brushless, so no wear happens during spin-up from the extra current other than a little more heat for a few seconds.
in reply to MangoPenguin

@MangoPenguin Same thing that happens to your car motor when you slam the accelerator from a dead stop rather than gradually accelerating and maintaining a steady speed. Everyone knows stop-and-go traffic is hard on cars, disk drives too.
in reply to Nanook

Car engines have connecting rods and all kinds of extreme side forces on bearings that get stressed under high load. Brushless motors do not have any of those things, just a rotational bearing that doesn't experience any more load on startup vs constant speed.
in reply to MangoPenguin

The startup is absolutely more stressful for the motor. It's a period of high current that also creates hotspots in the windings and such. It's certainly not great for the motor.
in reply to Amju Wolf

Hotspots won't hurt anything unless they get too hot and damage the coating on the windings, I would assume the manufacturer is aware of that and designed the startup current so it's safe.
in reply to gomp