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[POSTPONED] Loops by Pixelfed β€’ Public beta launching in 16 hours

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in reply to asudox

It's a pretty bold move to launch an open source service like this, especially one that is as complex as a video sharing site. One would think a gradual increase of user base would be easier to handle than a sudden influx of people at a moment when one has been scrambling to meet a deadline.

Good thing they/he is not afraid of postponing the release and making sure it's ready. And if it works well it will be one hell of a release. Fingers crossed. :)

in reply to asudox

Why not. I know a lot of people are into this.

I'm personally not interested in seeing video clips on Pixelfed, so I hope they can be hidden in account settings.

But respect to Pixelfed developers who seem to do a great job - it's awesome.

Edit: looked properly at loops and it looks like it's a totally separate thing to Pixelfed. Happy days!

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

HovrΓ€ttsdom fΓΆr mord i Uppsala Γ₯r 2017. Svea hovrΓ€tt har faststΓ€llt SΓΆdertΓΆrns tingsrΓ€tts fΓ€llande dom mot en idag 27-Γ₯rig man fΓΆr mordet pΓ₯ en man i Uppsala Γ₯r 2017. Vid gΓ€rningen var den dΓΆmde mannen bara 19 Γ₯r gammal. 27-Γ₯ringen dΓΆmdes Γ€ven fΓΆr fΓΆrberedelse till mord i Bandhagen och fΓΆr medhjΓ€lp till synnerligen grov narkotikasmuggling.…

Internet innan och efter webben. Idag domineras internet av webben vilket inluderar bΓ₯de bilder sΓ₯vΓ€l som video och andra rΓΆrliga bilder. Men det fanns en tid nΓ€r webben, dvs protokollet http (http://, https://) inte fanns. DΓ₯ bestod internet av telnet (telnet:), mejl (mailto:), filΓΆverfΓΆring (ftp://), finger (finger://) fΓΆr att sΓΆka mejladresser pΓ₯ nΓ€tet, usenet dvs nyhetsgrupper (news://), chattar (irc://) och gopher (gopher://) med mera.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Styluslabs' Write is now AGPLv3

cross-posted from:

Write is a handwriting app that works on a lot of platforms including Linux which cannot be said about most handwritten note-taking applications.

More information and demo:

I've used it for uni on a Linux tablet/convertible and it worked really quite well and has some nice convenient features for note-taking.

The UI looks like it's from android 4.something though ^^'

What I really appreciate about it is that its storage format are plain SVG(Z) which are extremely compatible. All you need to view your scribbles is an SVG viewer (i.e. a web browser) which basically every computer with a GUI has. Their website is in fact mostly just the output of their own app.

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in reply to Atemu

Have you by chance used xournalpp? If so, is it better or worse in terms of features?
in reply to fl42v

Back when I tried it it was a lot worse for my purposes.

I'd recommend you try both though.

Styluslabs' Write is now AGPLv3

Write is a handwriting app that works on a lot of platforms including Linux which cannot be said about most handwritten note-taking applications.

More information and demo:

I've used it for uni on a Linux tablet/convertible and it worked really quite well and has some nice convenient features for note-taking.

The UI looks like it's from android 4.something though ^^'

What I really appreciate about it is that its storage format are plain SVG(Z) which are extremely compatible. All you need to view your scribbles is an SVG viewer (i.e. a web browser) which basically every computer with a GUI has. Their website is in fact mostly just the output of their own app.

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in reply to Atemu

I've used it for uni on a Linux tablet/convertible and it worked really quite well and has some nice convenient features for note-taking.

What tablet did you use?

in reply to gramgan

It was an old Fujitsu Q755, not something I'd recommend you buy.

Had a wacom tablet built into the touch screen though which is the only thing I'd watch out for.

in reply to goferking (he/him)

Rather generous title for the NazIDF pointing a tank barrel directly at the UN troops

Thye're using the UN base as human shield cover now. UN vehicles in blue, IDF in red

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to goferking (he/him)

So does that mean this UN mission has failed then? A quick look suggests they are supposed to be keeping Hezbollah out of the picture and Israeli forces out of Lebanon. All of it wasted, there are over 10000 UN personnel there. Since they first went there in 1978 it seems they've been as much use as a sock on a fish.

in reply to Thavron

It's not a fact about the world but a definition of a somewhat common word. One can say "30 microseconds (30 millionths of a second)" or "hippos are herbivorous (plant-eating)" without a citation because any dictionary will do. In fact, including the citation makes a science journalist seem incompetent as it suggests they needed to look up the word.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

What's your favorite FOSS tools for image editing?

Typically when I'm working with photos, I'm doing graphic design type work. I've been using GIMP for this. GIMP is meant for raster graphics editing.

You could also use Inkscape for vector graphics, or Krita for more digital painting type work. But I know all these tools are very powerful and overlap on some use cases.

Do you use any AI-type tools? I use a image upscaler called Upscayl. It works really well and works entirely locally.

Do you know of any tools that can remove backgrounds? This would help with help with the type of graphic design I do.

What other tools do you like to use as it pertains to images?

in reply to rutrum

remove backgrounds? i think you could find a krita plugin for it, or just use an online website / huggingface space.
in reply to IsusRamzy

I used an ai painting pkugin before...never considered others! I'll take a look.

in reply to Dadifer

This is interesting and important but fun fact, maybe not the first case of 2 billion+ yr old microbes. There were microbial organisms found in a mine in Minnesota coming from 2.6 billion year old rock and they suspected they were coming from water trapped when the rock, banded iron formation, formed in an ancient ocean. IIRC there were two bacteria - one that eats sulfur and excretes iron, and one that eats iron and excretes sulfur.

Soudan Mine in northern Minnesota. Great tour.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to weariedfae

I went there a while back, and I'll second the great tour. It's awesome that they actually maintain the elevator and let people go down. It's a pretty cool experience, though not for the claustrophobic. Never knew about the microbes, that's really interesting!
in reply to weariedfae

one that eats sulfur and excretes iron, and one that eats iron and excretes sulfur

Thermodynamically, how could these two cycles sustain metabolism? Were there other processes/species in the mix to introduce chemical compounds that had more energy contained within?

in reply to booly

I don't recall as it was mentioned by someone in passing (and stuck with me) but I can tell you that the rocks they were in are exceptionally iron rich, which is why the mine was there.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to weariedfae

Reminds me of the primordial soup game where each players microbes need to eat to the poop of the other players. And yes it's a German game.…

in reply to weariedfae

So the two bacteria just eating each other's excretions in symbiotic romance?

Matrix v1.12 release

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in reply to unknowing8343

I could be wrong... But I believe it's a big release they've been talking about for a long time but haven't gotten there yet. Like I recall talks about it at least a year ago... But I am not known for my stellar memory 🀷

in reply to schizoidman

Interesting, tempting to seek something like this for my weird ass arthritis but being young and the risk of oncogenesis with this plus the simple fact that we know so little about autoimmune disorders and they are so incredibly heterogenous and individual, it seems there is a lot of room for things to backfire with genetic manipulation. Nonetheless I applaud these efforts and hope it leads to more discovery and relief.
in reply to Imgonnatrythis

I keep an eye on these types of treatments. Type 1 diabetes being autoimmune and all.

So far, I'm putting it in the bucket with all the other "cure is just 5 years away" things we hear about.

It's promising, and neat it's worked in these cases, but I remain skeptical. Twice over as it appears to be research from China, who doesn't have the best track record for robust scientific integrity. We'll see how repeatable this stuff is soon enough.

Victims of Communism memorial faces call to remove over 330 names linked to Nazis, fascists

Perhaps it's more fitting not to erase these names, but rather append swastikas to them, guiding readers towards a plaque that elucidates their heinous crimes as Nazis. In this way, the monument will persist as an enlightening reminder of who exactly the "victims of communism" truly are.

Hurricane Milton is a Category 5. Florida orders evacuations and scrambles to clear Helene’s debris
