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Bluesky isn’t the ‘new Twitter,’ but its resemblance to the old one is drawing millions of new users

What would you say at Twitter’s funeral?

That’s the question my collaborators and I asked over 1,000 people on social media as part of a broader research project on Twitter migration. Responses ranged from the profane to the poetic, but one common theme was that despite its significant flaws, Twitter at its best was truly great … until it wasn’t.

in reply to Florencia (she/her)

It's going to get the most toxic elements from twitter. Social media just isn't cool anymore, like it was back when big sites first developed. They were already overwhelmed with users reporting each other almost as soon as people started moving there.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Ogmios

Once any site is big enough, marketing, trolls, influencers and propagandists move in too. Then it comes down to moderation to keep toxicity down.
in reply to mayhair

“Science?” Yeah no.

I see these posts about how amazing things are at BlueSky literally every single day here. I got sick of it a long time ago but have mostly kept quiet because promoting alternatives to Twitter is a good thing.

However, I’m starting to think that taking up Lemmy airtime to promote another private, for-profit enterprise brought to you by the same guy who sold Twitter to an evil billionaire is perhaps not an approach worthy of extraordinary support.

in reply to mayhair

Perhaps it would be better to link directly to the more scientific sources linked in the article:…

The author of the article contributed to or co-authored those as well. The article is very general writeup, but there is real science here.

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆


Shovels for the people kidnapped and send to death, cushy prize job for comprador sending then to death.

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

Inquiring minds want to know how the science wing of the center for science and international affairs recruits control groups and conducts experiments.

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

Yeah i would prefer to get my mail but I'm not angry at the workers wtf. Everyone who talks about it IRL gets meet with an immediate "yeah Holy fuck just pay your workers" to let them know i won't be talking shit

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

Nice out of context quote. He's not saying the strike is disrespectful, rather than the lack of progress on resolving it.

The full quote isn't unreasonable:

“The parties are still very far apart, and that is in my view, among other things, highly disrespectful of Canadians who are suffering through this work stoppage, small businesses, people in rural and remote communities who rely on Canada Post’s services and these parties have to knuckle down and get the work done.”
in reply to Shadow

It's plenty unreasonable because implies that workers who are very clearly underpaid somehow share equal responsibility here, or that they need to cave in because it's inconveniencing people.

in reply to Wogi

The taxman always gets their due

Someone made the comment about the assassination of the United Healthcare CEO and mentioned that the clients to private security forces are going to skyrocket. This is true. It made me think of how much companies like these have profited from lobbying the

Could an update brick my display [EndeavourOS]?

in reply to overgrown

This happens to me when using VGA and the connector isn't well seated. Are you using an analog connector like VGA? Can you double check that the connector is well seated on both ends?
in reply to Jumuta

Oh sorry it was not obvious to me that this was a crosspost so I didn't see the lengthy explanation provided! Indeed, my comment makes little sense, apologies.
in reply to overgrown

This issue is also visible on my firmware setting (BIOS)

That means it's hardware.

Bostadsinbrotten har halverats. Antalet anmälda bostadsinbrott har minskat kraftigt de senaste åren. Sedan år 2017 har inbrotten i princip halverats. Samtidigt klarar polisen endast upp fyra procent av de anmälda bostadsinbrotten.…

Ett internet som det var tänkt. Internet från början var en samling datorer på universitet och storföretag i USA för att sen sprida sig till universitet och storföretag i andra delar av världen. Senare kom också till telefonbolag in i bilden då de började ordna med uppkopplingar från privatpersoner.…

in reply to schizoidman

Feels like this one is whooshing right over the head of the party leaders.


in reply to Garibaldee

Executive Jonathan Turner stated that UKLFI is “an independent association with no organisational relationship with the Israeli government”. “From time to time we correspond with some Israeli officials, as anyone would expect given the aims of our association,”
in reply to Garibaldee

I guess if no one countered human rights reporting, there would be lots more of it!

Tip: sudoedit often overlooked as an alternative to sudo vim

in reply to thingsiplay

Be cautious of doing this with security sensitive files. When it copies the file and gives you ownership, any sensitive data in it is exposed to any process running as your user id, and and temporary fil£s the editor creates may also contain the sensitive content and be owned by you.
in reply to notabot

Good point. I was always wondering how secure this is, as it works with copies of the files in my environment. Because I'm in my personal environment, doing sudoedit /etc/fstab does not let me edit other files from root while in that file. That means if any of the plugins from Vim tries to, they can't edit arbitrary files, right? (If you don't trust the plugin, then don't use, but that's another topic.) Little side note, just learned that sudoedit ~/.bashrc does not allow me to edit files in my home too.
in reply to thingsiplay

Vim is running as you, rather than root, so you wont be able to edit other files as root, and any rogue plugins wont be able to either, which is good.

Sudoedit has various guards around what it'll let you edit, in particular, you can't edit a file in a directory you already have write permission on as doing so allows the user to bypass restrictions in the sudoers setup (there's more detail in their issue tracker. If the directory is already writable though, you don't need sudoedit anyway.

in reply to thingsiplay

Meanwhile, a reverse vim enjoyer like myself, using micro to edit any file running as my user. If it requires root to write, it will simply elevate the permissions for that operation when I press Ctrl+S, asking for password if needed.

Same idea with VSCodium, but via GUI polkit prompt.

Life is good when you don't hjkl ^_^

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to Godric

Their libs have maybe under 10 seats, even though capitalists try to claim they are. Doesn't seem like they had any power in this
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to tiredturtle

Liberalism is not the Liberal party. It's the marriage of capitalism and democracy that most countries have today.