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Tre män dömda för mord på Skallberget i Västerås. Västmanlands tingsrätt har dömt tre män för mord, en ung man för medhjälp till mord och fastställt att ytterligare en tonåring deltagit i ett mord på Skallberget i november 2023. Två av männen dömdes också för involverande av underårig i brottslig verksamhet.…

Boot on LUKS drive ( Rapsberry pi 4 )


The SBC Raspberry Pi 4 boot on an sdcard with two partition /boot and /

So I managed to encrypt the partition / with cryptsetup

Here the partition of my sd-card

sdb1vfatBOOT( 9 characters )
sdb2crrypto_LUKS( 36 characters )

I've modified the /boot/cmdline.txt

to ( on one line )

root=UUID=#If I try the UUID of sdb2 it fail and also the UUID when I use `cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb2 b2open`
cryptdevice=UUID=#I dont know which one:b2open

any ideas ?


in reply to SpongeB0B

Depends on the distro. On arch you need to enable a few hooks, for example
in reply to fl42v

I'm using Devuan ( systemd free ! ) :)
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to zante

that's not fair! you've have a centuries long head start compared to us. lol
in reply to schizoidman

Stop criticizing Germany's right to commit genocide. This is anti Nazistic.

Intel or AMD CPUs for new Laptops?

cross-posted from:

I am thinking of buying a relatively cheap laptop that is reasonably powerful. I am at loss when it comes to new CPU naming and its compatibility with Linux (from both Intel/AMD). I prefer Ryzen 5 or Core 5 above with atleast 16GB RAM.

Framework laptops are not available where I live.

I saw some Reddit posts claiming AMD being not optimized for Linux particularly for arch related distros (I use EndeavourOS). I am thinking of buying a Thinkbook from Lenovo, but confused b/w team blue & red.

Which of these CPUs are better for running Linux long-term with respect to optimizations, power management, thermals, track pad support etc. If anyone has a laptop recommendation, please feel free to comment down below.

Also, should I go for a high end Laptop like Asus Zenbook S14? A lot of reviews are picking it as the best compact laptop to buy this year. Its expensive. But if it keeps working for a long time, like 6+ years, then I don't mind investing.

Edit: I use Gnome as my DE with EndeavourOS, but can also try Debian 12 with Gnome.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to overgrown

Laptop AMD. The only place I could recommend Intel now is if your building a media server with Plex/Jellyfin. The hardware transcoding is to good.

Threads blir federerat och Bluesky öppnar upp för reklam. Enligt tidskriften Techcrunch har Threads öppnat uppför tvåvägsfederering. Det ska alltså numera gå att följa konton i Fediversum på andra programvaror än Threads från ett konto i Threads.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Gängvåldet fortsätter att minska. Tidigare har polisen alltid uppdaterat statistiken över skjuntingar två gånger per månad men nu har de överhuvudtaget inte levererat några siffror för november trots att vi redan är en vecka in i december.…

We are fighting a common enemy in Syria: Armed groups to Israeli media

In a new sign of the link between armed militants ists in Syria and the Israeli occupation, a leader of the armed groups fighting in Syria confirmed that "Israel" and the armed groups "are united in fighting a common enemy, which is Iran."

In response to a question about "the role that Israel and the United States should play in Syria," Abu Abdo stated that the militants "expect a coordinated effort to eliminate the enemy."

He continued, "if we do not know how to seize this historic opportunity, the situation will worsen," also expressing "respect for Israel and the United States, and solidarity with their actions against Iran."

in reply to geneva_convenience

A lot of people are very confused about Syria.

I hope this helps clear things up.

PACE recognises Julian Assange as a ‘political prisoner’ and warns against the chilling effect of his harsh treatment

The Assembly – which brings together parliamentarians from the 46 nations of the Council of Europe – also called on the US to investigate the alleged war crimes and human rights violations disclosed by him and Wikileaks.

Its failure to do so, combined with the harsh treatment of Mr Assange and Ms Manning, creates a perception that the US government’s purpose in prosecuting Mr Assange was “to hide the wrongdoing of state agents rather than to protect national security”.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

silver monkey x vervet linux configuration

Does any of you use this mouse on their Linux machine. Apparently its pretty good mouse other than the fact that software is atrocius and you cant change RGB howewer you want or configure dps and deafult rgb setting apparently suck.
Buuut obviusly i wont be using windows software on linux but probably piper or whatewer else i can find .
So my question is does linux fix the flaws of that mice or perhaps quite the opposite ?
How do gaming mouses even work on linux in general ?

in reply to szczuroarturo

AFAIK Silver Monkey is rather local brand, created by the owners of x-kom. So the group that uses them will be very, very small. Unless those use driver used in some more popular brand, there's little chance those will be covered by some project that handles configuring mice that aren't configurable via buttons
in reply to INeedMana

Damm i thought it was some global chinese brand. No wonder i found only polish websites.

Versioning as memory?

by @beet_keeper

So, it turns out my theme of the moment is code hygiene (or maybe memory?).

Today I am thinking about versioning, especially in relation to its impact on digital preservation; both software preservation and the impact of versions on long-term preservation efforts in other contexts.


#Archives #Code #codeHygiene #Coding #digipres #DigitalPreservation #git #OpenSource #software #SoftwareDevelopment #softwarePreservation

Reformisternas landsbygdsprogram och skogen. Tidigare har jag skrivit om reformisternas landsbygdsprogram och fisket liksom om programmet och jordbruket. Nu är det dags för skogsbruket.…

Gabriel And The Guardians | Official Trailer | Angel Studios

in reply to UltraGiGaGigantic

Just add 'in minecraft' to the meme, they'll never see through and just think you're weird.

in reply to no_nothing

I had to rotate my phone more times than I do for inserting USB

Anything like redditraffer for Lemmy?

I want to create a giveaway community on Lemmy. Is there anything like RedditRaffer for Lemmy. Thanks

reshared this

in reply to sag

The source code for is out there and it does exactly what you talk about, but using reddit user access. Maybe someone could work within the license to code a similar tool for Lemmy users.

Technology Connections' thoughts on Mastodon

Context: Technology Connections is a YouTuber…

This is his account on Mastodon

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to hono4kami

Mastodon simply is a different thing than X/Bluesky. It's more like RSS/Blog/IRC. It will never go mainstream unless they add (opt out) algorithms and a better search functionality. But maybe that's just not worth it. Mastodon has already lost to Bluesky when it comes to being an open mainstream Twitter replacement.

I'm curious about if it's even technically possible to build something federated that feels like a Twitter replacement, using the ActivityPub protocol.

in reply to hono4kami

Okay, that's his opinion. Like his opinions on many things, I feel entirely free to disagree with him.