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10 Thought-Provoking Novels About Artificial Intelligence

US spending on TikTok Shop gains as TikTok faces threat of ban

NEW YORK, Dec 7 (Reuters) - U.S. TikTok users spent heavily to buy merchandise from a range of vendors on the e-commerce platform TikTok Shop so far this holiday shopping season, according to TikTok estimates and a Reuters analysis of spending patterns measured by data from Facteus.

in reply to geneva_convenience

"~~threat~~ confirmation of ~~ban~~ forced sale"

I'm really tired of the media and the sensationalized headlines that it's being "banned". It's not. It's a forced sale or a spinoff. It's just that byte dance can't operate it in the US anymore, they are free to sell it or spin it off as its own non-Chinese backed company and continue standard operations.

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in reply to JOMusic

Thanks for sharing. Pretty cool site, instant bookmark. The About page is the first thing I lookup when I want to understand the purpose of a page:…

It’s the stupid economy

Det snabbaste och enklaste sättet att minska antalet fångar är att avkriminalisera eget bruk av narkotika såväl som innehav av narkotika för eget bruk. En mycket stor del av alla som sitter i fängelse är dömda för dessa två brott vilka går under beteckningen ringa narkotikabrott.…

in reply to Aux

By definition if inflation doubles and the value of your estate doesn't change, your actual wealth didn't change.
in reply to Amju Wolf

your actual wealth didn't change

Actually, it did—it was cut in half.

Who’s Afraid of Mexican Democracy?

in reply to Garibaldee

Also worth noting that EVs include public transit and transport vehicles, China leads in all areas by a wide margin…

Israeli army bolsters presence in Golan Heights as Syria destabilized

In response to developments in Syria, the Israeli army announced that it increased its presence in the Golan Heights, deploying forces to key locations in the demilitarized zone.

The move, as per the Israeli army, is aimed at securing Israeli settlements in the area and protecting the safety of Israeli settlers, given concerns over potential militant incursions.

Meanwhile, Syrian sources suggested that "Israel" is constructing a buffer zone along its border with Syria.

Israeli media outlets also reported that the Israeli government has issued directives to its ministers, instructing them not to speak publicly about Syria without prior approval. The Maariv newspaper added that "Israel" is engaged in discussions with certain factions within Syria, though details remain limited.

in reply to geneva_convenience

deploying forces

in the demilitarized zone.

There's literally no rules that apply to America's favorite ethnostate, is there? 🤦🤬

in reply to Viking_Hippie

There's a region close to the UN-forces-only section where each side is allowed a limited presence under the agreement. Israel still shouldn't be occupying it, but putting troops there doesn’t necessarily violate this specific agreement deoending on the numbers involved
in reply to Viking_Hippie

For organised news media:
having standards ≠ following them;
AND one may be unaware of this.


19 Jahre gibt es jetzt dieses kleine Fleckchen Internet!

Irgendwie ist ja schon ein bisschen affig, das zu feiern… ich hab den „Geburtstag“ sogar im Kalender gespeichert 🤓

Naja… es gibt affigeres… seinem Blog ein Geburtstagslied zu machen z.B.!?!


(Naja, ich schiebs einfach aufs LLM!)

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to PunnyName

What harmful information does that famous video frame shown supply, and who is it being supplied to?
in reply to comfy

Ever considered it might lead people to the wrong person? You know, how people do that shit all the fucking time?

And fuck it, just let him fade into obscurity. Cold cases are solve years later because it stayed in the minds of others.




in reply to PunnyName

Ever considered it might lead people to the wrong person?

Not sure who these 'people' are, or how the given image could possibly do that, but considering that obstruction of this investigation is cool and productive I fail to see the problem.






They are a hero. They deserve celebration, commemoration and to hold a clear place in the minds of citizens, like the myth of Robin Hood once did. Remember him.

in reply to PunnyName

this isn't a regular crime where people online try to crack the case. no one's looking for him. except maybe cops, which means he's probably gonna be fine.

Journalister är makthavare. Att förneka det är löjligt, missvisade och felaktigt. Annie Croona har trots det skrivit en ledartext i ETC som hävdar att journalister inte har makt och inte är makthavare. Huvudargumentet verkar vara att de har som uppdrag att granska makten. Vilket är ett helt ohållbart argument.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to ad_on_is

As a heads up, your readme has "machine" misspelled as "maschine" in two spots:

  • On your current maschine
  • On another maschine

Looks like thats the german spelling?

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to mosiacmango

Oh right.. thx for the hint. It's indeed German, and I usually write it as machine or mashine, when writing in English. This time I was just unfocused 😅

Fattiga använder amfetamin och tramadol medan rika människor använder kokain. Det är ett av resultaten som kan utläsas ur Stockholms mätning av droger i avloppsvattnet 2024. Användningen av kokain ökar dessutom markant över helgerna.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to no_nothing

What are actually complicated movies? (Not necessarily good, just complicated)
in reply to Appoxo

Interstellar isn't complicated, and I love it.

Primer is complicated.

in reply to PunnyName

For some it might be more complicate assuming you want to understand the science beyond the basic surface.
in reply to Zkuld

Not sure if that's what you mean by heavy but I recently watched 1984 and while the movie is good I found it kind of hard to watch. Possibly because a lot of the story and background information was only indirectly said or hinted at and you had to actually pay attention and think about what you saw.

I guess I'm just used to modern cinema where everything is very in your face

in reply to no_nothing

Ha! My friend did this yesterday with their new partner who had never seen the movies.

Polsk vapenhandlare försåg svenska gäng med vapen. I en framgångsrik polisinsats samordnad av Europol och ledd av brottsbekämpande myndigheter från Polen greps en polsk vapenhandlare i slutet av november. Han har levererat vapen till brottslingar i hela Europa.…

Reacher Season 3 - Official Teaser | Prime Video

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Reacher Season 3 - Official Teaser | Prime Video