Widelands is a free, open source real-time strategy game.
cross-posted from: lemm.ee/post/49343322
Widelands is a free, open source real-time strategy game with singleplayer campaigns and a multiplayer mode. The game was inspired by Settlers II™ (© Bluebyte) but has significantly more variety and depth to it.
Source - Website
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Hybrid working from home improves retention without damaging performance
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Same conclusion my employer came to based on empirical tests.
What DOES suffer from hybrid work is superfluous middle management, because it’s often discovered that many such positions are redundant.
Also the value of office real estate which many large companies have a significant amount of.
Of course, they could always just sell them off to be converted into apartments but that would make too much sense in a housing crisis and would also eat into the profits of housing real estate investors (not to mention it's literally illegal in most North American cities to repurpose a building like that because this is the land of the freedom and small government).
Hybrid working from home improves retention without damaging performance
Hybrid working from home improves retention without damaging performance - Nature
A trial investigating the effects of a hybrid working schedule in a Chinese technology firm in 2021–2022 shows that working from home two days a week improved job satisfaction, reduced quitting and did not affect performance.Nature
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hybrid working from home ..
Is a cop-out, forcing commute-range on plebes' housing and in-office stress.
- "work where best"
- fuck the plebes
You gotta pick a lane, companies.
Patsy, it's been three days!!!
"The ideas of the ruling class are, in every epoch, the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force."
- Marx, German Ideology (1845)
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Look up Guy Fawkes. I don't remember all the details but I think he was some French guy who got executed for something.
Unless you're talking about that specific person wearing that outfit in which case he's from the movie V for Vendetta with Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving.
Edit: I don't know how to read.
I knew I got the details wrong. Thanks for the correction!
Even though I completely misunderstood what that person was asking about lmao
Shooting someone responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people is a crime, yes. but can it be morally justifiable?
To be clear i am not saying people should start shooting billionaires en masse (per the feddit.uk rules prohibiting the incitement/promotion of violence). i'm just saying i would shed no tear, and make no effort to stop them
Yes - it’s true the healthcare CEO had more blood on his hands than the shooter, but that’s no reason to refer to the CEO as a criminal!
He was just a greedy, unethical monster who lived off the largess of others’ suffering.
I love the double morale of some people with the meme templates.
Lots of people encouraging others to stop using the guy at the "change my mind" meme because that person is bad but it's ok to use a literal criminal (the one that killed the CEO of a company)?
I didn't know that killing was considered a good action depending if the one dead is rich or not. /s
Oh won't somebody think of the hyper rich oligarchs exploiting sick and dying people for profit?!?!?!
Buddy, bootlicking the billionaires won't make them reconsider denying your insurance claim.
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in reply to sag • • •Parculis Marcilus
in reply to sag • • •banazir
in reply to sag • • •Aiwendil
in reply to sag • • •"Timber!"
I remember playing this some years ago...it was a lot of fun. Back then the "Atlantis" (I think...not sure, its been some years) campaign wasn't completely finished so maybe time to give it another shot :).
in reply to sag • • •TheWolfOfSouthEnd
in reply to sag • • •sag
in reply to TheWolfOfSouthEnd • • •anothermember
in reply to TheWolfOfSouthEnd • • •MonkderVierte
in reply to TheWolfOfSouthEnd • • •Cyclohexane
in reply to MonkderVierte • • •I Cast Fist
in reply to Cyclohexane • • •Steak
in reply to sag • • •I FUCKIN LOVE RTS THIS IS DOPE
anyone interested in RTs also chechout tza.red it's the RTs game Tzar that came out in 2000 but with multiplayer and some good qol stuff. Run by good people and has a little community.
Idk how to make a link on lemmy but type tza.red in your address bar like the your ancestors used to.
in reply to Steak • • •Ephera
in reply to Steak • • •Another great RTS is 0 A.D.. It's more or less Age of Empires meets Empire Earth.
Fair warning, the AI is brutal. You probably want to set that to the easiest difficulty, and maybe even get an AI ally for your first game...
in reply to Steak • • •someguy3
in reply to sag • • •rustydrd
in reply to someguy3 • • •someguy3
in reply to rustydrd • • •Ephera
in reply to someguy3 • • •Well, they're similar in the widest sense, that they're both strategy games, you have to produce resources and fight battles to capture land.
But within the strategy genre, they're actually pretty different. Civilization is turn-based, Widelands/Settlers is real-time strategy. I guess, the latter is at least still relatively slow-paced.
Widelands/Settlers puts a lot more focus on managing supply chains. To produce bread, you'll need a baker, which needs flour and water, and possibly coal, so you need a mill and a farm and a well and a coal mine, and then you need people to actually carry the resources between the buildings, and yeah, it starts to become pretty busy pretty quickly.
If you ask fans of these games, that's kind of what they love the most, that your settlement starts to look like an anthill buzzing with activity in no time.
I Cast Fist
in reply to rustydrd • • •Cyclohexane
in reply to sag • • •Robust Mirror
in reply to Cyclohexane • • •freeorion.org/index.php/Main_P…
in reply to Cyclohexane • • •You'll not be disappointed
Captain Aggravated
in reply to Xeroxchasechase • • •Lettuce eat lettuce
in reply to Captain Aggravated • • •greengear5
in reply to Cyclohexane • • •I'm not sure if it's a grand strategy game, but Freeciv is similar to older Civ games.
That being said, Beyond All Reason (BAR) and Zero-k are Total Annihilation inspired and have a lot of work put in them. Definitely worth a try!
in reply to sag • • •redhydride
in reply to sag • • •abraker95
in reply to sag • • •I Cast Fist
in reply to sag • • •Ugh, I had written a lengthy post and lost it. I haven't played Widelands itself much, but I have played Settlers 2 a lot. If anything I explain below is different in Widelands, please correct me ;)
Anyway, a TLDR for those that have no idea of what to expect: The Settlers 2 is a lot more about logistics and planning use of space than anything else. It needs very little input most of the time, it's a very slow paced game.
The main things to keep in mind is available space, roads and resources. The game is separated in hex-ish tiles. Depending on how much free space there is, you can build a basic, medium or large building. As a rule of thumb, basic buildings require no resources to function (one exception being mines, which need food); medium buildings receive either 1 or 2 resources and deliver the worked result; large buildings are usually farms or a fortress.
So, imagine Age of Empires 1, but if you had to connect every building with a road network, with every worker and every resource traveling through it, one at a t
... show moreUgh, I had written a lengthy post and lost it. I haven't played Widelands itself much, but I have played Settlers 2 a lot. If anything I explain below is different in Widelands, please correct me ;)
Anyway, a TLDR for those that have no idea of what to expect: The Settlers 2 is a lot more about logistics and planning use of space than anything else. It needs very little input most of the time, it's a very slow paced game.
The main things to keep in mind is available space, roads and resources. The game is separated in hex-ish tiles. Depending on how much free space there is, you can build a basic, medium or large building. As a rule of thumb, basic buildings require no resources to function (one exception being mines, which need food); medium buildings receive either 1 or 2 resources and deliver the worked result; large buildings are usually farms or a fortress.
So, imagine Age of Empires 1, but if you had to connect every building with a road network, with every worker and every resource traveling through it, one at a time. Once you set up something to be built, you'll see a worker walking his way there, as well as resources being carried towards it. The busiest roads can receive a donkey that will also haul resources between the connected flags - you cannot manually upgrade roads, even if you have a surplus of donkeys.
Unlike AoE or pretty much every RTS, you don't train units at all. You need a minimal military to garrison military buildings, which will increase your borders. Once any of these is fully built, a number of soldiers will come out of HQ and move to occupy it. HOWEVER, if you are attacked, only the soldiers within that building will protect it. You don't participate in combat at all. The soldiers just line up and fight. When a military building is occupied by the enemy, it and everything that was within the lost border is destroyed.
in reply to I Cast Fist • • •HumanPerson
in reply to sag • • •peregus
in reply to sag • • •How many hours didn't I spend on that fabulous game?!