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UN envoy calls for halting Israeli bombing in Syria

UN Special Envoy to Syria Geir Pedersen called for an immediate halt to Israeli bombings and troop movements in Syria.

He also warned of the "risk" of further conflict in Syria if all ethnic groups were not included in the post-Assad transition.

Pedersen noted that Syria could potentially see an end to sanctions, the return of refugees, and the implementation of justice, as long as "good arrangements" were made during the power transition.

xQc Reacts to Grace Van Dien Deactivating her Twitter Account after Calling Out FaZe

Google steps in after McDonald's gets ‘review bombed’ over arrest in UnitedHealth CEO's murder

Google said that such negative reviews, unrelated to the actual business, “violates” its policies, and hence have been removed.
in reply to Luu Tuyen

That's a lot better than I excepting things to be. I thought people would start protesting or rioting outside of the store.

In a new episode, BobWP introduces Matthias Pfefferle as a host, discussing the upcoming show “Open Web Conversations,” with his focus on WordPress and broader Fediverse topics.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

PeerTube mobile app : discover videos while caring for your attention

reshared this

in reply to Framasoft

It's important to note that currently it's in early beta, and in order to avoid playstore and apple store issues you only have access to a curated list of peertube instances.

So for example you can't connect it to your personal instance ATM... This will be available likely on a fdroid version or more widely after they manage to jump the official stores hurdles.

Polisen i samtal med techbolag. Idag sker många brott på digitala plattformar. Det kan handla om rekryteringen av barn och unga till kriminalitet, brottsplanering av grova våldsbrott, marknadsföring och försäljning av droger och vapen, samt penningtvättsbrottslighet.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Förhandlingarna om trålfiskeförbud i Östersjön. Havs- och vattenmyndigheten (HaV) har fått i uppdrag av regeringen att genomföra ett tidsbegränsat vetenskapligt projekt. Det ska motsvara en utflyttning av trålgränsen för fartyg som fiskar efter pelagiska arter i Östersjön.…

Smugglarkungen Ernst Bremer. Ernst Bremer (hans namn var officiellt Bramer) föddes 16 februari 1886 på Öckerö som Ernst Eliasson och dog den 10 mars 1985 i Göteborg, var en av det svenska 1900-talets mest kända gängkriminella.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Razzia mot Hells Angels Gothenburg. Igår vid middagstid genomfröde polisen en razzia mot Hells Angels gård i Gunnilse i de nordöstra delarna av Göteborg. Enligt uppgifter i media ska den huvudsakliga orsaken till razzian vara mordet på en tidigare medlem i Hells Angels MC i Lidköping våren 2022.…

in reply to Red5

They were Al Nusra front I believe, a Syrian al queda affiliate.

Ukraine Asks if Telegram, Its Favorite App, Is a Sleeper Agent

About 70 percent of Ukraine's population uses Telegram as their main source of news, but the government is worried that the app is being used as a method of disinformation and spying by Russia. They are trying to pivot to apps like Signal instead, but it is difficult to break the habit of such a majority of the country.
in reply to discimus

Imagine entire country using coms software operated by the enemy.

Are these people idiots or just don't care for national security?

in reply to granolabar

Imagine entire country using coms software operated by the enemy.

Do I get it right that you know that

  • Pavel Durov (the creator of Telegram) has left Russia after refusing to give government information on Ukrainians during 2014 protests (from his previous project - VK, also used by both people in Russia and Ukraine)
  • Russian government's most extensive blocking campaign/attempt was targeted at Telegram
  • Telegram's headquarters are in UAE

and still somehow make a conclusion that "it is operated by the enemy" (assuming that by enemy you mean Russian government)? I'd like to learn more about this logic :)

in reply to Bobr

There are some credible rumors that Durov had financial issues during the pandemic and went back to Russia to strike some sort of deal with the regime there, which would also explain why since then there have been no further attempts to block Telegram in Russia.
in reply to discimus

The dictatorship in Ukraine has bigger problems than Telegram if you ask me.

Ninja Finally Apologized To StableRonaldo After Years Of Beef

The World's Dumbest Bike Lane Law Just Passed in Canada

The World's Dumbest Bike Lane Law Just Passed in Canada