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in reply to realcaseyrollins

Deleting this as I've found an article reporting more reliable analysis on the same drones

in reply to realcaseyrollins

Deleting this as I've found an article reporting more reliable analysis on the same drones

True confessions time. I’ve been using ChromeOS to run Webdancers since 2015. By switching to Linux, I’m divesting myself of one small piece of my reliance on Google. Plus, I like to tinker with technology and that 13.5” Chromebook screen was getting a little hard on my old eyes.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Greg Falken

Oh, that's an update. I think ChromeOS is not as bad as many people say it is. But the early cut off update wise is a reason I would never buy a Chromebook as a surf machine again.

in reply to fossilesque

Looking forward to the F-droid release - it's a bit ironic that that's the only platform where it is currently not available, considering how it seems to be the reasonable place to get the app.
in reply to aasatru

Fdroid is surprising hard to get things published, at least when I tried last a year ago.
in reply to fossilesque

sadly it looks like the number of platforms you can sign into are really limited. would be nice if they let you specify an instance. a good start, nonetheless.

Floyd Mayweather attacked by vicious mob in London over support for Israel

Hovrättsdom för skjutningar i Västberga och Tullinge. Svea hovrätt har dömt tre personer och fastställt tingsrättens fällande domar vad gäller deras inblandning i dödandet av tre personer och försök att döda sju personer.…

Linux, openSUSE ready for Everyday Users

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Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
Installing any OS is not for everyday users. Most people wouldn't have any idea how to install windows either. Whoever is setting up the computer should take care of all of that to begin with. I've set up multiple computers for older family members with SUSE and they are all happy with them, and I get almost no tech support calls. The one exception is printing, but you get that with anything because printing sucks. It's really to my advantage with my step father's computer because he has negative computer knowledge. He was one of those people who had a million add on bars in IE because he'd click the accept button on every shady website he visited.
Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
Is there good humor somewhere on Lemmy?

in reply to petsoi

Excited for Venus providing vulkan on guests.

Does anyone know how long it will take to reach mainstream distros like Ubuntu?

What the EU’s new software legislation means for developers

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in reply to sith

MSFT please send all that love and support by all the bitcoin you are not buying

thank you

-- package maintainers

in reply to sith

I'm so surprised to read a Microsoft article written by a former member of the European Parliament from the Pirate Party, even moreso as the president of the lobbying arm of Microsoft.

I was interested in knowing what are the duties of the software providers under the regulation, more than hiw they don't apply to hobbyists, I keep searching for other articles that explain it.

Vi måste ta till vara på det positiva. Den gångna veckan föll Assads mycket brutala och hårdföra diktatur. Det är en positiv utveckling. Innan dess stoppade folket i Sydkorea en statskupp. Ukraina står emot en mycket starkare angripare dag efter dag, vecka efter vecka, månad efter månad. Det är nåt att glädjas åt.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Perf Support For 2,048 CPU Cores Is Becoming Not Enough - Patches Bump Kernel Limit

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in reply to xthexder

I suppose we reached 4096 CPU support before full screen Flash support, just in a different way. Maybe somebody who used Linux in the Flash era can comment if it ever was working well.

Systemd v257 released

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in reply to petsoi

in reply to trevor

All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of systemd/Linux!

but are they really? how about distros without systemd what would you call those OpenRC/Linux? systemd is indeed a giant intricate project,which is why some people don't like it or are against it,but all its components are working alongside the Linux kernel, without which there wouldn't be a need for systemd. I would say it's rather Linux with systemd,as systemd is optional.

edit: useless autocorrect

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to petsoi

Why do so many projects ignore semantic versioning? It's so much easier to comprehend changes when versions are major, minor or patch